Frances Corner and The Faculty of Goldsmiths University

A watermelon-sized cunting for the Lord Charles-faced, militant eco-nutter Frances Corner and the faculty of Goldsmith’s University.

As new Head Academic Dr of Fuckbeans, she/they/it wants to ban beef from the campus of Goldsmiths.

How that will prevent cows from farting is unknown, but apparently staff and students at the college are passionate about climate change and are ready to bore everyone to death using the tactics of the libtard camp, green left; by virtue signalling and banning stuff people enjoy.

What a bunch of soy swilling cunts.

If I didn’t have to work for a living I’d turn up in the cafeteria with a bap and two 8oz beef burgers, 5 rashers of bacon and a slice of cheddar and tuck in, right in front of those anaemic bastard snowflakes.

Corner would soon take off in her JohnnyCab to find a Community Cohesion Officer.

Nominated by Cuntamus Prime

58 thoughts on “Frances Corner and The Faculty of Goldsmiths University

  1. “Passionate about climate change” = We know best and you WILL fucking do what we say.
    We tell you what you are allowed to think, what you are allowed to say, what you are allowed to do and now, what you are allowed to eat. Toe the line, do as you’re told.

    Fuck you posh boy, when i’ve finished smoking this fag i’m going to have a Big Mac, chips and onion rings just to piss you off. But, unlike you , hippy bollocks, I won’t be throwing the packaging all over the pavement. Ok cunt?

  2. Maybe 1/2lb beef patties will be the new contraband on campus replacing drugs and the Daily Mail.

    • Get yourself a burger van, and 6months in park up near goldsmiths,
      Youll make a killing, the smell of fried onions and sizzling beef will deive the
      Egg heads into a frenzy!
      Frank corner or whoever tries to stop them will get the beating Owen Jones
      SHOULD of got.

  3. It would take a lot of farting cattle to produce as much bullshit and hot air as most “academics” pump out while droning on with their irrrelevant views.

    Keep the cattle,at least they’re tasty. Cull the academics (Halal-style…it’s what they would have wanted to avoid accusations of islamaphobia)

    Fuck them.

    • Morning Mr Fiddler, I looked more into the story and the university wants to become carbon neutral by 2025 and increase the number of students studying climate change.

      A new generation of brainwashed finger-wagging doomsday lemmings and make money off study fees. What’s not to like?

      • Morning,LL.

        They’re not the only ones….
        “Theresa May commits to net zero UK carbon emissions by 2050. Theresa May has sought to cement some legacy in the weeks before she steps down as prime minister by enshrining in law a commitment to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, making Britain the first major economy to do so.”

      • Good nom Cuntimus, but having just got up your description has made my tummy rumble!
        Not heard of frances corner before,
        Sounds like a jazz musician of a place name.

  4. Just realised the cunt in the photo is a bird. Looks like a preacher, which is rather appropriate. Odds on she drinks from the furry cup.

    • Defo! I didn’t realise it was a woman either thought it was Harry Potter,
      Defo likes a fish supper.

      • Just seen your comment Rtc
        Makes sense now, tranny preacher
        Dressed as Harry Potter.
        Sure franks a well balanced, common sense type.

  5. Only lefty virtue signallers are allowed to be ‘passionate’ about anything.
    And they must tell absolutely everyone about their ‘passion’.
    Anyone not agreeing is obviously some sort of bigot/denier or written off as far right/nazi.

    • Women demand bread n roses march?
      Still bit tired, but dont get it?
      Women are always demanding something, but flower butties?
      Help yourself petal, find me at goldsmiths outside that burger van

    • Good one on Sickipedia this morning…..

      My lefty next door neighbour is attending a ‘Stop the coup’ rally today.

      He dossed around at uni doing a Mickey Mouse course, dropped out, claims benefits for his ‘bad back’, and now sits around all day smoking weed.

      He’s the one in the crowd holding the ‘Champion of the Working Man’ placard

      • That women holding that sign about 1950s white man?
        Proper irritated me that, know its not the done thing to hit women and never have, but get the feeling if she was in my face with that sign id not be able to help myself, and shed be carried to the ambulance on that placard.

