Teachers encouraging Climate Strikes

I’m nominating the teachers who send their pupils on climate strikes.

It’s bad enough that Extinction Rebellion harp on about climate change being an imminent threat like some crazed conspiracist, but to worry children with all this complicated stuff? Politics should be kept out of the classroom, because schools are there for young minds to learn new skills.

So, to those teachers who pull this crap… You’re all cunts.

Nominated by Pissed off Brit

73 thoughts on “Teachers encouraging Climate Strikes

  1. Hear, hear, Brit!

    For fork sake, teachers should be in school teaching the children, not letting them fanny about.
    Lazy teachers.
    The children probably have no idea what they’re doing anyway.

    When they, the children, grow up and have children of their own they’ll probably think that doing something like that is normal as breathing.

  2. Funny how no schoolkids were concerned about climate change throughout the six week summer holidays, isn’t it?

  3. Teachers are meant to give pupils the facts and encourage independent thinking not indoctrinate them with their personal political views.
    I believe in mans contribution to climate change, im not a climate denier, but kids should just get the straight facts no fear mongering or brainwashing tactics.
    Same on topic of multiculturalism.

    • No one disputes climate change, what is disputed is what effect carbon contributes to the climate change we are experiencing. Back in the prehistoric days which lasted a lot longer than our brief existence on earth the carbon content in the atmosphere was much higher and the earth had considerably higher numbers of flora and fauna.

      The climate has always undergone periods of climate change, some over eons and some in a blink of geological time. The climate change scenario is playing out just like 9 11 and brexit. Each time we are presented with an existential crises and each time the solution is restriction or removal of freedoms to counter the bogeyman.

      Post 9 11 the government (governments) allowed itself more access to private communications, facial recognition and introduced travel bans.

      Post Brexit the fear is cranked up to the point where democracy itself is an acceptable sacrifice for those who live in fear of their world imploding the day we exit the EU, it’s been a constant message every day.

      So now we have the ultimate bogeyman, championed by Greta and AOC. If you believe in climate change then look into agenda 21, which begat the other. Faced with a global existential crises the people will give up much more. The right to travel, the right to choose where they live, the right to own property including land.

      I’d be much less suspicious of the climate change protesters if the solutions were not green on the outside but red on the inside.

      The term climate change denier is sinister, it’s been created to align those who question climate change with those who question the holocaust. Pause to question why would they choose a term to make that link.

      It may cause some to pause to ask why we allow people to be called deniers when they research one particular era of history and come up with different conclusions but that’s not for now.

  4. I’m kind of sitting on the fence for this one.

    When I was a kid, bunking off school was a Rebellious act because you weren’t permitted to do it.

    While these kids are permitted to take the day off school, if they want to be rebellious they could give their soft arsed, lefty, millennial, wamen teachers a headache and possibly an aneurysm by being disobedient little shites…… I mean, this is meant to be a day of civil disobedience and sticking two digits up to authority.

  5. Lazy forking teachers. It used to be ‘I can’t be bothered to teach today. Oh! I know!’
    “Class, we’re going to be watching a video. Don’t forget to take notes!”
    Nowadays it’s…
    ‘Fork teaching! Let’s make them go outside and hold up signs. We won’t tell them why’
    Lad to another lad: “What we doing here? I dunno”.

  6. Circulated by the Head Teacher at my sons school

    “I am writing to you to clarify my position on the global student Strike 4 Climate Change action planned for Friday, 15 March 2019.

    The school will not authorise any absence related to this event and I am not encouraging pupils or students to attend”.

    • He forgot to add though Willie ………
      “However, as both myself and my staff will all be attending as part of our INSET day, the school will be closed for staff training!! “

  7. I would think a teacher who encouraged children to walk out of a school would be in serious trouble. I’ve not seen any reports of teachers encouraging pupils to strike but it wouldn’t surprise me with the overwhelmingly liberal progressive Marxists infestation of education at all levels.

    Bearing in mind that as a parent you are required to get the schools permission for your children to be absent under penalty of law I would expect a teacher guilty of encouraging children to be absent would struck off the register.

    But then I still believe the ultimate power over and responsibility for children belongs with their parents not the state. Left wing progressives of course believe the opposite.

    If you’ve not read or seen that Warwickshire schools are to teach kids as young as six about masturbation then gen yourself up. This was openly stated on the Warwickshire.gov.uk but they have removed the page.

    All this shit was predicted, in fact it was made public in various left wing publications.

    The education system has been weaponised.

  8. If you are given permission and encouraged to bunk off school then you ain’t bunking off school. You are going along with what the “grown ups” tell you.You are waving the placard that nice man from “Socialist Worker” gave you (what’s socialist Jemma?) and you are licking the arse of the Establishment. Oh look Ayesha there’s a TV camera over there!
    Dumb kids being mugged off. No change there then.

