BBC3…This was always a pile of wank but now seems to be competing with ITVBe and ITV2 in a race to the bottom.
Drag queens, Self-harming mummies, the angst of some no-mark girl band ‘singer’ over trolling, the Rap Game (fuck knows), Heartbreak Holiday, Wedding Shaming (??), and a whole raft of lightweight, mind numbing shite.
At least the ITV stations who turn out similar shite have to stand up commercially. But this tripe is not only funded by us, but watched by snowflake halfwits who don’t pay the licensing tax anyway.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Good Cunting, Sir! and not only made, but heavily advertised around the Evening News times, along with the bloody ads for Cebebes or whatever,
name they give to the Children’s Channel.
Ideal and Early Doors were originally on bbc3 I think. And Detectorists?. Three fucking great shows in my personal opinion. They will never appear again on the BBC because of the awful amount of white people.
The adverts for these deviant broadcasts are a disgrace.
If arch-cunt Justin turdeau had to apologise and was generally castigated for blacking-up, then how come it’s wrong for a bloke to pretend to be black, though its perfectly okay and acceptable for a bloke to pretend to be a woman and don the stilettos and some lippy? What’s the fucking difference?
Why aren’t women screaming about being offended?
The BBC should spend more of the TV licence money by having a few live episodes on top of a tower block in Sanaa. Invite the audience too.
Fuck the fuckity off
There is no difference between Al Jolson and Grayson Perry.
Not only do I have no idea where to find BBC3 but I have never seen an advert for it. I record whatever I can and flick through anything that looks remotely advert-y.
Oddly enough I’ve just found it in iPlayer whilst idly browsing. Well, that’s a valuable addition to my day, finding something I have no intention of watching.
Looks like BBC 2 ! Cunts
I am sick to FUCK of seeing stupid fucking drag queens on practically every programme broadcast, particularly on Albeeb. Idiotic fucking queers who need a dig in the gob and told to grow up instead of prancing about in a frock, stupid cunts. They’re not funny, they’re not entertaining, they’re just SHITE.
Don’t worry about it. At the moment they’re flavour of the month amongst the progressives; but give it another year and they’ll be forgotten about in favour for some other weird and wonderful bollocks.
Thanks for the heads-up Cuntstable. Tbh, I already have more than enough viewing /listening to contend with, so have never felt inclined to check out BBC3. Besides, any channel associated with the BBC is a no-no for me nowadays by default.
I only know about it from adverts just before the 6 oclock news. I wondered what some fat Essex slapper had to do with BBC so looked at the listings.
Wall to wall shite.
ABBC pandering to the lowest common denominator mindless license payer sheeple cunts.
Licence……! ?
You mustn’t feel guilty, RTC. Though the sin was grievous.
Its better than that s4c shite tho!
Tried watching that?
In punjabi or something….?
They had a teary-eyed Jesy Nelson on last night crying about hurty-words on (anti) social media.
Funnily enough this only started when she was picked to be in Little Mix in X-Factor.
They then brought on a gaggle of equally weak-minded imbeciles crying about their hurty-words experiences.
Needless to say Jesy was “so brave” and a “role model” for weak-minded imbeciles across the country.
Why is this even program worthy? A complete waste of my AL-BEEB sanctioned tax!
When I was a lad if any cunt said hurty-feelings things to me, they were either ignored or got ten-fold back in its place!
But in this digital world of not being able to do anything outside of what an app tells you to do, generation “Stepford Children” have no fucking idea.
You become famous, rich – or both – then jealous trolls will target your social media. Ignore the cunts or give as good as you get.
I’m no fan of James Blunt but when one cunt tweeted: “James Blunt: no voice, no talent, no credibility!”
He simply posted underneath: “No mortgage!”
That’s how you deal with it!
BBC3 do an hour long show on cutting put-downs, that would be worth watching, not teary-eyed hand-wringing wazzaks propped up by a Z list sleb!
They should perhaps rename or append the channel name to something like “BBC3:The Victims Channel” or “Snowflake Channel”
Haha great retort from Blunt!! He’s actually a very witty bloke, he should give up the warbling and go into comedy. Reminds me of when Bernard Manning was getting a lot of flack from up and coming “alternative” comedians in the 80’s. He simply said “that’s OK, just as long as me and them don’t get our wages mixed up”. BOOM!
Agree about Blunt. Not up his own arse like the rest.
Better idea.
Why don’t they come off social media?
