An emergency cunting for this self-serving “Conservative” MP, who seems to be so confused a fucker that he is going to spend the summer deciding whether or not to join the LIb-Dems, thereby wiping out Boris’ majority:
Apart from the fact that he is an opportunistic self-serving guttersnipe, who apparently has no loyalty to his party or his constituents, it raises the question yet again, should half-witted arsewipes like him, Soubry, Umunna be allowed to play musical chairs at Westminster without having to resubmit themselves to their constituents – in other words, put it back to “the people” – the people who presumably voted for the party not the conceited little cunts who represent them. Very few MPs have much of a “personal vote” – just ask David Laws or the Radnor Conservative wanker this week.
Another MP this week Jared something or other revealed he was “too ill” to remain as an MP (he was Labour and is now *Independent*- whatever that means, yet he is not so ill that he has decided to accept another month of his inflated salary even though he has done, and is doing, fuck all for it.
Perhaps it is time MPs were given zero hours contracts?
Nominated by W.C.Boggs
Another fucking soft as shit remoaner cunt. Yeah, fuck off to the liberal undemocrats, nobody will miss you, sneaky fucking cunt. The sooner we have an election and clear out the remoaner shit the better.
Self-serving is exactly the description for all these cunts like him. What a drama queen – I’m going to take the Summer to decide so all the eyes of the world will be on me,me,me.
Excellent double counting W.C
fuck pt (not pre-menstrual tension). Should be cunting not counting.
Time to start lynching these treasonous Cunts.
Burn the fuckers house down chanting ‘thief’ ‘liar’ ‘cunt’
And Catweasel will “tell the Queen” he is taking over if Boris loses his majority.
WTF? Catweasel will “tell the Queen” Who the fuck does this Marxist shitcunt think he is?
Labour has no majority and no mandate to lead. If any such nonsense did happen, civil war would most certainly be on the cards.
It was odd yesterday. Maybe because it was at the Edinburgh Festival. ‘On the fringe’. Maybe he thought he was back in the seventies at some Trotskyite meeting. He was wearing jeans I noticed. Supposedly relaxed see. I’ll say what I mean. ‘I WILL send Jeremy Corbyn….’. Fuck me are you in charge? And the above flippancy-‘maybe I’ll invent a law’. And changing the policy on a new Scottish referendum seemingly on a whim. Like someone drunk. Drunk on the prospect of power.
Nice one Miles. ?
Like a recently disinfected shithouse your clean round the round,
You give me the horrors too bad to be true,
All of my tomorrows are lousy cause of you
You put the shat in shatter
Put the spain into spain
Your germs are splattered about your face is just a stain
Your certainly no raver,
Commonly known as a drag
Do us all a favour
Here, wear this polythene bag.
Your like a dose of scabies
I’ve got you under my skin
You make like a fairy tale…grimm.
Your dirty name gets passed about when something goes amiss,
Your attitudes are platitudes
Just makes me wanna piss.
What kind of creature bore you
Was it some kind of bat?
They can’t find a good word for you
But i can….Twat!!
Dr john cooper clarke
Good poem. Fits these turncoat cunts perfectly.
My poem to Phillip Lee:
You are
A turnip head.
Why don’t you
Cunt off
And die.
C. Magnanimous, poet laureate.
This simpering arsehole is making his big, poovy stand as he insists Boris is heading us towards a ‘hard Brexit’.
When are these thick cunts going to understand the premise of negotiation? If Boris stands any chance of the EU shitting themselves and re-opening the deal, he needs to show he is stone fucking cold serious about a no deal, not “Oh, OK then Mr Spunker, we’ll take Saggy May’s great deal and run with it”.
Its all about who blinks first, brinkmanship. We need a leader and MP’s with some streetwise punch and balls as big as Maggie’s. Not a soft, navel-contemplating cunt like Dr Lee above.
Stick to being a GP, Dr Lee. You are no fucking leader. You soft and daft cunt.
This bloke is like a cloud; when he fucks off, it’ll be a great day.
They just can’t understand what cunts they are.
A ‘zero hours’ contract? I know what kind of contract cunts like this should be in line for.
Jesus there are some duplicitous, serving shits around the Commons at the moment. They’re like flies around a steaming dog turd. We deserve better than this.
Spot on cunting thank you
I could say words fail me but they don’t :
Fucking degenerate CUNT
Get to fuck
Got no problem with sitting MP’s switching parties.
Only these self serving cunts would think it’s ok to switch sides halfway through the game, they are the cunts who could pass legislation to enforce a bi-election to prevent it happening.
Now why don;t they do so?
Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas. They’re not going to make life hard for themselves. At the end of the day they are all members of a cosy little club and look after each other’s interests the cunts.
To be fair cunts changing sides is usually extremely rare. It’s only in the last 3 years that all these turncoats have crawled out of the woodwork and we all know why. Loyalty to the EU trumps party and country for these shits.
This opportunistic slag is trying to see who wants him the most. Whoever picks him up, he just stuck his political neck out
If he goes anywhere it’ll be to the LibDumbs. They’re gagging for him!
The snidey duplicitous wankers get elected on a raft of lies and then spend their careers tell fecking more lies without any feelings of embarrassment with the aim of climbing the greasy pole and sorting out well paid sinecures for the future, how they can see the future with their noses rammed up the arsehole of their superiors is amazing. Dirty underhanded twats to a man, cunts of the first water.
If I want to have a shit. It takes only 2 seconds to decide whaty I’m going to do. I don’t take 4 fucking weeks to make my mind up. He’ nothing but an arsehole testing the waters and sniffing the wind. Kick his useless arse into touch. His wife would make a good shag though.
Did anyone know who this cunt was before he started his posturing? I’d never heard of the cunt, and now he has committed career suicide as far as the tories are concerned, he may as well pick up his toys, and fuck off to the political afterlife that is the limp dumbs, who think this minor popularity blip is more than a protest vote, and think that they are about to finally make the big time.
Up till about 16 months ago he was Justice Minister. He resigned over Brexit (naturally), disagreeing with Mavis’s refusal to hold a 2nd referendum.
Fuck me, he held a position in government and I still didn’t know who he was! It was probably for the best that he resigned as justice minister, as truth and fairness being the cornerstone of justice, and he seems bereft of both, the cunt.
The Justice System in this country has been a joke for fucking years Gutstick. It went downhill especially fast after Blair appointed gormless looking turd Kier Starmer Director of Public Prosecutions in 2008. He was succeeded Alison Saunders, an equally useless twat.
And both ugly cunts too.
“He was succeeded BY…” ?
AWWWDAH! Aaawdagggh! Blair pissed off in 2007. The undisputed ubercunt Starmer was appointed under Broon. (This is probably the first and last time on which I have been fair to Blair.)
Drat and double drat!