A special Brighton, Wish You Were Here Festival cunting please, for one of the ugliest skanks in the festering heap of rotting horse manure called The Labour Party. At “Conference” (they like it spelled with a capital “C”, just to show how *important* it is) this back of a bus wannabe has decided that “we”, that is “us”, have to make “massive reparations” for slavery, which of course is a burning issue amongst lefty SJW’s since the appalling events took place a mere two or three centuries ago.
Of course this isn’t the sole demand, of course not: Menopausal wimmin must be given time off work. How much time, she says not, but of course Dawn, anything you say dear (I suppose the change is affecting her badly). She says in her speech that they (Labour Corbynistas and pansy Blairite Labour) have to “get their shit together”. Dawn should know..all she ever produces is shit.
But we mustn’t be too judgemental. Under the Corbyn paradise we will all get FREE prescriptions. I agree that £9 an item is too high, but from £9 to nothing? Where are they going to find the money, especially when they are going to renationalize the railways and every public utility. Perhaps she and they imagine it will all come out of the money they will save from scrapping OFSTED.
The problem is a lot of Guardian and Mirror readers will fall for this crap. Polly Toynbee is probably creaming her knickers as I write. The BBC will be finding the kid gloves to gently handle the macabre ghosts of the 1940’s who will infest their studios during Conference, and they will be dealt with gently and earnestly.
If Labour really do want to govern again, they really should wake up from this absurd outlandish dream they have been living for years.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
Lard Butt, Compo and the rest of the free-spending Trotskyite headbangers must have taken a course at the ‘Flabbott School of yeah but no but Economics’.
If we are going to make reparations for things the British Empire did centuries ago, then lets have an even playing field.
Great Britain demands reparations for :-
1. Northern Island – how about a few £million compensation for those murdered in the B’ham pub bombings ; nail bombs planted at Horse guards parade ; bombs planted under cars of soldiers & policemen
2. Germany – I’m pretty sure we never got compensated from uber alles after they flattened half of London, Coventry & the Midlands. I seem to remember a British Army Major got the VW factory operating again after the war. Surely Herman & his budies in Wolfsberg must owe us a pretty penny.
3. Italy – we were occupied & repressed by the Roman Empire. Time for Guiseppie to send us a few Trillion Lira for all the pain & suffering.
If the cradle of human civilisation is Africa and we can therefore all claim decedents from Africa then I must be African. Where do I join the queue for reparations? Must be a few quid in it for me.
In the days of Yesteryear, Butler would’ve been a children’s TV presenter on something like Playschool. With her dippy logic and small picture vision she would’ve been perfect. “Which window will it be…..the square or the circle?” Now elevated to far above her ability, she coughs out this nonsense to the empty-eyed happy-clappers of Labour and they love it. Humpty Dumpty wants another referendum and Hamble and Big Ted want to abolish grammar schools. Let’s sing a song about it, shall we.
Funny you should draw that comparison, Cap’n.
Ex Play School and Playaway presenter and rice, pea and chiggun snaffler, Floella Benjamin was enrobed in leopard skin and elevated to the House of Cunts in 2010.
Baroness Benjamin, Lib Dem luvvie and ex comrade of Hamble, Humpty, Gemima, Big and Little Teds has been involved in a number of charitable causes, and most surprisingly, some especially liberal ones.
There is blatant Play School discrimination. No Lord Cant of Chigley? No Lord (Fred) Harris or Baroness Toni Arthur or Baroness Carol Chell.
If you are dark, been in any kind of entertainment, public affairs or politics and of advancing years, a position at the top table is a shoo-in.
Expect to see Baroness Butler of Chiggunpieland in the not too distant future.
I never understood why Floella Benjamin was made a Lord – nothing to do with her colour I suppose?
“Hello children, and today we’re going to talk about the evils of meritocracy.”
Always a delight to read your input Paul I fucking hate Dawn Butler with a passion
I think Mr Troop the town clerk, is behind all these remoaner plots – thwarting the Mayors plans for a prompt Brexit.
The people of Trumpton were interviewed by BBC breakfast about their brexit fears …
Mrs Cobbit the florist still does funeral flowers, but is worried about delayed tulip imports from Amsterdam.
