The Today Programme

An emergency cunting for BBC Radio 4. The production team of the Today program have excelled themselves in their right-on head-up-their-arses broadcast this morning.

On the day before the 75th anniversary of the D Day landings, Martha Kearney was, this morning, broadcasting from Portsmouth. You knew things weren’t going to go well when she made reference to a “WW2 Landrover” and then proceeded to tour HMS Queen Elizabeth getting Navy nomenclature and command appointments all wrong.

Then it was Thought for the Day when some female haltingly described the hardship of getting through Ramadan.

Finally, to make my piss vaporise, some millennial snowflake cunt was given a five minute slot to talk about self-harming caused, not by the terror of storming a defended beach, but her dislike of her own body image. Boo hoo.

It’s no wonder John Humphrys is retiring – how can this old timer compete against broadcasters of such quality?

Nominated by Sgt Maj Cunt

81 thoughts on “The Today Programme

  1. Big Bold Cuntishness. The BBC has been overrun and it’s mission to inform and entertain has been subverted into a mission to pump our agenda based psyops.

    The government is either scarred of the BBC or complicit in its disinformation dissemination.

    The BBC is another national treasure.

    As recently highlighted in an excellent cunting, national treasures are most often steaming piles of putrid shit.

    There is an alternative media out there, much of it tainted with its own agenda but this is usually blatantly and proudly displayed.

    What the alternative media does well is highlight how most information can be spun to suit the agenda and narrative of the people presenting it.

    The BBC hides behind impartiality which it rarely practices. It’s reached the point that if the BBC tells you the time you need to check your own watch.

    • Had 5 live news on the other day. Apparently the inquest into the London Bridge attacks by the peacefuls declared that the people who lost their lives were killed unlawfully.

      No fucking shit sherlock. They must have been really intelligent fuckers on the inquest to figure that out.

      Also within 2 minutes some numbnuts managed to steer the conversation around to the threat of the far right.

      For fucks sake these BBC cunts are brainwashed beyond belief.
      Massive Cunts the lot of them.

  2. BBC ….. all cunts of the highest order.

    Stormsy wearing a stab vest on the Glastonbury luvvie fest last night.

    No one seems to be asking whether it is a criticism of Citizen Khunt’s failure to address the issue of the knife crime epidemic in Londonistan.

    Remove the licence fee and get this perennial teenager at home to earn an honest living and spend within it’s own means.

    • Yeh I saw that clip of stormcunt on this mornings news, fucking muppet wearing a stab prove vest emblazoned with union flag!! CUNT!!
      Glastonbury is a wankfest for London’s biggest cunts……..

      • Such is the cuntitude of the BBC I rarely venture on to any of their channels be it TV or radio , just happened to hear the BBC coverage of the wimminz WC get a severe cunting on talksport yesterday, apparently the BBC has been making direct comparisons between it and the men’s World Cup….
        So Martha? ( apparently Brazilian lady) is now the leading scorer in world cups!
        With 17 which is 1 more than klose, 2 more than Ronaldo and a whole 5 more than football legend the iconic pele!!
        Another stunning fact is England’s female keeper Karen bardsley is second only to Peter Stilton in international caps! So take that David seaman , Gordon banks and the rest of the men!
        FUCK OFF you deceitful CUNTS
        They are completely unfair comparisons…..
        (Nothing against the lionesses and wish them well in the semis)

      • The BBC are probably frightend that the Wimmins football lezzies will turn up in W1 and return to their former occupation as heavyweight dyke wrestlers, and give that old fucker Clive Anderson, one of the most pompous yet untalented arseholes, a good thumping.

      • I watched 20 seconds of that DJ shouty man and it was pitiful. Like a bad April fool joke.

      • I sincerely hope the wimmin’s footy team lose the next match. Can you imagine the wank-fest if they come back with the cup?

  3. It’s noticeable that interruptions and challenges depend on the subject matter. Right-on bullshit gets an easy ride, even from Humphreys but woe betide any centrist or rightist opinion. Far Right and Extremist (referring to Tories) bandied about by that commie cunt McDonnel allowed free rein. Thought for the day has been cunted before for the mealy mouthed horseshit it is and Snowflake concerns treated like war stories.
    Fuck the lot of them.

