It really pisses me off when I read of paramedics, NHS hospital staff and ambulance staff being physically and/or verbally abused by ungrateful pissheads, druggies, and out and out cunts!
The emergency services are there to help people: what they don’t want is to be kicked, punched, spat at or told to “fuck off!” by irresponsible cunts who should be left on the street to fend for themselves.
My hatred runs even higher for those cunts in A&E who aren’t satisfied with the service they are receiving and resort to violence against the first doctor/nurse/admin person they set eyes on. And yet these very same people have a duty of care to attend to this cunt’s injuries, otherwise they will be held accountable if anything bad happens to them!
Personally, I would leave these cunts to fester in their own excesses – if they’re drunk or drugged up, fuck them! If they use intimidation or violence then they shouldn’t get any treatment at all, but should be thrown in a police cell to rot.
And that applies to so-called joy-riders that end up in a crash and are seriously injured. Don’t bother with hospital just let the fuckers wither in pain – perhaps that might make them think again about nicking someone’s car and booting it down the road at 90mph.
Ungrateful cunts!
Nominated by Technocunt
Why would you attack someone whos going to help you/give you medical attention?
Scum that do this should be on some sort of database, with treatment of any sort withheld for live, these people could be helping a kid or someone in a bad way rather than helping knobheads.
Instead of Security they ought to employ me raging at the hospital entrance Miserable. Yes there’d I’d be-
‘Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!
You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout
Till you have drench’d our steeples, drown’d the cocks!
You sulph’rous and thought-executing fires,
Vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunderbolts,
Singe my white head! And thou, all-shaking thunder,
Strike flat the thick rotundity o’ th’ world,
Crack Nature’s moulds, all germains spill at once,
That makes ingrateful man!’
That’d tell ’em.
Certainly would!
Glad your back to your normal cheery self mate!
That reminded me of ‘sometimes’ by James(the band)
Theres a storm outside
And the gap between crack and thunder
Is closing in
Is closing in
The rain floods gutters, and makes a great sound on concrete
On a flat roof, theres a boy
Leaning against a wall of rain
Aerial held high,
Calling “come on thunder! Come on thunder!”
I’m doing a pissed undercover application as a fucking immigrant. 8 kids, false idents.its going great. New bank account next and false bitch. I made a mistake with the Mrs. Mohammed is my name. Fucking lock me up
You know what they need. A little zyclon b
Agree 100% Technocunt. Go to any A&E on a Fri or Sat night and it’s crawling with these scumcunts. I would prescribe these cunts even more of their drug of choice, so that with any luck they’ll OD or succumb to alcohol poisoning, and free up A&E for those who genuinely require it.
Anybody who works in a job where you have frequent contact with the general public knows you are in constant danger of verbal or even physical assault. We have become a country of wankers who love to abuse people in these jobs because they know they can’t strike back. You can call a nurse a fucking slag but she can’t say anything back…….an ideal situation for nasty inadequate bullies. Once upon a time the idea of security guards in a hospital would have been laughable , now it’s essential.
This is what happens when you become soft as shit and want to be understanding and caring towards piss taking useless trash. The only thing cunts understand is the fist and the boot. Anything else is a foreign language to these fuckers.
I just posted the same thing. It’s the same when football yobs get a pasting from the foreign police. They’re not used to it at home.
Excellent example My Lord. So many cunts drop themselves in the shit abroad because they behave like they do in soft as shit Britain and foreigners just ain’t taking it.
No wonder we can’t get any votes in the Eurovision Song Contest. Even our poofs are fucking rude.
The fist and the boot.
Very well put indeed.
That’s the sort of medicine that needs doling out for free to these cunts.
Like that Omar cunt at Whipps Cross. I was in and out of there with my ill old Mum. Fuck me – the abuse the A&E staff got fair took my breath away. One particularly bad night (Friday I think), a paramedic got stuck into an abusive cunt – however, the paramedic got a bollocking from some senior nurse. Apparently, you’re not allowed to talk back to the cunts, never mind how rude they are!
My Grannie was born there; I think that’s when the probs began.
My Grannie was born there in 1899; I think that’s where the probs began…
A bulls-eye bit of cunting this.
A few years ago the wife injured her knee and we were obliged to go to A & E, where a bunch of doctors and paramedic staff were working their tits off trying to cope with about a hundred patients.
