Entitled Chavvy Cunts

Entitled Chavvy Cunts…..


This particular Lovely has the lot, bar a special-needs baby (Give it time and a turkey-baster). Expects her arse to be decked with diamonds despite never contributing, and never will, a penny. Too fucking feckless to keep an appointment to let the Council fix the “problems” and certainly too fucking lazy to even wipe the mould off the walls herself. She has, of course, mental-issues, physical issues, lezzbianism and an unfortunate kitten (the RSPCA should remove it) so no doubt everyone’ll have to pander to the benefit-sponging Waster.

People like this seem to forget that someone else has to pay for every moment of their vacuous existence. They should show some self-reliance and gratitude instead of just wailing that everyone else should support them.

Fuck her.

Nominated by Dick de Pfeffel Foxchaser-Fiddler

76 thoughts on “Entitled Chavvy Cunts

  1. This is demonstrative of just how fucked the benefits system is.

    Cunts like this leave school with absolutely zero motivation to support themselves and immediately go on benefits. I really cannot fathom how they are able to do this.

    I was out of work twice in my working life. Once when I was 22 and the nursery I worked in closed down and I was made redundant and again when I had to leave nursing due to my health problems and was looking for a total change of career….any job, in fact.

    To say they made my life a living hell is an understatement. I was interrogated every two weeks as to what I was doing to find work, I was told not to accept jobs like cleaning and housekeeping (which I had found myself on their website) as I was ‘overqualified for that’ (go fucking figure that one out when they wanted me to get work) I was bullied into returning to nursing, even though I had explained my health problems and that was just not an option and basically I was made to feel like a work-shirking dosser who was mooching off of the state. I stopped claiming, told them to poke their JSA and started working for myself selling shit on the internet as I couldn’t stand the harassment any more.

    I had my first job when I was 17 years old cleaning in a private hospital and studying for my A’levels. My second job at 19 at the nursery until it closed down. I was at Uni from aged 25-28 and went straight into nursing for 10 years. But I am a moocher who claimed job seekers allowance for the grand total period of 6 months.

    So my question is this: How in the name of fuck are chavs like this able to walk out of school, straight into both benefits and a roof over the heads, no matter how minging the cunt may deem it to be? She should be fucking grateful that they offered her ANYTHING, given the fact she has not paid a fucking penny in taxes as yet (if that will happen at all)

    Just to warm the cockles of your heart, here is another story that will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside:


    These cunts won the lottery. They still claim £3000 a month in benefits as they are not means tested. Well, why shouldn’t they, when the State told them it was perfectly ok as it was ‘for the children’? Who needs a moral compass anyway? It is their RIGHT and they are ENTITLED TO IT.

    Don’t you just love the UK?

    • ….AND the irresponsible, thick twat has a poor, helpless, doubtless LONELY kitten in that place, that isn’t good enough for HER to live in, but is good enough to leave a baby animal in.

      What a steaming great pile of turd she is.

      • Entitlement should be earned solely through ones own efforts, alas in this country the ever widening scope of benefits just encourages the feckless to think they have a right to whatever they desire.
        The pervasive sense of entitlement also affects the middle classes in that they also think they should live a life without wants rather than making a choice between one thing or the other.
        All in all I find it perplexing in that they never seem to contemplate life today with one lived by someone aged 70 or more

    • Same as cunts like plastic face Price getting child benefit and thousands in free care home fees for that monster she produced and put in a cage when it went on the rampage swotting bi-planes.

    • And all those miserable ungrateful ex service personnel given a lovely little spot on the pavement, still they complain..

  2. Had just been giggling to myself at a fat chav cunt in a pink dressing gown and fur slippers i had seen walking her brood of little chavs to school in the pouring rain (never a deep puddle when you need to soak someone) when I arrived at Tesco to find yet another fat ugly munter chav in a nighty, slippers and dressing gown loading up a trolley like food was going to be on ration. Admittedly I’m retired so no longer pay to fund this scum anymore but I’m beginning to think they have got it right and I’m the mug who worked for over 50 years when I could have lived like a chav queen on free handouts instead. I’d ban all state benefits unless the freak has a head missing.

  3. There’s a cunting dole scrounging chav and her mong brat living opposite me in a privately rented bungalow. Its got 2 roof tiles missing and the mong kid is sleeping on the sofa apparently because the rain comes through its bedroom ceiling…two years ago i said “its just two tiles Ive got a few spares in my shed if you want to get a ladder and fix it?”…she said “Why should I it’s the landlords job”….so she’d rather sleep her mong on a sofa for years than do her own repairs…that’s the attitude of the chav class. Take away their dole and free rent and force the cunts to sleep in the hedgerows.

  4. Some never worked chav wannabe gangsters near me were prosecuted for being pictured with guns, SS knives and other assorted Nazi weapons and regalia. This is how thick the cunts are, they are “untermenschen” as the Nazis would have tagged them and would have been in a concentration camp quicker than you can say “Sieg heil”. Stupid fucking pricks.

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