      • There are some women about today that I wouldn’t think twice about lamping. I saw one a few years ago outside a pub braying hell out of her boyfriend with her stiletto shoe. She was pissed as a fart. If I’d have been him,I’d have decked the bitch,no bother.

      • Sexual equality lesson?
        Sorry morning lads!
        Despite talking about chinning women
        Im in a good mood, only day off this,
        Going to Romiley young farmers show with family today, where ill do my bit to eat those farting earth destroying cows in the form of burgers.

      • I’d also hit someone wearing glasses…speccy four-eyed swots.

        Enjoy the show.

      • Yeah never understood that, not a disability wearing specs, wouldnt hesitate.
        Looking forward to it Dick, go every year, missus will thin my wallet but thats to be expected!
        Then off into the peaks for few pints,
        Have a good sunday fellas????

      • PS: Douglas Murray is a Gay – a fact he admirably keeps to himself, unless it becomes relevant.

      • One of The Gays? How extraordinary. He doesn’t appear to exhibit any symptoms of The Gayness…perhaps he’s in remission.


      • In your and Ann Widdecombe’s dreams!

        Try thinking of him as the exception that proves the rule… whatever that means.

  6. So millions of cows around the world fart causing massive releases of CO2 so we must reduce beef intake leading to a reduction in cow numbers……..

    But 7.5 billion (and rising) people breathe out CO2 constantly but never any mention of human population control because alot of these eco warriors tend to be wamen and it’s muh yuman right!

    Maybe we should have a cull of oxygen thieving environmentalists to offset carbon emissions.

    All those who agree say Aye.

    • Aye! I’m getting more and more pissed off with these fanatical and hypocritical vegan save the planet wankers. And the more they recruit slebs and other rich cunts to spout their bullshit the more I fucking hate them.
      The way they are exploiting that poor fucked up Thunderbirds girl is a cunting disgrace. No good will come of that, trust me.

  7. Fran and her fucking lefty, fuckwit, students stopping consuming beef on campus won’t equate to less cows being reared for meat, so this is just a clear publicity stunt. If anything, one less bulk order of burgers means the cows will be alive and farting a little longer. So you could say they’re having the opposite effect.

    My niece was round yesterday and has reached the age of constantly shouting ‘look at me, look at me’. Reminded me that cunts like Frances and her university never grew out of this toddler mindframe.

    • Old Franny is about as qualified as Hinge and Bracket to lecture us on ‘climutchange’.

      I see no specialist scientific qualification or expertise in the field, apart from her experience in the fashion world.

      It seems very much the norm that people with fuck all qualification or professional experience seem fit to hector the public on their lifestyle choices. Greta Thunderbox, Richard Gerbil, Harry Hewitt and his pet monkey to name a few. Now this Lord Charles Doppelganger.

      Just fuck off, please, Ms Corner. Since Ray Allan died and withdrew his forearm from your arsehole, you really have become a supreme ‘silly arse’.

      And a massive cunt. BTW, I have a lovely fore rib of beef about to go into the oven in a couple of hours. Yummy!

      • Morning Cunters,
        This cunt is having tag end of beef, slow cooked and yummy. This fucking lord Charles look alike can fuck herself and her soy eating bearded clam carcass.

      • Oh well said indeed.
        I almost shat myself laughing at Harry and his pet monkey.
        Fucking tremendous ?

    • I still can’t work out if that Frances thing is male/female/alien. Anyway, I take it the ban is to include leather so footwear could be interesting and all the soy boys won’t be able to take their man bags.

  8. Sly News this morning interviewing various journalists and Politicians. ALL of them remainers. Not one single Brexit supporter in sight. How the fuck can this so called news channel call itself impartial ?

    • It was the same story all last week Fenton, on every single TV channel, ever since prorogation was announced, nothing but Remoaners. The open bias is staggering. Ofcom is a fucking joke.

  9. I wonder if they’re so passionate about climate change how many of them travel too and from their campus by car?

    Perhaps old fuckhead should ban cars on the campus so everyone will have to either walk or cycle in order to save the planet!

