This is a combination cunting by two of our esteemed members.
‘Muslimness’ is a cunt.
Yes, ‘targeting expressions of muslimness’ is the new improved definition of Islamophobia.
They say Muslimness is anything a Muslim says or does related to their beliefs. Which means you could be investigated and even prosecuted for saying, ‘That’s a funny headscarf,’ or ‘Halal slaughter is barbaric’ or simply ‘I don’t agree with what you are saying.’
In fact as a workable definition it means absolutely anything to anyone and nails down Islam’s preeminent status in Britain today. This now makes it nigh on untouchable.
So we can enjoy a huge surge in ‘hate crimes’, (they insulted my faith..etc..) which will further bog-down plod in his ever-increasing burden to police our thoughts.
Never has any social group ever been singled out for such privilege in our society.
And surprise surprise, it’s already been adopted by the Al-Labour Party and was put forward by Anna Sour-Berry the Prize Cunt and a group of wet cunt MPs. 700 Islamic organisations also endorse it. You bet they do !
Fuck off, you massive cunts.
Nominated by Zippy
Meanwhile in loony vile.
St. Matthew & St. Luke’s church in Darlington. I’m not a religious man, but the one sector of British life I thought was safe from the camel botherers was the church, but no, the crackpots at the aforementioned parish have offered both to cover up the cross and allow Muslim prayer during the ramadan. What. The . Fuck.
Can you imagine a mosque in the middle east doing the same during Easter or Christmas?
We should be preserving the values that made this country great and growing a collective backbone and telling these invaders to integrate, respect the country the have chosen to live in or GET THE FUCK OUT.
Not even 10am on a Monday and my piss is boiled
Nominated by McCunterson
Read up on the Lancaster Plan.
The best thing the tories ever did was limit benefits to two children. That’ll slow the cunts down a bit.
Like Islamophobia and mansplaining, Muslimness seems another clumsy word invented by daft lefty cunts to be used by other daft lefty cunts.
No surprise Labour have rushed to accept this new definition after struggling to adopt the international definition of anti-semitism.
I recommebd they change their name to the Red Umma.
Ugh…its getting to the point where one might as well just slit ones throat Halal style just to escape these cunts. This country is mentally fucked across the board. I feel so sorry for my grandchildren, but school is already brainwashing the poor mites into thinking this crap is normal.
Truly bizarre. When muslims luanch another muslim-supremacist mass-murder the first thing the authorities do is come out and say ‘we’re going to protect muslims from attack’. Kill enough non-muslims and it becomes illegal to even talk about islam in a way which isn’t entirely complementary. Utterly, utterly bizarre.
Yup – look at all that old bollocks in New Zealand after the mosque attack. Cunts.
I wonder at what point in the future it might be made a hate crime to complain about being runover on a London bridge/stabbed/ blown up at a concert. Surely islamaphobic?
Piss boiling by 10am is why I took an offline holiday for a few months McCunterson. It’s not healthy and we’ve got to realise that the masses are sleepwalking into mass surveillance and thought policing while we’re spit roasted by the worst elements of our society
There are two choices in this country now:
1) Move somewhere else.
2) Hope you die before Sharia Law is introduced.
It actually amazes me that people are still surprised at Muslim prioritisation; how many more examples do people need each week that something utterly rotten and irreversible is going on in this Cuntry?
I reckon I’m just about on the right side of carking it before BBC starts televising the Call to Prayer.
Fuck Islam in hell.
Where do you go where there aren’t any of the fuckers. I did a quick Wikipedia check and Chile has the lowest percentage of mozzers. Mind you, Hungary looking quite promising.
The poofs vs peacefuls row in that Birmingham school is brewing up nicely. The injunction against the ragheads demonstrating has been suspended so they can challenge it in court next Monday. Meanwhile there’s going to be a big demo on Friday with peacefuls being dragged in from all over the country.
Interesting. Very interesting.
The report I saw said they would gather just outside the exclusion zone…
I hope it kicks off….. get some more of the cunts locked up.
Especially with pride month about to be rammed down everyone’s throat too, it’s hopefully set to kick off big time, I can’t wait to see which side the MSM decides is most worthy of their virtue.
Mind you, the peacefuls may actually find favour with them now that the LGBTABCWXYZ army is pushing their new “Love has no age” mantra and agenda, with that sickening “Desmond” shit as their new poster child.
I actually support the mudslimes in that case. It’s up to parents to instill values in their children not the government.
For what it’s worth, I’d agree too. There is no reason whatsoever to have primary school-aged children questioning their non-developed sexuality.
