The General Medical Council


Here’s a joke for you.

A Muslim woman walks into a GP surgery as she was concerned her daughter may have tonsillitis.

The GP (who has a 23 year unblemished record) politely asked the mother to remove her niqab as he was unable to hear clearly what the daughters symptoms were.

Following a complaint by the woman’s husband the General Medical Council has started an inquiry against said doctor over allegations of racial discrimination.

Doctor says he will now be leaving the profession due to the “major injustice of the investigation”.

Boom, boom.

Rather than pandering to them whenever they are offended, surely it is about time we stood up to and told the Peacefuls living in the UK that if they do not like the way things are done here, that they should fuck off to a Muslim country.

The General Medical Council, you should be ashamed of yourselves.


Nominated by willie stroker

47 thoughts on “The General Medical Council

  1. A Peaceful makes an absurd complaint. Result – everyone falls over backwards virtue signaling, desperate to prove they don’t want to offend said Peaceful. Measures taken in sheer desperation and panic include blighting and destroying the careers of innocent people.

    What the fuck has happened to the world? The GMC should hang its head in shame. Cunts.

    If Peacefuls can’t accept our standards then they should fuck of back to Peaceful countries such as Iran and Syria. When you complain in those countries you get a bullet in the back of the head.

    Fuck off.

    • “If Peacefuls can’t accept our standards then they should fuck off back to Peaceful countries such as Iran and Syria.”

      Brilliantly stated.Why doesnt the the British Broadcasting Cunt make a few documentaries about it- “Why are Muslims choosing to live in Infidel Europe instead of Sharia Paradises such as Saudi,Pakicunt,Algeria,Somalia,Sudan,Kuwait,Qatar and Yemen?”

      • Al Bibi is a lost cause. Don’t pay a licence fee, and just let it choke itself out.

  2. These cunts are unbelievable, why didnt this fucker just ‘politely’ refuse and ask to see a female doctor…… what am I saying!!! Fucking brain freeze, the husband complained??? isnt the woman allowed ro complain herself? racial discrimination?

    The fucking General Medical Council should have just refused the complaint and say in no uncertain terms the doctor has done nothing wrong!

    Its no wonder there is so much fucking dislike of the peacefuls
    Bunch of freeloading CUNTS!

  3. Going out on a limb here and breaking a trust from a front line source, so lets hope they’re not an ISAC contributor or visitor.

    A clinic at a certain London hospital has what’s known internally as ‘foreign day.’

    Arrangements are made so doctors and/or consultants are brought in to appease those of a certain religion.
    More often or not if the patient is female the husband will insist on a female doctor and will be present throughout the appointment.

    Add to this the need for translators from an agency who bill at £110 per hour and that’s where we’re at….

    • When our electced representitiives refuse to represent white British people, or follow common sense, the masses have no choice but to take the country back independent of government or choose to let it be taken over.

      • Bloody hell Mandroid, what date does it all kick off? Let me know and I’ll be there with my yellow vest.

      • A yellow vest for me also please Mandroidz. And the biggest fucking club you can lay your hands on.

  4. A white middle aged man goes to the doctor wearing q motorcycle helmet… The doctor says ” Get that off y’head y’fuckin clown” ..
    Middle aged white man says ” Sorry Doc, don’t know what I was thinking … ”
    Normality is returned and all go about their business… Not a hint of drama..

  5. The Royal College Of GPs has no-platformed / uninvited Julia Hartley-Brewer from an important event presumably because the lily-livered cunts can’t stomach hearing a few alternative truths that grate with their echo-chamber libtard perspective.

    The GMC are yet another manifestation of this nonsense.

    • I wrote a nom about this a few days ago.

      The RCGP’s are spineless pc cunts.

  6. Fucking atrocious. Perhaps I should seek compo from the GMC when (legitimately) asked to drop my keks by the doctor?

    • Never have a problem if a nice looking lady doctor. I always try to ensure it’s a female GP for inspections in the tackle department.

