Dawn Butler (3)

A special Brighton, Wish You Were Here Festival cunting please, for one of the ugliest skanks in the festering heap of rotting horse manure called The Labour Party. At “Conference” (they like it spelled with a capital “C”, just to show how *important* it is) this back of a bus wannabe has decided that “we”, that is “us”, have to make “massive reparations” for slavery, which of course is a burning issue amongst lefty SJW’s since the appalling events took place a mere two or three centuries ago.

Of course this isn’t the sole demand, of course not: Menopausal wimmin must be given time off work. How much time, she says not, but of course Dawn, anything you say dear (I suppose the change is affecting her badly). She says in her speech that they (Labour Corbynistas and pansy Blairite Labour) have to “get their shit together”. Dawn should know..all she ever produces is shit.

But we mustn’t be too judgemental. Under the Corbyn paradise we will all get FREE prescriptions. I agree that £9 an item is too high, but from £9 to nothing? Where are they going to find the money, especially when they are going to renationalize the railways and every public utility. Perhaps she and they imagine it will all come out of the money they will save from scrapping OFSTED.

The problem is a lot of Guardian and Mirror readers will fall for this crap. Polly Toynbee is probably creaming her knickers as I write. The BBC will be finding the kid gloves to gently handle the macabre ghosts of the 1940’s who will infest their studios during Conference, and they will be dealt with gently and earnestly.

If Labour really do want to govern again, they really should wake up from this absurd outlandish dream they have been living for years.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

53 thoughts on “Dawn Butler (3)

  1. Dawn,the lard are,butler is the worst kind of Kaffir. Moderately educated with a sense of entitlement that matches her arse.

    She is nothing but a chicken chugging, Um Bongo drinking banana picking loud mouth.

    Someone called the plantation and arrange to send her back.


    Ole man river.

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