A hefty cunting please for transgender mental Freddy McConnell and the medical and scientific ‘experts’ who are trying to con society into believing it is possible for MEN to give birth.
Imagine my delight when I read the following in the ‘What’s On TV’ guide:
“Seahorse: The Dad Who Gave Birth – One-off documentary chronicling a gay transgender man’s efforts to have a baby, following his story over the course of three years from the initial struggle to conceive to the eventual birth, and examining the challenges and prejudices he has faced – forcing him to rely on the support of friends and family in the face of mounting hostility. Like many young men, Freddy longs to be a father. But for him the process is somewhat unique, as he plans to carry the baby himself.”
Freddy explains: “I’m going to have my own baby because it’s the pragmatic thing to do. I’m just using my hardware to do a thing.”
‘His’ FEMALE hardware that is. ?
Cunters will not be surprised to learn that McConnell is a Guardian ‘multimedia journalist’ who transitioned from female to faux-male. Prior to attending a fertility clinic she applied for a gender recognition certificate which falsely certifies her as male. This was granted before she gave birth, meaning she was legally male when her unfortunate sprog was pushed out.
Next she pootled off to register the birth, insisting on being registered as the FATHER… “No way!” said the registrar, “you can only be registered as the child’s mother.”
Cue tranny /libtard outrage.
Lawyers on behalf of the government argued that the registrar’s ruling was “justified” by the need to have a coherent scheme for the registration of births and the “right of a child to know the identity of the person who carried and gave birth to him or her.” A rare example of common sense from a Government department.
Anyway, let’s get this straight (no pun intended): ‘HE’ is not a man, ‘HE’ is a WOMAN. No amount of testosterone treatment, makeup, or bodily mutilation can alter that fact, or the XX chromosomes that SHE was born with.
Seahorse: The Dad Who Gave Birth will be shown on Tuesday the 10th of September (my 28th wedding anniversary FFS) on BBC2 at 9pm.
Nominated by Ruff Tuff Creampuff
Keep fighting nature, that’s always a winner. For some this is a thing to celebrate for others it’s a grotesque freak show with little or no thought to the child.
Maybe one day all this sort of thing will be normal.
Maybe one day it won’t.
Reminds me of Richard Feynman’s comment on NASA’s hubris before the Challenger disaster.
‘Nature cannot be fooled’.
The authorities are coming down hard on dissenters of trans-madness, especially the lefty police and teachers.
A teacher in Brighton phoned the police when a girl flouted the school’s gender-neutral dress code and wore a skirt.
Forget the gender stuff for a minute and consider what kind of fucking nutjob needs to phone the police over a schoolkid violating any dress code?
Correction; the school was in Lewes, not Brighton.
Still, close enough.
Well, it is so good to learn that our taxes are being used to pay lawyers to discuss such weighty matters. Meanwhile our potholed roads are continuing to crumble.
Like those senile old cunts in the “Supreme” Court. Fucking old people’s home. Another great idea from A Blair. CUNT.
Well, he was sometimes known as Miranda, so perhaps Blair HAS a cunt in addition to being one.
The world is going mad. The selfish bastards who want to change sex or have children at 70 are only thinking of themselves – they are not thinking about the hardships their offspring will endure when all this trendy shit has crawled back into the box of other “cool” ideas.
We won’t need roads once St Greta has done with us.
Great nom as always Rtc!
Youve mentioned this twat a few times havent you?
Your kinda obsessed with him eh??
Just what is it about him ?
Im not seeing it!?
Afternoon Miserable. If anyone’s obsessed it must be you. I’ve only mentioned him /her /it twice.
Once in my original nom above and once yesterday in reply to a Miles Plastic post stating it had lost its court case to be legally declared father to the unfortunate sprog.
See? Cant stop going on about him!
Naw was gently teasing you pal!
Never heard of him before yesterday.
Im a capricious, malicious mood today Rtc, full of mischief!
?(take with a pinch of salt what i post till my mood changes!)
Afternoon Miserable. Have you considered you might be going through “the change?”
Well, after this nom, the idea is quite tame.
It’s definitely an established condition as the following NHS link proves!
The only change i go through is on the full moon Blunty!
But im nearly 50yr so maybe?
Start wearing skinny jeans and going out clubbing again?!!
No worries Miserable – never thought you was doing anything other than joshing. Trouble is I’m the kind of OCD cunt who feels compelled to set the record straight.