Suddenly there was a right commotion, and in came a roaring, fighting drunk or drugged up waster cunt, blood pouring from a head wound, handcuffed by each wrist to a copper. The arsehole was trying to headbutt the pcs, then anyone else who came near him, spitting abuse at any and everyone.
We’d been waiting there about two hours by this time, and would wait at least another ninety minutes. Needless to say, this piece of shit was taken straight away, ahead of every other person there. From the row in the assessment cubicle, it’s my guess that the scuffers were having to sit on the cunt while the medics gave him something to pacify him. After a few minutes, he was wheeled off in a chair, semi conscious by the look of it.
My heart went out to those coppers and the hospital staff. Fancy having to deal with this fucking riff-raff day in, day out.
They should take such inebriated scum to a remote farm and let him have an accident with the shooting parties.
I know a few beaters and dog handlers who’d make him sorry he ever looked at a paramedic.
I could live with that!
I agree wholeheartedly with this nom.
Everyone takes the piss out of the NHS but – GP waiting lists aside (all due to old people, nothing to do with 10 million imports since 1997, an ongoing 330 thousand net uptake per annum and now the Soros funded South coast influx) – when you need them thank fuck they’re there, and – if you’re seriously injured or suddenly take ill – think yourself lucky you’re here instead of Africa, the Middle East or the USA!
I have no idea what possesses cunts to have a go at medical staff who are trying to help them. A+E piss-heads should be allowed to bleed to death and not get bones set if they kick off. O’course when they sober up they feign the obligatory “mental issues” to get off any form of punishment. Cunts!
I’m also fucking fed up of ingrates arriving here with fuck all, being GIVEN everything and then having the audacity to chub about how shit their lot is over here!
Compared to what?
You have a free gaff, free money, free healthcare, free school places for your equally ungrateful brood, so is that really “so bad” compared to your last place that had an unexploded bomb where your kitchen used to be?
Or “so bad” compared to being forced to walk ten paces behind the men-folk in your life while they decide which cousin or uncle you should marry?
Or “so bad” that your only source of liquid is bison piss that you have to walk 8 miles to get and have to share with M’Tembe – and he’s got bad AIDS?
Or “so bad” that your elected leader won with a 99.99% majority where the polling booths are manned with nasty fuckers wielding AK-47s and machetes just in case you fail to put a cross in the only box on the ballot paper?
So instead of belly-aching about how shit your FREE fucking existence is in dear old Blighty, how about showing some fucking gratitude by simply saying: “Thank you.” – and then shutting the fuck up!
You’re welcome! Cunts!
You have nailed the problem brother, a person does not have to “earn” the right to anything in UK the rights are just given out. Human nature, if you are given something for nothing then one tends not to hold that item in the same regard as if you had to pass an English exam, carry out much work and live in a secure camp till you qualified for citizanship (or got deported) to qualify for the right. Untill the leaders of this country grow a pair and stop worshipping the Human Rights Act we are doomed to be infested with ungrateful cunts, illiterate savages and their kith and kin plus masses of useless immigrants. Fuck the lot of them
I grow increasingly libertarian with this sort of shit happening. We should have an NHS but introduce some basic charges. 90% of the population wouldnt have a problem paying £10 to see a GP, and it would cut down on timewasters. Also, fine cunts for missed appointments. A missed appointment with a consultant costs the NHS £120.
Trouble is that a lot of the missed appointments and timewasters will be chavvy Cunts who wouldn’t be expected to pay the charge anyhow.
I’ve often thought that the ones who whinge the hardest tend to be Cunts who’ll have never paid a penny in their lives towards services but are first in line when it comes to a handout.
Fuck them.
I disagree with you on that, CP. It’s probably 90% (if not more) who would object to paying to see a GP or Consultant.
The majority of the dissenters would be the usual freeloaders who have paid (or will ever pay) little, if anything, in tax or NIC to fund the NHS and yet somehow manage to have sufficient taxpayer funded benefits to either raise at least half a dozen sprogs, send money back to the tribe back home who haven’t yet managed to come here, spend on non-essentials like lottery tickets, new model i-phones with exorbitant unlimited minute / text contracts, Sky TV etc, etc… Lots of votes to be lost if you try to target this “can’t pay, won’t pay” segment of society whose core belief is that others should always pay so, a bit like the community charge, fees and fines will never happen.
