Please can we drag up Russell T Davies once again to make sure we all remember what a cunt he is. This time for Years and Years which I won’t watch because he’s a cunt. And I know he’s a cunt because he turned Dr Who into a snivelling little closet poofter who had feelings, and doubted himself, and felt sorry for his poofter fucking assistants, rather than just get on with taking the heads off Daleks and stuffing golden Yeti balls down Yeti throats to kill them. Dr. Who wasn’t a fuckin poofter, he thought that the “feminine side” was just the front of a woman with tits and a hairy bit. Fuck me. I am sick of RTD trying to turn everyone into a poofter. Twats like him lie to everyone trying to make the LGBT minority seem like the NORM. It isn’t the norm, it’s far from the norm. Gays and lesbians are a tiny fucking minority, who shouldn’t figure in every day life and especially not regular TV. We shouldn’t even hear about them, it’s only because wank arse cunts like RTD who infest TV distort fuckin reality to suit their own fuckin means. Fuckin cunt. Cunt the bastard.
Nominated by Alginon James
Nonsense. Russell T Davies
A thoroughly robust cunting nomination is in order for the deviant in chief at the BBC, Russell T Davies, even though he’d probably enjoy that, especially if it was on national television.
I take it none of my fellow ordinary cunters will have seen Russell T Davies and his latest show “Years and Years” on BBC One. Utter filth and tedious nonsense filled with the most hypocritical and irritating nuisances in the country, like Emma Thompson, who despite her recent protesting antics flew over specially to shoot this series. (Truly, the cast are a conglomerate of cunts.) Years and Years, is possibly the most unwatchable, piss poor, propaganda show, masquerading as “drama” that I have seen on the BBC in recent years, possessing the wit of a BBC Three comedy program about White people and the subtly of Jimmy Saville. That is to say, they are about as empty as Katy Price’s vagina and bank account.
A succinct summary for you all, so you don’t have to endure this drivel for yourself. It follows a family of four siblings, who in true BBC fashion don’t know or talk about their father and their mother has died of cancer, this is apparently “normal.” Don’t worry though, virtue signaling “Gran” still alive who likes to note she isn’t prejudiced against gay people or immigrants, just the popular causes du jour, like Londoners and White people. All the family vote Labour. (Duh, otherwise they’d be down with killing disabled kids in the street, or that’s what Davies thinks Tories do.)
The Youngest of these sibling is working class, struggling to make ends meet. Davies couldn’t resist demonising her from the go, not only is she portrayed to be thick because white, but also because she’s on benefits and is wheelchair bound having sex with every other man. She has two kids to two different men of different races. (She’s bonking a guy who is bonking a sex robot, because nobody can have Vanilla sex in Davies queer little world.) Note that Davies makes the wheelchair bound, white, working class single mum, the one who falls for the right wing politician, obviously because she has no fucking education and doesn’t know the genders of Snapchat fucking filters she is now a far right groupie(We’ll cover whether Emma Thompson’s character is actually far right later, we don’t get much evidnece.) The disdain for the working class couldn’t be fucking more apparent.
Eldest son is married to a black woman, who is the boss in the family, and have two female children, younger girl has a gay friend who is 13 talking about getting smashed in his back doors by Chris Pratt. Then later again talks about Chris Pratt having him against a wall any day. (Fucking vile, sexualisation of children vibes with Davies stuff as per usual.) Of course, both of these two work in banks and are EVIL BANKERS™️, as Davies cannot think that anyone who may work in finance is not an evil cunt who is selfish and self-absorbed. Then, you have the other daughter who isn’t just transgender, but transhuman and only speaks through Snapchat filter masks that you can now wear on your face. Are you still following this utterly bonkers attempt at following a normal family? If not, don’t worry, the BBC tweeted a flow chart for all those as confused as every other clueless fucker in the UK watching this.
But Russell T Davies doesn’t stop there. How could he?! There’s no gay main character. Oh wait, there is, the younger son, played by Davies frequent muse Russell Tovey, who is not only very overtly Gay, and talks about fucking his husband and then his new boyfriend in front of the children(again, Russell, back at it again with the weird sexualisation of children thing, do stop it). Now, this guy has fallen for an Eastern European Refugee, from Ukraine, because the “Soviet” army invaded Ukraine and put people in concentration camps. Davies actually thinks Russia is the Soviet Union, the unhinged and uninformed lunatic. Whilst there is a scene about Trump nuking China(Obviously Davies is thinking that Trump is pure evil and wants to murder everyone, right?! Cause I don’t agree with him, right?!), he is fucking pounding the life out of this Ukrainian. This isn’t just a bit of a suggestive sex scene, this is like a hardcore video from Pornhub. It gets better, they try to make out the youngest son’s husband to be a racist, by noting that he ends up fucking deporting the Ukrainian guy because he is an immigrant. Meanwhile, they then have a scene whilst he is licking his face when Tovey is asking to get pounded in the arse. (What the fuck is this nonsense? Why are British taxpayers willingly paying for Davies to write material he’s clearly masturbating to?)