It’s not essential to life, you won’t die if you don’t have x amount of Facebook followers, or Twitter likes, or whatever the fuck you get. If you don’t want to be hit by a car, don’t stand in the middle of the road.
I had a very short stint, 10 years ago, being on Facebook, quickly realised what the fuck am I even doing. Haven’t been on any social media since and my life is better for it. These fuckers play the victim card to get peoples attention, but God forbid do anything to help yourself, because secretly they love the attention, positive or negative.
And on topic of bbc3, it’s wank, end of.
Unfortunately they still crave the “like” dopamine hit, and while that need outweighs the hurty-feelings stuff they will continue to use it as it systematically removes the wrinkles from their brains.
Digital sheep!
They’re like digital drug addicts, no matter how bad the lows get, got to chase that high.
Giving as good as you get isnt too hard. I once enraged an entire facebook ‘comedy’ page of tossers who posted a screenshot of a silly comment i made on their wall. One went to the point of going back 3 years of posts to find a picture of a woman with her tits out to report me.
After my 24 hours in the real world i came back to gloat and accept my victory.
Blunt served bis country in Bosnia so i bet he relishes the banter from half-wits and basement-dwellers.
Another great retort was to some Bellend who asked ‘James Blunt, Eh? Wehere is he now?’
The reply was a photo of him with his arms around two gorgeous women.
Too bad of these Twitter thickos are so wrapped up in their own online persona to realise when they’ve been beaten and just keep digging a bigger hole.
I cant be fucked with it these days.
Bbc3 used to be good if you came back after being on the piss coz family guy was on at about 3 a.m so it came as no surprise that it got binned when itv took the tv rights off them, apart from that piece of yank telly bbc3 has been and always was/will be a load of shit
To be fair, there have been some great shows that have come out of it, some fairly recently too.
People Just Do Nothing
This Country
Just as a few examples, all homegrown comedies too and much better than that massively overrated Yank guff.
And mighty boosh as well, i forgot a lot of good stuff came from bbc3
I never got on with The Mighty Boosh. I preferred Julian Barrat in Nathan Barley. Fielding only had a bit part in that, thankfully.
Not my favourite comedian. Eddie Izzard-lite.
Agree with you about Ideal and PJDN. Wasn’t aware they started life on BBC3, I first saw them on BBC2.
Didn’t rate This Country though. It used the same formula as PJDN and Twenty Twelve, but the characterisations were weak imo, just didn’t work for me.
Yea, I once described PJDN as This Country, but in an urban setting, to another person I recommended it to as well. I think This Country resonates a bit more with me perhaps because I see a lot of parallels to where I live. We actually have an annual scarecrow competition for example and, I could immediately think of least 3 people that were a “Big Mandy”.
PJDN I believe though actually started as a web-series, imo it’s not anywhere near as good as the TV iteration though, but maybe worth a watch if you enjoyed the show.
There were 5 “webisodes” I believe, 4 of which were available on YouTube, the 5th unfortunately seems to be a bit harder to find a direct stream to and may require torrenting.
Also, don’t quote me on it, but I think BBC3 might have ceased airing as a digital channel now and is now solely online only. If so, I think that’s why they may have moved their best outputs to BBC2 as well.
BBC three has been online only for a few years. Apparently it was never well-liked by many at the BBC but was saved from cuts by a few trendy managers and producers, until even they had to admit it had a very small audience and bit the bullet.
At least BBC3 can only survive on line – a channel that cannot live but never dies, a world of camp shit on endless repeat. I just wish ITV would put Schofield and the soaps on line so Mrs Boggs would have to go upstairs to where the computer is and watch this crap alone.
Sodding Emmerdale with it’s constant explosions, fires, affairs and poofery, Coronation Street with it’s obsession on terminal illness and prison.
The whole of the fucking BBC should be online now – they seem determined to make us all left wing, queer, flag waving social justice warriors concerned only with racism and feminism.
If enough grannies refuse to pay their “once free but now upgraded to pay up” licence fee maybe the wonderful BBCistanibul will have to close such things as this BBC3.
How we would shoulder this colossal loss to broadcasting is totally beyond me.
The stupid vacuous cunts.
Fuck off.
Great cunting,thank you.
Now it’s been shunted into the doldrums they can spunk cash on whatever cack draws in the spastics.
BBC3? More like BBC E (Epsilon semi-moron).
Corbyn & Blackford on PMQs just now, virtue signalling on stilts about the 39 dead bodies found in a truck – cheap party political point scoring, crocodile tears, truly nauseating cunts.
