Guy Verhofstadt

Guy Verminhofstadt…again !!

Even Jean-Clod Druncker has now described Verminhofstadt’s plans for a federal Europe as “aggressive” and “military”.

Verminhofstadt is certifiably insane, he even LOOKS a complete loon (and, to be honest, a diddler).

A straitjacket and lots of liquid cosh for the patient please, Nurse Ratched !!

Nominated by HBelindaHubbard

34 thoughts on “Guy Verhofstadt

  1. I see him furtively looking at images thatll get you 3-4yrs in strangeways and banned from contact with minors.
    The fucking freak.

    • “Hello, velcome to Verhofstadt Babysitting services. My rates are £15 per hour but I can pay even more at ze veekends.”

    • I suspect that arbiter of justice Dominic Grieve QC would get him off on some archaic principle of law – he wasn’t wearing his bottle glass specs so didn’t see what he was looking at.

      Verhofstadt looks like an overgrown schoolboy who has watched too many newsreels of the 1936 Olympic Games

  2. Talking about British hating cunts. Did anyone have buggy eyed froggy twat Jacques Chirac in the dead pool?

  3. Never fear; if he becomes disillusioned the LibDumbs will welcome him with open arms given they’re so desperate for EU cunts

  4. Fucking Nazi bastard. I watched this cunt at the Lib Dumbs conference. He told them that there will be five empires in the world…..China, India , Russia, USA and the fucking EU. You must be (zees are zee orders!) part of the EU or wither and die. The Lib Dumbs gave him a standing ovation, the cunts.
    Sorry, are these the same libtards who are always telling us we should be ashamed of the British Empire, we should never stop apologising for it and pay the rest of the world reparations. Yes, I rather think they are. Yet another example of libtard cognitive dissonance, or “doublethink” as Orwell called it.
    I also saw a photo of the fucker posing with the Swindler slag holding up one of those “bollocks to Brexit” t-shirts.
    No thank you Mein Fuhrer……stick your t-shirt, your Nuremberg rally and your fucking empire up your fascist arse. Cunt.

  5. This gap-toothed cunt is a smiling bully, control of population his God-given purpose, fascism pumping through his veins. If he weren’t involved in politics, he’d be doing something else degenerate like fox-hunting, smuggling in Somalians, or fiddling with four-year olds.

    Speaking at a British political party advising about Brexit is akin to having Goebbels giving a lecture here in 1938 asking for some sympathy for Mr.Adolf, a much misunderstood individual and rumours about the Holocaust are grossly exaggerated.

    May he obtain cancer of the testicles as quickly as possible.

    • I heard Rachael Johnson slagging off her brother on Radio 4 today – BBC love to get the last word in. Cunts. And Rachael Johnson is an old slapper.

      • Not too surprising, Lord C. The whole family is a jamboree of self-promotion and solipsism. Nonetheless, still better than listening to one of the other posh old biddies, Pigberry, Mrs. Starmer, or Hilary Benn

  6. Speaking of child-fiddlers, I see Princess Beatrice will be married. That’ll take some of the heat off those besmirching rumours.

  7. Verhofcunt is a priceless comedy turn.

    Forget all these useless modern day ‘comics’ like Millicunt, Whitehalltwat or Macinturd. Simply tune into YouTube to see Sir Nigel wind up this numpty into spluttering indignation with consummate ease.

    I’m convinced that in the bar afterwards they’re the best of mates.

  8. I wouldnt put it past the cretins I left on Facebook to be supporting the new Soviet Union after condemning Brexit as ‘racists wanting a return of the British Empire’

    The racist empire made of more Muslims than Christians.

  9. Nothing good ever came out of Belgium. Poirot was a prissy little busybody as was Tintin. Can’t think of any other famous Belgians apart from Marc Dutroux who resembles Verhofstadt in more than just looks, I suspect.

    • Indeed. And wouldn’t Maddy McCann be 16 now? Just like Greta Thunderbird. Hmm….

    • As Lord Farage rightly pointed out, Belgium isn’t even a country.
      It’s a conduit for the squareheads to get their troops into France.

  10. Should be called fuckofstadt how he gets away with fiddling in UK domestic politics is beyond my understanding, probably run out of young un’s in Belgium to try it on. but probably proof if it was ever needed that the rabid liberal metropolitan elite are all in cahoots with their global agenda in influencing the direction of debate

  11. His deluded desire for ultra imperialist expansionism stems from having “frites” on his shoulder, born of the inadequacies of his insignificant native state.

    Small time Cunt

    • Hates us because he can never be a englishman.
      We drew the numbers in lifes lottery!
      Nearest thing to gods a englishman.
      Hes bitter the creepy cunt.

  12. just had another look at this creepy cunt (probably not a good idea just before bedtime) I guess the dental profession isn’t up to much in Belgium (along with most things), but his parents probably thought let’s keep him that way so as to be safer from the likes of what he looks like

    • Apparently, Francis Dollarhyde used his “fucked up gob” gumshield to make the FBI think that Fuckoffstadt was killing all those people in Red Dragon……

  13. Don’t worry Nigel Farage owns this cunt every time they meet at the EU another EU lightweight The sooner we break free from these cunts the better

  14. This deranged ugly cunt appears to me to be the product of a failed cloning experiment where the source DNA (extracted from one of Adolf’s arse pubes) accidentally got contaminated with Plug’s from the Beano! His own non-nation is a lost cause and he now seems hell-bent on fucking up the rest of Europe in pursuit of his EU Empire! A very disturbing character and one of the best reasons to get the fuck out of the EU asap!

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