Mr Clamp the greengrocer says food prices will increase, & we need to buy more seasonal fruit & veg, but is mildly optimistic about the future.
Miss Lovelace the milliner closed shop as internet sales under-priced her ludicrously expensive hats.
Chippy Minton the carpenter is expecting a massive increase in business, as most of the Poles will have gone home.
Mr Platt the clockmaker now makes cheap Rolex knock offs for sale at Trumpton car boot sales.
Captain Flack retired to care full time for his massive moustache.
Cuthbert goes round schools, giving warnings about fireworks.
Dibble is now a pyrotechnic expert for the production team at Universal Pictures.
Pugh & Pugh are part time extras on Casualty & Holby City.
Grubb is now head of Camberwick, Chigley & Trumpton regional Fire Service.
Barney McGrew was given 5 years for fettling with boys, & is now on the sex offenders register.
I saw somewhere this week the UK was sorry for Captain Cooks behaviour when he landed in New Zealand !
If the primitive bastards had kept their noses out, of the good Captains business he wouldn’t have had cause to kill them.
How far do labour want to go back? You can’t build an empire without upsetting a few people along the way, get over you soft commie cunts
I’m looking forward to Hawaii’s apology for killing Captain Cook (after thieving one of his boats, too). It could be a long wait.
‘The world of tomorrow is not a world order based on nation states or countries. It is a world order that is based on empires.
The world of tomorrow is a world of empires in which we Europeans, and you British, can only defend your interests, your way of life, by doing it together, in a European framework and in the European Union.’
Guy Verhofstadt, the Belgian MEP and Europhile.
It would seem that some empires are OK – as long as they are sponsored by the EU.
My interests, which are not Germany’s or Greece’s, and my way of life, which does not involve eating snails or enforced exposure to Somali culture, most certainly and demonstrably can not be defended by submitting to a cartel of globalist bankers and industrialists riding a gravy train I am paying through the nose to fuel. Therefore, fous t’en le camp, salaud Verhofstadt.
Fairs fair she played good bass guitar for ub40.
Der’s a rat as ma chancellor, wat am I gonna do…
Rat? “THOMASSS!!!….
1950s tom&jerry classic.
they dont mek em as good as they used to do they miserable!
The fucking dog in that used to crack me up!
They certainly don’t Anne!
Loved them on a rainy day as a kid,
Tom & Jerry, Bugs bunny, Daffy duck, etc
That Bulldog you liked?
Holding Tom off the ground by his neck! ??
What a massive cunt.
What next, rag week off?
Prosecute people who’s family had any connection to slavery?
Labour will never be fit to govern, every so often people forget this and elect the cunts.
How many times have I heard from people “there’s no party for the white working class”? Not only are Labour traitorous cunts regarding Brexit, they are traitorous cunts to their core vote. They will never get back in power unless they change the rules to let the scum of the world into the UK and give them the right to vote. Oh, hang on a minute……
Scuse me luv, you the cleaner?
Know where the toilets are?
Like your hat…”
Thick as pigshit Lardbutt last year praised Militant Tendency for setting illegal council budgets, thereby giving Degsy & Co the green light to resume their Labour Party membership. That worked out well didn’t it.
Lammy in drag – just the sort of sub-primate cunt the nation’s crying out to see in Government.
The Labour Party should become the Black Party. They could do well. 14 seats!!! What about that then !! ?
I think we should put a claim in to Italy for the way the Romans invaded and civilised our beautiful backward country. Central heating, law and order and money, we didn’t need any of that shit, fuck off you Roman overlords. And the Scandinavians, hoards of rampaging Vikings raping and pillaging our women and lands. I lose no sleep at all worrying about this but, I’m sure if I had some regression therapy I’d eventually be upset by it all. The cash would come in handy.
Slave owners were paid compensation upon manumission in 1833 by the British government, some £20 million, £15 million of which was from a loan not paid off until 2015. Except East India company slaves not freed until 1843, about 8 million low caste Indians(but you don’t hear about them). Therefore it’s up to the former owners to pay reparations, not the British government. Dawn Butler you’ve probably got several overpaid advisors, so be a dear and at least make them look like they’re earning the money they’re paid by checking the historical facts.