See, I just did it again!
My sisters got OCD Rtc, think its a condition where its worse when someones stressed, but growing up in 70s we didnt pamper her as family,
We mercilessly took the piss!!
She was always messing about with lightswitches and taps,constantly checking them, nowadays shes constantly cleaning shit, worried about kids getting dirty/germs!
As someone who constantly has dirty hands im more relaxed about things.?
You need to get yourself a Harley-Davidson.
Great for taking Mrs M out for lunch in the Peaks!
Yeah thats what rich blokes do when having a mid life crisis isnt it ?
Get a harley?
Or a sportscar!
Makes me laugh when driving round cheshire, little old blokes wearing a baseball cap driving sports cars!
Not a Harley.
Get a decent bike… ?
Bollocks! Harley Davidson = Hardly Movin’son, bloke over the road’s got one, dunk dunk dunk dunk dunk clank… ffs bag o’ shite and retained the pony tail! Nah, a BSA A10 Road Rocket cafe racer is what ya want, clip-ons, rearsets, single seat and a pair of stubby cans, constant pissers off the dodgy magneto, blowback through the carbs’ll set yer oily jeans on fire and you got bonus points for walking into the pub smouldering, v. cool!, ask me how I know.
“Gay transgender man”….I really don’t understand. Surely as a Gay you like cock…he was getting cock as a woman,so why bother change to being a man? If it was because he preferred it up the shite-pipe,well him being a woman wouldn’t prevent that. All he’s doing is reducing the amount of cock available to him because there are still more men who would prefer to pork a woman than there are The Gays.
Perhaps he just fancied having his own winkle to play with?
Must have smarted a bit when he whelped….I once had to piss out a kidney-stone so can only imagine what it must have been like passing a baby through a newly grown cock….
Superb – you can’t argue with that logic.
The mentally ill can…
Sod these hermaphrodites. They can literally go and fuck themselves.
Read about this abomination of an excuse of a freak yesterday.
All I can say to the cunt is that I pity your child.
It had to stop taking its testosterone to have the sprog.
When a man who has ‘transitioned’ into a woman has a baby this bollocks might just might start to make some sort of sense.
Fucking dirty freak. Besides anything else I thoroughly object to this nutter calling itself Freddie, with a fucking girly ‘y’ at the end as well. Disgrace. Everyone knows that Freddie is a real man’s name and you have to have a proper cock and balls and be a proper man. Before any cunt mentions arsebandit Mercury the poof’s real name was Farrokh, the wanker. Now I tried to find out this shitshow’s real name. Guess what? It’s taken out a court injunction to prevent the media publishing it.
However, thanks to my extensive connections and exhaustive research I can now reveal that it’s real name is……..Stephanie Yaxley Lennon. What a cunt. How can you have the same name as the mother and father on the birth certificate? Won’t the poor kid be fucked up enough without making it permanently official?
What a surprise that this fuck up works for the Guardian. Enjoy your fifteen minutes of fame you sad sack of shit.
It’s probably Jess Phillips in an ill fitting skin.
The meagre facial hair is actually her harvested pubes, stuck on with Pritt Stick…
I’ve lost hope on humanity, we celebrate these mental cases. Talk about wanting everything your own way, you wanted to be a man, but wanted to be pregnant and give birth, but you also wanted to be a dad. Spoilt as a child by any chance? Why the fuck do we let these nut jobs just do what they like? And as said above, no thought at all for the child’s welfare in all this, just selfish actions.
What’s happened to this country. When I was young, this cunt would have been taken somewhere and given a good kicking and told to shut the fuck up. Now we put the wankers on telly and take them seriously (well, I don’t).
Succinctly put and my sentiments exactly! Monstrosities like this used to be paraded outside of a big top by a travelling circus. How times have changed. Just wish I’d seen the TV show – I’m looking for an excuse to splash out on a new 4K TV and burying a pint pot through the screen of my current one would have been just the ticket!
So is genital mutilation a problem or not?
What the fuck has heshe actually got in hisher trousers? I’m sure it’s only fair that heshe provides a graphic unambiguous photo of the equipment so we can make up our own minds.
This used tampon and his comedy ‘tash are fooling nobody outside of the libtard Narnia bubble. He actually looks like the sort of soy drinking, vegan Corbynista wankers who pass for males.
