Tesco (5)

A nomination for Tesco. Just heard their latest ad on the car radio, wherein some precocious little gimp says to her father, “Daddy – I don’t want to eat animals any more”.

Now obviously the correct answer to this would be, “Eat your fucking burger before I slap that smug grin off your face”, but today being what is is of course, the soy-faced prick starts banging on about he now use vegan “sausages” in his casserole to appease the spoilt little shit stain.

That made me shout angrily in the car – worse was to come when I got home and turned on the TV, to see a live-action version of the same ad – and guess what, the white dad has a burka-in-training for a daughter as well!! No fucking way there could possibly be two white members of a family these days. No doubt the dad’s a trans or a poove as well, just to tick a few more boxes.

So fuck Tesco and their shameless jumping on the brainwashing bandwagon.

Nominated by Cunting virgin

97 thoughts on “Tesco (5)

  1. Two parents of the same race? Don’t be fucking daft – this IS television advertising, after all. Even DFS has mixed race families as fucking puppets in their shit-fest adverts.


  2. To which Daddy’s answer should be “Listen sweetie, once Sad Dick Khunt is PM, and you turn 9, you’re gonna have to swallow pork sword on a daily basis”.

      • If she’s a precocious cunt like Greta, she’ll be say something like “How dare you genderize, you sexist bigot! And I am not your daughter but a gender-neutral person, and when I say I don’t want to eat animals, I really mean no one in the whole wide world should eat animals either because I want a childhood!”

  3. Normally its a white woman and a black man. So They got that wrong. Maybe hes the eunuch of the harem……wait till her father learns she called him daddy. Probably crucifixion…..

  4. Hopefully the stroppy little madam will become the victim of an honour killing, as is the way of the “civilised” peaceful.
    She’ll wish she had kept her trap shut then.

  5. Imagine the furore if a nice Maori girl (and the pet rottweiler that protects her virtue) asked her adoptive tea cosy wearing father for a roast pig or even better, the traditional boiled pakeha head.

  6. Don’t worry about it, this is nothing! Just around the corner is a wave of burka wearing, turkey eating, Santa loving, interbreeding, snow playing most abnormal advertising for Christmas. I can’t wait to see what PC shit is rolled out this year by the big corporations. Maybe some of you lot could be creative and set the scene for me ! It can’t be any worse than what is coming our way.

    • Yes – I remember that fucking Tesco Christmas advert from last year with the two peacefuls having a Christmas dinner. Tesco really are cunts.

      However, EVERY fucking advert nowadays has to have some box-ticking – mostly dark key/mixed race families.The UK population is about 1% mixed race, 8% Asian and 3% black, so why do they have them in so many adverts? Hardly representative of the UK’s population. Or is it the population they want us to be?

      • The Evil Union, the Demonrats in the US, and the other Marxist hegemonies around the world really do fallaciously believe that they can use moose limbs as ‘useful idiots’ and a calculated risk, and that they’ll be able to subdue them once they’ve got enough power. They seem to have forgotten the two millennia of blood thirst that the slimes have had systemically indoctrinated into their DNA.

      • It’s just brainwashing to get us all well used to the filthy hordes that will sat at our tables really quite soon.
        Deary me what a set of cunts.

    • Yes, and I forgot about the pooftahs. Bound to be some mixed-race tranny couple at a Nativity play or something.

  7. I’m sick to fucking death of this PC bullshit, apart from David Lammy, I don’t hear of other blacks who take offence to seeing white people / families on television. This is all brewed up by snowflake white fuckers.

    The push really is to be a world full of non gender, non race, vegan cunts who have no identity, personality or their own thoughts. I can’t imagine the Muslim community bending over to this somehow, I don’t particularly agree with any Muslim practice, but they do have one thing going for them, they wouldn’t stand for this snowflakery, and neither should we. What the fuck is with this embarrassment or shame to be white?

  8. Tesco Xmas TV advert ?
    Starts of with a gender neutral couple inviting all their diverse friends around for turkey shaped Tofu and soy sausages! , so you’ve got the mandatory black male with his white bitch, a couple of obvious uphill gardeners Jérémy and Barry who turn up with the marzipan fingers, ( just sounds GAY)
    A mixed race transvestite couple who bring their adopted African baby along ,
    Couple of rug munchers from across the road and of course Iqbal and his family from next door who being great muzzy neighbours turn up with pork sausages and appear to be drinking alcohol, a quick look out of the window sees migrants clambering out of a transit van so of course our host goes outside and welcomes them to England with a glass of Prosecco and and a Xmas cracker!! Which inside has a party hat and directions to the nearest benefit office..
    All with perry Como “ magic moments “ playing merrily away in the background…..