Whilst all this nonsense is going on, the family get even more fucking normal as the older sister is an environmental activist who is fighting for an ever closer EU to fight climate change and she ends up radiation poisoned by the nuclear weapon, when she was out there monitoring climate change which will leave the human race as “people living in huts” with “only sheep for food.” Oh, also, the Arctic melted. Quicker than even the scientists predict it will. The episode finishes with them all get drunk on alcohol and the eldest son fucking dancing naked around the children with his dick out like some form of North Sentinelese tribesman. (Sexualisation of children yet again.)
What’s ahead for the series? Nonsense. Pence becomes President for life, and meanwhile the Ukrainian refugee he is shagging is deported and will be killed in Ukraine. More Gay sex. Because unless you have three blowjobs and a bumming scene on the BBC, you are a homophobe and probably a transphobe unless one of the blowjob is a trans woman being pleasured. Oh and Emma Fucking Thompson is playing a right wing politician who doesn’t care about Palestine and thinks porn has gone too far. (Fucking horrific positions, truly. What next, she might want to leave the EU?!)
Genuinely, I’m surprised people are not going to fucking burn down the BBC for broadcasting this utter drivel, race-baiting, rampantly pornographic queer nonsense. I haven’t paid my license fee in years, but if you still are going to after reading this, do have a good old rethink about whether you want to fund Russell T Davies’ sort of depraved and squalid cuntery. Russell T Davies, be ashamed of yourself for inflicting your pornographic wet dreams on the people of Britain. You sir, are a dangerous, vapid and disgusting cunt.
Nominated by ViCunt of Anjou
I would like to cunt the Tuesday night Drama currrently on BBC1 : ‘Year after Year ‘. I caught a trailer for this and thought it looked interesting. It’s about a nuclear attack on the UK. I caught episode 1 on the i-player last night. Fuck my old boots ! It’s PC bollocks on steroids. Every fucking box has been ticked :
1. the main couple involved are guess what? You got it ! A mixed race fuckin couple. Now I honestly don’t care if 2 people of different races want to get together, fine by me but FFS stop getting it out of all proportion to the actual reality. You’re not telling us anything we don’t know; we know they exist, we don’t care alright?. Stop ramming it down our throats.
2. talking of ramming it down throats, yes you guessed it there’s also a gay couple, same thing applies. We know they exist, give it a rest.
3. of course TRANS issues must play a part and guess what? They do. The couple mistakenly believe their daughter wants to become a boy and are shown saying it’s absolutely fine, we still love you, blah blah blah.
4. at this point I said to myself all we need is someone disabled. Bang on cue , someone in a wheelchair turns up !!
5 we are then shown a refugee camp where the difference between refugees and asylum seekers is carefully spelt out for us. By this point I felt I was being lectured at rather than entertained.
6. oh btw the nuclear war was started by who d’ya think? Yep that well known BBC bogeyman TRUMP, who had won the 2020 election and was in the last 4 days of his second term.
I might watch another episode just to see what other PC boxes they feel the need to tick.
Nominated by richard 1
Well I won’t be watching that then, Mrs B has discovered Gogglebox I retire to the other room and self harm, much more fun
Sorry, my lips wore out half way through.
Thanks for ruining it for me i was going to watch the boxset! Now ill have to wait to see the musical.;)
This utter cock-sniffing left wing subliminal programming dog shit is exactly the kind of drivel that the BBC wanks over.
I bet that shirt-lifting sperm bank Owen Jones was cracking one off to it. With a massive black dildo rammed up his shitter, the little wankstain mummy’s boy cocksucker.
I despise this cunt and the bbc agenda machine. Fucks me right off I’m forced to pay for the bilge produced.
I’m a law abiding citizen and as such I have no wish to attract any kind of authority to my place of residence, this kind of attention has always ended badly in the past,
Bloody hell Cuntflap, is Saville still on the payroll? That bugger is still screwing us beyond the grave!
