Roosevelt Rappley and his dipshit family need a cunting.
Now, I know that none of you will have the first clue who this now deceased member of the shallow end of the gene pool is, so allow me to enlighten you. Rappley was a lowlife who inhabited Montgomery county in Maryland, Philadelphia. Recently, Roosevelt decided to go to his local Dollar Store and rob it. In he went, waving his gun about, threatening staff and customers alike and demanding money from the till. Unfortunately for him, one of the store clerks was carrying a legally held firearm, which he promptly drew and ended Rappley’s crime spree before it had a chance to become more violent. Obviously, Rappley’s association with life also came to an end.
Police were called, decided the store clerk had acted in self defence and that, as far as the law was concerned, was the end of it. For Rappley’s family however, not so much. Two of his TEN siblings went on TV to complain that the clerk’s ending of their brother’s criminal activity was excessive and unjustified. They think the store clerk shouldn’t have been carrying a gun in the first place. I should point out here, that we’re not dealing with a stand up family. Roosevelt is the second sibling in his family to have been shot dead.
They actually had the audacity to claim that although their brother was PARTLY to blame for the incident, he wasn’t ENTIRELY to blame. Really? Well, let’s take a look at it shall we. He woke up that fateful morning and decided that, being short of money, he would go and get some. Unlike normal people however, he didn’t decide to do that by going to an ATM or earning it by working. He decided to get money by threatening staff and customers at a local store and attempting to steal it. That was HIS decision. HE chose the store that he was going to rob. HE decided to carry a gun into that store and threaten innocent people with it. The clerk on the hand DID NOT wake up that morning and think to himself, “I think I’ll shoot someone dead today”. He was FORCED into taking that action, by a moron, who was carrying a loaded firearm, and was presumably willing to use it. So, the blame for Roosevelt’s life coming to an end at the age of 23, rests entirely with Roosevelt Rappley himself. If he hadn’t gone into that store, waving a gun about, he wouldn’t be dead. Thanks to his stupidity and lack of regard for others and lack of work ethic, he is now an ex-person.
To normal people, Roosevelt Rappley is entirely to blame for what happened to him. To his idiot family, the clerk is to blame. Because although their brother tried to rob the place at gunpoint, and gave every impression that he was willing to use his firearm, the clerk was wrong to draw his own piece on him and shoot him, thereby saving the lives of his colleagues and the customers. To Rappley’s family, fuck the store workers, fuck the customers. Their brother is dead, and it’s the clerk’s fault. I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to sue.
This is why I despise criminals and their families so much. They have a chronic, possibly genetic, inability to take responsibility for their actions. Burglar gets caught robbing someone’s house? It’s not his fault he caught, it’s the fault of the police for catching him. Criminal gets killed in the commission of a crime? Not his fault. The family blame everyone but the actual culprit. We are ALL responsible for actions. In Roosevelt Rappley’s case, it’s HIS fault that he chose to try to rob a store that happened to employ a man who was allowed by law to carry a firearm (although, granted, he couldn’t have known that). And it’s Rappley’s fault that he is now pushing up daisies. Had he been an honest, decent, law abiding man, he would still be alive. But he wasn’t. And he isn’t.
So, the Rappley family. What a bunch of cunts.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
The fact that his cunt family gave him such a cunt name tells you what a bunch of cunts they are. No doubt it’s a name handed down through the low life cunt family from the time of FDR but they have long forgotten its origin, the stinking strain of sub human shit. It’s not nice to say you are glad some cunt is dead but i’ll just have to live with not being nice won’t I?
Enjoyed reading that QD!
Poor old Raspberry Ripple and his family, always getting shot when going about theyre day job of gangbanging and robbery.
Didnt the store clerk know its racist to shoot a black robber?
Maybe the unperforated of the Ripples could be budding architects rather than crime statistics!!
Superb eloquent and elegant cunting quick draw.
Especially the bit about this entitlement filter these cunts are fitted with think the world owes them a living never accept responsibility for anything. A bit like the scousers after Hillsborough none of it was their fault. Grenfell Tower none of it was the residents fault. And I’m sure there are a thousand other examples of people who just can’t face the reality they are to blame.
As the old saying goes “if you can’t do the time(eternity if you die), don’t do the crime”
Like the whole issue of slavery. It’s always someone else’s fault.
The problem is made worse by those in authority encouraging this bizarre mindset. I recall seeing a chart of the people and agencies involved with obese children . It looked like a map of the Tokyo underground! Whilst PE teachers, GPS, social workers, school nurse, form tutor, head teacher, district nurse, local health authority etc were all there ,no mention was made of parents!
Got a fat kid ? Feed them less and get them to exercise.