Her biceps are too big.
Both them both up for adoption by Robert Mugabe.
Oh fuck he’s gone and died.
That’s put the tin lid on it.
Mugabe’s dead but still give them to him for adoption.
I’ve just given birth to a rather solid and slippery Ananconda, at least that’s what it felt like so maybe men can give birth after all?
We are witnessing the death of science. Biology is denied along with any facts that don’t fit the agenda of these loons.
In physical sciences we are expected to be overwhelmed by the scientific consensus; yet the science of biology is truncated on the altar of mental illness.
John Bewcow must have had a gender op as his bollock-less response to last night’s Muppet Show was, ‘It was the most toxic I’ve seen Parliament in 22 years.’
Yes, because of cunts like YOU Bercow, you egomaniacal worm.
What do the traitors expect? If the Brits were more like the French we would’ve burned Westminster to the ground by now.
I’ll come and help
The reason I don’t give a fuck about climate change is because of cunts like this and the foolish twats that take them even somewhat seriously. Humanity simply isn’t worth saving if this is what it’s come to.
Totally agree Shaga! According to those fuckwits Extinction Rebellion we’ve only 15 years to go. I’ll happily sit with you then having a cigar and watching what has become of humanity go up in flames!
It’s 12 years actually. Better still! ?
‘odge over…
Just cunt.
A belated Happy Anniversary to you and Lady Creampuff!
I hope you took her somewhere nice to celebrate and watched only one TV for the evening!
A great cunting. ?
Thanks Bertie.
Re wedding anniversary, I think we watched an episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine, with our sausages and mash… we’re not really anniversary minded people tbh…
R.I.P. Nog.
This isn’t the first time this has happened, I think about 5 times so far one of the first couples is here.
I note the sea horse reference in their story too, I also recall a lot of Legal threats made by them with regards to some of the comments made about them.
Jesus H Fucking Christ! Normally when there’s a news story of a family being tragically burned alive in an arson attack I feel very sad, but in the case of this freak show…
That’s the galling thing about cunts like this. They put it in the public arena and then throw a hissy fit because in reality some people think they are mentalists playing with nature.
Get the fuck on with your lives but if you want everyone to pay you on the head you’re going to be disappointed.
I don’t really give a fuck what these cunts get up to in their private lives, as long as I’m not expected to pay for it or go along with the fiction that they’re male when they’re female, and vice-versa. Feel sorry for the sprog though.
Poor kid. All these freaks care about is themselves.
That kid will be bullied at school, but hey…’he’s’ a trailblazer.
What a fucking cunt. Listen up, you stupid sack of shit, MEN CAN’T GIVE BIRTH!! What sort of mixed up fucker is the poor child going to be? This cunt, and cunts like it, should just be exterminated.
I have no words.
Apart from “CUNT”, obviously.
just watching the bollocks in parliament, The Phillips bitch complaining about the language and hostility yesterday, a quick response from one of the female Conservative MPs who said that yesterday Phillips was the one who was screaming the loudest!
She is a cunt, agree with me or I will scream my head off!!!
They need to let a few of us in to educate them in using concise words and not wasting time.
The shitcunts were hyper to get back to work and spend the second day back talking about the first day back.
Sincerely fuck off Parliament.
So let me get this straight…… They is a female man? Sure, makes perfect logical and grammatical sense.
Please tell me this nonsense doesn’t happen in Russia and Eastern Europe – that it’s only a ‘benefit’ of living in the ‘free’ world.
If not, as we are in the throes of a dying, decaying democracy, shouldn’t we go all the way and switch to full on totalitarianism as the only way of saving mankind from itself?
smallpox outbreak in Dubrovnik 1970 (never happened) Aids epidemic Jugoslavia only mentioned in 1989, yes eastern block totalitarianism is great they dont have the problems we have………
It genuinely makes me wish that Judge Dredd would actually come true.
(Not the shite Stallone film obviously)
Where the fuck is this asteroid? Please!!
The world has become a giant Monty Python sketch.
However, the difference being that you’ll now get arrested for saying, “Stop it. It’s silly.”
I assume the medical procedures for this piece of cuntery was on the NHS?
Fucking delusional cunt needs a neck shòt.
Fuck me this country is a sink of degeneracy.
A mixture of lion and tiger is ‘liger’.
A mixture of mum and dad is ‘mad’.