  9. Have any of you cunts experience of watching TV (television,not transvestites ) in Saudi or similar shitholes? Do they have adverts with plenty of whiteys eating pork with their miniskirted girlfriends?

    • No, but, ironically, UAE is full of Christmas Nativity scenes and religious cards in the shops as they do believe in Jesus.

    • Never watched TV there but whenever you walk down the street all you’ll see are swarthy blokes swanning about in football shirts, poncey gold earrings (and teeth) everywhere, shouting at the top of their lungs into the latest iphone and making sure every fucker gets a good luck at their Lamborghini key ring, while the old letterboxes have to walk 50 feet behind dressed head to toe in black in the 45° heat. Although I’ve been semi-reliably informed that most of them love to wear crotchless knickers under there at all times…..

  10. A young “Asian” woman was found, battered and bruised, in a rubbish skip in Bethnal Green this morning. Police suspect she may have been the victim of an “honour punishment”.
    Her mother, Slapdah, father Chindah and brother, Bindah will be appearing in court on Monday.

  11. Being fair to the trainee Shamima Begum, I’d have been delighted to get away with announcing that I didn’t want to eat animals any more when faced with some of the dishes that my Father enjoyed…pheasant so high that the necks had rotted through while it was hung,great lumps of red-raw roasts still pissing blood after “cooking” and a particular horror called Beesting Pudding…a blancmange kind of stuff made from the first milk off a cow that had just calved,great long strands of snotty mucus,greenish floaters etc…apparently it was good for you because it contained colostrum.
    As soon as I got old enough to say ” No” I never ate stuff like that again,but must admit that it did me no harm,I’m quite the healthiest person I know. My parents never forced me to eat stuff that I didn’t like,they just didn’t provide an alternative. I really don’t object to people who are veggies as long as they have made an informed choice and don’t think that they have the right to scream like hysterical brats at anyone who disagrees with them. I now eat a varied diet that enables me to stay in peak physical condition…belly-pork,well-cooked game, Fray Bentos tinned pies all washed down with alcohol.

    Tesco are pathetic for making this ad…I can just imagine some ad agency meeting where a bunch of weedy,granny-spec wearing,beardie, “right-on” types met over “Triple Mocha Decaff Skinny Latte Cunt-Juice” and wondered just how many boxes from the “politically-correct” check-list they could squeeze into one ad. I’m just surprised that we didn’t have a Dark-Key Lezza Raspberry wheel herself in and forcibly penetrate the wicked white man with a chariot-mounted dildo….just to show what a subservient second-class citizen the white man actually is.

    Fuck them.

    • Well cooked game? Surely not old Chap.
      I like the sound of your Dad’s game Mr Fiddler…living in the city I don’t have the opportunity to hunt game or hang it to mature, I’m too busy keeping my bitches working and hunting down druggies who owe me money. I love a red raw beef roast as well… Mix some horseradish in blood and use it as a gravy for the roast tatties.

  12. “Daddy, I don’t want to eat meat anymore.”

    “Then you will love these soy products. They are as tasty as meat – me, mummy and mummy’s boyfriend love them!”

  13. Ooh daddy, I don’t want to eat dead animals anymore unless they have been ritually and barbarically slaughtered.

    And don’t ever use the filthy jew butcher in the high street again either.

    Can’t wait to have my clit hacked off with rusty scissors!

    • Not sure I get that. The Jewish (kosher) butcher kills beasts in exactly the same way as a Muslim (halal) one. There’s a bit more praying, but the method is the same.

      • Except kosher butchers stun the animal first so as to avoid unnecessary suffering. The Jewish moral compass is centuries ahead of the Muslim one. Just saying.

      • Well I’ll be damned. Seems your right –

        “Shechita ( Kosher butchering) is a very swift and efficient procedure. The chalaf (the surgically sharp instrument used) incises the structures at the neck of the animal. Blood supply to the brain ceases immediately, all consciousness is irreversibly lost and, with it, the ability to feel pain. Shechita conforms to UK and EU law, ensures that the animal is not subject to any avoidable pain and is quick, effective and safe.”

      • Just so, MMCM.
        You don’t even need to slice the throat open if you can find the carotid artery. I’ve done it: the beast goes out like a light. The larger cut is simply to facilitate bleeding out the carcass – in accordance with both halal and kosher requirements.

      • No. To be clear, I thought you were. And sought to suggest that cavemen did indeed pre-date any of today’s non-animistic religions.