Can we give Hillsborough a fuckin’ rest. Try reading the full facts and following the inquiries before you make an uninformed statement.
Theses cunts sound just like our pikey cunts
Could you have been the store clerk who shot him Quick Draw ?
No mate, it wasn’t me. But I would have shot him if I had. In my opinion, if you make the conscious decision to commit a crime and use a lethal weapon while carrying out that crime, you are accepting the possibility that you may well be the one who gets hurt or killed.
He ended his life by engaging in a criminal enterprise and threatening others with a loaded firearm. He was the author if his own misfortune and his family are behaving like cunts. The sad thing is that if this happened in the UK the clerk would be sued to within an inch of his life and would be forced to pay damages by our Libtard courts and he would find himself serving a life sentence for murder with an extra 20 years added on because the “ victim” was a Western Oriental Gentleman.
Read an article in the paper the other week about Tony Martin, that bloke’s life is still an absolute misery to this day; all the jip hoes are still baying for his blood after he quite rightly shotgunned their fine upstanding compatriot straight to Hades. Has to keep his identity and address secret at all times. Selectively long memories they have – can’t remember which one of their cousins they screwed in the first place to produce said pondlife offspring but by crikey they remember that…
The sad case of Tony Martin’s persecution sprang to mind immediately.
Pie Keys are fucking obnoxious, lowest of the lowlife.
Our best hope is that, somehow, they manage to fuck off the pissfuls. Let battle commence !
Pie Keys vs Peacefuls. Sounds like a concept for a great Hollywood epic.
Aye these fucking arrogant cunts struts around everywhere thinking their the bees.
News for you, you fake ooirish twats. YOU NOT !
That cunt Brendan Fearon is out and about in Newark . He and his ilk are dragging what was once a decent town into the shit. Sadly, Newark is on the A1 and the thieving pikeys from Peterborough, Newark and York use the road to exchange stolen goods. What is stolen in York or Peterborough is in a Newark car boot sale the following Sunday.
Brendan Fearon was nicked a couple of years ago for selling heroin outside Newark police station.
BTW the cunts at the BBC paid Fearon a few thousand pounds for an interview a while back.
It reminds me of that other cunt in London, Mark Duggan, who was shot dead by police. They had his car surrounded and he reached into his glove compartment before getting shot. I was arguing with a few ‘liberal’ dickheads who said the police were in the wrong for shooting an unarmed man. I argued that Mr Duggan was a drug-dealing “gangsta” who’d made other people’s lives a misery for years and clearly was a threat to society. One of these ‘liberals’ then came back at me with “he wasn’t a threat *without his gun*.” I then said, “but the police didn’t know that. What was he reaching into his glove compartment for? It could’ve been a gun and the police weren’t going to stand there and wait for him to shoot first!” As has been said already these people like Duggan and Rappley are just arrogant, self-important pricks who think the world owes them everything but don’t want to go out and work for it. If Rappley’s family get a single cent in compensation, then Western society really isn’t worth saving.
Spot on. One thing I’ve always found intriguing is that the criminal fraternity seem to think they have the right to look down on what they perceive as “worse” criminals – as soon as a fiddler enters a prison they all start trying to offer them free additional bodily orifices with their homemade toothbrush/razor blade shivs. Now nothing wrong with that of course, obviously deserve all they get – just not sure that a bloke who has spent his life breaking into pensioners houses while they’re down the Derby and Joan, nicking everything that isn’t nailed down then leaving a shit on the bed is in a position to take the moral high ground with anyone else???
Fuck this bloke, he’s better off dead – just need the rest of the family to follow him into the afterlife now
and the dirt is gone…
Nice shootin Tex ???
Funny enough, here in the UK, it’s only the criminals that have the guns. Anyone with a legally held gun who uses it will have their lives made a misery (c.f. Tony Martin). Apparently, there is no shortage of firearms in London, they find the ammunition hard to get.
Excellent cunting, Sir.
I assume we can now await all the other similarly-hued human trash of Maryland to stage a “protest” against the injustice of natural justice by their time-honoured method of getting fucked up on skank and proceeding to loot anything not welded down (i.e. their neighbours’ property) and generally trashing the place.
We’re lucky in that anyone forced into a life of crime by the nasty Tories/Far right etc are nearly always nice quiet boys and talented footballers/musicians who were just turning their life around when they were stabbed/shot/arrested.
Don’t forget the Architects and the wonderful ghettoes they would have built, probably. Waste of space feral CUNTS.
You missed out the aspiring potential brain-surgeons and of course the all time favourite the talented (c)rap-“artist” who loved his mother, cut down in cold blood by a racist society, ” he cudda bin a star”…
Great triumph of a cunting.