    • CC, I hear what you’re saying, but you will be encouraged to note that R4 has enthusiastically supported the concocted ‘Labour Are Antisemites’ * narrative since it first kicked off. The last thing it attacks are centrists. Clarke and Heseltine are frequent interviewees, and if we have heard thankfully less from Blair lately, it’s probably because they don’t pay him enough.

      * We disagree, I know, fine. But then I don’t regard someone saying his party should stand up to damaging allegations as being antisemitic. If he’d said Labour is too apologetic to the unions, the BBC would have applauded. And so would you. Where do you want freedom of expression to begin?

      • Labias anti-semitism is not “ concocted”. It’s a palpable fact.

      • I agree that legitimate criticism of The Israeli government is often called anti-Semitic to shut down the debate, the same ploy is used by many Labour MP’s who shout racist as soon as immigration policy is questioned.

        The issue for Labour is the current leadership has taken a distinct side in the Israel v Palestine cluster fuck debate. Corbyn and co are pro Hamas and Hezbollah and these two terrorist fronts are absolutely anti-Semitic.

        Labour should be focused on domestic issues and not automatically aligning themselves with terrorists because they believe them all to be freedom fighters and Israel to be wrong by default, this attitude extends to any situation when cunts pick up guns and stick it to the man.

        IRA for instance, to the Labour leadership the IRA are freedom fighters but we know they were actually murdering gangster scum who terrorised their own people with the same merciless lack of compassion as they did the British and Protestants.

        That isn’t to say their were no legitimate gripes on the catholic side.

        Labour is full of people who adore the imagery of the freedom fighter and find a way to justify the savagery and murderous ways of their chosen che guevara poster boy.

        I doubt many Labour members are truly anti Semitic but due to their support for real anti Semitic organisations the distinction is meaningless.

      • Spot on SDV.
        Since I was a nipper, Liebore has always been so bloody pro-Palestine (I think it was always the Redgraves being very vocal on this point too…) and, let’s face it, you aren’t likely to see the chief of Jezbollah dancing cheek to cheek with the chief Rabbi.
        Liebore buys into pro-Palestine, and anti-Semitism is a sort of default result.

        Likewise, I don’t think they’re on a Jew-hating roll like the IIIrd Reich were. Not quite, anyway…

      • I think both sides are a pain in the arse, but if it comes down to a simple taking sides, then it would have to be the Israelis/Jews over the Palestinian/Goat-fuckers any day.

      • K, I don’t regard Clark and Heseltine as centrists. They are Remoaners which fits the BBC agenda. As is Blair.
        I didn’t mention anti-Semitism but since you have, there is clearly a vein of this running through the current Labour Party which has brought in the rabble that Kinnock tried to clear out. I will admit that anti Israel views are sometimes over stated but they usual go with support for extremists in the region. As per Grandpa’s support for Hamas etc.

      • I dont understand why it isnt possible to criticise a an organisation, religious or otherwise without being labelled as facist or antisemite.

        I dont know much about Chris Williamson other than he is a left wing cunt but he is entitled to an opinion, I dont know how many Antisemites there are in the labour party and it is a question of degree, if someone says ‘all jews should be Killed’ then that is wrong but to hold an opinion on Jewish influence in big business isnt.
        Criticising Israel is fine, my opinion for what its worth is they, the Arabs and Israel Jews deserve each other both are fucking cunts.

  4. … and the really annoying thing is we’re paying for all this one-sided bullshit!

    The quicker the licence fee is abolished the quicker the BBC will have to fend for itself without having 30 odd million households propping it up.

    But will there be a government with the balls to pull the financial rug from under the BBCs shoes?

    Of course not: reason being the BBC is a national fucking treasure!

    Is it fuck

  5. I’m just surprised that they didn’t get round to saying that Uncle Adolf was the first Brexiteer, the French forces under DeGaulle fought valiantly,Churchill liked cock, Gen. Montgomery was a Dark Key, the Normandy landings were spearheaded by a Division of Muzza enrichers,the Queen Mother was a tranny (that one could well be true) and that we should apologise immediately and pay reparations of £39 billion to the poor folk of Europe who we upset with our too stupid to know what we were fighting for fascist illegal invasion of peaceful Europe.
    We,through our small-minded attitude, delayed the founding of the Super-State of Europe…never mind, I’m sure that they’ll get there before much longer.

    Fuck Off.