The minority of the objectors would be those who over the course of their 50+ year working lives will (or, like me, already have) paid tens if not hundreds, of thousands in tax & NIC as part of a social deal to obtain “free at point of delivery” healthcare. I can see no reason why these objectors should have to pay another £10 – £120 to see a GP or Consultant. It would be another step towards the unwanted privatisation of the NHS.
Priti Patel’s plan to arm more police with tasers can’t come soon enough. If you assault a public servant, you automatically get 50000 volts up your jacksie or anywhere else that’s a target.
That’ll cure your fuckin’ piles.
What do you mean, you never came in with piles?
Gays and trannies will be queuing up for that treatment, so best keep quiet about it.
I also read that the Fire Service is regularly attacked by feral cunts on some estates. In my original home town of Newport the chavs pelt buses with bricks.
We have an underclass of British cunts who should be shipped out to an island somewhere north of Jockland.
Had that round where i used to live cuntstable!
Idiots throwing rocks at buses full of people, how nobody got killed or seriously injured, dont know.
Certain kind of mind isnt it?
And to be fair these are white kids, wont say working class as no graft in em, say underclass.
Afternoon CC. Could that be on Ringland perchance?
Sadly, yes Bertie. Nothing wrong with the estates when I grew up but the chavs have taken over. The town I loved has become a shithole and I rarely visit.
I’ve heard similar. My wife grew up in the Royal Oak area and even then the hordes used to invade at night. Woke up one morning with no hubcaps – as bad as those thieving scousers. Sounds much worse now though.
Yeah, you’d think the last thing a spotty, stick thin, druggy chav would do is pick on a bunch of burly, physically fit firemen. But they do, because they know they can get away with it.
All that happens is they call the coppers who have to take the abuse instead. All it needs is half a dozen of these shits to get a fucking good kicking, word gets round and it never happens again.
What was the name of the Island the Soviets itradiated with the Tsar bomb? Zemlaya?
I think its inexcusable, the only times I have seen people fight with health care professionals it has been because they were in a lot of pain and didn’t want the nurse/doctor to continue treating them, but fair play they were in agony and we are not talking about a splinter.
As a first aider and ex patch merchant I enjoyed a great first aid course with an ex army medic who explained to me about protocol and consent.
Protocol says you must be nice and they must consent to treatment if they are conscious, so let them blead out until they are unconscious and then treat them
I recall an article in Private Eye from a decade or so ago where a woman in Cardiff was having a very difficult birth. The odds were against the baby surviving but as luck would have it the doctor had been on a course regarding this type of situation. However, the doctor knew the theory but had not ‘done one for real’ and was consequently very nervous.
Happily, the baby was delivered alive . The delighted doctor was later summoned to see a senior hospital administrator following a complaint by the mother that the doctor sweated excessively during the delivery.
Bet it was Tom Watson!
Hes a sweaty twat.
Watson? He couldn’t deliver a fucking pizza let alone a baby.
Another one I thought I’d share with you all, especially for anyone not already being notified.
“LBC Exposes People Smugglers Ferrying Migrants From France To the UK With Help from French Police”
As if we didn’t already know this really though, it was always ludicrous to believe that some cunts from a desert, can just hop on a dinghy and successfully navigate a stretch a water that has sunk many a master mariner before them. Now it’s just proven beyond doubt just what I already suspected, fucking conniving frog cunts.
Anyone who abuses A&E staff, be they paramedics, nurses, doctors or receptionist should be fined or charged.
3 strikes should mean they are refused all NHS services.
On the other hand, my GPs receptionists need emergency treatment from Prince Phil and his cricket bat.
Feel like smacking my dentist when he says, while descaling my teeth and I grimace in pain and my entire body tenses up…
Hmmmm, thought that one might hurt.
Agree 100% with the nom.
On the subject of treating joy riders.
There was a 15 yr old boy in our local paper that killed an elderly couple in a head on crash while he was thrashing a stolen car.
2 months later while he is out on license ( don’t laugh) he steals another car in the early hours with his 3 mates. They lose it on a notorious local bend and plant it straight in to a tree.
Now the good bit.
His mates although injured manage to get out the car and in their own interviewed words can only watch as his screams cut through the all engulfing flames that enveloped the car. It took a good minute for him to shut up with only the sound of him and the car popping and fizzing until a fire engine turned up 20 minutes later to hose his charred carcass down.
No A&E issues with that one, the horrible little cunt.
Fuck him!
Like that Cuntsville! Like that! Natural justice, karma, whatever you want to call it, hope his fuckwit mates have nightmares, pity the cunt who signed off on him being released wasnt in the fuckin boot!
