It’s a little abstract but I’d like to cunt what Sir Roger Scruton has called our ‘Culture of Repudiation’.
What he means is that so many of the young dismiss European culture, and seek enlightenment on backpacking tours to Cambodia and Kathmandu. They imagine they will achieve some sort of spiritual awakening and chat with a Swami, sharing pseudo profundities on their facebook page.
What actually happens is that they get dropped of at the airport by mummy, fly to their exotic destination, get to the hotel, head to a bar full of Brits, Yanks and Aussies, get pissed up, go to the Full Moon beach party, drink buckets of cocktails, go back to the hotel and return to the UK bigger dickheads than when they left. These cunts will then pretend they are well-travelled, open-minded and cultured, when they know next to nothing about anything, and have not bothered to explore their own rich heritage. The example Scruton gave was their lack of interest in visiting the great cathedrals, museums, palaces of the continent, as young men did on their ‘grand tours’.
They have travelled everywhere, but don’t know where anything really is, or understand it in a broader historical context, and refuse to acknowledge the important place that the European cultural canon has, seeking sustenance in oriental customs, religions and cuisines that they never immerse themselves in or really learn anything from, because they’re utterly vacuous, airheaded piss-artists on an extended jolly-up and full of misplaced guilt over colonialism.
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime
… and don’t forget the ubiquitous need to take selfies everywhere they go just to prove they’ve been there!
Whereas in actual fact the place or structure in question is so far in the background of their ugly duck-pouting mug, that it barely counts as being visited or understood historical/spiritually.
But just so long as they can show off a passport full of destination stamps, they won’t give a shit.
As with history, many pseudo-leftists only see the good in the ‘other’ whilst only seeing the bad in Western culture and civilisation. Self-hating nobheads.
I’m not the only one who hates Meghan Markle…
And yet despite their loathing of Western culture/intolerance/governments etc. guess where they choose to live given the choice!
Trust me CMC, you are DEFINITELY not the only one who hates the Markle scrubber.
She is fucking bad news as the boy Hewitt will eventually find out.
The Royals have let a Trojan horse in to their world and are just too stupid (perhaps with the exception of Phil the Greek) to see that it will inevitably lead to the end of the monarchy in its present form.
Norwich City ???
Great cunting.
It could be said that almost all western middle class children were cunts, too much money, not enough responsibility.
Almost all though, there are some exceptions.
They experience these countries as very rich westerners spending a few pound on a round of drinks with little thought that spare change equals the daily wage of the bar staff. Ask themselves how they would feel about that country if they grew up there struggling on meagre wages, no social security, ignorant local superstitions – well europe rose above these things with hard work and enlightened thinking but they have no appreciation of what was sacrificed in that process or why most of the world wants to emmigrate to white countries.
These snowflake, posh fucking idiots ought to take a tour of their own country before they start inflicting Daddy’s wallet on some other cunt’s country. They’ll get all the culture they need and learn that there are certain places you don’t go, and certain cunts you don’t fuck with without getting their throats cut and their ball bag fed to the goats.
Number one rule when traveling abroad is don’t draw attention to yourself. That’s a bit of a cunt when your whole life is about drawing attention to yourself.
You’re gonna get fucked basically.
The politics aside, I personally find Europe fascinating. Living in a country that has little or no history beyond the last 150 years (Maori “history” be fucked) the ancient architecture and civilisations that inhabited Europe are an endless source of mind opening for us Kiwis.
It casts your younger folk in a very poor light if they fail to recognise the importance and majesty of European (and yes I include the UK in this) history.
I think the contestants on Love Island have need to go on a trip round Europe to help them with their geography. Here is exact transcript of what was said;
‘Dublin is in Ireland, did you know that?’
‘Is Italy in Rome or Rome in Italy?’
‘Rome is in Italy,’
‘Rome is the capital of Italy.’
‘Is Barcelona in Rome?’
‘Barcelona is in Italy.’
‘I thought Barcelona was Spanish’
Fuck me.
