A nomination for the University of Edinburgh which is due to host an ‘anti-racism’ event, where white people will be barred from asking questions.
The conference has been organised by the ‘Resisting Whiteness’ group which opposes racism and describes itself as a QTPOC (Queer and Trans People of Colour) organisation. Apparently, there will be two “safe spaces” at the event one of which will bar entry to white people. The safe places are meant for those who feel “overwhelmed/overstimulated or uncomfortable”.
The conference aims to “amplify the voices of people of colour” and the organisers say: “We will therefore not be giving the microphone to white people during the Q&As, not because we don’t think white people have anything to offer to the discussion, but because we want to amplify the voices of people of colour.”
Well here’s my amplified voice: ‘FUCK OFF’
Nominated by Mystic Maven
Edinburgh University are deserving of an urgent cunting. Today (Saturday 28th September), the University has hosted a day long conference on racism. That in itself is no bad thing. However, the group running the conference go by the name ‘Resisting Whiteness’, which is not in any way racist, is it? Apparently, they’re having two safe spaces (god damn snowflakes), one of which is closed to white people. To be fair though, the Uni claims that BOTH safe spaces will be open to all, though whether that’s true remains to be seen. Personally, I think any white person daring to enter the one that was supposed to be closed to whiteys will be about welcome as a fart in a spacesuit.
The worst thing about this event though is that although it’s advertised as being open to all, white people are banned from asking questions. If they wish to ask a question or make a statement, they must first address it to a member of the panel, who will then ignore…I mean, address it. So, a conference that is supposed to be about ending racism, is not being at all racist by banning white people from asking questions. The left really have no concept of irony, do they? Incidentally, this group, Resisting Whiteness, describe themselves as “TPOC”. Which apparently means Transgender People of Colour.
Who, at that university, thought it either a good idea, or entirely appropriate, to allow a group whose name suggests that they themselves are racists to hold an event about racial discrimination that clearly racially discriminates against the ethnic majority of the UK? Who? Because that person is an utter cunt.
Welcome to 2019 folks, where white people are evil and every other race can do no fucking wrong. I’m sick of this shit, I really am. I’ve mentioned before that I happen to be married to a black woman. But to cretins like Resisting Whiteness, that would somehow make me even more racist. Well, fuck that. I’m not playing their game anymore. I will not be made to feel like I’m responsible for slavery and any other kind of oppression of minorities, when I’m not. Especially when these cunts, in the case of slavery, conveniently ignore the fact that black slavery was happening in Central and West Africa for centuries before Europeans arrived.
It’s a simple fact that those who scream racist and bigot every five seconds, are the biggest racists and bigots around. They’re just too cowardly to admit it.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
Thanks chaps, my piss was already boiling, now it’s just steam.
I want to have a straight white male only event.
Anyone got an issue with that?
There’s nowt so queer as folk SDV, and non-queerer than the soyboysand banshees they breed today. I assume a straight white male event would go down badly with Steptoe’s sisterhood. It’s probably illegal.
Are minstrels welcome?
I’m not sure that I’d want to go anyhow. A bunch of uppity tranny/ Gay Dark Keys banging on about racism?…No.not really my idea of a good night out. All it would take would be the rhythmic banging of the bongo drums and you could end up with a troop of make-up splattered,ra-ra skirt wearing.high-heel tottering Silverbacks having a full chimp out…no white arsehole or chiggun dinner would be safe from molestation.
Gay Dark Keys? I had no idea that such an exotic beast existed…I thought that The Gayness was a whites-only affliction….just another thing that the light-fingered buggers have appropriated from their benefactors,I suppose. At least it means that there’ll be a few less of them looking to molest da white wimmin…although there will probably be more attacks on The White Gays…not that they’ll be too sorry….probably lay a trail of bananas from the tyre-swing all the way to the public-toilets.
Universities are hot-beds of Cuntitude. Shut them down and send the teddy-bear carrying,effete wasters out into the fields to do a proper day’s work (picking up my bag of pheasants at the Shoot,possibly).