Saville may no longer be on the payroll, but his legacy obviously still is…
Great Cuntings.
Nobody is falling for this Propaganda as Entertainment bullshit any more.The Davies shitfest has apparently flopped,viewing figures down almost 50% after just 4 episodes.
I was wrong about there being a nuclear attack on Britain, it just seemed like that in thing puzzled me. In the gay sex scene , one bloke was lying on his back while the one on top was doing a bit of vigorous thrusting, how the fuck does that work?|
Let’s meet, I will show you..
Get thee behind him Satan
That’s a long old cunting but very spot on.
I’ll be honest, until now I didn’t know who this cunt was/is.
That is mainly due to my unwavering refusal to watch or listen to any material produced by or made for the BBC.
Since 2016 I have been totally legal licence free. I have no contact with the Beeb, no contract with the Beeb and I certainly do not fund this absolute basket case of an anti-British organisation.
The benefits are ten fold. I don’t have political leftist bullshit pumped at me daily (in what ever form that takes)
I am safe in the knowledge that I also do not fund an organisation that has hidden the activities of many evil kiddie fiddlers like Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Staurt Hall, Johnathan King, Chris Langham (list goes on further and longer sadly) for many years.
Cunts like ‘Russel T Davies’ are totally irrelevant to me as their material cannot be heard as I for one do not consume or pay for it.
Cunts like Davies would be even more irrelevant if many more people cancelled their licence fees tomorrow.
Deny cunts like this the platform they have to produce their filth that they can only get through an enforced BBC money collection racket.
STOP funding the BEEB fellow Cunters. They pose the greatest threat to this country in all their many vile forms. If their funding stops, scum like Davies and many like him will never be heard of again.
For those who wanna know more and how to do this:
Being licence free has totally changed my life for the better. No shit Cunters!
Davies is obsessed by his sexuality and has made a career of it like certain politicians (usually Labour wankers). They are all ponces of the first stripe. I never watch any of the shit this N.I. poofter dredges up. Russell Tovey is quite a good actor, and I am surprised he wants to be forever cast as an iron, even though he is one.
I cant comment on Years and Years, I saw that Emma (flying picket) Thompson was in it so I thought fuck that!
Just now watching the aftermath of Peterborough, showing some footage from last night, the labour fat bird with her activists, it looked like turning out time after Friday prayers.
Christ can you believe that cunt is still in a job after describing Teresa May as having a ‘zionist agenda’! Imagine if the Brexit Party candidate had used the term ‘islamist’ to describe his political opponent, imagine the righteous indignation. Fucking joke.
John Mann on the box today, talking about re-educating this fucking even before she puts her fat arse on parliament bench.
What an orgy of stupidity. I suppose they have to cater for everybody, including the stupid, the slow, and the simple.
Problem is that’s all that the cunts cater for.
Enough with the people of Peterborough!
True, there isn’t much quality on the BBC any more. Box-ticking, safe programming, and cheaply-made house-buying crap.
And the antiques-related crap. Still they have to cater for the bulk of their ageing audience. All the young cunts i know are instagurning, playing game, streaming films and series (‘box sets’ is a daft term for the elderly who own physical box sets of DVD/blu ray) or listening to podcasts to give the Beebistan 3 seconds of their time.
Talking of Peterborough, yet another fat-arsed woman won the seat with a face like the back of a bus. Steptoe went there for 20 minutes to spit his victory speech over the BBC microphones “write off Labour at your peril”.
Peril indeed if the old cunt wins.
I hope i get sent to the same gulag as Farage.
AlBeeb just turns out Libtard fodder now. They have become a national disgrace. Fuck the lot of the politically correct right on cunts.
That’s a bit harsh on us gays A.J.
We’re all not attention seeking, gonad sucking ass bandits who want to eroginate every red blooded straight we see you no.
Anyway , unlucky in the boxing last week. You were robbed.
Eeba eeba onderay.
Russel Davies was a no-mark until he got on the shit-shifters band-wagon. Now the cunt can do no wrong. You have to submit to the BBCunt’s will – look at that wanker Bradley Walsh – now he has taken the BBC cock, he’s on everything. Cunts.
This Davies cunt was also responsible for “Queer as Folk” a disgusting piece of bumboy propaganda featuring a fifteen year old getting it up the arse. Anyone noticed the pattern here?
People’s inability to understand the difference between sex and rape still confounds me. 15 year olds are children in law and children cannot consent to sex. There’s no such thing as child-sex gangs only child-rape gangs.