Some of them probably need to do a Google to find their own arseholes!
This was made popular by the Beatles going to india visiting the giggling guru, always good idea to use caution in visiting exotic places, other month 2 young Scandinavian girls backpacking murdered in Afghanistan mountain region, loads of these kids end up brown bread through youthful stupidity, when it comes to history cant beat UK, we shook the world!! To paraphase Ali
Then there’s the famous Jade Goody line :
“East Angular?………ain’t that abroad?”
Of course in these sensitive touchy-feely days you must not laugh at these thick cunts as that would be deemed a hate crime against the “intellectually challenged!”
‘Is Italy in Rome?’ Absolute classic. Is England in London? Is France in Paris? Is Russia in Moscow? Is China in Beijing? Is America in Washington?
For many years, at Naaaarge station, the announcement was often heard:
“Thank you for travelling with Angular Railways.”
Not that here was any choice in the matter…
Excellent cunting. Have never understood the fascination of going to some pox-ridden shitehole, twatterring on about da “so wooooonderful, so meaningful, innit…” local religion, when these mongs wouldn’t be seen dead going to church in the UK.
Or Basingstoke in Westphalia
Jesus. What a bunch of thickos. What do they teach these mental retards at school? I despair for the human race.
They teach them that whitey and the West are to blame for everything that is wrong in the world. And that Libtardism is the only way forward.
I bet both the males and females would master the class of sucking a cock though
Yes the generation that had the benefit of Bliars education education education.
Worked out great didn’t it?
The sad thing is
They really are that thick!
Reminds me of “Educating Essex”…
“What’s pi, and where does it come from??”
I really felt sorry for those teachers.
The girl in question probably gives blowies for a quid at Chelmsford bus station.
Sadly true story of a female cousin of mine who at the time was completing her PhD in Fine Art and Painting at some Russell University,no less.She was about 26 years old.We were watching a news item concerning Sweden.The fledgling Picasso turned to me and asked “CuntsR-US”(not my real name),”is Sweden in Europe?” I thought (or rather hoped) that she was just taking the piss but nope the girl was in earnest ,she really wasn’t sure exactly where Sweden was located,apparently she had narrowed it down to 2 possible locations,Europe and Central America.
This Fucking Cuntry is Finished.
Good on them,I say.
I wouldn’t want to go on a Grand Tour of European cathedrals and museums either. A bunch of dusty old “culture” verses a fucking good laugh somewhere slightly more exotic?….lead me to the long-haul flight.
Fuck Le Louvre and fuck Barcelona cathedral too. I’d rather see some Thai bird fire ping-pong balls out of her fanny any day.
Fuck Off.
I can just imagine Mr Fiddler on Mastermind and his specialist subject (among many) “Watching Thai birds pop ping-pong balls out of their slippery snatches!”
You never visited Lindisfarne off the coast of Northumberland Mr F? Maybe spiritual enlightenment is only a short boat ride away.
I have actually,Miles. I went to The Crown and Anchor,and very nice it was too,while my companions went to look at the ruins.
I had several pints of “Sneklifter” if I remember correctly,that was all the Enlightenment that I needed.
There’s a pub there? I thought it was uninhabited desolate place. Don’t fancy visiting now.
Lindisfarne? Lady eleanor! The vikings kicked the shite out of it in 793ad never recovered i think.
I reckon Mr F could have made a better job of tottering about in high heels than Frank Maloney in the aforementioned programme. To be fair, Frank did manage to beat the combined brainpower of the ugly fat bird from Eastbenders and Stacey fucking Dooley. He did look like a cunt though.
Frank Maloney looks like a cunt and talks like a cunt, therefore, he is a cunt.
I agree Dick,
I’ve always been an uncultured cunt when abroad. Mrs Fistula wants to travel 4 hours to visit a 20000 year old wall on the other side of the Island. WHY FFS. It’s a fuckin ruin , I’d rather be propping up the bar talking shit to like minded piss heads and admiring the Pussy than visiting The Louvre or a Church in Barcelona.