      • If a jew converted to the religion of primeval degeneracy he’d still be a filthy jew!

        Just wait until the “woke” remake of 2001.

        “Open the pod bay doors please halal”

      • Well done, Komodo…

        “The beast goes out like a light.”

        Will we be hearing eulogies to The Flabbott on the news tonight ?

  14. Fuck Tesco
    Fuck faux multi coloured families
    Fuck soy
    Fuck vegetarians
    Fuck Christmas
    Just Fuck off

  15. Where I work we have an evening shift and this one bloke who comes in now and again for extra cash ( he also works days in a different dept) sometimes smells of wet dog. It wasn’t till I surreptitiously asked what dogs he owns, as he smelt so bad he couldn’t own just one hound, he replied I don’t own any!?!?!
    Then a colleague pointed out he was a vegan and used natural products for body odour. I should have guessed to be honest as by looking at him he’s 6 foot 2, 10 stone, straggly short beard and hair and a Liverpool supporter. Looks a bit like Humperdoo in The Preacher.

  16. Interesting how you never hear vegans protest outside Halal butchers – I wonder why?

    As for Tesco, well don’t be surprised if the other big supermarkets quickly jump on the bandwagon, primarily because they have no option or face being accused of a shitload of “…isms” and “…phobias”

    Give it a year or two and these same ads will be spoken in Arabic or some such foreign shite, just to appease the Left even more

  17. Vegetarian = fine. Wouldn’t choose to be one myself, but otherwise perfectly rational and feasible lifestyle choice.

    Vegan = mentally deranged, maladjusted, rabidly PC, soy-infected, gauche libtard psychotic Marxist.

    From today I’m gonna up my game of supermarket ter***ism, from re-arranging the capital letter-labelled spices to spell puerile things like ‘BIG FARTS’, to instead accidentally leaving meat products in the newly-cropping-up-faster-than-a-cancer ‘Vegan’ fucktard shelves.

  18. Its not just Tesco but all of them these days.
    Mo eating pigs in blankets next, anyone?

  19. “Daddy I don’t want to eat animals anymore”

    “Shut up you ungrateful little cunt, it took me hours to catch this rat”

  20. Sick and tired of these shit unrealistic politically correct advertisements. Only one thing for it – don’t shop in Tesco’s anymore ( not that I do shop in their dumpy third world supermarkets anyway). When you hit their wallet these woke companies will have to think again – just like Gillette.

    Fuck off.

  21. As a mixed race cunt I have to say I find these adverts embarrassing, when I say these adverts I mean all adverts as they all seem to have a blackie or mixed race cunt or some Asian type in the lead role.
    Last time I checked the UK was abaaaaht 10% ethnic or non white so how the fuck does that equate to every advert having non whities in them?
    It’s all gone too far now and it’s an embarrassment… Saying that though it is Tesco who had a load of peacefuls in last year’s Christmas adverts.
    Dear oh dear… What a pile of cunt.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • It’s psychological imprinting B&WC, they know people for their view of the world from whats presented to them. So they push multiculturalism via the media so we all believe that our demographic is as they want us to see it.

      Notice that soaps like Eastenders and Coronation street downplay the real demographics of the areas they purport to represent to keep the cosy image alive.

      I’m looking forward to the ad’s where Michaela, the 6’1” former trucker is buying her undies at Tesco.

      It’s a shame we are so easily conned by the TV as if we open our fucking eyes they country is nothing like they present it.

      • I was gonna mention EastBenders SV… It should have 90% peacefuls and various other Asian’s actor’s with a few Blackie Africunts and one maybe two whities… Thats the East end… And what a shithole it is.

    • It’s actually 13% ethnic B&WC. My missus, who happens to be of Indian descent, is also fed up of having mixed race couples rammed down her throat on virtually every advert.

      The only adverts in which whitey predominates now are insurance based products and pay day loan type bollocks. White males in particular are fair game to take the piss out of and portray as mugs. You won’t find any effnicks treated with similar contempt.

      Social engineering racist cunts.

      • Totally agree RTCP, it must have gone up with the peacefuls contributing their 9 kids per family.

      • If the UK is 13% ethnic, all I can say is they must all come out onto the streets at the same time. When I go into the town cente half the people I see are non-white and most of those who are white are babbling eastern European.

      • The trouble is, I would assume that that figure is extrapolated from the yearly census data. I would then go as far as to say that immigrants, particularly the illegal variety, will very likely give falsified information, if any information at all.

        That 13% is probably a lot higher in reality.

