NHS ‘Female Genital Mutilation Support Clinics’

You think you have seen and read it all, especially in today’s batshit crazy climate. Then you learn about something that gives new meaning to the word ‘incredulous’. Apparently, the wondrous National Health Service plan to open numerous FGM clinics across the UK. read all abaaaat it here:


This steams my tits to the point that my nipples are very liable to explode off at any given second. It is amazing to me that the NHS suddenly announce service expansion shit like this when they spend 99.9% of the rest of their time whining and kvetching about lack of funding and how down on their uppers they are. But then ‘Voila!’… let’s pull out all of the stops to pander to a very sick tradition that certainly never existed in this country when Nye Bevan set up the Health Service and would not exist today either were it not for the proliferation of certain ethnic groups landing this twisted shit right on our doorstep, just to give the UK taxpayers something ELSE to finance (as if they were not fucking stretched enough.)

It is pretty revolting to me as a former health worker myself to learn that Cancer survival rates in the UK are up, but still lagging way behind numerous other countries and that Cancer Research UK said the UK could do better. They called for “more investment in the NHS and the systems and innovations that support it”……

…but in the SAME WEEK I read about these arguably indulgent FGM clinics opening, as if the NHS have suddenly discovered a fucking money tree in their back garden.

As sorry as I am for the girls and young women who suffer this horrendous, sick ‘ritual’, for the sake of fuck, is THIS the most pressing thing that the health service sees fit to throw money at in the UK? Not in my book.

This is just more evidence to me of how pandering and twisted the UK has become in dealing with ethnic and cultural differences infesting the country and how even the NHS now is dreaming up ways to so-typically stick a band aid over the problem (as they are more than wont to do) instead of the testicle-free powers-that-be actually cracking down on this barbarity BEFORE the horse has fucking bolted, and not after.

I really find this quite sickening. I knew the NHS were cunts, but this is taking cuntery to a whole ‘nother level.

Nominated by Nurse Cunty



43 thoughts on “NHS ‘Female Genital Mutilation Support Clinics’

  1. In no time at all soyboys will be demanding the same attention for males who have been “mutilated” as well, which has apparently happened in America where circumcised men are suing hospitals, individual surgeons and even their parents with help from the “Intactavist” movement – apparently a bloke called Brendan Marrota have even made a two hour film about it (mentioned on dear old Wireless 4 a few weeks ago).

    I should have thought the NHS needs the money more for cancer treatementsand other life threatening illnesses.

  2. Excellent cunting, Nurse, excellent. So many other things the loot could be spent on. Like educating the public what constitutes an emergency would be a good idea before they call ‘999’ for a stubbed toe.

  3. My wife worked in the NHS for 35 years (which was at the time over half it’s age) when she joined it was truly an amazing institution. Over the years she has witnessed a slow and now rapidly increasing decline. It started coincidentally with the influx of freeloading foreigners. I mean just look at how many translations they pander to. So a great nom- totally agree.
    And as for PALS – well this just points an evil finger…assumed guilty until proved innocent. No wonder staff despise it.

    • “And as for PALS – well this just points an evil finger…”

      Oh no they fucking don’t, that is not their function at all. Their job is to proceduraly buffer the sainted medics and protect them from all or any scrutiny.

      Patient Advice & Liaison Service?
      Fuck off!!!
      ADVICE? – They have NO ‘advice’ to give whatsoever, they are desk bound hacks and telephone jockeys who will feign endless ignorance and dismissal of any applicable codes of practice, Acts of Parliament, data protection laws, equitable complaint resolution, glaringly obvious facts, willful professional malpractice, Common Law rights etc… all these things mean nothing to them. All the while hiding behind the bogus screen of “Patient Confidentiality”. Go on; try for yourself, ask them for a single legal reference in justification of any of their reckless and derelict acts and omissions, … you’re in for a long wait.