Isn’t Spain in Barcelona ? I was reliably informed by some highly intelligent girls on tv the other night.
I was once forced to endure a 3 hour coach ride to look at some old breeze-blocks in Egypt. Fucking roasting hot,it was. I looked at the fucking things for all of 2 minutes and then went back to the bus.
probably “built” by some dodgy pikey cunts; charged a fortune and then fucked off!
They didn’t even bother to put some windows in, cunts!
I wouldn’t have cared,but I was “all-inclusive” at the hotel and missed out on the buffet….got my money’s worth in beer when we got back to make up for it though.
Agree Dick – you can’t beat a nice full-breasted Thai ladyboy!
Nothing wrong with hedonism if that’s your intention, whether in ibiza or Bangkok. We all need to ho mental now and again. It’s the smug middle-class snowflakes who pretend to be wiser than they really are because they fucked off for 6 months to live off the rest of their student loan or trust fund.
Spot on cunting. Roger Scruton is a very astute and profound thinker who has once again hit on something important.
Youths do not have to adopt oriental religions and philosophies to achieve insight or enlightenment. As Carl Jung said, the Western Mind is already hard wired to find enlightenment and fulfilment through traditional Western resources, religious and philosophical, which already have inbuilt psychological meaning to us as Westerners.
Westerners that adopt a Eastern religions and pseudo- spiritualism (making money from these gullible Westerners has become an industry in India) are fooling themselves. I have travelled a lot in China and Asia and these Westerners that come looking for the “ wisdom of the orient” are regarded as fools over there that would have far more respect from Asians if they held true to their own traditions.
Fuck off.
What is even more surprising is that when these cunts (old or young) travel abroad (be it Spain, India or as far afield as China), they always naturally assume the locals speak English, and become rather uppity when they don’t, to the point of saying “DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?” very loudly, as if that is going to make a fucking difference!
So these cunts want to get a “spiritual sense of well being” for the Far East, but can’t even be bothered to at least learn some of the lingo.
‘What he means is that so many of the young dismiss European culture…’
And yet, these arseholes are almost all, to a man..sorry, forgot inclusivity, let me rephrase, almost all, to a whatdefuu, ‘Remainers’.
‘..”and seek enlightenment on backpacking tours to Cambodia and Kathmandu. They imagine they will achieve some sort of spiritual awakening and chat with a Swami, sharing pseudo profundities on their facebook page.’
An old problem, predates the hippies even, though they were really bad for it with their ‘hippie trail’ nonsense and Maharishis (I recommend tracking down a copy of Karma Cola for a cunting of those idiots from an Indian perspective)
The best way to deal with them?, immerse them in these cultures, but take away their money and western ‘crutches’ like technology and access to medicines, and leave them for a while.
Admittedly it can be a bit of a kill or cure deal for them, quite literally, as they’ll either come out of it cured of their delusions or in a box (or, as happened in the days of the Raj, they could also ‘go native’ and stay).
So for us, win-win.
I’ve got two words for any cunt that doesn’t appreciate european superiority. Flush toilet. Use the same bogs as the locals, shitting in a hole and wiping your arse with your hand, and tell me europe hasn’t got it well sorted.
Clearly you’ve never been in the Wetherspoons in Streatham High Road.
Bet the locals in these villages be it thailand india africa whatever are rubbing their hand when some dozy western backpacker turns up looking to find enlightenment!
Gullible and wallet bulging fucking lovely!! Dont have to go poaching this month.
Every white face is just a rich westerner and a mark for the locals, that’s all they see. ‘Oh everyone’s so nice over there’, yeah of course they fucking are they want your money you mug.
It won’t be too long before London will become its very own foreign country with its multitude of cultures and religions.
You will need a passport to get in, and hopefully a big fuck-off wall round the city to keep the locals from getting out!
(Or you could just cling to the undercarriage of a plane at Heathrow and hope to get dropped off in some shithole like Bradford – another foreign place)
Lots of foreign places in the UK.