Yawn, that old chestnut again, some attention seeking egg and spoo- I mean person of colour crying about slavery or racism again and wanting us to appoligise for stuff that happened years ago, give it a fucking rest, wouldn’t this silly bint do better concentrating on trying to improve the country, after all that’s what her fucking job is, maybe the old slave whip to keep these fuckers focused on their actual jobs isn’t such a bad idea, sort Brexit out you cunts or its 20 lashes, I think I might be onto something here…..
Dear Dawn,
I regret the actions of my ancestors, buying the likes of you off your enemy’s and bringing them over here and the Caribbean was very wrong and stupid, although admittedly we were doing it to naughty white people too.
300 years later we are still paying the price for our foolishness and suffer from finger pointing, white guilt and various other afflictions.
However we did learn from our mistakes and stopped buying your compatriots from chieftains, so whitey learned a lesson some 200 years ago.
As you are obviously concerned about the issue may I draw your attention to an event 3 days ago.
I am sure you are as shocked as I am about the treatment of your compatriots by your compatriots and will strive to right this wrong.
Lord B
We now have Black History Month, I am sure Lammy, Flatbott and Butler will be trying to rewrite the history of black people in the UK.
There just aren’t enough black peoples here, Britain is too white……
I have a suggestion, fuck off to Africa, plenty of black people there!
FFS, not the reparations claims for slavery by European nations thing again. There is a brief Wikipedia article titled Slavery in Africa which the MP for Brent Central should read before some SJW has it pulled or re-written for being contrary to the teachings of the loony left.
Slavery existed in Africa long before the pilfering On-Keys arrived. Over thousands of years the Dark-keys kept fellow Dark-keys as slaves. No-one knows for sure the extent of these trades because (suprise, suprise) written records weren’t kept by the Dark-keys. Dark-keys practised human sacrifice of their Dark-key slaves. Dark-keys captured fellow Dark-keys to sell to the On-Keys. Alans Snackbar wasn’t so fussy and captured both Dark-keys and On-Keys to keep or sell to whoever as they pleased. On-Keys captured Dark-keys as slaves.
Given that every shade of humanity skin colour in Africa, the Middle East and Europe has been up to their necks in the slave trade, probably throughout human history and across Asia & the indigenous Americas as well, why is the call made only for the On-Key (read primarily as UessHay & Ukay On-Key) to pay? Is it because we is not yet primarily Blick and only Blicks can be non-racist?
Can’t we just send back the same number of Dark-keys as our records say we took from them in the first place from the MPs own constituency (I’m confident there will be plenty left) with a letter saying sorry for appropriating your slavery practices nailed to the MPs thick head, forgo our claim to reparations and call it quits?
Also, whats in for the poor Neantherthals wiped out by the incoming Dark-keys? Justice for the Neanderthals now! Pay up Africa.
From the BBC
“It was late in the summer of 1619 that a ship bearing “not any thing but 20 and odd Negroes” docked at the fledgling port of Point Comfort, Virginia.
Those Africans were the first victims of the American slave trade, 400 years ago.
It has been 154 years since Congress abolished slavery. Since that time, only five generations of African Americans have been born free.”
No BBC, it was the African slave trade, it was there before western nations got involved and it continued after.
An apology or compensation means fuck all to the dead and their descendants have benefited by being assimilated as much as they will allow themselves to be.
What about our ancestors who were exploited for generations or those that were the equivalent of slaves in workhouses, do we get compensation for their suffering.
Sick of cunts coming here and trying to guilt trip us for cash. Sick of lefty cunts who leave no stone unturned to find reasons to slag the west off.
South Africa right now, women are being raped and murdered in their thousands, what do you have to say about that Dawn? If you do speak about it somehow you’ll find a way to blame the UK\US for that as well.
You want to give your money away that’s fine, fuck off away from mine.
well the ones that did go back promptly used their new found expertise to enslave the locals as I remember.
Yes and ain’t Liberia the sparkling jewel of all African civilisation. The ones that run it send their kids back to the US for an education, to perpetuate their own lines rule.