Want to see some puppies ?
Get to fuck.
If there’s any foreign tourists in Britain and they have the urge to return to their hotel room daily around lunchtime, switch on the TV and come across ‘Couples Come Dine With Me,’ they would assume a third of the country were bent.
In other news…read a piece about a bloke, watched a lot of TV. Decided to give it up for a month, had the TV’s removed from the house to avoid temptation.
Cut to the chase…four years without TV, reckons it changed his life, healthier, wealthier and a better person….
Davies is a cunt. .. Davies and Eccleston’s Doctor Who was pretty good (14 fucking years ago!)… Davies naturally couldn’t resist his ‘tendencies’ though and brought in the slimy John Barrowman to play the fuck anything deviant Captain Jack… Chris Eccleston saw the liberal/bender iceberg and promptly fucked off… Doctor Who then had only one redeeming feature: the excellent John Simm as The Master (as the overrated Tennant shouted a lot and chewed the scenery)… This liberal bollocks led to the pube headed cunt Moffat and his reign of liberal feminazi terror and now the hero to so many young lads of my age is now a libflake woman with sidekicks who tick every PC box and mention their skin colour and (Parking Stanley) ‘heritage’ every thirty fucking seconds… The cringeworthy Rosa Parks episode being the show’s all time lowest point and the beginning of the end…
Talking of such shite… So, the BB of C are putting the women’s World Cup on BBC1…. trying to get people to watch their Wiimmen SS and Femstapo agenda driven crap… These cunts are a disgrace, politically corrupt and run by liberal arseholes….
Hated all the post 2005 Doctor Who sidekicks and all…. Billie ‘Paloma Faith’ Piper, Catherine ‘Fackin’ Tate, Captain ‘Do anything to anything’ Jack, that black one from the Tennant era I can’t remember the name of, River Cunt Song, Clara the man hating cunt, Bill The Black Lezbo Wonder Horse, that melon headed goggle eyed bint off Game Of Cunts… and not forgetting Matt fucking lucas and the current more colours than Jelly Babies peaceful peddling cunts…
Would have banged the doors off Amy Pond though… She was alright…
The Master’s wife was a fit’un and all….
Watch out for the ‘Beeb’ spreading bullshit about this wimmins world joke cup… They will say that so many millions watched it… Which in truth will mean that so many millions watched it for a few seconds after The One Show or NeverEnders and then turned over to another channel… Straws will be clutched, dead horses will be flogged, orangutans will play in goal….
.9mm, or.7.6mm…….Always a difficult choice.
Vote tory.
Get labour.
Prime Minister Corbyn … shudder.
Good afternoon.
Vote Brexit.
Get Labour.
The Leave vote was split. As it would be in a General Election.
Prime Minister Corbyn… shudder.
Afternoon Jack.
So that’s vote labour.
Get labour.
Vote tory.
Get labour.
Vote brexit.
Get labour.
Prime Minister Corbyn … shudder.
This country is finished.
Afternoon RTC.
Or hope that the new Tory leader manages to sort out Brexit to the satisfaction of the Tory Leave demographic before the next GE…..
Either way: this country is finished.
News just in.
Boris Johnson has case against him thrown out by judge.
No lover of Boris, but the case against him was ludicrous and politically motivated.
Oh Yeah.
That’s good news. It was looking like a bad news day only with Labcunt winning in Peterborough.
At least you lot have the option to cancel or not pay a licence fee. The ABC, (Australian bolshevist collective) receive $1, 1/4 billion a year and the even worse peaceful apologist, anti semetic, pro rapugee pirate scum SBS (Snowflake bollocks from Shitneystan) receive $250 million per annum, though I didn’t mind them when they showed a fair bit of Scandinavian soft porn in the late 80’s early 90’s before internet porn.
There is a report in the daily fail about the headstones of fallen servicemen being targeted and smashed in the peaceful borough of Bradford. Who would do such a thing? Surely the locals would be proud of the people who gave their lives in the service of their country? Fucking parasites.
I’ve written a play which includes a part for Russell. Exit stage left bus falls from ceiling lands on Russel crushing him to death. Big explosion organised by the team that trashed half the James Bond studio followed by rupture of main pressurised sewer pipe. Geyser of shit washes crushed carbonised remains of Russell out into street and a group of Harold ramps spew, piss and crap on remains. Act 2 scene 1…….