      LIAISON? Naaahhh… not their strong suit, unless by ‘liaison’ you mean the conspiritorial bunfights they engage in at the local M.A.S.H. hubs where they gather round the water-coolers to get their stories straight.

      SERVICE? Nope, not that I noticed, quite the reverse in fact. I’ve never dealt with an entity more skilled in the resolute avoidance of answering urgent, life affecting questions. I have an enlightening 7mins of audio with their regional complaints ‘manager’. A grossly over-promoted and opinionated sheboon (with a much vaunted “speciality in inclusion”) who went into a chimpy meltdown at the first realisation that facing me across a table put her at a glaringly obvious intellectual advantage and was she was not going to be getting away with the usual scripted recitation of the mission statement that she imagined.

      PATIENTS? – Well they don’t give a flying fuck about theirs but they sure tested mine!

      And I fucking hate the cutesy, palsy walsy acronym, I don’t want you as a fucking ‘pal’ I want conscientious professionals who understand their job descriptions you cock juggling twatbats. These bastards would try the patience of a fucking house brick! Utter fucking, duplicitous, lying, craven, cunts of the very first water. No exceptions.

  4. Next stop – NHS transgender clinics on the high street. Replacing all those old fashioned, small, town hospitals that have been progressively closed and turned into ‘luxury and exclusive’ housing developments.

    You read it here first.

  5. Filthy fucking foreign cunts who should be living in mud huts where they belong. Believe it or not we had our first successful prosecution for this in February……the mother of a 3 year old girl. (somehow the father got away with it , probably because the woman was too scared to grass the cunt) In the home (paid for by you) they found evidence of witchcraft, including cows’ tongues with nails through them and voodoo dolls of the social workers involved. These are the kind of superstitious savages we are talking about.
    We are inviting in thousands of these primitives every year with their disgusting beliefs and practices, their filthy diseases and their ancient hatreds for us and each other.
    But don’t call any of them an umbongo bongo or a letterbox or you’re in big fucking trouble.
    Total fucking madness.

    • The whole of Africa is a backward fucking basket case. What anyone says, they are not on the same intellectual plane as the West – probably about a thousand years behind.

      • I would suggest that many parts of the world are not behind the West in their thinking ; this would suggest a capacity to catch up. To my mind they have a completely different mindset. There is nothing wrong with this until these people come to the West assuming that they can continue in the manner they have for centuries. In this part of the world we play by our rules; if you are unwilling or unable to adapt please do not come.
        I have used the mildest language possible but my urine was starting to warm so here goes- if you don’t like how we do things here, FUCK OFF!

  6. Great Nom CN got better things to spend the money on .
    Funny how the mutilation of male babies by the Jewish community gets overlooked every time by the tree hugging libtard brigade.

  7. Glad to see ny tax money isnt being squandered! What leftie puff thought this up?
    If anything these savages should be Mutilated more!
    Airports that way you fucking leeches.

  8. I actually do feel rather sorry for these women. I can’t imagine that many of them wanted to undergo this barbaric ritual and apparently the resulting health complications can be horrendous. Yes,they shouldn’t be here in the first place,but they are,so it is only right that the NHS tries to help them. I’d imagine that the cost is a drop in the ocean compared to the budget for looking after drunks.drug addicts,trannies,people who should be told to “fuck off and take some personal responsibilty”,inbred children,inefficient management etc.
    Fair enough,Nurse Cunty, I really know Fuck All about the NHS whereas you have worked at the coal-face,but I honestly believe that there are less deserving cases that are treated and at far greater expense.

    • Good Morning Sir Richard

      I absolutely agree with you. I think it is the only time I have disagreed with the good nurse but FGM is a vile & barbaric practice. The answer is severe prison sentences for those who carry it out, a minimum of 15 years and no reduction for good behaviour. I would also add a flogging as well which although in line with the so important cultural practices of those who carry out FGMs would be a little difficult to pass through Parliament at the moment. You wouldn’t have to do many before we stamped it out. Meanwhile those who have been mutilated do need help.