That learned the thieving cunt.
Put the rest in a box for Iraq.
Fuck off.
Off at a tangent but sort of related; On a visit to my, London residing, daughter a few years ago, I had occasion to raise my voice to a couple of jungle bunnies, who were misbehaving on the bus one evening. Their response could be termed, less than appropriate, to an older gent like myself. On more recent visits to the cesspit, I’ve decided on the company of my trusty 9m/m, courtesy of Herr Glock. Although never used in anger, so far, the restrained folding back of my coat, revealing it’s resting place under my left armpit, seems to defuse any prickly situations.
It’s the only language they understand – apart form Um Bongo.
Go ahead, make my day!
Nothing to add is there. Nailed it there QD.
Wasn’t having a great day today (Fiddler was out on the road with his 10 mph wurzel grinder and a 5 mile queue), but this entertaining account of terminal justice being administered to a grade A maggot cheered me up no end; thanks, QDMcG.
If the cunts can’t take it, they shouldn’t hand it out. and no more to be said, except that compulsory sterilisation of all their surviving family members might be a practical measure worth implementing. Even if armed robbery isn’t a genetic trait, the deterrent effect would still be considerable
Anyone have him in dead-pool?
Yep, the store clerk, a dead pool of blood.
Mopped up oil slicks present no danger to the public.
Very appropriate, it is black history month!
There was a documentary last week, some black tart from the Black Panther film tracing the origins of a ‘female warrior tribe” in Africa, some bollocks about being the inspiration for the film.
Turns out these heroes were slave traders back in the day, as per the cunting the blacks will blame everyone except themselves.
Anyone asked his family how they managed to raise a cunt who would consider it ok to go and ro people at gun point?
You raised the kid, you need to ask yourself what the fuck you did wrong first!
Although this Rappley cunt is guilty of being a cunt, and his family are acting the cunt I question why a store clerk is carrying a gun in the store? He obviously knows there is potential to be robbed so he purposely got his gun licence etc. This is the problem in America, they all want or have guns and want to protect themselves by having one.
Surely the store have insurance? Surely being Americunts they are fat cunts who are eating well? By shooting the robber cunt he put his own and other customers lives in danger and could have simply given the Blackie a bit of cash and he’d would have fucked off and they claim a bit of insurance.
No… Not in America…fight fire with fire for them cunts.
Imagine shop owners in this country carried weapons? How many pissed cunts would be shot for mouthing off to Abdul in the Kebab shop, or querying the size of the prawns in their Singapore noodles.
What if like me you have a big cock and the cunt serving you thinks you are carrying a gun?
What if you are in a shop being served by a Gay and in a conversation with a friend discussing tonight’s dinner say something like ‘I don’t like faggots’.
I think all will agree we need to leave America’s problems well alone.
I’m watching you…
Oh I don’t know….. Think of the sense of public satisfaction has someone in Asda a few weeks ago, blown away the young cunts who invaded a store, on their bikes, attacking shoppers and staff.
Meanwhile despite video and store CCTV, fuck all from the Plods who due to the “savage cuts” only have resourcing for either street or online nothing “crimes” and as with the Met have their officers sitting on their arses drinking coffee trawling Twitter for hurty-words and thought crimes going after soft targets who won’t riot call them racist or phobic, giving the illusion of activity, while we disarmed, disempowered public cunts do fuck all for fear of being prosecuted for defending ourselves.
Don’t get me started on these little fuckers on bikes. I would would quite happy batter fuck out of one of them.
No remorse people. It’s time to get rid of these little shits once and for all.
Americans can only operate in the environment they live in B&WC. It’s not always the case if you hand over the money they will leave you unhurt. The person putting peoples lives in danger was Roosevelt Rappley, what he never realised was he was putting his own life in danger.
Say they had let him rob them, then called the police, the police find him and he either shoots a copper before getting offed or gets shot by the police who are then pilloried for shooting another black man?
Whatever the outcome of his actions they belong squarely to him and the decision he made that day. His colour should be immaterial as a man should be judged on his actions alone but in our identity politics world this is only a story because of his colour.
There will be be similar outcomes with white trash involved but their tales will not of made the news.
Black lives matter, white lives not so much.
It’s funny no cunt talks about the white genocide in south africa that’s been going on for years.
No capital letters for you sa, your a fucking shithole and you deserve everything you deserve.
Yeah but look how much better the country is now run , since they kicked whitey into touch.
About as well as Zimbabwean farms .
I agree SV,
I was pointing out what a fucked up country America is.
You let loads of people have access to guns it doesn’t end well.