That’s what I don’t get about Davies and his lot… They have to put buggery into everything… Does a straight writer or producer put sex into every story that they do? That fat hamster wearing cunt ‘Sir’ Elton is no better… There could easily have been a film about him without such antics, but Fat Reg insisted that there be loads of bottybashing… Even in Doctor Who (watched by kids) Captain Jack pulls a gun out of his arse… And let’s not start on the noncery that was in Queer As Folk (also written by Davies)….
Thousands of people queued for hours to get their hands on trainers designed by rapper Kanye West.
Shoppers were waiting outside stores from midnight to grab a pair of Adidas Yeezy Boost 350s.
Within minutes of their release at 09:30 BST, the £180 shoes were being resold online for double the price.
Fucking twats.
Designed by that cunt? His clothing line looked like Liam Gallaghers’ ploy of sewing labels on army surplus. Who the fuck pays 180 quid for a pair of daps? A cunt who wants everyone to know he did. I’m still waiting for West to have a meltdown, hopefully at a family gathering, where he goes all Jeremy Bamber on the cunts, followed by putting the gun in his own mouth. The loss to the entertainment industry would be offset by the gain to human kind, by being free of a rapper and the Kardashians.
And another thing
Protests against LGBT teaching at a Birmingham primary school are “homophobic” and must “stop now”, the West Midlands mayor Andy Street has said.
The mayor, who is gay (of course he fucking is- only gay or Peaceful allowed these days), told the BBC he had thought homophobia was a “non-issue in our city”.
Perhaps instead of Street he should consider changing his name to Andy “Back” Passage
I would protest if the authorities tried to force my young child to learn about such things.
Fuck me, this country is finished.
Ramp it up peacefuls you have the PC shield of invulnerability around you, stick it to the shit-stabbers!
Poor Andy obviously knows little of the peaceful mindset. Fuck me if some fucking pro nonce was telling my kids that they could change gender at will and enjoy the fruits of bumcraft or whatever at age five a gang of peacefuls outside his school would be the least of his worries. However for me this is all hypothetical as my two kids left the education system some years back. Just thought I would have a little rant.
As said above, I’m glad Christopher Ecclestone jettisoned this shit before it got so fucking riddled with the cancer of liberalist ideology.
I did admittedlty really enjoy his 2005 series, having never watched an episode of Dr. Who in my life. I never even bothered watching the next one because Tenant is a foppish, punchable scrawny cunt – and I’ve certainly never been moved to watch any of the patronising wankery since.
I don’t think his obsession with children is weird, I think it’s OVERT. As pointed out, Queer As Folk was a celebration of grooming and using a 15-year old as a sex toy. There were teenage characters in his Cucumber & Banana thing who were in scenes that had sexual content or context. Now there’s what’s been described above, and I see that he has decided to test the waters by lowering the protagonist age to 13.
I think it is apparent to anyone who hasn’t been inculcated by BBC/C4 propaganda and ITV reality shows what he is up to. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is chums with James Alefantis, knows the Muckanns and used to dine at Clement Freud’s villa. You know, the sort of people who can get away with it because of who they know and more importantly, what they know.
Couple this with the ever-encroaching ‘Love Is Love’ movements around ‘orientation’, 10 year old drag kids etc, and you see what these sickening perverts are doing in plain sight.
The ‘P’ is now far away from being added to the L, G, B, T and Q. Antifa have already protested against ‘pedobashing’, the BBC run stories about vigilante paedohunters driving a man to suicide (they had his adult daighter cry for the camera) and of course the weirdo profiled by an SJW rag who is a ‘sympathetic paedophile’ who just wants to hold children’s hands.
The cultural marxist march continues…
*not far away.
Apparently Davies wrote this several years ago and because of Brexit felt it was the right time to revisit it.
Whether the Beebistan had any input it’s hard to say as Russell seems good at ticking the boxes on his own.
Either way, i’ve seen 1 trailer for it and it looks awful. Thanks for the synopsis. I was never going to watch it but it’s good to know , as with crap like Captain Marvel-tits, just how tediously woke this crap is.
I caught the first episode of years and years when my wife was watching it. I lasted 10 minutes which was too long. It’s the most box ticking bollocks I’ve ever seen. The mixed race couple with a chinese adopted baby, transgender daughter, gay son marries a right wing boyfriend and has affair with a gay asylum seeker. I laughed and said ” all we need now is the muslim man and disabled white girlfried”. And I shit you not, guess who the next characters were? Didn’t know it was Russell T Davis. Should’ve known. Diversity rammed down your throat like a clenched fist covered in dog shit.