      • I don’t understand it, on any level. All the female genitals I’ve viewed already look like a trainee butcher has had a go at them. And they are in a very awkward place.

  9. This shows why people voted for brexit, it’s because of bollocks like this and all aspects of this country pandering to these immigrant cunts that keep showing up to milk the system, fuck them all I say,until the sponging cunts have payed into the system they can sort out thier own health care, housing, money, schools ECT.
    Opening a GM support clinic almost says to these cunts go ahead practice your backward customs, we will sort it out for fuck all when it goes wrong, don’t worry fill your fucking boots, meanwhile me a Brit who has paid into the system all my life is on a waiting list so for 3 years for an operation that will probably be performed by an immigrant who has arrived here claimed all there is to claim and take advantage of and will then be churning out substandard operations so I have to join the end of another waiting list to have his cock ups sorted out as I’m doing now for the first cock up fix.
    All this means when you hear about a clinic opening up for just Muslims or trannies you think the whole system is run by cunts who can’t even count……

  10. Excellent cunting Nursey.
    This shit is reported as though its a flu epidemic.
    Fucking disgraceful degenerates again.
    Fuck them.

  11. I’m surprised we lag so far behind other nations where this is common practice.

    Excellent cunting

  12. It is now Labour policy to scrap controls on immigration and give foreign nationals the right to vote in future general elections and referendums. Immigration detention centres are to be abolished… no doubt they’ll be turned into FGM Support Clinics and Gulags. Fuck off.

    • It’s actually like a dystopian novel, each new day is a turn of the page and we see the slide of our society into third world oblivion.

      Labour think they can once again change the voting demographics by importing voters.

      • The cunts have already succeeded with that mission! Sadly, it’s just a matter of time before we are all truly fucked! Simple mathematics.

      • Quite so. Just a matter of time. There are two graphs and one inevitablity to consider here:


        1) That of the indigenous white population of the UK is in decline.
        2) That of the black/immigrant/mixed race population is rising.
        3) Given current immigration rates and differential fertilities between the two groups those two graphs will cross around 2070 (and that includes a +/- ten year arguable variability so could in fact be 2060.
        To put that into perspective that’s 8 to 10 parliamentary terms away from a numerical Rubicon and don’t forget our electoral minority status will come a decade or so before that which will hasten our eradication as competing and more hostile voices shout down our pleas for “equality”. Even shutting the doors to any further immigration tomorrow will not alter our eventual demographic replacement in this piece of geography, due to the grossly disproportionate ethnic nirth rates it will merely delay it.

  13. Can’t they just sew the clit and flaps back on.

    If there’s a shortage, there’s a bin bag full of bits behind our local mosque….

  14. I’d happily pay for this if the blokes got their meat and two veg cut off at the same time. Let’s see how fucking common it was then.

    • Would certainly cut down on the amount of noncing and raping that these shitbags count among their favourite pastimes. While we’re at it, let’s do the cunt’s throats as well.

  15. I dont think our libmong establishment should be so forgiving of this savagery in the first place, but I point fellow cunters to ex-muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who had her genitals mutilated and now speaks out on the barbarism in the middle east and east Africa faced by young girls. She regularly gets deplatformed and told she is a far-right extremist by SJWs and gets death threats from Islamists.

    We cant blame women who are savaged as children for their circumstances, anymore than we can blame children in care homes for being abused.

    here here!

    • Excellent point CP.
      That’s one very brave woman. We’ll only change things with more speaking out and less pandering to this ‘cultural’ savagery.