      • I compromised with my GP (female captain RAMC) “I will hold it and pull back the foreskin and you can give me your opinion”
        end result a course of antibiotics and fungicidal cream for my mutated helmet

  7. If I had been the doctor I would have chucked her a notebook and said write down the kids symptoms. Cannot be bothered to deal with these cunts with the respect I am supposed to show them. Doctor was somewhat naive in his dealings with peacefuls.

  8. This wouldn’t have happened if the woman wasn’t a fucking peaceful. Why did we even let this filthy ideology of victimhood into our country?

  9. These cases now set a precedent so it becomes doubly difficult for any doctor with balls to do anything other than go along with it. At least when the bastards are bombing you, you know what you’re up against. This slow, subtle, insidious grinding down of the norms of society is much more difficult to deal with.

    • Somewhat. If an alien came down and listened to the coverage of what is obviously a muslim terror attack on non-muslims they would actually have no idea what’s obvious to everyone else becuase muslim attacks are actually described as ‘random’ attacks by ‘random’ members of the general public.

      The London Bridge knife attack currently under inquiry wasn’t even classed as a so-called ‘hate crime’. 3 muslim men stabbing a white women to death when out enjoying an alcoholic drink in a gay area on a Friday night, and the cunts in charge try to convince an inattentive public that it’s ‘random’. THERE’S NOTHING RANDOM ABOUT IT YOU CUNTS!!

  10. A white pubescent girl visits her male GP. How can I help you he asks. She shyly complains of painful periods. She is not offered a chaperone but told to strip to her underwear and lie on the couch where the GP proceeds to conduct an intimate examination. Afterwards she is told to dress and return tomorrow for a further examination. The parents complain when she tells them what happened. The GMC decline to investigate but issued a statement saying they treat all complaints seriously and that the NHS has been enriched by highly qualified and competent doctors like Dr Abdullah Goatfuck bin Linah. However, he has been asked to trim his long black beard and wear something other than a long white one-piece cotton garment that resembles a bed sheet because, according to the girl, it failed to conceal his erection during the examination. Dr Goatfuck bin Linah had no comment to make as he doesn’t speak English other than “take off clothes. Lie on bed” Doctor Goatfuck obtained his medical degree from the refreshment stall at Faisalabad railway station for 1800 Rupees. Not beyond the bounds of reality, given the fucked up state of this country and its appeasement of Muslim cunts like this woman and her piece of slime husband.

  11. I am going to the quacks in my KKK robes. No need to take the headwear off as it signifies my hatred, stupidity and ignorance, just like a niqab. It’s my yewman right.

  12. I went to the quacks recently concerned about a lump in my nadgers. Doc I saw was Muslim and female. After the initial consultation she told me she’d need a chaperone for the examination. Thought it was for my benefit. But no in trawls another woman. Clearly the insinuation was that I could have harassed the peaceful whilst she was playing about with my bollocks. Wonder how her husband feels about her playing about with an infidels tackle? Don’t see him complaining to the GMC. Ahh of course she’ll lose her £100k plus salary and have to fuck off back home to whichever shithole she was born in. The sheer hypocrisy is unbeleiveable. This country needs to grow a pair and stop pandering to the simpering left. Cunts.

    • Reminds me of two or three years ago when I saw a young male doctor about a small lump near my arsehole. He asked me if I wanted a third person to be present while he examined me. I asked what for. He said it was now standard practice to allow a patient to request this for an intimate examination. I said no, the fewer people who see my arse the better. It turned out to be nothing serious and soon disappeared.

      • I had a urine tract infection (not an std) I can’t tell you how surprised I was when the doctor found it necessary to shove his fingers up my arse!.
        To say I felt violated is an understatement I pulled up my keks and legged it as quick as I could.
        What I didn’t know was the cunt had gone overkill on the lube and when I got home I discovered a large greasy stain on the back of my trousers where the shit had melted into the fabric.
        Never thought about legal action, I was more concerned by the shy smiles from men on the street.

      • The only time you should worry about an anal examination Lord Benny is when you can feel the pain but the doctor has both his arms on your shoulders 😉

      • I went to GP about a lump on my schöng as it was itchy. He told me it was just a heat rash. I demanded a second opinion. “Well, you’re also quite ugly” he replied.