I hope I live long enough to see ‘The Running Man’ type shows in the future where all the dregs, hopeless and down and outs get put on a show and are hunted or kill each other.
It’s gonna happen…hopefully cunts like Rappley will be on it.
The Americans have an odd psychology surrounding guns, in the formative years as the colonials spread west having a gun in the untamed land was a necessity and Americans were bought up with guns. Then there is the second amendment which required citizens to own guns to be ready to defend the new nation from the British among others but also intended that the government should not be able to dictate to the people through superior force and arms.
The founding fathers never intended the US to have a standing army but a militia.
Obviously the world has moved on and the current situation is vastly different from when the second amendment was written. The situation has gone on way too long and the current gun soaked fabric of american society is paying the price.
Over here we still have gun crime but an armed robber these days is more likely to arrive with a machete or other bladed weapon.
Well said SV, a load of people living their lives based on an old system that no longer exists.
America is a fucked up country.
“…I question why a store clerk is carrying a gun in the store?”
Here’s yer answer B’nWC
The place is 42% bl@ck so he knows full well the personal risks his working day involves as you acknowledge. Frankly the bloke deserves a medal for turning in to work every morning.
“…could have simply given the Blackie a bit of cash and he’d would have fucked off and they claim a bit of insurance.”
Quite apart from the argument that begins “why the fuck should I?” who is it who picks up the consequential increasing cost in insurance premiums? It’s the store owner initially of course followed in short order by his customers to whom those costs are passed on. In reduction you’re basically asking the insurance companies/public to underwrite crime.
Last stat I came across revealed that in Washington DC the average life expectancy of a bl@ck male involved in crime/drugs/gangs is 26.
As dead as julious ceasar and rightfully so dumb ass.
I once had someone stick a sawn off shotgun in my face, you know what I did?
Fuck all, that’s what I did, there isn’t much you can do in that kind of situation, I wasn’t going to cunt him off in case he pulled the trigger and I wasn’t going to beg for my life either, the only solace I could get from the situation was the vague hope that if he pulled the trigger my mate would shoot the fuck out of him.
as it was he lowered the weapon and bought me a drink and thought we were mates.
A couple of months later another person was a bit silly, firstly he was being gobby and a bit too animated whilst arguing, then he went to pull a pistol.
The long and the short was he was shot through the head with a 9mm cz less than two feet from me, very effective and terminal, in the scale of things it could have been me, how do I feel about it?
I am here they are not, no point beating yourself up about it, would they?
No, not a big fan of people waving guns about despite carrying them myself for years.
Lord Benny – you give great insight in to situations most of us would never ever find ourselves in. Keep your tales coming- I really enjoy them.
Try harder, go to the wrong places and have a naive belief in human nature and it can happen to you too!
What’s good about learning from other people’s experiences is that you don’t have to place yourself in mortal danger.
Duke of Edinburgh ? Buck House Garden Party.
It’s Ohio, you cunt, not Maryland or Philadelphia (which is a city).
Send these half-wits to Mogadishu. See how long they last. However, if we want to be really cruel, any sanctuary city in California.
“Back of the queue mate… back of the queue…”
I suspect that many African American parents in the projects realize their children aren’t likely to amount to anything, so they give them ridiculous names like Roosevelt because it’s the only way they’ll stand out.
The Rappley family may not be happy with the way this particular waste of space was dealt with, but the reaction of the other inhabitants of Montgomery County will no doubt range from indifference to delight.
As far as I’m concerned it saves the cost of a lifetime in prison for the cunt, so the store attendant deserves a reward for saving the US taxpayer some money.
I’d also send a bill for the cost of the bullet to his family. I’m all heart that way you see.
A truly charitable gentleman.
What’s the world coming to? You can’t even partake in one of your favourite hobbies (armed robbery) without fear of some nasty person spoiling your fun by shooting you. Tut Tut.
Great Martin Luther King impersonation, though.
“I’ll Have The Till”
“No you won’t, sambo”.
Marchin’ Looter C**n
I don’t like guns.
Instead of something fatal, omeone should invent something that shoots a beam out that causes the person to have the sensation of being kicked in the bullocks.
That way they double over in pain and not be killed.
Or set it to ‘Orgasm’ mode. But I think they’d want to get shot with that one haha 🙂
P.s. or diarrhoea mode.
“Please! Not diarrhoea mode, these are my last pair of clean undies!” or all 3 modes at the same time.
They do its called a tazer, failing that you can use bean bag shots in a shotgun (they fucking hurt) but tazer is more effective but not always, enough drugs and they keep coming.
I forgot about the tazer. Is one of those painful?
Yes. Getting tagged by a taser is very painful indeed.
Not me that sounds like work?
Itd effect my benefits!?