  9. And yet schools/academies are quick enough to fine parents if they take their children out of class for days without prior authorisation!

    Schools and universities are a fucking joke these days – forget about the 3 Rs, let’s all focus on activism and re-writing history and basically brain-washing young minds as early as possible so that they will be indoctrinated for life!

    Oh and when these cunts do go on strike, how do they get to their intended destination? Walk? Cycle? Anything but dirty cars, buses and trains I would have thought. And when their little protest is over will they pick up all the litter and dispose of all the placards and banners in the appropriate recycle areas?

    And any chance these young cunts will continue their strike action during the school holidays? Or would that be inconvenient because it clashes with their 2 week holiday in the States or southern Europe while travelling by dirty planes!

    All very selective and all very convenient, and all total bullshit

  10. We were told we were having a maths test the following day which allowed the use of a calculator, which I forgot.

    The following day the teacher asked me why I didn’t have one.

    I said, “I don’t need one Miss, I do mental arithmetic.”

    “Do you really,” she said. “Tell me then, what is 27 squared..?”

    “Sixteen billion……and two,” I answered.

    She said “I thought you did mental arithmetic.”

    I said “Well it doesn’t get more mental than that”….

  11. I wish there was a climate change around Gina Miller’s head. A slow, build-up of immense pressure resulting in a severe meltdown. I despise the foreign witch.

  12. I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that any decent teachers left in the UK have either been or are being weeded out by this new wave of socialist/extreme liberal indoctrination.

    It’s been said several times in recent weeks on these pages but academia in this country – at all levels – is now the exclusive preserve of the rabid left. No room for disagreement. Any opposing views are ‘problematic’. Every kid must be handled like a fucking Faberge egg. Do not for one moment try to fucking convince me that the majority of these little bastards give a continental fuck about supposed climate change and related – it’s a day off school, for cunt’s sake! I would have happily clambered over corpses and raw sewage if it had meant a mere half-day respite when I was of similar age!

    I posted last week about a slew of academic failures whom I knew personally all becoming teachers. This sort of shit right here is almost certainly connected to the dumbing down of standards, in my humble cunting opinion.

    • The whole education system has been geared towards the liberal left for years,
      It used to be far more subtle but as it’s gathered momentum they have become more emboldened! , this insidious sewage is now present in virtually everything we do ……

      And the Supreme Court of cunts can go and fuck themselves sideways !
      11-0 apparently…..
      best of all corbyn telling Johnson to resign! , Well catweazel why don’t you fucking grow a pair and make him leave no10 by defeating him in a GE?

  13. It would be interesting if kids wanted to protest parliament blocking Brexit. I don’t expect they would be encouraged somehow.

    • To be fair, how could they possibly handle the complexity of answering a simple question, when it’s clear (as in, we’re continuously being told by remainers) that we adults didn’t have a clue.

  14. This is simply adults using kids to further their own political agendas.

    They can say “Ooooh look at all these kids all over the world protesting to save our planet. It’s their future, we should support them in this.”

    The narrative being that you’re a far right selfish bigot bully if you don’t agree.

    The only real way to find out what the kids really think about all this is to get them to do a protest (they cleverly call it a ‘strike’ so they can do it in school days to increase numbers) on a Saturday.

    None of the buggers would show.

    In my day, if my teachers had said we could get a day off school if we protested for an hour (with the rest of the day off) in favour of clubbing baby seals to death in nursery schools, we would’ve been there in a flash. Ask on a Saturday and we’d all have had our excuses ready.

  15. I’ve just read an article about a load of cunts who have turned up at Parliament to take selfies in the chamber, saying they are ready to go back to work. Shameless cunts, self promoting cunts, same as usual anti Brexit cunts, Lucas, ship jumping trollop Berger, Tom fucking Turdinhat. All eager to shit on democracy, calling it democracy. I hope every last one of them ends up on the dole come the next election.

    As for teachers, they are all cunts too, filling these little ballonheads full of lefty drivel. No discussion, just indoctrination.

  16. Not a denier but a skeptic of much of the guff the media spout,especially as several Nobel laureates and esteemed physicists such as Freeman Dyson have been questioning the narrative for a while.

    The first big jolt was an advert for the Energy Saving Trust being aired then pulled for scare-mongering over rising sea levels, and since then there’s been the refusal by the BBC to give a platform to dissenters, which is pathetic.