  13. Don’t you just love the GMC?

    What an absolutely sterling job they do. What an asset they are to the Health Service. They cover the arses of grossly negligent doctors/surgeons and after a wee slap on the wrist for being naughty via a short suspension, they allow them back into practice, potentially putting more lives at risk. Then, just to balance the ludicrous scale, they take a long-serving GP with a spotless record to task for this UTTER NONSENSE, thus alienating him and denying his patients their doctor…..and what a very sensible and logical move that is when GP practices are buckling under the strain of the number of registered patients that they have on their books…. and have been for decades.

    There should be a fucking inquiry about the fucking GMC, as they are a law unto themselves and have been for years. An old boys club who cover arses when required but then kowtow to the media and political correctness when necessary, in order to be seen to be doing ‘the right thing’.

    That fucking cunt should have been told that if the GP could not properly carry out his consultation and assessment of the patient, that he could not construct a plan of action to treat her, so it was pointless her seeing him and perhaps she should find another doctor, preferably a female one.

    Instead they of course, quelle surprise, play the race card and the GMC destroy a career.



    • Fuckin ‘A. Today is the 75th anniversary of D-Day and every Brit feels a sense of pride at our country’s part in winning freedom for Europe and the world. But the longer we get from that moment in history, the nagging feeling we might in hindsight have been better off under the fucking nazi’s than the shit we’re increasingly having to put up with in supposedly ‘liberal’ Britain grows in the back of our troubled minds.

      • At the moment, if more or less feels like WE ARE living under bloody Nazi rule, with the lack of concern for the concept that is DEMOCRACY and complete indifference to the will of the people.

        On one hand the great unwashed are being ignored and shit on, on the other hand the likes of this race card-playing cunt are being tongued up the arse at every given opportunity.

        GO FIGURE.

        The country is not only fucked, but it has gone mad too.

    • Are they overseen by Common Purpose-trained drones like ever other public body?

  14. Not to worry, practically every weekend several rubber dinghies turn up on the Kent coast packed with doctors, dentists and nurses from Iran and Iraq. It’s like D-Day in reverse but a peaceful D-Day if you see what I mean.
    Speaking of which, and back in the real world, I saw a photo of Her Maj and the Misogynist and Racist Orange Devil at the commemoration ceremony. Sitting two rows behind them were the arch Quislings, old man Cable and old man Steptoe.
    A fucking disgrace. That pair of treacherous cunts should be stuck up against a wall and shot.

    • The Queen praises the ‘courage and sacrifice’ of D-Day.

      At the same time fellow cunts in crime Cable and Corbyn sitting just behind are saying to the British people “lets scupper Brexit and at the same time hand Germany the keys to this country on a plate”. And let us pay you for the privilege. No questions asked. Just take it.

      How fucking thick do you have to be for wanting that to happen?

      I suggest that if Cable and Corbyn have no respect for those brave souls who laid down their lives in order to protect this great country, that they have no right in attending the commemoration ceremony.

      Fucking hypocritical bastards.

  15. This doctor is obviously grossly islamaphobic and a fascist and should be suspended and an inquiry put into place to see if she voted brexit.
    If so banned for life.

  16. Their behaviour is typically parasitic.
    Move in.
    Indulge in parasitic behaviour.
    Kill host country.
    Move on to new host country.

  17. Remember that fat ugly fucker whose uselessness led to that young lad dying. Apparently, it was everyone else’s fault being racist, rather than her being a thick fucker.

  18. Quiz of the week

    What do the following have in common (apart from all being prize cunts obviously)

    Jimmy Savile
    Philip Green
    Lenny Henry
    Trevor McDonald
    Bob Geldof
    Rolf Harris
    Charlie Chaplin
    Kenneth Branagh
    Cyril Smith
    John Major
    Fred Goodwin
    Anthony Blunt
    Kim Philby
    Allen Stanford
    Keir Starmer
    Robert Mugabe
    Lester Piggott
    Nicolae Ceascescu
    Richard Branson
    Patrick Stewart
    Nelson Mandela
    Nick Clegg
    Benito Mussolini
    Alex Ferguson
    Charlie Chaplin
    Rupert Murdoch
    Andrew Lloyd Webber
    Elton John
    John Major
    Andy Murray
    Emma Thompson
    Angelina Jolie

    Yes, you’ve got it. They have all been knighted.