There’ll probably be an investigation as to why the Fire Service took 20 minutes to get there.
Natural justice at its best but I cannot help but think that the little shits who were with him managed to get some form of compensation for post traumatic stress .
Great story. That’s cheered me up. I love a happy ending.
You need a heart of stone not to laugh! One less oxygen thief in circulation. Cunt!
Someone I know is a paramedic, and the amount of time wasted on junkies and pissheads is phenomenal. They have ‘regulars’ that they see all the time, and these pointless cunts can take three or four hours to deal with, meaning they can’t attend to real emergencies because they are nursemaiding some piece of crap. These cunts are known to all the emergency services, and the fact that these cunts cause this kind of mayhem is because they are given human rights without human responsibilities.
I was talking to copper in Jersey once, and he said he didn’t know how the police cope in the U.K. He said he watches all the traffic cops type of shows, and can’t believe how restrained they have to be, because if they tried that shit in Jersey, they would have a real hiding, like the good old days here. Scum have more rights than tidy people, without a doubt.
Rights without responsibilities is precisely the problem. I am a great believer that those who fail to fulfill the latter to the best of their abilities have forfeited the former.
From the Metro:
‘Heaviest known star in the universe is almost ‘too massive to exist’.
I was just thinking of Gemma Collins.
‘Amazingly, the density and the weight of it so huge as to be almost unimaginable’.
And how I could do justice to the wonder that is the GC.
‘The measurement approaches the limits of how compact a single object can be without crushing itself into a black hole’.
The NHS is all systems it has a 100% record of failure to prevent death.Rather than comparing it to the US model which produced all modern medicine it’s better to compare it to Holland just a short trip over the North sea which is far far superior. The NHS is a ridiculous left wings farce of how not to do medicine.
Can’t agree sorry. To label a national treasure(because that’s what it is to many people) as a left wing oriented organisation hands any political advantage over to Catweazle & Co.
You can tell me that when I turn up in my NHS ambulance to save your sorry fucking arse. But you won’t, will you.
Fucking great cunting. Welcome to my world…
100% record of preventing death? The two fuckers we saved last week would disagree with you. And so would their fucking families.
Did anyone have the great Peter Sissons, newsreader and reporter in their dead pool? Eight years ago, he’d rumbled the BBC for what they are, echoing everything we say today . . . . . .
“He argued that the organisation had a left-wing mindset “in its very DNA” and that the BBC News had a bias towards New Labour, the United Nations, the European Union, environmental groups, Islam, ethnic minorities and women. He claimed that “I am in no doubt that the majority of BBC staff vote for political parties of the Left”. Sissons also highlighted the BBC’s corresponding bias towards the Independent and Guardian newspapers, stating “producers refer to them routinely for the line to take on running stories, and for inspiration on which items to cover.”
Did anyone have Peter Scissonhands in the Dead Pool?
Didn’t see that one coming…
Try being a psychiatric professional dealing with addicts in a prison…
That’s my daughter’s job, something I couldn’t even imagine wanting to do.
Indeed. However some of the prison officers are VERY buff.
“Does Tony Blair and his family use the NHS?” – No. “Did Tony Blair open the floodgates to 6 million gimmegrants into the UK to use and abuse the NHS? – Yes. “Does Tony Blair and his family have 24 hours armed guard with no chance of physical attack by strangers unlike NHS staff?” – Yes. “Did Tony Blair send his kids over to an illegal war and watch them come back with limbs missing, then being rehabilitated in the NHS?” – No.
I do recall Leo Blair getting cunted on the beers and washing up in Leicester Sq though.
Leo or Leona ? I wonder if he takes after his dad Miranda ?
I knew an A and E doctor when I lived in Brighton and she told me they all fucking dreaded Saturday night shift, and they had to have increased security!! Stick the cunts on a trolley in the corridor and leave them. If they create, wheel them outside.
She also told me that they have numerous cases, male and female, of dildos sucked up the bum hole.
Second time tonight ive nearly spewed up on here.
Seeing dancing lights….
Nurse Cunty!! Im going again…
I find tying some string on the end gives an excellent mechanism for retrieving them. Just watch out for rope burns.
I remember rocking up to A&E one Saturday night with what turned out to be acute gastroenteritis, I thought I was fucking dying.
Only to be shoved on a trolley whilst they tended to the usual bunch of drunk cunts.
