Ungrateful Bastards

It really pisses me off when I read of paramedics, NHS hospital staff and ambulance staff being physically and/or verbally abused by ungrateful pissheads, druggies, and out and out cunts!

The emergency services are there to help people: what they don’t want is to be kicked, punched, spat at or told to “fuck off!” by irresponsible cunts who should be left on the street to fend for themselves.

My hatred runs even higher for those cunts in A&E who aren’t satisfied with the service they are receiving and resort to violence against the first doctor/nurse/admin person they set eyes on. And yet these very same people have a duty of care to attend to this cunt’s injuries, otherwise they will be held accountable if anything bad happens to them!

Personally, I would leave these cunts to fester in their own excesses – if they’re drunk or drugged up, fuck them! If they use intimidation or violence then they shouldn’t get any treatment at all, but should be thrown in a police cell to rot.

And that applies to so-called joy-riders that end up in a crash and are seriously injured. Don’t bother with hospital just let the fuckers wither in pain – perhaps that might make them think again about nicking someone’s car and booting it down the road at 90mph.

Ungrateful cunts!

Nominated by Technocunt

93 thoughts on “Ungrateful Bastards

  1. Im a bit late to the cunting here, but on the subject of ungrateful bastards….. as a nurse of 21 years, nothing boiled my piss more than my time in A&E. I remember the alcoholic admitted every night who couldn’t control his bladder, saturated in his own piss and shit moaning about the state of the NHS whilst taking up valuable staff time wiping his arse and calling his family, again. And not forgetting the soldier who got pissed up and drove a car wiping out a family, blaming his PTSD. The mother of the dead child in the other car was in the cubicle next to him crying. His response was , “can someone shut that fucking woman up”, oblivious to who she was. Fuck em all. Sooner its privatized the better. Ungrateful cunts. Good evening cunters.

  2. I can see where you’re coming from YCD but you seem to be going against the grain with a call for privatisation.

    • A bit late to be falling out Bertie. But is in the end the NHS a good thing? Sometimes I feel it adds or encourages people to behave in an irresponsible way.’ Free at the point of delivery’. Something for nothing, like the Dole. ‘From the cradle to the grave’. We will be looked after all our lives; taking away responsibility. (When we should be instilling a greater sense of responsibility in people). That’s what Brexit is all about for me. I’ve know it’s the most sacred of sacred cows (my family has benefited from it hugely). But having said that I do still this think (philosophically) that it is problematic socially. More I could say- that it is too big, that it is too impersonal. What do you think?

      • Falling out? You know me Miles, I don’t fall out with people!
        I’m not generally in favour of privatisation but this doesn’t mean that we can’t reorganise the NHS to make it more efficient and at the same time recognise we only have finite resources so that we can’t fund everything. We do have to prioritise. By reorganise, I don’t mean yet another political
        shake up. We have to take control away from the politicians and hand it to the professionals who run the service which would include minimising the influence of pen pushers. I certainly wouldn’t be against fining people for breaking appointments and charging relatively small amounts to people who can afford to pay. The subject requires a good cunting but who do you cunt? Certainly not the NHS – maybe politicians who’ve used it as a political football for so long or those who misuse it.

      • My uncomfortable feeling Bertie is it is to do with the State involving tself in peoples’ lives. We’ve got to get back to where local people deal with local issues.

      • You’re certainly unlikely to get local involvement with privatisation if past form is anything to go by. Your water from a French supplier, your electricity from the Germans.
        Your healthcare from ?

      • And railways from DB…

        I believe recently that they were obliged to pay compo for their one-way trips to Oswieczim und so weiter…

        But, oddly, in Wales, DB trains rain on time. Not inconsiderably more than can be said for Transport for Whales.