    Then there are questions about the predictions made by computer models, the ‘climategate’ story over statistical tricks and the unthinking zealotry and completely unscientific rejection of nuclear power as a low carbon energy source that wont wreck the economy, to the point Germany is building new coal powerplants because its renewables cant meet demand, rather than swallowing their green pride and accept nuclear must be part of the equation.

    Lastly you have the inconsistencies, such as claims that 400 ppm of atmospheric CO2 was the event horizon, yet we’ve exceeded that and the climate zealots are still saying we have 11 years to save the planet.

    As philosopher John Gray has said, there’s a lot of hubris in the green movement, rather than the humility towards the planet they claim. They believe their measly efforts will offset the increasing emissions of countries like China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Phillipines and Mexico at a point where our CO2 levels cannot recover for decades even at zero emissions.

    There’s a lot of noise being made, but nothing is said.

    • Great post, and for very similar reasons, I am hugely skeptical that the claimed level of eco ‘disasters’ are man made rather than historic shifts in world climates.

      The problem with so much of this scaremongering is that it has pervaded much of the building and technology industry, and in my opinion much of this ‘climate change’ scare is being used to fleece customers and owners.

      For example, new commercial buildings in some boroughs of London (Islington and Camden at the forefront) require modelling the proposed building in doomsday temperatures to reflect the 2050 predicted post-nuclear apocalypse levels of supposed extreme temperature trends where 45ºC is the new 30ºC. Extra money to meet those stringent standards for contractors of course.

      In addition, unrealistic levels of reducing Carbon are predicted. The standard, government approved software (tied into Bui8lding Regulations) which predicts this Carbon expenditure is default pessimistic, and often wildly out of kilter with the eventual as-built data. The owner or developer cannot reduce the predicted energy requirements low enough? That’s fine, because they can always instead offset the predicted Carbon generated at £900 per annual tonne, usually to the tune of £80,000 and upwards for the whole building, going straight into the approving council’s fucking pockets.

      If there wasn’t so much money being made on the back of the ‘climate change’ doom-mongering by quangos, quislings and other assorted spivs, then I might be more inclined to think that it wasn’t some fraudulent front for all kinds of non-entities and local authorities to make spurious cash-grabs.

      • I am of the same opinion. I have had it explained to me by someone far more intelligent than me, and the science that thundercunt was banging on about is shakey at best. Add to that, the complete shutdown of anyone, regardless of their credentials, who has a different opinion, doesn’t give me a lot of confidence in the agenda being pushed. In the scientific community, if you don’t agree with the climate change brigade, you will not get funding, whatever the subject of study. Pollution is a separate matter, and that at least is tangible, and it’s effects are easily demonstrated. Mankind (with all its fucking genders) is a dirty cunt, and if the emphasis was on this issue, I’d have no problem.

  17. I posted on here, about a week or so ago , that having seen Greta’s reaction to the huge adoring crowd when she got off the boat in New York that no good could come of it for her personally.
    Her performance yesterday just confirmed that for me. The media and the ruling class don’t give a fuck about little Greta. They’ll just use her, chew her up, and fuck her off at the other end. It’s fucking shameful that the libtards, who care so much about everybody ( yes , I don’t doubt their misguided and uninformed sincerity) can’t see what’s going on in front of their very eyes.
    But then, they’ve always got Trump, Johnson and leave voters to blame it on. Thick cunts.

    • Greta warns that, “Eef you don’t leesten to uss, we will neffer forgiff you!” Well, according to the her, if we don’t change we’ll all be dead so a useless threat from the little Scrunch-faced weirdo.

      • Ive just see it. I also think she didn’t like it that the cameras were all on her until Trump stomped in and then the media just fecked off and left her all alone. Not a massive Trump fan, but It was like “Ok, the adults are here now, go and play with your dolls now honey. This is grown up stuff.”

        I wonder if she gave the Indian or Chinese leaders the same ‘I’m willing cancer on you’ look?

        Me neither.

      • Like a ridiculously spoilt 4-year old who’s been told to put down her cabbage patch kid and go to bed.

        “I ham go-ink to bed now but I will not brush my teeth for to rebel und I will not haff a shit iff it will harrrm the planet.”

        Come to think of it, she resembles a cabbage patch kid.

  18. I see Greta screamed that ‘we’ (anyone over 30) stole her childhood.

    As she’s a spazmo, I’m sure she’s on or has been on tablets for her brain spastications. The development of these medications would’ve taken years and almost certainly involved a huge carbon footprint. This would’ve involved flying scientists all over the place to different labs/for other research. Not to mention the production of the tablets (cardboard box, paper instructions, plastic coverings, design of the box, advertising, carbon footprint of the factory workers making the mongtablets and the transportation of the mongnedicine).

    A big carbon footprint stopped her spazzzing out every five minutes. She should be grateful and then go and play with some dolls.

