A Marxist (without Spencer) cunting please for this seedy, dangerous, insidious shit heel who apparently intends “sending Jeremy Corbyn in a taxi” (surely a minicab would be more in keeping with the “for the many not the few” bollocks he always spouts), to tell H.M. “they are taking over”.
This vainglorious cuntery tells you all you need to know – it is McDonnell, not Steptoe who makes the bullets for others to fire.
It also proves the only way this gang of Marxist motherfuckers with their titled champagne socialists, fellow travellers, pansies and men-hating dykes and feminist hangers-on would be to take power rather than be elected – and they are only too aware of it – and they would still; need the help of Lib-Dem, SDP and Caroline Lucas rabble to “help” them – and you can be sure within weeks there would be some Christ almighty row that would blow the ramshackle cunts apart.
Surely even the most dim Daily Mirror/Guardian/BBC:Independent (sic) shill can see what a bunch of dangerous deluded cunts they are.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
I was about to cunt this megacunt, but you beat me to it; well cunted Sir.
This wanker really is a congenital retard, and a cunt of truly intergalactic proportions, to boot.
If I was Her Maj, and that fuckwit Corbyn DID turn up, I just wouldn’t answer the fucking door, or I’d ring the coppers up and tell them there was a scruffy cunt outside acting in a threatening manner. Hopefully, they’d come and taser the wanker until he grand-slammed himself.
Back to that massive shit stain of a cunt McDonnell, though- I’ve said for years that if Labour ever got in, this is the UK-hating festering turd that would be PM within 3 months. He’s the cunt that drives all of these bearded croc-wearing momentum cuntwipes into a frenzy. Yesterday, he vowed that, once Labour was in power, he would bring the Conservatives “to trial” for “what they’ve done”. When asked under what law, he replied “…..maybe I’ll have to invent one…..”.
Stalinism at its best. Or worst….
#me too…
Great minds think alike, WCB.
Was about to nom him meself. The odious, insane arsewipe should be turned into a load of MuckyDoos, every last bit of him (doubt that anyone would notice any change in quality), and, if urban legend is true, he would be gobbed on up and down the land.
It was odd yesterday. Maybe because it was at the Edinburgh Festival. ‘On the fringe’. Maybe he thought he was back in the seventies at some Trotskyite meeting. He was wearing jeans I noticed. Supposedly relaxed see. I’ll say what I mean. ‘I WILL send Jeremy Corbyn….’. Fuck me are you in charge? And the above flippancy-‘maybe I’ll invent a law’. And changing the policy on a new Scottish referendum seemingly on a whim. Like someone drunk. Drunk on the prospect of power.
When they know Corbyn and McDonnell are coming round, HM as C-in-C of our armed forces, who have all sworn an oath of allegiance to HM, should ask her chaps to insert a bayonet up their jacksies.
No need to get the police involved, Cressida No-Dick, Rachel Swann and that other lesbo biddy from Manchester would probably arrest the Queen. How little confidence the Police service seem to inspire nowadays.
Steptoe & Co couldn’t manage to win an election when the tories were in pieces and Mavis was in charge (the worst PM & shittest negotiator since Nev Chamberlain).
Now Boris has taken the helm & is promising to really get us out the Fourth Reich and spend money on all the things traditional labour voters care about, Steptoe faces a demoralising defeat if a Gen Elec is called.
Steptoe would shank a granny on live tv if he thought it would get him votes.
Macdonald is mad as a box of frogs (either that or doped up to his eyeballs).
If these fuckwits ever take control, I recommend mass suicide – it will be slower that watching the UK slowly burn to ashes
“Jeremy will be telling the Queen, Labour is taking over.”
To which she will reply “ Fuck orff. You must be avin a bubble.”
“Philip, release the corgis”.
Phillip will smash him over the head with a cricket bat and will still have time to reload by the time Mc Donnell rushes in.
These rabid trot’s should be disbarred from standing for Parliament, and this one in particular. A dangerous man to say the least, and, more frightening still, he could ( god forbid ) be our next Chancellor .!!
I think they’re all dead now but I doubt if Catweazle knows it!
If Corbyn and McDonnell had a shred of integrity they’d be standing for the Communist Party, not hijacking a moderate democratic socialist party like Labour. But that wouldn’t suit their agenda, would it?