Only five generations of khuns have been born free. And in those five generations they’ve done what? (Five generations in the US, more elsewhere)
Convince anybody with an ounce of critical faculty and eyes in their head how incompatible they are with civilisation and how incapable they are of building anything (and please don’t say “this khun” or “that khun”. Of course there will always be smart individuals who will thrive in superior civilizations)
Look what the Japanese managed in the same timescale (154 years)
Commodore Perry forces Japan to open up 1854. Within a hundred years they had built what was qualitatively probably the best navy in the world. Look at Japan in 2008.
Khuns have their natural level, and there is probably no better example than South Africa as to what that level is.
Just fuck off, grotesque lammy in drag silver back, jabba the KFC, miserable bucket of pulsating shite. Looks like a cross between the elephant man and a fucking warthog..
‘Polly Toynbee is probably creaming her knickers’ FFS! That’s not the start To my day I was looking for. It will take some time to get that image out of my head. Black History Month? I don’t get it, they want to be treated the same as whites then they go and separate themselves with this shit, same applies to The Voice newspaper. How bonkers would a newspaper catering solely for whites be?
And now a quick Party political broadcast on behalf of the Brexit party.
Nigel on Boris.
He knows we’re being stitched up.
That’s it I’m getting on to the Italian government for reparation for the acts the Romans carried out against my ancestors when they invaded Blighty.
To coin a well known phrase ‘Romans what did they ever do for us’, I’ll tell you what,gave us a chance of compo.
Pathetic ugly cow. Apologising for acts which took place 200 years ago, no matter how dreadful, is a virtue signalling waste of time. How about apologising for betraying Brexit? Get back to munching your chiggun, Dawn, and leave politics to the big boys.
Talking of the Labia Party, I was disgusted when perusing YouTube yesterday that I had to watch a number of “advertisements” featuring Dame Keir “ Lardass” Starmer screaming about how he would cancel Brexit.
Labia is morally bankrupt.
Fuck off.
Dawn Butler sounds like a servant that works when the sun comes up, then goes home after serving breakfast.
The thick soap watching shit for brains will lap it up. Fucking cannon fodder.
Corbyns nodding dog in Parliament sits at the side of him at every parliamentary sitting This stupid twat needs to read up on history Dark Keys being made slaves why should the Government pay ?
Dawn Butler and Polly Toynbee in the same sentence fuck me what a pair of cunts I’m quite happy for the Labour Party to keep on the path they are steering because with Corbyn at the helm they don’t stand a chance of forming the next Government
What a bunch of awful racists!
Cant tolerate that attitude, as you know in all about ‘one love’ and frequently say so on here.
You ought to be ashamed.
Dawn Butler was great as general urko in planet of the apes.
Anyone else notice that whenever Jihadi Jezza Steptoe is on the telly he is surrounded by these young juniour labour desi type girls? What a dirty old cunt….
The problem with the Labour Party is that it isn’t a Labour Party anymore. Take their stance on Brexit – they should be 100% behind leaving the EU. I have no idea of exact figures obviously but I should imagine that substantially more working class people voted for Brexit than the overall 52%. These are the people they should (and historically would have) represent. But how they can they possibly relate to ordinary folk when so many of their politicians come from privileged backgrounds, educated at Public schools, then to University and then straight into politics? This tar brushed cow Butler is a case in point, it doesn’t look like she’s ever had a proper job in her life. She worked as an officer of the GMB Union, then as an adviser for Ken Livingstone (although I don’t know what the fuck she advised him on) then into politics. If they were a proper alternative to the Tories they would be massively ahead in the opinion polls now.
She’s never had a proper job in her entire life Livingstone advisor (on fucking what anti Semitic views) GMB Union Officer don’t make me laugh thick as pig shit This wanker would never be employed in the real World This Crass Dark Key is an insult to anyone with an ounce of intelligence.
“I’ve got a one armed butler. Serves him right.”
I forked that up!!!
“I’ve got a one armed butler whose left arm is missing.
Serves him right”
nevermind mate, we all make mistakes – i washed my jeans while still wearing them – it fuckin’ hurt
Cheers, Lana.
Dawn Butler ( Jamaica) should be demanding reparations from David Lammy( Nigeria)
I’ve never heard this stupid Dawn Butler cunt speak. In fact, I’ve never seen her do anything except sit behind Steptoe and nod like a spastic at everything he says. Although I’d wager she could pick that nose of hers with a fucking dessert spoon.