No Fly Pledge

A green emergency cunting please for signing a no fly pledge. Some cunt on radio Devon AL- JABEEBA wittering on about staying in the UK for your holidays from now on, all to save the planet and the futures of the cheeeldren.
What a monumental load of shite. I couldn’t get who was sprouting this bollocks as the wife was in full gum banging mode.
She was also wittering on about a new tax (quelle surprise) about frequent flyers paying more tax (the green tart not my Mrs. What is it with these green cunts that the word tax always rears its ugly head?).
If I may offer my twopennoth, could we not have a greens cull? No more cuntish drivelling and population reduction, win win I say.

Nominated by CuntyMort

62 thoughts on “No Fly Pledge

  1. Excellent cunting,thank you.
    Wherever there is someone going on about the whales the trees the plastic in some jungle river then bet on another tax to sort it all out.
    Get fucked cunts.

  2. Most of the cunts who bang on about the masses needing to reduce flying are the very cunts doing the MOST flying and not just a once a year jolly to and fro their chosen holiday spot, but moneyed and high profile cunts like Phlegma fucking Thompson, who takes numerous flights during the course of a year, doing her fucking luvvie shit between here and the States. Hypocrisy is the word.

    Well, fuck ’em.

    Wouldn’t surprise me at all if the airlines cotton on to this fucking annoying zeitgeist and opportunistically add EVEN MORE money to the cost of their flights.They are already charging extra for every bastard thing as it is… they will charge for using the fucking bogs onboard.

      • What gives cunts like Smegma Thompson, Chris Martin, Orlando Bloomers, Prince Hewitt JR and Tommy or Bradley fucking Cooper the notion that they, the world’s cream of luvvies, have the fucking expertise and the answers?

        They haven’t a fucking clue, these hypocritical, globe-trotting, back-slapping, dick-sucking collective of arrogant, irritating cunts. Just all fuck right off now. All they are in it is to raise their public profile and swell their wallets/purses with the proceeds, the fucking shitcunts.

        Cunts to a man.

      • They don’t live in the real world with the rest of us, PM. They think they have some God-given right to tell us all where we are going wrong and what to do…..cunts.

      • Yes but darhhlings you must realise being an actooor makes it absolutely imperative that we must fly but not lowlife scum like yourselves although i simply love my public.
        That fucking Thompson woman is a hypocritical annoying lefty in a fucking sea of the cunts.

      • And did they all get their twattish names out of a bran-tub ??

        I hope Thompson has some sort of luvvie emotional incident that results in her head exploding. Annoyin twat.

      • But Dame Emma’s got to get over there to attend the Oscar’s Nurse Cunty then back for the BAFTA’S then over to Cannes for the film festival then fly down for the Venice Biennalle then back again for the BFI annual awards dinner. She’s working her fingers to the bone for poor old Blighty.

      • What we’re seeing here is the gradual push to keep the riff-raff away from the rich, the powerful and influential.

        Slap a regressive tax on anything to do with the environment, especially in terms of transport, and you’ll see the poor being denied the right/freedom to travel, while preserving that same right for the rich cunts to jet around the world unhindered by the Great Unwashed!

        This means fewer flights and fewer cunts clogging up airports and airport carparks, while the rich can declare “Hey, we’ve reduced the carbon footprint! Let’s all celebrate over in Monte Carlo!”

      • Yep, TOTAL wankers, Sir Knee. Incredible hypocrisy.

        It is a classic example of ‘do as I say, not as I do’…..

      • these cunts try to justify flying around by planting trees, well my view would be do a video conference call and spend the money saved by not flying planting more trees.

        They are all CUNTS

  3. Yeah wherever the tree huggers are about they want to tax something or ban something. They love being self righteous and telling cunts what to do…….for their own good of course. 99% of them are vegans or vegetarians……another reason to kick their smug faces in.
    Bunch of pontificating cunts. Extinction Rebellion? Extinction Fucking Hurry Up for those wankers.

  4. Didn’t realise how green I was, I’ll sign a no fly pledge no problem, because i hate going abroad, and rather holiday in uk and boost uk tourist trade with my money, but some people enjoy going abroad or have to due to family or work reasons.
    This is boy Hewitt and his fuckin daft missus this isnt it? And that goofy cunt
    Emma Thompson! Going on about carbon footprint but then doing it themselves because theyre special.
    Hope they nosedive into a mosque the pack of cunts.

