Fairytale of New York

I would like to cunt that load of turd that is ‘Fairytale Of New York’…

Every fucking year this pile of shite plagues radio and TV stations. Not to mention shops, pubs and the rest of it. Two frankly awful voices in Kirsty MacColl and that toothless, spud-fucking pisspot, Shane MacGowan, whining their heads off to stereotypically bad ‘Diddly Diddly’ music.

Of course, the thick, chav masses love it. The same fuckers that love Ed Sheercunt’s crap and think that Leonard Cohen’s ‘Hallelujah’ is a hymn, or a Christmas record. Of course, anyone with a bit of savvy does not want to hear a song about bog-trotting smackheads celebrating Christmas in the Plastic Paddy capital that is ‘Noo Yoik’.

“But..But, it’s a Christmas classic!”…..

Fuck off!

Nominated by Norman

And anyway, Dio and Chas’ version was much better!

48 thoughts on “Fairytale of New York

  1. You scumbag, you maggot, you cheap, lousy fåggot, Merry Christmas you arse, I pray God it’s our last.

    Not bad, Kirstie. How about a swim?

  2. How very dare you!

    How can you possibly dislike a song that has the line “you scumbag, you maggot, you cheap lousy faggot”? Nothing says “Christmas” more than that!

    All the rest of the xmas songs can fuck off, especially Michael sodding Buble, but not this absolute gem.

  3. Very worthy cunting. I hate this song with a passion. Probably loved by the same plastic micks in New York who used to fund the IRA. What is it with Christmas that I hate it more and more every year? Songs like this shitty dirge. Always preferred Easter anyway. Long weekend and the weathers getting better.

    • Cheers pal… yer me fuckin’ best mate… happy Chrizmuss eh?? yer fuckah… hic…


  4. Over sentimental plastic Irish shite, it’s up there with scousers singing you’ll never walk alone in it’s pitiful self indulgence.

    A pitiful celebration of the underclass that left Ireland and infested New York.

    On the upside this cuntings made me realise I’ve not heard it this year or that shite from Slade.

  5. Hate this song but ‘So here it is merry Christmas’ from Noddy Holder ties with it. Sainsburys decided to blast out Noddy this Christmas. Came back from grocery shopping feeling slightly ill.

    • Cheers admin. A much under-appreciated classic that deserves a wider hearing I think you’ll agree, da?


  6. Another plastic paddy shit song is jump around by house of pain, the video is shit too because of all the dumb cunt plastic paddery, it shows all the thick yanks who think they are of Irish heritage, bet the fuckers have never set foot in Ireland either, and the video has a shot of an IRA badge too, bet old steptoe got a boner watching it, at least Shane McGowan is a proper Mick, and marks and Spencers are using the song to promote clothing, what a bunch of cunts,

    • Brilliantly put, Sid. I detest that fucking House Of Pain dogshite, and the video which as you rightly point out, is full of republican propaganda such as the shite IRA badge you mention. Having lost friends and family to these IRA scumbags, and seen the aftermath of bombs where children and even babies have lost their lives, it gets right on my tits when a bunch of stupid septic tanks sing about “Oirland” and praise the IRA. These thick yanks have probably never set foot in the Emerald Isle, the cunts. They’ve been led to believe, and are dopey enough to believe, that the nationalist population of Northern Ireland are poor, downtrodden victims of the evil British state, and spend all day dodging bullets from Her Majesty’s forces and Loyalist paramilitaries, and the IRA are the “upstanding defenders of their community”. Yes, they’re actually stupid enough to believe this.

  7. I think this is the song that has upset queen of the fairies Peter Tatchell because it contains the word “faggot” and is to be included in “popular (it says here) comedy show Gavin & Stacey. Beware the swinging of handbags……. fucking horrible song though – never heard it before.

  8. Can’t stand this shit. Not only the song, but the thought it instantly conjures up in my head of Shane bloody MacGowan and his rancid teeth (or what was left of them) slurring into a microphone and barely standing upright.

    I also cannot stand this song as it reminds me of my University days where I lived with 80% Irish students. This cunt song echoed through the fucking halls of residence before, during and even fucking after the Xmas period…all day, every day. When we all went off to the pubs in Cricklewood, they would even sing the bastard a capella, once they were all pissed as farts.

    Fuck off and stay in New York.

  9. Fairytale Of New York is not quite as culpable as that appalling song White Christmas, which is also commonly played around the winter holidays every year.

    As with snowmen (sexist) and even snow itself, White Christmas has racist undertones that are all too commonly overused and overlooked.

    Simply put, the song is racist because it is glorifying a “white” Christmas over, say, a Christmas of “colour”.

    Implying that something is only good or worth dreaming about if it is white assumes a kind of racial supremacy, which is clearly problematical.

    White Christmas is hate speech, plain and simple. Anyone singing it is guilty as fuck. Any shop, supermarket, restaurant or coffee shop playing the song on their speakers is promoting racial intolerance. The song has nothing to do with snow on trees but everything to do with glorifying white supremacy, the KKK and lynchings!

    This is not what BAME LGBTQXYZ Britain is about!

    Besides, singing this song – or any other Christmas song for that matter – is hateful and theocratic. To celebrate a Christian holiday in such a manner suggests you would prefer us to live in a vile, dystopian capitalistic world without socialism.

    And that is TOTALLY intolerable!

  10. Oirish faux cuntery.
    What a pile of 3 day old Guineas shite.
    Merry Christmas and get fucked.

  11. Bollocks, we tried a black Christmas, nobody could see a fucking thing, 2 people were stabbed and 4 guests’ cars went missing and instead of lighting the pudding, the local police station went up instead.

  12. Can’t agree with this cunting I’m afraid. If only because the song is so delightfully cynical.

  13. I can’t stand Christmas pop music. Forrrrrk offffffff! Thank god it’s over (in the shop where I work at least).

    This song, and the other christmassy ones get on my nerves.

    • In that case you’ll love Chas’ album “Christmas Turkeys” available on Spotify and all good streaming sites.

      I asked him what the title meant and he said ‘we always murder turkeys at Christmas’ and he certainly murdered a few on this one…

  14. Gotta LOVE “I Love Sausage Rolls” because it kept that race-baiting shitbag Stormzy OFF the top slot.

    I love Sausage Rolls
    Coz it fucks off Stormzy baby etc.

    Merry Fucking Christmas fellow cunts.

    • That’s cheered me up, Sheikh. I seen the shite video for that uber shite “sausage rolls” song, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bigger pair of cunts than the two gormless fucking arseholes, ahem, “singing” it. But to know that it kept the even cuntier Stormzy from having a Christmas number one is fucking brilliant!! He’ll no doubt say their racists.

  15. Lyrics that never made it

    #You’re a c*nter, you’re a munter
    #With the face of Billy Bunter
    #Giving your ar$e to any punter
    #Stop talking shite and get on ISAC website#

  16. I fucking hate this abortion of a song. Not as much as I hate Lily FUCKING Allen, but I still really fucking hate it.

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