This particular Lovely has the lot, bar a special-needs baby (Give it time and a turkey-baster). Expects her arse to be decked with diamonds despite never contributing, and never will, a penny. Too fucking feckless to keep an appointment to let the Council fix the “problems” and certainly too fucking lazy to even wipe the mould off the walls herself. She has, of course, mental-issues, physical issues, lezzbianism and an unfortunate kitten (the RSPCA should remove it) so no doubt everyone’ll have to pander to the benefit-sponging Waster.
People like this seem to forget that someone else has to pay for every moment of their vacuous existence. They should show some self-reliance and gratitude instead of just wailing that everyone else should support them.
Fuck her.
Nominated by Dick de Pfeffel Foxchaser-Fiddler
These kids are doomed from the moment their parent(s) give them a chavvy name like Chelsea. The female equivalent to Tyler.
Everyone has to be a victim, but then I blame Brexit.
there’s a cunt across the road from me, walking out the other night i saw him put his kid in the back seat of their car, the little cunt was playing up summink chronic, then i heard him call the little fucker ‘Mars’ for fucksake i thought hope your surnames not barr ya cunt.
Chardonay!!! Will you fucking stop that!!!
Aren’t they just lovely people?
The 12 year old male mong opposite me is called Phoenix ! still waiting for it’s single mother to get knocked up with a brown baby and call it River.
I know deb. I was saying the same thing to my eldest son, Hendrix Jagger, only yesterday.
Customers kid,..Apollo!?
Asked him if after creed in Rocky film,
Looked at me like I was mad…”no”.
His sister Adrian not with him?
Fucking waste of oxygen. I have had a lot of real mental health issues and have a terminally ill father yet I still work, my dad’s also working with cancer. People like this are just as bad as the scum we import
My town is filled with them, career path – pregnant before leaving school, Local Authority accommodation, 3/4 more kids, fortune in benefits, waddle around town whining how unfair and cruel life is, dump their innumerable brats outside the pub while the “parents” get steaming and arrange their “jamaican cigarettes”, I have worked all my life but after being made redundant in January I was told I would not be eligible for any payment for 3 Months because the salary I earned in the Month prior to redundancy was counted as income.
Told the local authority they were discriminating against me as I was a homosexual with mental health issues (the first was a fib, the second a matter of opinion) and amazingly I received a call three hours after the complaint was delivered informing me I was eligible for a hardship payment – I am not into playing the system because I have pride and come from a generation where you look after yourself – but on this occasion it was a simple matter of survival
Fucking hell! Body dysmorphia, PTSD, learning difficulties and “doing a course in child care”?
Get her a job looking after Markle’s brat. There’s at least one more to come, then she can fuck off with her to LA. No damp walls there.
As an 18 year old “ex-forces” woman, how did she accumulate enough service to go to “bad places”? Yes, she has mental health problems, but not those attributable to military service. She could have hardly got through basic training before discharge. It boils my piss that every snowflake cunt can be diagnosed with PTSD. So what do traumatised ex-military people get. A-star PTSD? It’s like sodding exam grade inflation.
When I left the military, I thought I would test the service that was supposed to give me preferential allocation of council housing. Not a hope behind the queue of scroungers, druggies, slags and immos. Not that I desired to live near such trash.
I’m so pleased that I get up at 6 every morning to pay 41% tax (registered in porridge land) to fund her lifestyle and kitten.
I think it’s her dad that’s ex-forces, leaving the question, what the fuck is she suffering PTSD from? Her local branch of Greggs closing?
Christ on a Raleigh Chipper; what a cunt.
The damp photographed is likely caused by inadequate ventilation and too much mouth breathing with the heating on full tilt. Open a window and let the festering place ventilate, you clueless anus. Or stop breathing altogether (preferable). Imvest £1 in some mould killer/remover and the problem is solved. Why this shit makes the news, heaven knows.
I have zero time for people who won’t help themselves. Bollocks to her and piss off. Get off your lazy, scrawny, pitiful arse, you cunt.
A true waste of skin and bone.
Of course, the place isn’t good enough for her, but it’s fine to keep a kitten there. Clueless bint.
You can actually see in the photo that the vent is closed. I suspect that she’ll be using some unvented tumble-dryer plus never letting any fresh air.
I do feel for her though, because sometimes the chappie who lifts me out of bed and laces up my shoes is late, and the utter b*stard suggested the other day I try and do it myself!
We clearly do not understand how badly we treat these poor victims with learned helplessness syndrome – ‘cos we is all probably waycists!
Body dysmorphia. Although the term was familiar, I had to look it up to see what it means. It sounds like another term for vanity.