Fuck Off.
Morning Fiddler.
Just launched a marginally less polite tirade which will probably never see the light of day from the moderation pile.
I’m curious what will happen in the supposed liberal utopia, when only Islington champagne socialists, Muslims and immigrants are left in the major cities.
Perhaps the Muslims will learn to embrace the rabid homosexuals and trannies, and in turn, the deviants will learn to embrace being unwillfully sodomized before being beheaded and dragged to fucking halal butcher to end up as the main ingredient in a backstreet batch of kofte.
It did see the light of day but took a long time to read as it was only slightly smaller than a telephone directory you moaning bastard
It really will be an interesting battle,TECB. Personally I can’t see the limp-wristers being much of a match for the stabby,exploding Peaceful People..attempting to bitch-slap a sword-wielding religious maniac isn’t going to end well,I’d guess.
Not that we need worry too much,we’ll have been made illegal before much longer.
What’s happened to the peaceful vs lefty stand-off in Birmingham r.e. teaching buggery in schools? been a bit quiet about this on BBC. Probably too busy reporting Boris copping a feel when he was at uni.
Morning Mr Fiddler, I would like to say that once these students get out into the real world, armed with their useless Sociology degrees they will be unemployable and in for a shock. But it seems that in certain sectors that they gravitate to, they themselves are being infantilized to a university type atmosphere of catering to every snowflake hang-up. Transgender People of Colour sounds like the ultimate lefty weapon, like an Iron Man suit for the perpetually oppressed.
Unfortunately, we are seeing these useless degrees actually being put to use in education – these fucking idiots with sociology, gender studies and similar qualifications of outright cuntitude are being recycled into the system.
Jornalism too is rampant with these fuckers – especially American publications – and we are talking all forms: sports journalism, entiertainment, mainstream media outlets, even fucking cinema and video games journalism.
see how many engineering and scientific jobs you can find versus bollocks jobs. And then ask yourself why the economy is so fucked up.
Don’t look in the Guardian for anything other than bollocks jobs. Well paid ones, too. Wish I could speak SJW.
In a service economy, there’s unfortunately nothing else for the 50% of school leavers now attending university (yup, that was a Blair idea, too, and it’s just hit its target) to do.
“Transgender people of colour”……Serena Williams really was a trailblazer.
Caster Semen-ya would like a word.
I’ve reconsidered about going to this event. It’s about time that I learned more about “the struggle” that these poor Willy-Woofter Dark-Keys have had to endure.
I shall boot-polish my face,get an elephant’s scrotum style wig and a gold tooth to help me identify with the Dark-side while mincing along as if I had a ferret chasing a gerbil up my arse and scream “Oooohhh Duckie,get her” in a girlish baritone voice to held me understand The Gay struggle.
I’m sure my earnest attempts to empathise will be appreciated by all of the job-dodging,drug-smoking,toilet-cubicle wall drilling, tarry fudge-packers.
It’s nice to be nice.
For the “girlish baritone voice” Mr. F you could just dub Jess Phillips voice
Now that I’ve discovered the existence of “The Lesser-Spotted Coloured Gay” creature I shall have to see if I can bag one for the wall of my Great Hall. I shall have it mounted alongside the several other rare and endangered species that line the walls.
Perhaps a Public Convenience in Diane Abbott’s constituency, Hackney North, would be it’s natural environment…it’ll be a risky venture…can’t see the natives being too welcoming when Da Great White Massa hoves to with his big-game rifle.
I shall wear my tropical linen suit and pith-helmet,that’ll show the buggers just who they’re dealing with.
Dick – Are you doing your weekly shop at the Asda Ashington Superstore?
I once arranged to meet up with someone at that very place so that they could show me the way to a tree job. While I was waiting in the car-park I mentioned to one of the lads with me that there seemed to be a hell of a queue at the cashpoints. People were even arriving by taxi to join the queue. He explained that it was the day that the benefit payments cleared…we watched as a steady stream of bloaters with squalling brats drew out money,shopped for their convenience foods and were then ferried away by taxi.