McDonnell is a shrewd and cunning cunt indeed. He is far from stupid. I doubt he will ever gain power but he is paving the way for Jo Swineton and the like to fill the void Corbyn and himself have allowed to grow by their failure to be a realistic opposition.
We won’t get to see him pin medals on IRA murdering scum, but we are likely to see Jo Swinson and Sturgeon and co lay waste to what’s left of nation whilst what’s left of the Cunservative party inspects its own belly button fluff.
Cunts to the left of me cunts to the right…..
Trotskyist, IRA loving piece of shit. All mouth and trousers cunt who has threatened to “kneecap” anyone who disagrees with him, said Thatcher should have been assassinated ( which his IRA pals nearly did) and Esther McVey should be “lynched.” Jew hating, stinking remoaner who would turn this country into a third world shithole overrun with immigrants with their hands out.
God help us if this arsehole comes anywhere near the reins of power. Both him and Steptoe belong in a 1970’s student union debating society. I hope he gets AIDS off the Flabbott.
” Jew hating, stinking remoaner who would turn this country into a third world shithole overrun with immigrants with their hands out.“
I think we’re nearly there Freddie.
Hes all of the above as stated, and i despise mcdonnell and everything he beleives in but,
Not playing devils advocate, being serious,
He 100% believes what he says, he isn’t showboating! So you know where you stand with him, wish i could have the same idea of what Boris is truly thinking because ive no doubt that albino fucker would sell us out on brexit! Hope not but dont trust him.
McDonnell may 100% believe in what he says, but that didn’t stop him transforming into a Remainer the moment it became politically expedient after spending a lifetime campaigning to Leave.
Like most of these ‘principled’ cunts, integrity goes out the window the moment the whiff of power comes in through the door.
The one thing he won’t compromise on is destroying the economy of this country.
Theyre desperate for power like a vulture circling a dying animal can taste that chance, think thats why the remoaner change of direction suddenly, but he truly would fuck this country up forever, few cunters mentioned 70s student type communism, and theyre right!
‘A man who views the world at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.
Muhammad Ali
Great quote MNC.
I was quite a lefty at 20. About the only thing that made me hesitate voting for Michael Foot’s Labour Party in 1983 was their policy of Unilateral Nuclear Disarmament. Something Catweasle still holds dear though rarely mentions these days…
Not sure, but think I voted SDP in the end.
Same as you as a young bloke i was quite idealistic, worked voluntary with homeless people, involved myself with things i thought were right, fair, decent, etc
But kept meeting these lefty finger pointers always talking about the struggle of the workers, never saw them work!
Or the poor in 3rd world countries while looking down theyre noses at our own british poor.
Then slagging off the armed forces, my best mate was a fresh recruit in northern ireland at time, pissed me right off.
I voted Tory in the 1987 General Election (my first) RT, as I seem to recall that utter twat Kinnock having the same unilateral nuclear disarmament policy. Other than that, at that particular time, Labour would have had my vote.
Fucking right you shouldn’t trust the posh Eton cunt. Eight years as Mayor of Londonistab proved he is a bare faced liar.
They’ll be a stitch up somewhere and don’t be surprised if this cunt sells us down the river.
If he’s threatened to “kneecap” anyone, then I have this to say:
If he gets done in, it would be no bad thing, and I would go out and celebrate his demise.
I think McDonnell is as genuine as a dud halfpenny. I don’t know what he believes really. Just one example – he wants to renationalise Royal Mail and all the other utilities, but this would not be allowed under EU rules (one of the main reasons Anthony Blair and Brown gave for privatisation in the first place).
Knowing how supine the Labour irons and ponces are when it comes to fighting the EU they know they don’t stand a snowballs chance in hell of their masturbatory nationalisations taking place, yet not one of them – not even the remaining desperate Blairites who loathe Corbyn, are prepared to say that.
The EU would say jump and McDonnell would say how high comrade?
So this cunt thinks that Steptoe will just turn up at Buck House and say “we’re taking over.”
Yeah, go fuck yourself you are you commie bastard.
They’ll be a war in the fucking streets. Fuck off cunt.
As always Freddie agree totally mate.
I’ll be sharpening my samurai sword ready to teach some commie’s a lesson.
He’d be thrown in Tower before he could cry “POWER TO THE PEOPLE’S VOTE!”