I’ve had a thought – she can chat to the one-armed former Royal Marine who works in my building. I’m sure he would have some kindly words of advice about living with trauma.
Nothing more I can add to that except f*cking well said!
You only have to read some of the comments in that article to note the same kind of cynicism regarding her ability to do look after herself (and the kitten)
“Compo face” said one commenter. Too fucking right! Get the press round, tell a sad story, reel out all the health problems, and then pose for the Compo Face =
But that’s okay, it’s nice to know that 40% of my fucking income tax is going towards cunts like her to make sure she has equal life chances, although I doubt she worked hard for her O & A levels (proper fucking A levels back in the day); BTEC, a degree in computer science, and several Microsoft & HP certifications (the courses of which I mostly had to pay for), along with spending 30 years in the IT industry, burning the midnight oil and working my way up the long and hard way!
But all that counts for shit because its nice to know I’m handing over several thousand pound a year in tax and nic for this cunt and cunts like her.
Rant over!
But the left love a story like this. Those heartless Tories want to kill the kitten and put her in a work-house. Same with the whole food-bank thing. Fuck me, if there was a petrol, beer or fag bank, even I would be down there like a shot.
As others have said, open the fucking windows and buy some mould cleaner.
Stupid cunt.
Is a fag bank where Owen Jones keeps his savings.
No, his boyfriends.
they make a deposit.
Cunts like her use us as fucking taxis, every fucking day. Mate of mine went to a w4 year old male, 2 cm laceration on his hand, walking distance of the hospital, called 999, the cunt. Another, similar age, GP tells him to go to hospital as he has apendicitis. Calls 999 as ‘He can’t get there’. I don’t know what’s worse, the entitled cunts that feel it’s acceptable to do that or the system that allows them to do it and make us attend. My mate made the cunts make their own way in and ‘educated’ them.
’24 year old male’.
Forgot to add, these were both last night.
You can just imagine them when they really need an ambulance and you’re away dealing with another scrounging , self entitled cunt with a bad cold.
“The ambulance took nearly half an hour to arrive! It’s a disgrace. My gran (32) collapsed at the benefits office with a heart attack. She only smokes 60 a day now, as the nasty tories put the price up. “
Que calling the local rag. Pose for compo with a 5 out of ten sad face.
If I was in your job my friend I would be serving a long stretch in prison by now .
You have my total respect Sir.
I have an understanding wife with a long-suffering ear???
Call an ambulance, that ear needs treatment.
111 would send one, query CVA. The cunts.
Spot on Dick. Whilst of course I agree that vermin like this should be exterminated like the cash-sponging rats they are (actually I take that back, I like rats) I try and be philosphical and rise above thinking about them hoovering up my fucking income tax on a daily basis. After all, while the feckless cunts may get to lie about doing fuck all every day, is that a life anyone here would aspire to? Somehow I doubt it, I’d top myself inside 6 months. Never mind the abject poverty (which they deserve).
PS I reckon the father deserves a cunting of his own; “I’m ex-forces and I’ve never seen anywhere so bad”. Yes mate, I don’t think being a secretary and having to dust the Staff Sergeant’s drinks cupboard gives you Vietnam Vet status. Ex forces my arsehole.
Two of my Brothers are ex military, I still approach with care for very good reason on “bad days”- real PTSD is a seriously scary thing
Otherwise known as REMF
One would have thought that this dumb kids would turn to the Interweb and do a search on dampness and how to prevent it.
I suppose the only damp patch she’s used to is when she’s on her back in her bed getting serviced by an entourage of other chavs with the hope of getting preggers and claiming CB.
She should be eternally grateful she’s not living in late 1930’s Germany.
A points system based on certain social parameters. Compulsory sterilisation for any creature failing to attain the required standard. You now it makes sense.
I don’t understand why,at 18 years old and unemployed,she even thinks that she should be entitled to her own place anyhow.
And not being happy with that, she wants one closer to her parents!!
If she wants to be closer to her parents she can move back in with the cunts and free up the flat for someone with common sense and a genuine need.
I would like to move her closer to God.
You must realise Dick that it is all about Meeeeee!
Get with the times man.
Because she went to school, college, university, worked her t*ts of for ten Years to afford a deposit for a house then ground her guts out doing a job she f*cking hates to keep the lights on and the mortgage paid!
Oh, sorry – no she didn’t
Build it and they will come. Build a system of dependence on the state and you create exactly the entitled responsibility free cunts illustrated here.
That’s Compo’s batshit crazy manifesto in a nutshell SV, reliance on the state from cradle to grave and a complete lack of responsibility or desire for social mobility.