That is actually my cum-face. The clip was shot as I did Gemma Arterton up the wrong ‘un when she bent down to pick up a tin of beans off the bottom shelf.
I watched the amazing Ms Arterton in a decent little film called ‘Their Finest’ the other night. Christ but that girl’s got the body of a Greek goddess on her.
Nana Mouskouri?
ISAC always a source of useful new lassies to google up. Jeez I’d push her firmly into next Week
There’s almost nothing left to the imagination of these right-on, outrage seeking scumfucks in higher education.
If you can think of something a white man has achieved or discovered, some spotty, then it is almost certain that a knifeable student cunt will have willfully misrepresented said achievement as either oppression or extreme racism.
Here’s what this is all doing to my outlook – I am caring less and less about blacks, browns, women and other assorted ‘victims’. Even if these demographics themselves arent the ones screaming for anti-white reparations the loudest – more often than not, the ‘wokest’ cunts are white, guilty and priveleged – nevertheless, I am adopting an attitude of “I’m alright Jack, fuck you” to any and every racial minority, whamen, trannies – the lot.
If I am going to be repeatedly painted as a malevolent fuck by association for this phantom, totally misdirected evil of being white, then I’m happy to wear that cap. So let’s start with the direct debit which I set up years ago for WaterAid – after all, these poor Africans don’t need the pseudo-patriarchy giving them any guilt-laden money to help get them water, do they?
Pregnant women on public transport can fuck right off too. I genuinely, truly will be happy to watch them miscarry right then and there before ever considering giving up my seat. Mbolo asking me for directions after shipping into country straight off the banana boat? Frigg off. Shirtlifters and associated deviants protesting outside the latest Christian bakery? Fuck off you dirty perverts.
Perhaps all us evil, oppressive white folk should just throw our arms up and say fuck it – you want oppression, lack of social civility and factioned behaviour? More than happy to give it to them. History has shown for centuries that white folk are needed to stop the darker continents cannibalising, corrupting and literally fucking each other to death.
Ordinary white folk like me have been taken for mugs for too long. Perhaps this is why so many of us are absolutely fucking fed up to the back teeth of the shrieking classes exercising this now seeming legit form of anti-white racism, and the media which seems more than happy to promote and exacerbate it.
White, and proud to have been part of a civilised world at the forefront of technology, science and culture. Listen up darkies – some cultures are just better than others.
Fuck that took a long time to read to approve.
Thanks mods. I only doubted this entry surfacing because I thought I had overdone it.
Next time, I’ll shorten the indignant rants to a Tolstoy novella.
Note: it was the word scümfucks that put you in moderation.
Afternoon Ruffy. I look forward to reading your definitive guide on “How to avoid Moderation on IsAC” shortly to be released by Pearson Press. It won’t be a best seller but it’s one for all IsACS to keep in their pocket.
Docûment/ary is one that will always get someone.
There are 853 words in the English language with ‘cûm’ embedded in them.
Fucking hell Blunty!
How did you cüm by that information?
Good afternoon.
I’ve been doing some research!
Who says that IsAC is about a bunch of old farts with no educational purpose to it?
ISAC should apply for University status… ?
How about Desmond 2:2 for Chancellor?
“Here’s what this is all doing to my outlook – I am caring less and less about blacks, browns, women and other assorted ‘victims’.”
You sum up my attitude to Wireless 4 here TECB. I have got less tolerance for their hard luck stories and the final straw for me was a morning “documentary” a few weeks ago called “Where Are The Wmen In Grime Music?”. I realised that not only did I not know, but that I didn’t give a fuck, and didn’t want to know.
Tony Hall must be the oldest soyboy in the world.
Spot on Empire, as QDM mention in the nom, slavery was widespread before old whitey showed up on the Dark Continent. In fact no mention of the modern day slave auctions going on in Libya in the present day or just last week the discovery of a Nigerian torture house. Five hundred young boys and men enslaved and abused or again in Nigeria, a baby factory, with boys sold for £1000 and girls for £700 (the sexist bastards). We really should have left them outside their mud huts, picking fleas off each other and warring with neighbours over goats.