    • I suspect it won’t be long before we have to pay retrospective reparations to the likes of Germany as a whole, and Dresden in particular, due to our outrageous “murdering” of innocent men, women and children by dropping bombs on them during WWII!

      The Left won’t care much about what Hitler did: they will apportion blame on the UK for not being sensitive enough to his delicate sensibilities, and that he probably had some mental health issues that we chose to ignore.

      Sooner or later, WWII (and WWI) will be blamed fairly and squarely on the UK, and its “murderous, cowardly” armed forces.

      The Guardian and the BBC will be in wanking themselves silly when that day comes!

      • I shouldn’t worry. Before then, Hollywood will have ensured that the UK never even took part in the world wars and the USA won them all by themselves.

      • I went to Dresden a few years back. They have an anti-muzzer march (Pegida) every Monday. Nice to see flags of all over the world, including Norway, UK and Israel. The common enemy are the goat-fuckers.

    • If you look into it a bit more – the Frogs lost the Franco-Prussian war so agitated for the next war against the Krauts (WW1). After they “won” this (after thousands and thousands of British, American and Russian lives lost), they then proceeded to throw their weight around and pissed off the Krauts and provoked them into the next war (WW2). After they then capitulated and gave in (despite a reasonably strong showing by their troops) we then sacrificed another few hundred thousand Allied lives to dig them out the shit again, so that cunt De Gaulle could mince into Paris ahead of his “liberating” French troops.

      He then fucked us over in the common market and pulled out of NATO, despite us putting up with the cunt in exile in the UK.

      Fuck off you shit stirring trouble making frog cunts.

  6. I do hope they say something nasty about Bozza (a la the Grauniad and their pet narks), so when he gets the PM job he will exact some sort of vindictive revenge on the ‘Beeb’…. He could do this by, say, abolishing their licence… One can but hope…

  7. Anyone seen about Smarmy Lineker’s latest BBC funded venture?
    The human oil slick is making a programme about how his granddad was in World War II…
    The arch libflake will be whining about how his grandpater was part of a group called ‘the Normandy deserters’… Well, it would explain why Lineker was such a never made a tackle softarsed cunt on the pitch… Maybe it’s in the blood?… Maybe he’s from a long line of cunts…

    • Lineker managed to shit himself playing a game of football…Fuck only knows what he’d have done in a landing-craft heading for Sword beach.

      • In fairness to Lineker senior it’s likely he fought in the Italian campaign which was no picnic. Germans were nicely entrenched in places like Monte Cassino and took some shifting. “D-Day dodgers” may have been a grimly sarcastic name invented by the troops themselves. Its use in a derogatory sense has been attributed to Viscountess Astor, (although she always denied it).

        Gary Lineker’s still a weapons grade cunt though.

      • It’ll be typical of Lineker the younger to make out it was some kind of un-PC slur on his grandfather though… And I bet he does… I expect a Partidge-esque farce which will be as bad as his presenting on MOTD….

      • The cuntitude of ‘Glasto’ knows no bounds Norman. Stormzy delivered a social justice lecture on ‘black kids unfairly treated in the British justice system’ masquerading as a set and even shoehorned a David Lammy speech in to it.

      • Stormzy might have a point with all these white youths going round stabbing people it’s absolutely ridiculous that the police arrest young black males! It’s fucking outrageous
        And waycist !
        I’m surprised the trump blimp hasn’t turned up at Glastowank? Imagine the snowflakes literally wetting themselves as they sung “ whoa Jeremy corbyn !!” All afternoon whilst taking selfies with the hilarious baby trump blimp in the background!! Magic stuff ?

      • Must of been hard peeling spuds and frying up crisps in ww2 though! Lineker senior wondering if the platoon will get back and notice his new cheese n onion flavouring hes made from theyre ration packs?

    • So typical of that cunt – he has the influence to produce a program defending his own grandfather, so as to make it look like the government of the time were at fault.

      • I don’t know, the phrase d day dodgers was only used by people who didn’t know what the fuck they were talking about, which perfectly describes Lineker, the cunt.