I can only imagine Doctors and Nurses have the patience of saints dealing with these fucking wankers week in , week out
Been (minor) assualted twice, verbally abused too many times to recall, had one little cunt by the throat, pinned him down and read him his fortune, his face was a picture as he nearly wet himself and been shouted at by motorists more times than I care to remember, but, it’s still a cracking job that I look forward to going to. Nurse Cunty will back me up when I tell you that there is no better feeling than saving a life. On the other end of the scale, picking an old biddy off the floor, checking her over and making her a cup of tea and leaving her at home and putting a Falls Referal in place, that’s satisfying, too. Very proud to wear the NHS badge on my uniform, and, fuck off any cunt that slags it off.
You and others are saints. We are lucky to benefit from such dedication.
Good on yer mate!
I once read I think in a book written by ‘Andy McNab’ about one particular occasion that brought a real smile to my face.
As part of their on going training the SAS medics used to spend time in hospital A & E’s.
On one occasion a piece of shit was being treated and was really dishing it out to the doctors and nurses.
Unfortunately said piece of shit then started on the medic who’s real day job was to rid the earth of pieces of shit.
Piece of shit felt really brave and took a swing at the medic and was swiftly put in a state of unconsciousness.
As this was the 80’s and times were different no enquiry ensued.
Ah the good old days….
What fucks me off is a lot of these cunts doing the abusing have paid fuck all into the NHS.
Talking of ungrateful cunts, Morrisey kicker some leftist cunts out of his gig in Portland, I never liked his music but he’s winning me over.
Uber ungrateful cunt.
Antifa protester seen abusing old lady turns out to be Syrian refugee. He should be airdropped back into Syria.
If you’re getting free care on the backs of others you should count your blessings or fuck off.
Project Fear Breaking News
The BBC website (where else?) tells us that Summer Music Festivals will be threatened by Brexit. How so ? More paperwork to get visas and the fall in the value in the pound. No evidence to support this obviously.
Sorry BBC the kind of cunts who turn up to Glastonbury are already happy clappy, Corbynista, save the planet, vegan remoaner wankers. Preaching to the converted there you cunts.
Another reason to be a leaver then. The audiences at these things all look cunts as far as I can see.
No doubt there will be more ‘Brexit-triggered psychosis’ among the chattering classes after a doctor claimed to have diagnosed the UK’s first case. Symptoms included hallucinations, delusions, worried about racial tensions and the patient felt ashamed to be British. Hopefully on the 31st the cunt will really have something to whine about.
Evening LL. Posted a link (below) simultaneously with your comment. Great minds think alike…
Evening Creampuff, further down the rabbit hole we go…
It’s desperation, a large amount of people are willing to believe anything that feeds their justification. Many remainers will buy any bullshit to justify what they deep down must know is a perversion of democracy and now the judicial system.
I believe they don’t want to step back and ask themselves if they are letting the end justify the means. It would shatter their self created illusion.
I really do feel that the way remainers have been manipulated gives us all an insight how democracy can be abused and lost if enough people can be persuaded an issue is that important too them. In Germany it was the Jews in the UK today its Brexit. Leavers are Jews in Germany in the late 20s early 30s.
It sounds like hyperbole but their are parallels in the way a lot of remainers look at leave voters as undermensch who are conspiring to destroy their nation.
Admittedly the leave side has also been equally vitriolic. The division is now very real and may last a generation. I believe there are people on the remain side who have committed acts that could be considered treasonous, I also believe there are people on the leave side who want us out of the EU purely down to self interest.
However the basis of democracy is respecting the vote and accepting your side lost. That has now gone, without that respect for how democracy works we are walking a fine line.
I have no problem with anyone who voted remain, I have grave concerns about those who lead the fight against democracy.
Because all the acts are from the EU? Haha I’d like to know the percentage of acts that come from the EU and then the percentage of attendees.
More blatant bollocks.
On a plus side, this pm’s ITV News talked of drug shortages, and Brexit was NOT invoked.
I’d love to stroke Mary Nightingale’s thighs, just to say a big “thank you.”
More Project Fear Breaking News:
This was discussed on the Nick Ferrari show on LBC, then a medic calls in and says you can’t identify the trigger for psychosis. The bloke involved had a history of psychotic episodes.
There’s not an angle remain cunts won’t exploit.
Yes, I heard that too. They really are scraping the barrel now.
He got in that state because he was a fuckin’ frustrated brexiteer!