McDonnell is a first class shit, and as devious and manipulative as they come. But he isn’t a Marxist. He’s a McDonnellist. You don’t want Corbyn as PM? Be careful what you don’t wish for. The knives are being sharpened for Corbyn’s back, and if the populist surge that got him in doesn’t win Labour the next election, he’s out, in a pool of blood.
Good, you may say. But it really doesn’t matter who’s in charge of Labour. A leader not toeing the Establishment line will be systematically undermined by the Establishment, as a matter of historical fact. And then there will be a reversion to the ‘Third’ – ie business-friendly – Way.
The only way Labour can obtain power is to find another Blair and sideline anyone who remembers Clause 4. Not because major economic reforms aren’t needed, but because those are not what the offshore hedge funds and global corporations want.
A gradual convergence between Watson – another shit – and McDonnell, is confidently predicted, along with new notices (all editors please copy) saying “Four legs Good. Two Legs Better”. Irony? No. See ‘Globohomo’ thread for details.
Meet the new unelectable boss
Same as the old unelectable boss.
Until Labour gets a leader who chimes with the British people e.g. someone with an ounce of common sense who’s not a Marxist or fellow traveller, their only hope of gaining power will be a complete Tory meltdown and social disintegration.
Corbyn chimed with the people at one point. Much good it’s done him. Otherwise, your requirement of common sense and non-Marxism chimes pretty closely with the financial community’s, and your definition of ‘common sense’ would be much the same, I think. I’ll put you down as a Blairite, shall I?
PS, you forgot about antisemitism this time. Is that one getting stale, or will you be reviving it come the election?
Ho ho – now who’s being predictable? Slight smack of desperation too by the looks of it.
“Corbyn chimed with the people at one point.” Really? In the real world? I suppose you mean the Glastonbury crowd, Guardian readers and Labour Party membership circa 2015. They’re not so happy now since realising he was a block on Labour coming out fully as a Remain Party are they? Never mind, he’s listening to the deluded cunts who put him in power now.
My hatred of Blair is well documented, but unlike you I am not so obsessed that I make him the subject of virtually every other post. We get the picture K, we know he’s a mega-cunt, we’ve known it for decades! Time to get over it and move on.
PS: Certainly not forgotten about antisemitism – I thought you said the subject bored you? Don’t worry, Labour (read hard-left) antisemitism will certainly be a big factor come the next election.
play nicely
He called me a Blairite, boo hoo! ?
Heh. That fetched you. Good afternoon, RTC.
“For the Many (Muslim voters), not the Jew”
Cunts the lot of them, the cunts.
This McDonnell scumcunt has a shrine in his office to “slimmer of the year 1981” Bobby Sands and the other skinny bastard hunger striking shitbags. I wouldn’t be surprised if he went a step further and smeared the walls in his own shite to make it a more realistic tribute.
To the tune of ‘She’ll be coming round the mountain’
Do you want a chicken supper, Bobby Sands?
Do you want a chicken supper, Bobby Sands?
Do you want a chicken supper, Yer dirty Fenian fucker?
Do you want a chicken supper, Bobby Sands?
McDonnell is a semtex sandwich eating Fenian fuck and a terrorist apologist… No better than an actual IRA collaborator…. The fucking cunt…
Never trust a fuckin’ Scouser whose father was a bus driver(true).
It’s almost a pre-requisite now to being a politician that your father had to be a bus driver. No wonder this cunt’s got no sense of direction. Probably doesn’t even know what number bus stops outside the Palace. He’d need to know this as Catweazle’s carer.
Another excellent hatchet job WC.
McDonnell is indeed a Cunt’s Cunt. There’s even talk of him offering a second indy ref if the ScotNuts will ally themselves with Labour.
A naked opportunist of the first water.
McDonnell is a sinister nasty dangerous cunt.
Corbyn is a useful idiot and McDonnell is pulling his strings.
He is forming an unholy alliance with any left wing loony party that will put him in power.
And if they do get to no 10 Corbyn will be replaced by this piece of shit ASAP.
Puppet masters McDonnell and Seumus Milne.
Corbyn’s Alastair Campbell. Sinister cunt.
Afternoon Fenton.
A terrifyingly dangerous headcase with nothing to lose.
One of the most dangerous men in politics at this present time IRA lover Nicola Sturgeon lover Hamas lover The sooner this wanker and Corbyn are sent back to the back benches the better