    Fuck me, they really do dish the top awards out to those least deserving. I wonder who decides? Sir Vernon Ellis, Sir Michael Barber, Sir Ian Carruthers, Sir Sebastian Coe & Lord (just a fucking lord) Krebs to name but a few. The main committee is chaired by the head of the civil service, Sir Bob Kerslake.

    There is a long history of titles being granted in exchange for favours and, in some cases, cash. In 2006, police launched an investigation into claims people were being nominated for life peerages for making large donations to the Labour Party, then headed by Prime Minister Tony Blair. No charges were brought. That of course means it didn’t happen.

    Lenny Henry and Nick Clegg FFS.

    • Fuck me, they are ALL real cunts, aren’t they Willie? Absolutely no exceptions there from what I can see.

      • Mussolini, like Mugabe, Ceausescu, and some Irish murderer, was stripped of his award.

  19. My wife is a GP (currently working in a hospital) and she can attest that the NHS is now beyond the point of no return – it is royally fucked and on its knees. The NHS cannot attract sufficient medics and/or have sufficient budgets to cover what is actually needed.

    There will undoubtedly be patient deaths and the useless fucking GMC will ride in like a white knight and rule that the doctor was at fault – just for trying to do their job where demand is now seriously outstripping supply. My wife doesn’t even have the chance to grab a drink or a piss during her working day. It is more like a fucking chain gang than a 21st century hospital in a so called developed country.

    The GMC are ivory tower dwelling cunts and they should all fuck themselves with the business end of a large and spiny cactus.


    • I agree. Contrary to popular belief, the GMC hates doctors. I can’t think of a single practising doctor who has anything good to say about them. GMC panels consist of lay members (who are envious of doctors’ status and income) and a bunch of holier than thou doctors whose social skills are so poor that they are best kept away from patients.They are more concerned about a highly regarded doctor’s behaviour than their competency and are obsessed with “dishonesty” and “bringing the profession into disrepute “even though what they regard as dishonesty can be matters so trivial that the public couldn’t give a shit.
      When I’m ill I’m only concerned about one thing….can the doctor treating me do their fucking job?!
      No prizes for guessing what the C stands for in GMC.

  20. Great cunting willie. I was moaning about getting old on an earlier cunting today, but there are plenty of things I won’t miss when I finally pop my clogs. One of them is this kind of spineless grovelling to cunts who should fuck off to a civilised country like Somalia if they ain’t happy here. How in the name of FUCK is a GP supposed to diagnose a throat problem if unable to look down the throat?
    What a sack of fucking cunt this is; the GMC should tell these cunts to fuck off.

  21. What was Fatima doing out without a chaperone? I know, she was off to a Star Wars convention..

  22. My view is that doctors operate a closed shop and the GMC is the closed shop arbiter. To be struck off these days by the GMC, a doctor would have to be caught doing truly heinous shit worse than Josef Mengele.

    Many years ago, around 1989, I complained to the GMC about an NHS doctor who made an insulting comment to me. I was 19 and wanted an abortion and the doctor I saw said ‘ You been sleeping with the black boys?’ That is a true and honest representation of what that old doctor said to me. Great thing to say to a sweet girl who had only slept with one person.

    I got a letter from the GMC about my complaint that said ‘ We are investigating’ and then nothing.

    The GMC can fuck off and so can the NHS. I have no idea why this country is so precious about a free health service that can treat you like dirt, kill you and/or cover it up with the backing of the GMC.

  23. Another possible career destroyed due to the absolute incompetence of the so called body who will pander to this virtue signalling cancer that is taking a grip in the UK. Well fellow cunters, not me. I always have and always will say it as I see it. If you don’t like it, GTF. CCCUUUNNNTTTSSS.

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