  22. If you think this bullshit is bad, the fucking BBC are now rolling out the cunts who have have entered the UK illegally to show how nice they are and how they suffered to get to the uk.
    All designed to give the liberals more ammunition to call for a safe routes into the UK to prevent ‘tragedies’ like the lorry load yesterday.

    FUCK OFF, I don’t care if trucks are held up in Calais, Zeebrugge or anywhere else, they need checking before they get here.
    We need a nailed on policy, no one will be allowed to claim asylum if they arrive from a European country.

    I shop at Tesco, it’s convenient for me, don’t really care about their stupid adverts.

    I don’t like Aldi, the fucking checkouts are shit, no space to pack your stuff, in my local Aldi they have a long shelf behind the checkouts so I guess the idea is you chuck the stuff back into your trolley and then pack it on this fucking shelf things.

    • Like that snowflake Libtard Simon Reeve. In his documentary on Greece he came face to face with the Peaceful illegal immigrants that are making life a misery for the Greeks and it was all about how lovely they are and how he had to help them by giving them a lift, etc. He probably broke Greek law in doing that and should have been shoved in some hell hole Greek jail in Piraeus with Turkish sodomites for company. Cunt.

  23. I’m almost never exposed to adverts. I dont watch TV and barely listen to the radio. I dont really go to the cinema and if I do I arrive 5 minutes before the film starts so miss the adverts.

    The only ads i see those spliced into youtube videos.

    They can keep making these globohomo ads all they like. I’ll never see them.

    • Likewise. I record everything I watch and edit out all the adverts and any extraneous nonsense prior to viewing.

  24. WTF? Tesco pushing meat free?
    It’s like a pub promoting non alcoholic beer.
    Have they got a death wish or something?

  25. “Daddy – I don’t want to eat animals any more”

    “Well, shut up and eat a vegan instead”

    “and then go and do your homework”

  26. What’s going to happen to the next generation now they are told they have to be vegans? Children need a balanced diet and that includes meat along with fish, vegetables and fruit. Chances are the current crop of brats will grow up physically retarded as well as mentally backward. You think the current generation of snowcunts are hopeless – the next generation will be worse, physically degenerate pc cunts. I think I’ll top myself now.

  27. Let’s take time to reflect on life for the modern whitey,
    Being shat on, by their own in their own country,
    Blamed today for what happened long ago,
    The whitey is on the ropes swinging to and fro,
    The rise of the gay has not helped in this land,
    Ditto lefties who favour people with the complexion of sand,
    A land once full of warriors Saxon and Viking,
    People these days cry if the Latte is not to their liking,
    The barbarian hordes keep on arriving,
    Whilst the numbers of expats who fuck off is thriving,
    The days when immigrants worked and came to the mother country have gone,
    Nowadays ‘I speak no english’ is their favourite song,
    As a part White and part Black man,
    I wonder who let this happen and what is their plan,
    I love my country and I’m sad to see its decline,
    Things were better and more balanced pre 1999,
    A bet on this countries future… Don’t think I’ll take a punt,
    Thanks Tony Blair you triple distilled cunt.

    Go fuck yourselves.

    • Hello B&W cunt. Quite right. You can be black, white or whatever colour and be British. Just open your mouth and we can tell.

      Just as the noodle armed soy boy arse bandits wouldn’t dare go near a halal butcher, I’d like to see a “muslim patrol” go into a pub in downtown Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester or Liverpool and tell the “infidels” that they can’t drink.

      I think they’d be rendered into their constituent parts faster than a fucking suicide vest.

      My grandad was a bog trotter and I consider myself about as Irish as Bonnie Greer (look the tedious old slag up, and her asinine recent gobbing off)

      That’s what I always liked about Chris Eubank. “I’m as black as the ace of spades but let me show you cunts what an eccentric is”


  28. Good cunting and spot on exposure of bandwagon jumping if we can get a few quid out of the latest bandwagon. Have any of you esteemed cuntoneers noticed a marked proliferation in the number of wanky adverts featuring young girls as the “star”? I think we are witnessing the Greta thundertwat effect. Seems those advertising people were quite taken in by her charm and diction and looked in wonder at the great and good lapping up the puerile spouting of said kid. Now we can expect a cornucopia of adverts featuring slightly odd looking girls spouting bollocks of which they no nothing and care even less. Oh bliss and joy!!!!

  29. Tesco the big greedy dog of the high street
    It eats its own dinner then wants to eat yours?
    These fuckers would endorse anything if it involves making money ?
    I’m only interested if my Mrs said to me George I’m sick of eating your meat then I would be worried??

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