    While ISIS barbarians murder men, boys and babies
    Koran wielding zealots like mad dogs with rabies
    Desecrating synagogue, church and temple, defiling sacred graves
    Yazidi women captured, stripped naked, sold as slaves
    The fake Feministas of the Church will not see
    Too busy campaigning for God to be “She” and not “He”
    Kidnapped Christian girls raped, made pregnant by Boko Haram
    Rape victims stoned in Saudi, hanged from cranes in Iran
    Female education forbidden by the Afghan Taleban
    Faces disfigured by acid, for “honour”, in Pakistan
    Trapped in their homes and forbidden to drive cars
    Forced to wear sweltering black robes that cover their scars
    Yet the fake Feministas and leftists won’t see speak or hear
    About the millions of women living in violence and fear
    Who cares for little brown girls, their womanhood excised
    Not the Politically Correct officials who averted their eyes
    And what of all the white girls, drugged, raped, beaten, abused
    Nothing to see, shhhh, move on please, that’s yesterday’s news
    Still the fake Feministas, spout their loony left views
    More concerned we should be forced to use gender-free loos
    Pre-pubescent slave girls are forcibly bedded
    Used, defiled and discarded, many brutally beheaded
    The perversions acted upon them are the base of the basest
    But best to keep schtum, or they’ll call you a racist
    And while the EU and UN trumpet “Women’s Rights” loudly
    They butt-kiss the woman-hating oil-rich Iranians and Saudis
    Yet still not a squeak from the fake Feministas
    Their morality drowned in the blood of their sisters.

    Written by me in 2015

  17. What the fuck do they even do in these clinics? If you’ve had parts of your body chopped off unless you get to a hospital pretty fucking quick they’re not going back on.

    This is just adds more impetus to the increasing feeling among the silent majority mass immigration is bad for this country, it makes us poorer, less civilised and less safe. Did you see that story the other day about Romanian ‘grooming’ gangs? Even the E Europeans are getting in on the lets rape white British children action.

  18. I thought these barbarians had actually moved on from this vile practice since they realised it’s much quicker and easier to mutilate someone by just throwing nitric acid in their face!

  19. On another note,Labour’s Paula Sheriff looks like she could rival some of her colleagues for the “fat ugly smelly bastard” award. What a fucking morbidly obese ugly cow.

    • The fat ugly cunts on the labour benches make Ann Widdecombe look like Pamela Anderson. Wouldn’t be surprised if Corbyn fucked that troll, but seeing as she’s not a frontbencher maybe not.

      • He certainly has form for shagging grotesque obese monsters. At least the stench wouldn’t put him off, since he probably reeks worse than they do.

  20. It’s all window-dressing at our expense. There are tens of thousands of sliced up girls that the NHS, Cuncils, Plods and skoollzz knew about, yet did fuck all for fear of being called waaayyyycist or you-know-what-o-phobic. We’ve had ONE prosecution of parents. The Plods say it’s because of “poor quality data” whatever that means.
    So we’ll spend tens of millions on the illusion of activity and fuck all will change. Until there is a concerted effort to arrest and prosecute the parents and to he with their fucking “culture” we’ll have thousands more desexualized broodmares and the huge cost of the inevitable complications.

  21. A most excellent and worthy cunting Nursey. NHS management now is beneath parody. Reading through your linky I find this…

    ““Unfortunately, these new services still do not cater to under-18s due to the mandatory reporting policy which states that all girls under 18 who are found to have had FGM are REPORTED TO THE POLICE. This is a major deterrent for young girls under 18 who want to access support services for FGM.”

    hmmmmm… In counter to which I’ll relate the following: A few years ago I came across a Paramedic/ambulance crew member’s blog page and he describing ferrying a young Roma girl, at the point of delivery, to the local maternity ward. They whisked her off to the ward and falling into conversation with ward staff discovered that her 16th birthday was barely a month earlier?
    “Woah, hang on, she’s at full term so something’s going on here.”
    to which the staff replied… (get this)
    Apparently they’d figured out the uncle was the father and “this is her third!”
    ffs 8-{

    I’m sure I saved the page to a hard drive somewhere, I’ll see if I can recover the link but the question remains (among many others), will these clinics be in routine contact with police as they most assuredly will be required to by law? my guess is no, not under any circumstances.

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