  5. Well cunted. These hypocritical watermelon cunts deserve to be cunted every single minute of every single day until they pack their bullshit in.

    The majority of the working class can’t afford to fly, or if they do it’s once in a blue moon. It’s been 6 years since I’ve flown and it’ll probably be at least 6 until i fly again.

    If these cunts really care about the environment they’d get themselves steralised or they’d kill themselves. This would sort the environmental problem and slowly eradicate the snowflakes. Two birds, one stone. Happy days.

    • Thats a very good point that!
      Sterilisation is a green protest action that would show commitment!
      But doubt youll hear it voiced in media?
      Last time i flew was about 10yr ago and doubt ill ever fly again.
      Feel homesick if cant see the pennines.

      • CIF All-Purpose kitchen Cleaner ill disable the bastards mid-flight, giving you long enough to stamp on them.

        As for Emmaaah and the like, UraganD2 is highly recommended.

  6. I’ve been doing it for years. Nothing to do with saving the planet (as if flying in avocados from Peru and, ffs, green beans from Kenya for our woke chums had no impact), but purely and simply because I loathe airports, planes crowded with cunts, and very hot weather. Also the planning involved and the sense of hopelessness on returning home, however great the break may have been.The game isn’t worth the candle. Currently holidaying at home.

    • I have a dog so won’t be leaving her to swan off to get a tan. Been most places I wanted to visit. Can’t be arsed to fly anywhere. There’s YouTube and Google street view if I’m curious about somewhere. Tourism quite risky – might get blown up or run over by a rented lorry. I live in glorious West Sussex countryside, no neighbours and surrounded by sheep and fields so no motive to leave.

      I’m greener than Leo, Greta Mongberg et al.

  7. Anyone who uses the word “staycation” i’m going to hunt you down like a dog and feed your carcass to the pigs.

  8. The reality is that the elites don’t want the plebs travelling. They want them to stay put. Hence, the same bollocks about using cars. Please note that nobody is stopping air or car travel, just making it so expensive that only the rich will afford it. We’ll all be back working as servants in big country houses next – as long as you can walk to it, and holidaying in Clacton.

    • I remember reading that the ‘aristocracy’ hated the advent of the railway in the 19th century because it gave the mass of ordinary people the chance to be mobile, which was seen by many of the rich and powerful as a threat to their dominance. The more things change…

    • “the elites don’t want the plebs travelling. They want them to stay put.”

      Pity that doesn’t apply to East Europeans, Peacefuls and Africunts.

    • Didn’t some Duke or other say he didn’t approve of the railways because it would lead to the lower orders moving about?

  9. Next year, I may wait around on a beach at Dover and see if the the UK Taxi Service (aka Border Agency) will pick me up and drop me off to France after they’ve delivered another load of brain surgeons found in the Channel.

    • Thats unfair on our welcome guests that we simply can’t live without.
      Some of them are nuclear scientists and others engineers don’t ya know!

  10. Package holidays (which involve cattle car flights )are for cunts anyhow so I would sign a petition to drop them on an island where they fight until death for the free bar.

    The weapons, guns, knives and sharp sticks would be “all inclusive” though.

  11. At least one of the “Rich and Famous”is doing his bit. Jeffrey Epstein’s plane “The Lolita Express” is grounded until further notice…coincidentally,Prince Andrew has laid off his “Master of the condoms putter-on” servant until new evidence comes to light which totally clears Jeffrey and his, completely unaware of what was going on,friends.


      • I’m hoping that BSC will invite me one of his “Dinner Parties”…I really can’t imagine that he’s ever had anyone with a double-barrelled name in his home before….or even anyone who doesn’t smother their food with Daddies sauce before making it all into a “butty”,come to that.
        I’ll bring some much needed class and breeding to his “Dinner Party”


      • BSC would kill to have a gentleman of your renown and refinement at his dinner table Dick. I understand polite conversation is his speciality.

        Expect the red carpet treatment all the way from Fiddler Towers to his cramped flat in Warrington.

      • Dick would be most welcome. We even have a power station in the area called ‘Fiddler’s Ferry’ (I kid you not ) where he would be able to tie up his yacht.
        As for you RTC, you’ve forgotten what happened last time when Mrs B invited you over. I was most embarrassed when she offered you a canapé and you asked if she had any cheese and onion crisps.