Eldest daughter had her phone stolen by a gang of Romanian boys (youngest about 12 years old) last night circa 11.30pm Ipswich town centre.
Police brought her here, told us both it is a very common occurrence in Ipswich town and in which shop the phone would be sold today.
Fucking Romanian cunts scum and FUCK THE EU.
The media dont like to focus on the fact that ‘petty’ crime, particulary in Londonistan, is carried out by Romanians, If you have your wallet knicked on the tube its most likey a Romanian.
Have to say that I can see the appeal of getting away from Mummy and Daddy for a gap year spent pissing it up in relatively safe tourist traps, and realise that not all of us by a long way would prioritise culture. Was the Grand Tour so very different, I wonder? Did the privileged sprogs who were sent on it return culturally enriched? I think not. They’d already had the entirety of Greek and Latin literature hammered into them at school, and I get the impression that the Classical fashion of the era between Milton and Shelley represented the same disease as the hankering after Oriental mystic bollocks more recently. In a post on ‘Ys A Cunte’ from 1760, I found:
‘ The progeny of the wealthy, having extended their journeyings to Venice and Rome, are yet unconscious of their natural heritage, and there is not one of these who could raise you a half-timbered manor house in the fashion of their ancestors. They are truly a soft and pliant generation, fit prey for the unscrupulous Italian, and, if permitted to persist in their delusions, will pervert this proud nation’s morals to
those of Caligula, while our future squires will eschew our native beer and gin, preferring the effeminate productions of some southern vineyard in which they tarried upon their Grand Tour. They are truly to be regarded as cuntes.’
You don’t have to travel abroad now to experience foreign culture as it and its exponents are all here in sunny Albion
Murderers and rapists among 105 foreign criminals arrested in Suffolk, police figures (April 2017) show. Old figures but the situation has worsened significantly in the last two years.
A call to crackdown on freedom of movement for foreign criminals was made (by Conservative Ben Gummer, who has since been replaced by Labour’s anti Brexit Sandy Martin) after it emerged murderers and rapists were among more than 100 offenders discovered in Suffolk.
According to Suffolk Constabulary figures two murderers and three rapists were among 105 criminals from EU countries whose past was only discovered after they were arrested during a 12-month period.
Only when someone is detained as a suspect can checks be made on someone’s previous convictions elsewhere.
Really? Why the fuck on earth is that? We have been reassured (lied to) many time that we do in fact control our borders, that our border control and crime fighting agencies work closely with international crime agencies elsewhere in Europe, that we most certainly do check those coming into the country and that immigration is good, especially the NHS. This may well be true however would suggest that from the spiralling crime figures not that good for anyone else.
As an aside here is an interesting document regarding Gypsy, Roma and Travellers, and why they are important in Suffolk, and what can be done to improve their health and wellbeing (which incidentally seems to be more important than the health and wellbeing of the local council tax payers):
Clearly a lot of time and money has exchanged hands in the producing this report, I would suggest that those poor cunts who have been the victims of crime carried out by Romanians (and travellers) living here may disagree with the “benefits” the travelling community bring with them.
I have a far simpler and more cost effective solution, which is that all Romanians and travellers in Suffolk are not welcome and can fuck off.
Piss well and truly boiled following my eldest daughters phone theft in central Ipswich last night- the police informed her that it was by a Romanian gang who have been operating in the area for some time.
I notice in the report that it says:-
• Those who travel have overall better health than those on static sites.
In that case, keep on travelling you cunts. You know it’s for the good of your health and you’ll feel better for it.
ps Keep on travelling till you get to the Hook of Holland.
Worked in an office with some dim bint some years ago, who knew nothing about geography.
She thought that Canada is where Australia is and thought that Sweden was the capital of Switzerland. When challenged she said, ‘ well it sorta sounds the same doesn’t it’.
She was a team manager too.
No surprise that the firm in question went out of business.
I find the cunts who throw themselves into the local culture to be the worst. Silly birds wearing sari’s and a fucking tikka spot after being in Goa for 2 fucking days.
Even the locals think this lot are cunts!