The world improve dover the years due to the white European male (whether he was in Europe, USA or Africa). Think of any invention and more than 99% of the time, it will be from the brain of a white male. We are now going backwards because the white male has been pushed into last place – ironically, by white European males.
I might be a white middle-aged male fat cunt, but I have the added benefit of being Ukrainian (albeit born here) so I can play a minority card if necessary, but I really have lost interest in people complaining about being a ‘victim’. The real victims in this country are generally ignored and often even blamed for their ordeals, they’re the ones I feel for.
The backlash has already started. The media call it the rise of the far right. It’s just normal working people getting fed up. The people in charge are too dim and arrogant to realise that their own doubling-down and oppressive legislation on hate speech and offence-taking is fuelling the fire.
There’s alssso the backlash against metoo with increasing numbers of men refusing to work with young women.
All of this while parliament try to destroy Brexit.
It’s not looking good for the liberal London bubble.
Cliff notes from my admittedly excessive (and now modded) post:
Fuck minorities and other demographics, including women. If I am going to be demonised and subject to prejudice for no other reason than this pseudo-bollocks zeitgeist of blaming ‘the white man’ for all ills of humanity ever, then I am more than happy to turn my back on any fucker who isn’t white.
They want oppression and victimhood status? Then give it to ’em.
Join the Far White, oh wait you did by accident of birth.
If they are going to make me Far White, Far White I am happy to be.
Or even ‘extreme white wing’.
Is it because one is white?
Excellent comments Cunters.
Fuck it I’ve seen and heard it all now!!! We are all far right apparently. Roll those fucking panzers. Move or get squashed.
I’m joining your protest TECB
What has it come to when it’s wong to be white?
My stock reply to any leaking lefty jamrag who reckons he’ (or she) has got an argument to offer are throws down the “Naaaaaartzee” card… “Hey I might be far right but you know I ain’t far wrong!… y’cunt.” Cuts 50% of ’em dead by virtue of the sheer shock value alone. 😎
“are”?? bloody typoS…”or…”
University = left wing, liberal, socialist, virtue signalling, anti white, anti British.
Edinburgh = nice city.
Have to feel sorry for the normal (if there are any) students who study there and have to put up with all this shit!
I thought porridge wogs- they’re not white BTW, they’re blue – were a “protected minority” and have been used and abused by the bastard English since mel Gibson was an actor.
Seems a reasonable place to start though. After all, we know that the British empire was built by porridge wogs, so they can perhaps explain to their fellow “people of colour” that it cannot have been based on “waycism” as those who built were not white, but blue.
If any uppity khun said to me “were you’re ancestors involved in slavery” I will reply “I sincerely hope so” . I will then offer them a lick of the cat. A Maine khun naturally. It would be a great novelty for them to try meat that walked on four legs rather than two.
Ah my beloved alma mater .
I cunted the bastards a while ago for their ludicrous ‘gender fluid pronoun’ badges during freshers week (they don’t call it that any more; it might damage the delicate sensibilities of new students).
This is just another load of soy boy/SJW wankery. To be fair to Edinburgh, this disease has spread from the States and is infecting academia everywhere, so Edin Uni ain’t alone. It weren’t like that in mah day. We were too interested in drink and getting in the pants of the girls in our year. Good times (what I can remember anyway).
Hey Ron, I didn´t know you were once a student at Edinburgh. What a man of mystery and many talents you are.
Yep Mr P, and I have loved the city dearly ever since. The wife’s a native south sider, raised just opposite the old Odeon cinema in Clerk St.
It’s not just Edinburgh, would that it were. My own HE institution is having a Black History Month, with the predictable contest of “it is coz I’m black (and or female), boohoo” events.
The logo for this harmonious gathering is a clenched black fist. Now try organising a White History Month, with a clenched white fist, and my full support, you far-right racist cunters, you. and bloody good luck with that.