      • Mmme, cheese & onion crisps… my keyboard is suddenly awash with drool. What a great evening Bsc – Emily and Jeff were on top form! Regards to Mrs B.

        “damp flat” MNC? Didn’t really notice. Good for growing magic mushrooms if so.

      • I only popped round to lend mr blunt some cutlery didnt dine there,
        But sure mr fiddler will enjoy eating with the cheshire set, Did you take the Blunts a suitable gift Rtc?
        Didnt club together with Paul for chocolates from poundland did you?

      • Gift MNC? He was lucky to be graced with our glorious presence.

        Btw, I have to say, between you and me, Mrs Blunt is a bit of a goer! Originally from Purley I understand.

      • I wouldnt dream of commenting,
        Cant understand why hes free and easy inviting tripping old hippies and drunken geordie farmers to his parties, but a fellow cheshire man he blanks!
        Bet fiddler tread horseshit in carpet, was rude at the table, and Blunty still fawned over him!

      • I thank you for your warm words RTC and MNC. Mrs B did comment on your animal magnetism that evening RTC!
        Be reassured MNC that your are on our official guest list for our Christmas charades special!

      • That means a lot Blunty, to be fair i was a bit hurt i wasnt invited before.
        Ill bring a proper suitable gift unlike Rtc, something refined like ferrero Roche, and wont tread shit in the carpet like that drunkard fiddler.

      • So important the seating arrangements at a dinner party Mr Blunt. You and your good lady I am sure give a lot of thought to it beforehand. You want the dinner guests to compliment each other dont you? At the next one may I suggest you sit Mr Fiddler between Warwick Davis and Rylan. I know it sounds a radical choice but somehow I think it would work. Howls of laughter coming from that end of the table all night I am sure. I would strategically place RT between the popular radio host James O’Brien and Chris Williamson. There would be sparks flying at the beginning of course but once the wine started flowing I am sure they would get along just fine. MNC needs a wider experience than just the North so I would put him between Danny Dyer (so he can get to know a true Cockney) and Sadiq Khan. If I was invited I think I would like to be between Pope Francis and Jess Philips. Do you think you could organise it?

      • Good idea Miles! Missed your calling as a events planner!
        Organise the ISAC Christmas party if you get time, and make sure Rtc does spike the punch!
        Be like a grateful dead concert if he has his way!

  12. i’ve yet to see an answer to my question why an increase of co2 from 400 to 440 ppm is going to have such a devastating effect

    • I hope your not looking for an answer to your question on this site Richard! If so, your looking in the wrong place. Most IsACS on this site think that ppm stand for pissups per month and CO2 is a character from Star Wars.

  13. thanks for that. i couldnt find an answer to my question there. it’s not one of their FAQs. i’m not saying an increase of CO2 by a few parts per million isnt having an effect,if it is i’d like to know why. seems illogical to me but then i’m no scientist. also what % of that increase is actually manmade, it does vary naturally doesnt it?

    • CO2 is certainly one climate factor that can be reduced by burning less fossil fuel.
      Chopping down the rain forests doesn’t help, but I guess the balance will take many years to restore.
      The figure I saw was around 10% increase in CO2 due to deforestation.
      So assuming the Earth was at a steady state the the other 90% increase is due to man made emissions.

      • The more CO2 the better, as it is plant food, and they give us oxygen in return. Stop with your nonsense! Oil is an abiotic, not a load of dinosuars all deciding to die in the same spot, 20 miles under the North sea.
        Your green-scum, with their cretin science, “Climate-change” is manufactured through geo-engineering.

        CIA Director John O. Brennan on S.R.M:

        You would think that the manic and pathological way this agenda is being pushed, it would wake you up to the hidden agenda behind it, and the importance of it to their plans. But alas, you don’t seem to get it, like lambs to the slaughter. When ever anyone tells you they want to save the planet, you can be assured that they really mean, they want to control it.

  14. A nice bit of racial profiling at airport security would mean I wouldn’t have to virtually disrobe every time I go on a nice trip overseas
    What a shithole

  15. My ten year old daughter is getting into environmentalism. Not a bad thing

    Her first action was to buy a bracelet that a firm makes out of plastic recycled from the big rubbish patch the size of Wales in the Pacific.

    The company in question flew the bracelet to her priority airmail.

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