    • His grandfather probably took the Reich-Roggenmark to torture fellow Poles…

  8. Today has become a huge steaming pile of cuntishness.

    I wrote a separate nom for Mischal Hamas ( AKA Mischal Hussein) on Today who pisses me off every morning on Today with her shite pc journalism. She gives a rough ride to those whom she dislikes ( Brexiteers and the Israeli Ambassador) and an easy ride to those of whom she approves ( Remainers, Hamas, Hezbollah). Peacefuls and supporters of Palestinian terrorism are guaranteed to get the last word from her while everyone else will be constantly interrupted. However she’s fucking gorgeous and I wish she would ride me.

    She should get the sack and seek a new career as an escort, a job for which she would be far better suited.

    • The Israeli Ambassador, Mark Regev, is a Grade A propagandist shit. In favour of using white phosphorus on civilians. Which is how he got the job. Glad she gets that right.

      • Whilst Hamas only sends chocolates and flowers into Israel, I suppose?

      • Where and when was white phosphorus used?
        Aren’t you confusing it with the teargas which was used on the palis who were trying to breach the border fence?

  9. May I say I hate the Lionesses and I hope they lose… Because if they win their feminazi inspired bullshit will go up in decibels, they will be everywhere you look in the media, and the BBC wankfest will also be unbearable if they win… I can hear it now ‘They’ve bested Sir Bobby Robson and his 1990 team! They’ve outdone the boys from Mexico 70! Better than the Euro 96 team! Even Maradona couldn’t beat our ‘Lionesses’… They can sod off….

    • Then you’re aiming at the wrong target. The team are are group of women playing football, nothing more and nothing less. They should be able to do so and those that want to enjoy the spectacle are fully entitled to do so.

      As with everything these days some cunts have taken something that’s innocuous and weaponised it for their own purposes.

      Once again if the actual subject matter was presented in a purely factual manner and it wasn’t being spun to fit an agenda the fact women are playing football competitively harms no one.

      Good luck to the ladies, I’m all for anyone doing what they love.

      • It’s a vanity project for the BBC and the FA, mainly…
        What I object to is these women footballers on the Premiership and World Cup (proper) on TV… Making out they are top players and giving their ‘expert’ opinions on the game at the highest level when they aren’t… A lot of them also mouth off in their own media columns (newspapers, BBC etc) and the crap they come out with… Lionesses goalie, Karen Bardsley says mixed teams at academies is the way forward … Utter madness and a recipe for disaster… But that’s just one pearl of ‘wisdom’ from this lot… The pestering and whining by certain ‘Lionesses’ about big bad Manchester United being ‘sexist’ for not having a womens team also grated (the cunts who now run MUFC have since capitulated to their nagging PC demands)…. Then there is the time and money the FA spunk on this lot… A mate of mine coaches a longstanding and established boys football club in Salford… They get fuck all assistance off the FA (even when asked for) and yet millions is spent on this mob and promoting them… Also old clubs like Bolton and Bury can’t even pay their own staff… League clubs are dying, the next World Cup (proper) has been bought by a dodgy gulf regime, bigger clubs have corrupt owners, grass roots football is getting starved… But what is the Football Association’s priority? What is the British Broadcasting Corporation’s priority? A bloody women’s team…


      • Just do what I do, take no interest in sport of any description and spend no money on it at all.

      • Absolutely agree, the quality of the football isnt brilliant but it is competitive and they are sweating their fannies off trying to win, I have never been a big fan of individual sports people but when representing the country I am fully behind them.
        I hope England get passed the fucking yanks and into the final to play Germany (hopefully) that would be worth seeing!

      • They call women’s football amateurish, and yet I have seen so much childish bullshit from the men’s game; along with watching some pretty awful games. And apparently Martin O’Neill was sacked at Forest yesterday because the players went on strike, saying they didn’t like his training methods!

        So snowflake players go into a strop when the going gets tough, and manage to get their boss fired! Cunts

      • True enough… Roy Keane walked out on those Forest fairies and O’ Neill is also too good for that shower of shit… The game is virtually dead anyway and full of cunts…. Once we had the Holy Trinity of Best Law and Charlton…. Now we have the Cunt Trinity in Lingard Rashford and Pogba…

      • There seems to have been quite a lot of sanitisation in this world cup, not sure if it new rules across the board or just for the womens game, like the lack of physical josling at corners and when there is a free kick no attacking player can be closer than a yard to the wall, for a penalty in normal time goal keeper has to keep one foot on the line until the ball is struck but this doesnt apply in the penalty shoot out, if it goes on like this football will be like fucking subuteo

  10. Presently clicking on “like” buttons increases the number by 2 not 1. Have I been granted special “double opinion” rights, or is the site faulty?