Though having said that, it’s a bit rich coming from the peacefuls with their whole forced child marriages being endorsed and encouraged by their religion. With them I believe it’s more about their fanatical views on homosexuality than it is any real worry about sexualising children. In that regard, I don’t know if I would go as far as to say I support them.
Not me.
Like it or not,The Gayness is legal in this country. Teaching children that some families have two “Daddies” is a sight less dangerous than allowing a group to dictate what is taught in schools.
If Muslims don’t like the free education provided for their children,there’s an easy answer….Fuck Off back to your stone-age sandpit and teach them whatever you want back there.
This is a tough one. I wouldn’t give either side comfort by supporting one or the other. I wanna see them fight it out so I can stand back and laugh. A plague on both their houses.
This is a pot that all right minded people should stir!
I too enjoy seeing the conflict between the protected minoritites and more specifically watching the left tie themselves in knots trying not to ‘discriminate’.
Too right Freddie. It’s actually hilarious.
The white bastards that run the country and create all the laws that stop us ordinary folk from having an opinion in public have well and truly snookered themselves here.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
I’ve got a range of views on the subject and can sort of see both sides of the argument but I’m just loving the coverage.
I visited the Graun’s website a few days back to see how they were dealing with their own goal and this is what I read ‘parents that were in the main but not exclusively Muslim were protesting……….’
Hilarious and very racist, how the fuck did they know the religion of the protesters?
Maybe they see black/brown people all the same.
How very bigoted and racist is that.
Muslims have no desire to fuck off fiddler, they have built it cuntishness that they want to rule convert and kill usually in that order . They are not going to self deport themselves. They will breed like rabbits except they are’t cute they are ugly as fuck and subhumanly violent and government mp retards promote and protect these cunts
Islam is evil
Muslims are cunts.
I am not racist…. it’s a fact!
Neither would be a race, so you’re safe either way. To anyone that’s not clinically libtarded anyway.
Well, surely “Muslimness” includes killing children at pop concerts and driving vans at unarmed tourists. Fucking cunts. They’ll be in charge soon – you wait till the goat fuckers get a few MPs in.
Why do they need MP’s, they can already do anything they want on the penalty of (our) death.
The Tories came into power with 30% of the electorates blessing. That’s all the innevitable ‘muslim democratic party’ will need to seize power, and they’ll never give it back.
By “muslim democratic party” I assume you mean The Labour Party.
” driving vans at unarmed tourists.” I like this, I remember Journalists walking up to me when I was abroad and asking me what I was doing there (Quick check, assault rifle, helmet, ammunition).
Perhaps being an armed tourist is the way forward, no cunt ever tried to run me over with a van.
Izlam is for the intellectually childish.
Men wearing dresses but attacking ‘omosexuals is terribly ironic.
Halal meat is slaughter.
The Quaran is a load of cobbled-together non-sense.
Soap and water aren’t that expensive.
Your beards look shit.
And your women are fat ugly ogres.
Shhh! Can you hear it? The sound of half a million brave men turning in their graves at the thought of what their country has now become. Not only those who died in action but others like my father whose injuries brought their lives to a premature end.
They must have thought their struggles were in vain and it shames us all.
I’ve got a plan ship all the Gays and Muslims to the isle of Wight and let them sort it out. Hopefully there will only be a few survivors.
This country is fucked.
I’ll be sipping Rum, whilst getting my dick polished on my boat in the Carribaean.
Go fuck yourself.
I’d like to see these peaceful cunts trying some of their shit on Jamaica… They’d get a shot in ah dem Bloodclaat, they’re not fond of the Gays either.
Go fuck yourself.
And then go fuck yourself.
I’m abhaaht to go fuck myself on your instruction.
Saw an ugly, white bitch dressed as a peaceful in the supermarket recently. She couldn’t have been more than 18/19.
Fuck me, how desperate for cock do you have to be to volunteer to be a cockroach breeding machine?
Probably been groomed since she was seven….at least it’ll save some Mohammed’s sister pumping out deformed whelps, I suppose.
Following the official acceptance of the definition of “Anti-Semitism”, of course we were going to get an official definition of “Islamaphobia”. Both worded to mean just what our “leaders” choose it to mean,apparently.
Heaven Forbid we should offend.
Fuck Off.
Bluntspeakingcunt, you’ve hit the nail on the head. All these brave men and women making the ultimate sacrifice for what! I am truly ashamed the state this country is in. And all the scummy fucker’s at the D-Day 75th anniversary in Portsmouth today, your an absolute disgrace. Corbyn, Cable, Macron, Merkel, Sturgeon et all. I hope you all get a major dose of Ebola. CCCUUUNNNTTTSSS.