    • Can’t help thinking that I’d like to see a bloody serious footprint…on her face.
      She looks like Molesworth enduring an air enema.

  19. Every minute discussing Greta is lot perceiving and discussing the problem. The IPCC-reports are way too optimistic, tell only half the truth. They recently predicted that the 1,5 degress global warming will be for 2040. But its for 2030, because they did not take into account the further raising greenhoue gas levels to start with. And so on.

    Its curious: If physicists and engineers build nuclear power, airplanes and bridges we give our lives into their hands. Only when all our lives are really at stake we pretend they are all lying!

    • That’s not what’s happening at all;
      Many physicists and engineers dispute the science that politicians and activists say is ‘settled’.

  20. Below is a link to a dummy’s guide to agenda 21 for anyone who’s not looked into it or wishes to see the correlation between what’s included in Agenda 21 and the solutions to Climate Change being proposed now. One speaker with foresight predicts “a generation of children will be used to progress the intention of Agenda 21”.

    It’s worth noting that Agenda 21 was drawn up in 1992 before they had settled on climate change as opposed to the no show global cooling or the failed to meet their projections global warming.

    Not to say we should not be good citizens and minimise our impact on the environment, what we should be wary of is the construction of a totalitarian world government on the back of the fear of climate change.


  21. It’s part of the early softening up by the Govt to get them to unquestionably accept man-made climate change when they are older, and hence all the bollocks taxes which will “stop it”.

    For fuck’s sake, let kids be kids and not worry about the sky falling in.

  22. There’s an excellent article in today’s Spiked Online by Alex Standish, a Geography lecturer from University College London who criticises the propaganda of the UN panel on Climate change. They offer teachers an online course on climate change. Of the seven modules, only one deals with the actual Science of it.
    Teachers have produced a situation of “eco-anxiety” in their pupils, installing a climate(excuse pun) of fear in their students whereas they should be reassuring them that the world is not going to end tomorrow. The environmental moderniser Schellenberger suggests Climate change has been used to advance an agenda by rich nations to keep developing nations down, to deprive them of resources and to thwart their competitiveness internationally. Here’s the link to this short article if you’re interested.


    • They arent from the developing nations.

      The developing nations are Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, The Phillipines, Turkey, and South Korea.

  23. These are the fuckers who will take a parent to court for taking their kid out if school for a few days on holiday but willingly encourage kids to miss school for this wank shite. Hypocritical cunts.

  24. Selfrighteousness has its limits, even for me. The odd day off during term time acts as a morale-booster and probably makes the little sods easier to cope with. It also gives people a warm democratic glow to distract them from the certain knowledge that ultimately no-one’s even slightly bothered about what they think. That said, climate change is certainly and demonstrably happening, and disturbingly fast. I’d be out there with the kids if I thought it would make a blind bit of difference. It won’t.

    By 2025 (I choose to believe this UN statistic for the purposes of illustration) 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two-thirds of the world’s population could be living under water stressed conditions. This is down to the combined effect of population growth and climate change.

    Quite a lot of those people will of course want to move somewhere where there is enough water. And this is to ISAC’s address, isn’t it? Might be an idea to support mitigation measures, I’d say.

    • Not sure the science supports the UN’s claims.

      The global temperature increase has slowed down, and the Antarctic has seen more sea ice on its eastern coasts.

      • Believe what you want. And take a look at the Arctic, the Greenland icecap, most major glaciers, especially in the Himalayas; if you’re interested in ice. And, no offence, but I am more inclined to believe NASA (who must be under some pressure from the Orange Cunt to present alternative factoids, but don’t) than any of my esteemed cunters unless, like me, they are working in the field.
        Something else Charles Koch (RIP)* wouldn’t want you to pay any attention to:

        Oh, and there’s an important distinction to be made between fluctuations and trends…

        *Google, if you don’t know, and see where all the denial’s coming from.

  25. My employer sent round a global email last week saying that there would be a 2 minute silence to show solidarity with those protesting against climate change. Yes, seriously. Fuck that shit, I went to the car park and sat in my car for 2 mins with the engine running.

  26. School does teaches nothing about how to become wealthy and independent. It teaches guff so that children can become an employee and a citizen. The curriculum is state controlled. Once realised, this is frightening.

    I passed many an exam in guff that I never use and how to think in guff and that was from a private school. The one practical skill I left with was how to change a plug thanks to my physics teacher. Everything useful in life has been learned outside of school.

    The left have weaponised children with trans guf, equality guff and climate wank. Leave them kids alone!

    • And apparently school doesn’t teach a spell check either. Should’ve started ‘School teaches nothing..’. Apologies!

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