    • Don’t give any ideas to the Remainers, otherwise they will think the same thing with regards the Referendum.

      “The Brexiteers only won because some of their votes counted double due to a technical fault!”

      we know how desperate they are to call the referendum null and void, and insist on a 2nd

  11. Try to avoid anything to do with the BBC like the plague.

    Having said that was working outdoors on Thursday and Friday, and the guy I was working with had the radio tuned into BBC radio 6 (which I did not know even existed).

    Music not bad and very little talking which means no BBC propaganda and no mention of Brexit or Global warning.

    • So true when musicians or the radio should just shut up and play the music

  12. An earlier on Wireless 4 *Prayer For The Day* they often use ladee *writers and broadcasters* soundly absurdly pious. Last week it was Sarah Teather who used to be a LibDem MP. I am just surprised Blair hasn’t been on, though I don’t suppose they pay enough for that. Wait till they get Father Dominic Grieve 🙁

    • I misread as “lesbian MP”…
      I guess that would fit Cable quite well…

      B. Liar not getting paid enough ?? Sounds like that Fugly Naomi Campbell (another cunt called Campbell ??!). Maybe Tone will fall off his fuck-me high heels on the way to his nearest cottage…

  13. ‘Putin liberalism ‘obsolete”

    It’s the end of history cunters. The end of history. Fukiyama’s idea that liberal democracy is the final goal for all countries. But-
    “Putin’s position is that Russia has a specific and different kind of civilisation, where sovereignty trumps democracy, and national unity and stability trumps rule of law and human rights,” says Prof Cox.
    Good on Putin. Everyone knows, deep down, we don’t Iive in a democracy. A real democracy. How many times do you hear ‘I didn’t vote for that’. ‘That’s not what I voted for’. Putin does away with the pretence. ‘Sovereignty trumps democracy’. See Russia or Poland or Hungary don’t have a multicultural problem or an lgbt homosexual rights agenda. Fuck liberal democracy. They are developng economically as well where the COUNTRY is protected. Fuck liberal democracy. The ‘Model’ is collapsing. They have the rule of law. We are fast losing it. Liberal democracy is the cause of all our problems. Soljynitsyns-can’t spell it-‘The West is drunk on freedom’. So right. It’s time to sober up. Let’s look to Russia.

      • The dalia lama is in danger of being labelled far right at the moment. He’s openly saying if Europe carries on as is it’s finished. Menal while Macroncunt wants to create Euafrica.

    • I agree Miles. If the dead from two world wars were able to choose between the two models on display today, I think the majority would agree with us. I’m sure many of them would forego the so called ‘freedoms’ of democracy in favour of stability and the rule of law. What use is freedom if you are not able to exercise it? Of course, there would have to be some tweaking of the economic model but at least we would be able to preserve all the old values and prevent old soldiers looking back in horror at what we’ve become today. Time to get off that ride on mower RTC and reply!

      • I’ll leave you with three thoughts (below) Bsc, all of which were endorsed by my parents and grandparents, who fought (and in one case died) for the things many of us now seem to take for granted and want to throw away, like freedom and democracy.

        They would be appalled that we might want to turn this country into a mafia state shithole like Russia, with a murderous, kleptocratic cunt like Putin telling us what we can and cannot think, say, or do.

        “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” (Winston Churchill)

        “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wise people so full of doubts.” (Bertrand Russell)

        “Every nation gets the government it deserves.” (Joseph de Maistre)

        PS: you made me miss ‘Any Answers’ on Radio 4 just now. Cunt.

      • I’m sorry RTC but you can’t lecture me about old soldiers. My dad was a tank commander in the desert rats. He was blown up, lucky to survive and lived crippled and in constant pain with shrapnel buried in his head for the rest of his life. If I were able to show him what has become of this shitty ‘democratic’ UK, I think I know what he’d prefer. Nobody puts up Putin in any way as a role model but we are looking for a more disciplined system with above all else strong leadership. This in no way conflicts with democracy. Think, “ more Trump rather than Putin.” Now get back on your mower – there’s a lot of grass to be cut at Creampuff Manor!