The Church is soft as fuck as well… Allowing gay Vicars? Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to go against what the Bible (the foundation of Christianity) says and allow a gay/lesbian to have such a role…a liberal cunt that’s who, and why would a gay/lesbian want a role in the Church when the word in the Bible says what they practice or would like to practice is a sin. Madness.
Fuck off.
We need Longshanks back to go on a Holy Crusade. The Church and the Templars were proper gangsters and didn’t fuck abaaaaaht back in those days.
Maybe I should become leader of the Church and kick some ass.
Go fuck yourself.
The cunts
Tut, tut cunters.
Along with the D day commemorations (it isnt a celebration, it never was and was never meant to be only amongst the cunts of the media) nobody on this hallowed page has used the phrase Happy Eid Mubarak. Well theres fuck all happy about Eid, its slavish adherents or its purpose. Who in their right mind would fast all day long and eat all night in the name of some 1400 year old kiddy fiddler for a month EVERY year.
Being a good catholic lad lent was bad enough when I was a kid – avoiding chocolates for 6 weeks but no fucker really did take heed and the wife beating hard drinking catholics at my church took their places every Sunday morning at Mass with their wives sporting heavily made up eyed disguising the slap or good hidings their drunken husbands had dished out the night before.
Maybe a side cunting is in order – I nominate the suriviors, dead participants and those who mourn as cunts who commiserate and remember the masterful stroke of June 1944.
You did it for fuck all. Todays millennial’s and Gen X care fuck all about what they did or what they went through to bring the jackboot of the Nazi to heel. All those battles, bombing and death was in vain.
Radio 4’s tonights moral maze will be asking the question – although it was a Herculean effort should the limp wristed wasteful cunts of today have to “remember” with anything other than the thanks that they have never had to go through it and just forget about the whole “war” thing?
I have my own personal thoughts but I will leave it to JS Mill who wrote exactly what I think in words I would never have thought of. For what its worth fuck the dark keys and all the towel heads of the world – against one English life lost an any battlefield you dont amount to the shit on his boots, never have, arent and never will be. Eid Mubarak? Fuck you.
“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse. When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, in the service and for the selfish purposes of a master, such war degrades a people. A war to protect other human beings against tyrannical injustice; a war to give victory to their own ideas of right and good, and which is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their free choice, — is often the means of their regeneration. A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever-renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other.”
Another good post,Cunto.
Cheers Dick,
A comment from the master is always welcome.
Once a catholic eh cunto? If there’s one thing I’ve been sure of my whole life; the complete and utter bogosity of the Church of England.
Evening Miles.
If there’s one thing I’ve been sure of all my life it’s the complete and utter hypocrisy of the Roman Catholic Church.
Welcome to the United Islamic Emirate of Britainistan
This event almost slipped under the radar.
Well it slipped under my radar. That’s a fucking disgrace and no surprise that Suckdick was there.
I wonder what they’re going to call St Paul’s when they take over?
City of London Mosque.
And the tasteless genetically-fucked bastards will rip out all the wood and replace it with uPVC, if the mosques around here are anything to go by…
And a sign on the front stating “Beware of the mosque goat, it’s got syphilis.”
Just like the sexual abuse victim Macron will willingly replace Notre Dame with a mosque. As if it’s a mystery who ‘did it’ FFS. Never mind, if American elects ‘Creepy Uncle Joe’ then pedophilia will be legalised within the first term.
The notre dame fire was pre planned by the french government themselves thats why authorites immediately dismissed claims that it was terrorism and aren’t seeking further investigation
I have absolutely no respect for catholic cunts they brought this on themselves and its surprising how much Catholicism and islam have in common. They both have prayer beads they both have creepy boy fiddling priests and imams, they both have pilgrimages, and they both have shed countless amounts of blood and started a shitload of wars in the name of god While the norte dame fire happened i didn’t shed a single tear i laughed and sipped wine Fuck them in the arse
Islam is NOT a ‘religion’. It is an extreme political ideology, indeed the most EXTREME and pestilent the world has ever known. If you want humanity to survive beyond this century, it has to be eradicated. No more or no less to say.
Its still a religion tho m8 just because it has subversive political goals doesn’t mean it isn’t a religion. The catholic church has for centuries been a religio political order more about politics less about religion but the two intertwined still a religion despite this. Saying it isn’t a religion doesn’t make it so, islam will not be eradicated this is just wishful thinking
It’s a backward religion that is going through a violent phase, a bit like Christianity did 600 years ago.
But the seeds of the betterment of christianity were in the text in the form of Christ the reformer. Islam has no reformer. It’s old-testament style minus the new.