Turn the field of dreams into a field of shite. Yep – that just about sums up the welfare state.
Don’t forget these verminous Cunts are always Labour voters, state owned scum.
Their Vote bought by politicians but paid for by the tax payers.
Mould is not exclusive to council properties. I am an owner occupier and the bedrooms at the rear of my property both have a damp/mould problem. Should I call my local newspaper to complain or once a fortnight use a cloth and some mould and mildew spray?
The former is the obvious choice for this indolent and entitled twit.
People like this ought to be roofied ,shoved in a postage sack flown to Zurich and dropped off on the steps of dignitas with a wad of cash and a note saying ” sort this cunt out ” danke.
nah, just throw it in the wheel housing of a jumbo and let it drop out anywhere the plane comes into land
There may be thousands on the council house waiting list, many of whom (even in S. Shields) will be working. This gets to the top of the list? Give us a break.
There’s nothing in those photos I haven’t seen repeatedly in rented accommodation*, and fixed by opening the windows occasionally.
If Pa was in the Forces, deep shame on the cunt for not passing on military values to this nasty little scrounger. But then again, maybe he was a steward.
Closer to her parents? Wonder why. They obviously couldn’t stand each other or else how did she end up in a hostel?
File under ‘working the oracle’, lying feckless snowflake chav cunt. Soundly cunted.
*apart from the subhuman, that is.
Someone’s gonna be annoyed they’ve got to buy another can of magnolia paint to cover the tiny bit of green paneling they couldn’t finish off…
Great cunting Dick
Anyone want a terrifyingly creepy funny image in your head for the day?!
Owen jones in pigtails looks just like mongo bongo Greta cuntberg isn’t that a bit ironic that they look so similar wonder if they related? I swear greta has more testosterone then owen tho Have a nice one cunters haha lol
Fuck me TitSlapper, you’ve spotted a good one there!
Fucking brilliant observation,
They have the same mongy facial features and also the same lefty politics.
Can’t tell if you are being sarcastic but nonetheless i’m surprised there hasn’t been more memes of this comparison of lookalike entitled hypocritical cunts
She is 18, moved into this one bed flat in March after living in a hostel for several months…..
Who knows why she wasn’t living at home, but let’s assume she had good reason, the flat had been surveyed and remedial work scheduled but if the silly cow can’t be bothered to allow access then it’s her stupid fault.
No sympathy from me, free fucking everything and still not satisfied, now wants another flat in a different area, I hope the council tells her to fuck off.
hope the remedial work includes plastic cladding
The only ventilation I would give, is her fucking skull, with a 22 inch McCullough chainsaw, parasitic cunt, and stitch her fanny up with a nail gun
‘Fuck her’. Er, thanks Dick, but no thanks.
The solution here is quite simple. She should be packed into a large cardboard box addressed to her loving parents, and despatched by DHL. She’ll never be heard of
Morning cunters!
With respect, Dick I did not click on the link. I am in total agreement with you though. And for the rec. I, too, am fed up to my back teeth with fucking cunt spongers who freeload off my heavily taxed, [income, payroll, stealth, et-fuckin-cetera], increasingly devalued dollars.
If somebody is fair dinkum sick – and I don’t mean seemingly sick with yet another dubious classification of “mental illness”, I’ve no problem seeing my contributions go towards their healing. As for those who have a choice i.e., whose “sickness” comes and goes and apparently can be shut off or turned on every time they decide to scream at the void? Fuck ’em. Put ’em to work scrubbing dunnies. I’ve got fucking jobs for ’em doing that.
Utter, utter cunts.
Saw a mother and daughter combo on the news last night, both on benefits, daughter in her 20s, both grossly overweight so they seemed to be able to afford food, the mother was complaining that she couldn’t afford Christmas, well fuckin forget it then ! It’s not compulsory. Or maybe people on benefits should get a Christmas ‘bonus’. I think £500 should cover it, i’d Be very happy to contribute towards that. ( not).
I don’t think you’re allowed to call them “overweight” as that is (or soon will be) listed as hate crime, and the Old Bill will come round your house, kick the shit of you before throwing you in jail for a million years (unless you’re a peaceful terrorist, in which case you’ll serve roughly a couple of days inside)
These cunts probably have some disease or mental issues that force them to eat shite. They’ll probably demand a doctor’s prescription for 3 portions of fast food to be taken 3 times a day!
If the person is white you can call them anything you like, cops only get a wage bonus for harassing the shit out of the genuine English for upsetting rapists and terrors by calling them hurty names. Fat blacks are just tummy challenged and their weight is not their fault, of course it’s the fault of us evil colonial slave owning whites.