Yeah… A clenched black fist right up a tranny circus act arse….
A white fist is of course a “racist Aryan fist used by white supremacists”, according to Wikimedia Commons –
content, not contest…
Apartheid never died… It is alive and well…. Of course these cunts don’t mention blacks killing blacks on a regular basis in Londonistab, the hordes of the fuckers leeching off local councils and the welfare system, or the scores of peaceful terrorists or rape gangs that infest the UK now… As selective and as racist as ever…. These SJW vermin are complete and utter fucking cunts….
On the subject of SJW wankers, just cop this bunch of knobheads…
All that’s needed is the Laurel and Hardy theme tune… What a bunch of fucking clowns….
Someone should tell these ‘extinction’ scrotes that nuclear bombs still exist….
What’s the difference between a nuclear bomb and an SJW?
The nuclear bomb will at least achieve something when triggered.
ha! what a shower of cunts. Also love the smoke coming out of that old beast of a diesel.
Just saw that on the news Norman.
Was the fire engine diesel by any chance.
What a buntch of utter, utter CUNTS!
At least Saint Greta the Great of Stockholm goes direct to the politicians. To the people who can actually change things. These fucking morons try to fight climate change with metaphors. I suppose after the ‘bood’ was spilt they would have had a ‘die in’. Oh fuck off.
Aye, she’s a game little cunt, that Windowlickerberg…. Irritating as fuck, but a gutsy little fucker…
Just like to point out that being autistic doesn’t make someone a windowlicker. intelligence isn’t the problem over most of the spectrum. I rather wonder how many of us can speak a foreign language as fluently as Greta does English – certainly not me. And at 16?
I’m guessing she has Asperger’s Syndrome (no longer specifically diagnosed as such, hence describes herself as autistic), and the description here seems to fit:
I’d cunt her for what she does if I disagreed with it -and I don’t, personally – not what she is.
I would also cunt the difficulty with social interaction present in the syndrome – that’s a complete cunt and I know well whereof I cunt.
The local branch of Extinction Rebellion around my way are having a die-in this weekend where they will lie down and pretend to be dead for 11 minutes.
Thirty people are expected to take part! ?
I don’t know why they’re bothering as they’ve all been dead from the neck up for many years.
While they are playing dead go up to one of them and piss in his/her lug. It’s a sure-fire way to activate a malingerer.
What I’d like to know is why aren’t they doing this in the week when they could make a grand gesture by downing tools and walking out of work?
Oh, I forgot, they’ve never done a fuckin’ days work in their lives.
In other news – yes, apologies to the author I am indeed a class A cunt – I see the wimmin’s campaign (WASPI) to halt their pension age rise has been defeated in the courts today.
Women can now relax in the comfort of knowing they will be equally worked to death just as the men will be before state pension age is reached.
Wimmin: “Equality, equality, equality”
Also Wimmin: “Treat us differently when it comes to financial benefit”
Laughed my bollocks off. The cunt population wanted equality, they got it. Suck it up bitches.
Apologies to our female cunters.
or being menopausal – Labour conference.
Barnes-Wallis came up with several excellent solutions to most of today’s issues.
A man before his time,excelling at making his enemies explode in all manner of creative ways.
Fuck them all.
Barnes-Wallis would never do it today as he is a white bloke. Some Dark key woudl have to get the credit.
There’s plenty of those taking credit for bouncing bombs off everything.
Must annoy these fuckflake cunts that Abbey Road is back on top of the album charts… Four white English blokes… Oh, the horror…
Yeah but they were scousers……….nuff said
What do you need to reunite the Beatles? . . . . . 2 bullets.
If these soft stupid cunts had their way, the white man would have to dye his skin green or some other neutral colour just to appease them. A bit like Michael Jackson. Would these cunts have had a go at Michael Jackson? He was whiter than a bottle of milk before he croaked.
How the wheel turns! There were very few non-white people in Edinburgh when I was a student there about 40 years ago. To make some extra cash, I used to give private classes to thickies to help them pass university entrance exams.