      • No, Miles, the NHS is not a good thing. It is much, much better than that despite the current issues it has.
        I’m not sure how you could conclude that the NHS encourages people to behave irresponsibly. For examples:
        1. I’ve yet to meet the drunkard who started on the strong stuff thinking that if it all went tits up and they became an alcholic it would be ok because the NHS would pump their stomach out, provide a new liver etc. They start out on the grog for a variety of reasons, usually to try and impress their mates and get their leg-over their equally inebriated girl/boy friend. The NHS safety net is most definitly the last thing on their mind.
        2. Ditto a lard arse doesn’t think that its ok to over-indulge on sugar laden soft drinks and junk food full of all sorts of artifical additives because they assume the NHS will provide liposuction, gastric bands & medicine to manage diabetes should it become necessary. They eat & drink crap because they find it comforting in their miserable social media world, are too bone idle or don’t now how to cook proper food or find taking a sharp knife to raw veggies takes them out of their comfort zone (Veggies have rights too, ok yah? Save the Radish!).
        3. Does the boy racer pulling 90 mph wheelies on his motorbike in the middle lane of the M1 during rush hour think its ok to do so because if he has a crash the NHS will plate his broken bones, stitch his cuts & top him up with 5 pints of AB+? No, of course he doesn’t. He’s just a dickhead.

        The good old US of A has no NHS yet they have their fair share of liquor louts, fatties & unruly bikers. Do these ‘Murcans think or care about potential medical issues or if their private health policies adequately cover them when they indulge in their excesses? Of course not. Few people do. The same applies across the globe regardless of whatever public or private healthcare systems are in place.
        Fewer and fewer individuals and corporates anywhere will accept any responsibilty for the outcomes of their actions. For example:- Bought a diesel car in Europe from a certain manufacturing group anyone? Had any redress for their allegedly false emissions claims yet? No? Thats because the buggers are defending European claims against it in the (unbiased?) German courts despite having paid out elsewhere in the world (doubtless with a suitable disclaimer denying that the payouts are an admission of guilt).
        To therefore claim that the NHS somehow promotes irresponsibilty in the UK is wrong.The NHS might be affected by the general across the board global fall in standards but in no way whatsoever can it be blamed for creating or contributing to that fall in the UK (do I hear the “benefits” of globalisation or multiculturism, anyone?).

        In this country the fact is that unless you work for them or with them sadly almost no-one thinks about the so called NHS safety net until its needed. When inebriates, gluttons etc find out that the NHS can’t perform miracles and reverse the effects of years of their self-neglect, acts of gross stupidity etc they somehow claim the service is inadequate and culpable for their predicaments? Give me strength.

        Its never the fault of the breweries who sell booze at dirt cheap prices is it.
        Its not the fault of the food processing giants, bakers, confectioners etc for overloading their wares with excessive amounts of sugar, salt, e-this & e-that etc is it.
        Its not the fault of the advertising companies who help peddle this shit with misleading claims is it.
        Its not the governments fault for being unduly swayed by industry lobby groups at the expense of sound advice from their own health department and independent research is it.
        Its not the parents fault for failing to teach their little darlings that responsibility for ones actions lies with the individual itself is it.
        No, its all the fault of the NHS for simply being there to help clean up the doo-doo when everybody else has stuffed up.

        As you yourself said, Miles, a greater sense of personal responsibilty needs to be instilled in people. That isn’t a medical issue and as far as I am concerned has nowt to do with the NHS.

        Long live the NHS. Cut the overseas aid budget now. The likes of India seem perfectly capable of funding their moon missions without our help & Lammy doesn’t want us to feel guilty about Africa so thats ok by me. Use the money to fund pay rises all round for the unsung and underpaid heroes & heroines that are the front line NHS staff (except for YCD, assuming they are not now working for the profiteering baddies in the private sector, for daring to suggest privatisation of our glorious, if slightly creaking & crumbling, health system. Altogether now – Extra bedpan cleaning & paycut for YCD. When do we want it? Now).

        Today I am self identifying as the resting place of the soul of the great Nye Bevan. Don’t upset me by making any rude and nasty comments. Respect the dead.

  3. I guess so Bertie. To be honest I’m in two minds. Make these cunts pay for their carnage is my thinking, but the victims have to pay as well.

    • Lots of things I read or hear these days it all makes me think of the phrase ‘and this is why we can’t have nice things’.

      All these things to make peoples lives better and some wankstain has to ruin every time.
      It’s not right.

  4. I am in total awe of the NHS in general, but if a cunt’s first experience of the NHS is a GP receptionist, and it usually is, then no bloody wonder his/her cuntishness emerges on further acquaintance with the system. Where do they source those fucking valkyries? My guess is local bored housewives supplementing the housekeeping. Flak catchers in business have to be charming and helpful – that’s often their only qualification – so why not apply that to the NHS?

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