We ain’t leaving Ruff Tuff. And they will play every filthy trick in the book to avoid an election. We all know they have thwarted Boris over the 31st Hoping it would discredit him. That’s going to backfire on all those remainer cunts . Even if there’s no election till next year we won’t forget these bastards.
Afternoon Fenton – great to see your Fistula reinstated!
We certainly won’t be Leaving if they pass Boris’s Brexit bill. It is no more Leaving than May’s EU dictated Vassal State abomination was. I don’t, and will never trust, a word Boris says.
I have to admit Ruff Tuff. I didn’t look into his deal much , just so fed up now I just wanted out.
Then I listened to Sir Nigel. Agree the deal is a sell out.
Nigel and the Brexit Party are right. We need a General Election to change the political landscape – get the right people in place – then start again. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
39 bodies? No wonder it’s taking so long to hand-over at hospitals with all those doctors dead in the back of a truck.
I’m afraid I can’t possibly comment on anything tonight, gentlemen. Apparently the whole of Essex is in mourning so I’d best get my sad face on. ?
No doubt Lammy knew someone!
Goes without saying! ?
Its also quite telling how the BBC report this without mentioning that these people are probably illegal immigrants. Instead they’re called “migrants”, which suggests that rather than coming in through proper channels like any immigrant may want to do if they wanted to live in the country, they chose to end up in the back of a lorry from Bulgaria through to Ireland and then ending up on Essex,
No doubt they had their passports ready!
Oh and I suppose there will be a minute’s silence at all fucking football grounds to remember the loss of life on Saturday afternoon.
You’ll be lucky if it’s not two minutes.
Just listening to Priti in the House, the investigations are ongoing but if we assume that the truck and cargo originated in Bulgaria then….
Firstly Bulgaria isn’t in Schengen so had to come through a border into the schengen area, then it would have had to leave a port in Europe then arrive in Ireland. It has then got go through another port Dublin to arrive in Holyhead, that is a total of 5 ‘entry/exit’ points, what the fuck is going on, doesn’t anyone check anything anymore!
The comments are all on the trafficking and the criminals which is fine but the 39 must be fucking stupid, getting into a virtually airtight container!
The Frogs would have just waved it through if it was bound for the UK.
A recent piece of investigative journalism found evidence of French authorities colluding with traffickers.
Wouldn’t it have been great if if it had been 39 MPs dead in the back of that lorry – at the front of the queue Bercow the berk gazing up at the ceiling, a grin of horror on his face
Only 39 ?
I suppose it’s a step in the right direction.
I didnt know stan&ollie did people smuggling !another fine mess /not even one architect etc alive.
The very brief moments I have watched BBC3 i start feeling depressed and feel the need for something to give me a lift.
Is that total Cunt Harry Hill on there ?
I used to like his show but now he does this cretinous You’ve been framed where morons send clips in of their fat chav families slipping over in the paddling pool or someone creeping up on the cat and scaring the hell out of it.
This purile shit is truly the lowest of low.
I’ll have to Cunt Harry Hill for his Cuntery.
I look forward to a full blooded cunting of Hill. Fill yer fucking boots.
Once Brexit goes ahead I’m going to stand outside that annoying cunt with the top hats house who has spent the last 3 years shouting “Stop Brexit” and shout “fuck you, Cunt” for 3 years
Now that’s a very very funny picture just imagine 17.4 million leave voters taking it in turns knocking on his door and shouting in his face “we’ve got Brexit”
Sack all the customs and immigration staff at Holyhead because I don’t know about you but a truck coming from Bulgaria to the UK via fucking Holyhead seems like a fucking big flag to me and bells should have been ringing louder than fucking quasimodos.
Old bill border force all cunts.
Someones been paid off more fucking like.
And now they are going to spend ££££ on trying to identify the people in the trailer. They have no idea where they come from obviously ethnicity cuts the choice down but really what’s the point. 39 dead people in the UK and the authorities attempting to find their relatives somewhere in the world is ridiculous no names no id but maybe the magic mobile phones they all seem to carry will help.
Still doesn’t alter the facts that somewhere on at least one border the contents should have been discovered, not on pickup on an industrial estate in Essex. Another reason to get back control of our borders.
Yes you never see a self-respecting, destitute, penniless asylum seeker without the obligatory iPhone 10 or Galaxy Note 10 do you.
They also never seem too far from a Kangol or North Face padded jacket either.
I wish I was so desperate with my £60 quid phone and Tesco jacket!