Once I was also asked if I could find accommodation for a Nigerian who had decided to come to Edinburgh for an intensive course.
I arranged everything and booked him onto a bed and breakfast. The day he arrived, I got a furious phone call from the landlady saying, “Ye never telt me he wis a ******. Ahm´no hivin people like that in a respectable hoose like mine.” So I had to invent an excuse to move him to a hotel.
I am sure that, despite all the hypocritical waffle from Edinburgh University, this attitude is still present in Scotland.
It is and long may it continue.
An anti racism event where a group of people (Caucasian) aren’t allowed to speak?
That is racist and discriminatory.
Can’t they see that?
It’s a fucking academia in joke, I’m starting tho think it is. They want to know how much it takes before we crack a grin like Rodney from Only Fools.
Nah you woz kidding all the time.
Six dog, I wonder if they have chandelier repair men fixing the dangly light fixtures.
Grandad: “Ready, Del?”
Yup, it’s sociological ‘shock testing’, they do it all the time to probe for the next weak fissure in civic life to exploit, deconstruct and destroy.
The slave trade was a trade. It’s in the name. Africans are just as responsible for it as Arabs, the other race that did most of the shipping and the Spanish and Portuguese who took 90% in South America. We ended it. Your welcome.
Also worked in Edinburgh 25 years ago. I seem to remember most “foreign” students being from over privileged home counties families. They loved wearing kilts on celebration nights, until I threw a cup of very hot tea over the bare bollocks of one drunken hooray going commando. Scotland has changed if the locals are standing for this shite.
There is a YouTube video called “Science Must Fall” where a similar group want to “decolonise! SCIENCE! Apparently, science is too white and needs to be taught from a black (i.e. Ignorant) perspective. Amazingly, with no evidence they claima tribe of black africans can send lightning bolts at other people. Naturally, there is no evidence offered but boy, do they get offended when they are asked “Where is the evidence?”
Don’t know about Africans but Indians apparently can……
🙂 .
“The conference has been organised by the ‘Resisting Whiteness’ group which opposes racism”
Are these cunts really so fucking thick and up themselves that they don’t realise that just their very name let alone anything else is racist? Imagine the uproar if someone started up a ‘Resisting Blackness’ group and organised a conference for whites only? And I’m sick fucking death of hearing the expression ‘people of colour’. Here’s a fucking newsflash – white is a colour also, you stupid fucking cunts.
Isn’t black, technically, a complete absence of colour?
Why is it acceptable to call a non-white a “person of colour” but offensive to call them a “coloured person” ?
All people are coloured, or of colour. Otherwise they’d be invisible.
I agree, Ruffy.
Compared to a piece of paper, I’m more pinkish than white.
True enough, RTC – My avatar is actually pretty accurate as a Pantone reference – Normally I’m the colour of the face bit but when enlightened, by fellow cunters, about antics of various Nominated cunts on IsAC, I’m the colour of the background…
University education in the UK, is a never ending production line of left wing twaddle, the product of which hasn’t the intelligence to see the bleedin obvious falsehood of their own arguments, reasonable debate exists no more, just sign up to the latest liberal perversion
Do they still serve Irn Bru on tap in Scottish wetherspoons pubs?
These stupid cunts can’t distinguish between racism …which I assume is behaviour that incites hatred towards a particular ethnic group and an individual’s innate thoughts. In other words laws cannot make someone like dark kees or gaze .Some people just don’t like these sorts yet keep their thoughts to themselves.
Conversely the Left want to air their thoughts publicly and vociferously and bring up the “ race card” at every opportunity.
In any case the concept of an ethnic minority is no longer relevant nowadays.
The only minorities these days are IC1 males.
I’m no good at serious dialogue. Fuck it! Who gives a shit ?!
Where’s that ticky fairy when you want her?
More attention-seeking from the feral, unemployed left. These people will never achieve anything, personally or politically, other than creating more resentment in 86% of the population, already fed up with being told they’re racist and have ‘problematic’ views.