    Oh and the ban on cars should extend to all “dirty” vehicles including buses, delivery trucks, vans etc. So they will just have to get all their food supplies by some other Earth-Friendly means

  10. Sir Nigel is on LBC at 10. Looking forward to an oasis of common sense in the media desert of untrammelled and unopposed remoanerism.
    He sometimes gets remoaners on who go bat shit crazy. It’s a joy to hear their meltdown.

    • Unlike O’Shithead, Sir Nigel always treats the cunts who disagree with him with respect and allows them to make their points without resorting to crooked linguistic tricks and bully boy tactics to shut them down.

  11. Why don’t these cunts address the real issue of overpopulation in Africa?

    Those fuckers not having 2 grains of rice to eat a day has fuck all to do with whether “Brains from Thunderbirds” here has a pastrami on rye at lunchtime and everything to do with there being to many of them.

    Moreover – given chance – most of the cunts want to swarm over to Europe for an even easier ride while contributing as much to their adopted continent as they did their own: fuck all!

    But – like the Green’s Lucunt and the androgynous Greta Thunderpants thing – calling out overpopulation (which we’ve encouraged with 100’s of billions of handouts, in our role as “white saviours” sic. David Lammy), and mass immigration being vastly more ecologically destructive than the odd cow burp, well, that’s just “waycist” isn’t it.

    Also notice how vegan Nazi’s and veganism are being overpromoted per capita (just as everything “trans” is when making up 0.0000001% of the population) to hammer home “the west is bad” eco propaganda!

    I mentioned a few months ago that because the “R” label has no weight to suppress “wrong think” (aka common sense) anymore, the new suppression tactic/smear vehicle is climate change denial, and woe-betide anyone who dares argue knowledge and fact against it!

    Well fuck you!

    You want to be a vegetarian of vegan then good for you.

    You want to give up meat, fine.

    Just don’t expect me to tag along like your weak-minded, digital-sheep followers (craving likes) because I won’t – CUNT!

    Two double quarter-pounders for me please!


  12. Agree Rebel.
    Let’s get some tips off Angela Merkel about a final solution. If you pull back the Liberal German veneer it’s there busting to get out.

  13. “Let’s stop eating beef to prevent the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest. If there’s no demand for it then the farmers won’t have to cut it down.”

    But I eat British beef..?

  14. To quote the second ever greatest PM, there is no such thing as universities… there is only left-wing indoctrination camps.

    I can’t wait to watch this thing meeting a crane or the top floor of a multi-storey by their (being gender-neutral, see) chums they’ve allowed to proliferate, for ‘virtue’, to the point of indigenous suicide.

  15. These miserable cunts would not keep banging on about meat and just fucking ate same. Total utter cunts, ‘do I go round telling them to stop vegicide? Not to be confused with vagicide which means we’re a quim down to a rug muncher.

  16. I bet the cafeteria at this uni is a right laugh.
    Maybe McDonald’s should get the cheque book out and sponsor the silly cunts.

  17. A popup burger takeaway across the road, with a carefully aimed extractor fan, should take care of that idea. Sadly, the profit this would certainly make still wouldn’t induce me to work in London.

    Corner is head girl of the London College of Fashion, whatever that is, and she’s a feminist – who’da thunk it? Nevertheless, as she herself explains:
    London College of Fashion is essentially a women’s college – 85% of our students are female. Fashion is an industry dominated by females, with over three quarters of garment workers being women….

    85%, eh? Looks like discrimination to me…

    • No wonder “fashion” is such an utterly pathetic joke, pretentious load of old toot, and a total waste of space.

  18. She looks like Tubbs from League of Gentle if she wore a suit.

    Tubbs: “Now class, if I have twelfty pretty things and gave one to a local person, how many pretty things would I have left?”

  19. Yip,definitely a fishmonger.
    In saying that,my daily double bacon cheeseburger with fried onions is going to be so much more enjoyable now that I know that cunts like this frown upon such pleasures. Miserable twats.

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