      • In what way was I lecturing you about old soldiers Bsc?

        You said you agreed with Miles… it was he who put Putin and Russia up as a role model.

        I am all for strong leadership (think Thatcher and Trump) so long as said leadership remains true to the system and spirit of democracy within which it was elected.

        Be seeing you (the grass waits for no man) ?

      • Putin dragged Russia out of the shit after the fall of the Soviet Union, the West promised Russia that it would support Russia if it dismantled the Soviet Union and finished itself as a world power. The west in this case being Reagan & Thatcher. Once the Berlin Wall fell the west decided not to honour its promises and left Russia ripe for Putin.

        As for democracy, we all now know democracy is a sham. We are given a narrow band of choices to begin with and when it came to a real test of democracy the outcome has been derailed and negated.

        So much for democracy, it is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner.

        Personal opinion Putin is a smart cookie and he is a Russian patriot. Not that I’d want him in charge of my country but at least the Russians have a leader who has the best interests of their country first. When was the last time we could say that?

      • True democracy is when the elected representitives do what the people tell them to do.
        If Bojo gets in and suspends parliament to carry out what the people instructed the cunts to do, that is democracy!

      • I salute your Dad’s service Bsc.

        What is more important to a country protecting it’s sovereignty or democracy?

      • Look what liberal democracy has brought us to; London looks like Islamabad. Degerency in the streets, in schools. The destruction of the family unit. Drugs, rampant crime. I wonder if anyone on here over the past forty years can honestly say my vote counted for anything? Did it change anything fundamentally? To the betterment of the country?

      • Liberalism might not be dead but it’s certainly on its knees. It just needs someone or something to kick it in the crutch to finish it off. It really amuses me when these liberals pour scorn on populism. They can’t accept the fact that populism is democracy. In their eyes it hasn’t got any credence because it has no elitist basis to it. It’s only an idea driven by the masses and the great unwashed.

      • Some problems you mention have been created by government policy, in other cases culturally. But in a democracy the people need to take responsibility, ultimately WE allowed it to happen with inattention, laziness and too often not bothering going out to vote becuase apparently it makes no difference.

      • But Treesa was offering “stable” !!……. Like Cressida was offering “Law”…

  14. The difference RT is that Sovereignty is sacred. Or should be. Whereas democracy is just a system.

    • There are different democratic systems – all different but all democratic when based on the principle of one person one vote.

      If you don’t defend democracy you put yourself at the mercy of a hopefully benign dictator. And dictators generally get the top job because they’re more vicious than their competitors, and what they want is power, not to treat common people with dignity and respect.

      • The US and UK are vaunted as the greatest democracies in the world but both have participated in overthrowing democracies and placing puppet dictators in their place.

        That tells me a lot about democracies.

        Our democracy in particular has two faults, first it mostly only extends to electing representatives who often do the opposite to manifesto promises and secondly it’s not really democracy, it’s mob rule, those that vote for a losing candidate or party are no longer represented.

        An additional problem is a lot of policy is predetermined and never makes it onto a manifesto as it’s not going to change no matter who’s elected.

        If anything the referendum should of made anyone with a brain cell question when did we really last have a true democracy and how long did it last?

      • The fact it’s imperfect or doesn’t do exactly what everyone wants, or doesn’t do it quick enough is no reason to undermine the principle. That’s exactly what people on the left and right do everytime it doesn’t deliver on their particular choices.

        It depends on people actually going out to vote, which most don’t, and actually taking a keen interest on what’s on offer and tirelessly demanding that what the people want is effected. But it’s a process not something which is acheived and then left alone. Use it or lose it.

      • The principal is undermined by those who are elected by the very democratic process that gets them there.

        Democracy needs checks and balances which ours sadly lack, I’m not condemning democracy I’m stating it’s in need of serious reform. A democracy should be constantly evolving ours is not.

      • I like our democratic system in that it has one essential principle which is that parliament is soveriegn.

        The only limits on what our parliament can realistically propose are what’s physically possible, and if the people want to change absolutely EVERYTHING about Britain from one parliament to the next all we have to do is vote for it. Whereas in countries with constitutions you’re limited by what long-dead people dictacted, and unelected lawyers and judges decide they think it means in practice, without being able introduce new policies for an ever-changing world determined by what the living masses want for themselves and their country today.

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