Kevin Maguire

Kevin Maguire is a hypocritical cunt-tard of the highest order.
This cunt is the editor of the Daily Mirror, on the paper reviews on sly news and an ardent Labour champagne socialist self-righteous authoritarian twat.

He claims to be working class but apart from the northern accent he’s as middle class as you can get.

When Anna Sourbry was accosted by the twats outside parliament he said:
“Intimidation by far right mob outside parliament will escalate into violence unless the police step in.”

I agree.

But what did he say when some far leftist protester threw a milkshake over Tommy Robinson on his MEP campaign?

“Anybody know if the brave milkshake man that refused to be intimidated by goading far right thugy extremist and his heavies is ok? Love to buy him a replacement drink.”

Firstly, if you look at the video evidence from the day, the goading was all done by the “brave milkshake man” who went to the event purely to cause trouble. He was seen numerous times flipping the bird, yelling bloody murder and kicking off.
The police didn’t arrest him.

Sargon of akkad has been assaulted with milkshakes, fish and horse shit – successfully and unsuccessfully – a number of times in the last few days. All encouraged by the media and political luvvies.
Even the MP Johnny Mercer and the South Wales police have given their support to assaulting political candidates that they disagree with.

Then Nigel Farage was milkshaked….

“This has to stop. It’s going to end in violence.” Says Kevin.

You don’t fucking say, cunt.
There is only one way that this ridiculous, childish “milkshake challenge” bollocks is going to go.
Eventually some cunt is going to get bored of milkshakes and try to make a name for themselves by actually causing bodily harm to someone.
Or, just as disgraceful, someone on the right is going to take revenge and smash some cunt with a brick or worse. I know I’m tempted, but unlike the far left, I have principles and morals. I believe that someone having a different opinion to me is not an excuse for violence.

Kevin Maguire and his ilk are typical hypocrites, denouncing political violence and intimidation whilst simultaneously promoting it against anyone that doesn’t tow their line.

Fuck Kevin Maguire and all his sort…

Cunts to a man. Or woman. Or …. whateverthefuck.

Nominated by Deploy the Sausage

83 thoughts on “Kevin Maguire

  1. I need something clearing up. The rise of the so called “far right”; i.e. in reality many of these are reasonable people who are rightly concerned about unfettered immigration, with the “far right” being compared to Nazis.

    I always thought that the German Nazis had their origins in the NSDAP (National Socialists German Workers Party), noting the word “Socialists”. Doesn’t that suggest the Nazis were more far left than far right? The intolerant behaviour, attempts to oppress free speech, the hectoring and violence during anti-Brexit/anti-Trump demonstrations displayed by the likes of Corbyn, his followers and his anti-Jewish Momentum minions are behaviours more akin to Hitler’s party than anything else I have witnessed from the “far right”.

    I think we have much to fear from the far-left as opposed tot he “far-right”. I am happy to be challenged on this.

    • I am as against moderate nationalists being labelled far right as I am against moderate socialists being labelled far left. Crazies are crazies, whatever their politics. For the rest, free speech rules.

      • I agree in principle with you, Komodo, but Crazies like Corbyn, Livingstone, McIRA and Loony Len are hardly moderate socialists. They are certainly not far right.

        I can’t think of anyone who is truly far right in today’s UK politics, despite the MSM bollocks. Corbyn is more to the far left than the centre.

      • Corbyn is a terrorist supporting Commie cunt. He doesn’t belong in a moderate democratic socialist party.

      • Ah. The Five Minutes Hate is on time, I see.

        I’m happy with Corbyn being a moderate socialist. He’s a Bennite from way back. He’s never shot, beheaded or milkshaked anyone. What I think you are missing – apart from the fact that the media campaign against Corbyn since he became Labour leader is unprecedented in my lifetime, with the enthusiastic participation of the BBC – is that economic policy has moved a long, long way to the right since Corbyn cut his teeth; not in the CP, but Young Labour. And perforce, given the makeup of Labour, his current position is rather to the right of his mentor Benn.

        Yes, he supports a Palestinian state. So do I, failing the abandonment of religion-based apartheid by Israel, when Antarctica relocates to the nether regions.

        No doubt I would be disagreed with if I said that Tommy Robinson was a far-right cunt. He’s a bloody sight further right than Corbyn is left. But a lot less dangerous to vested interests.

      • Ah, the predictable ten minutes of Corbynista apologist claptrap is right on time, I see.

        What the media says about Corbyn is irrelevant to me. I have been following comrade Corbyn’s career for over 30 years now and know precisely the sort of dangerous cunt he is and what he represents, thank you very much.

      • Give me an example in this country of a moderate Socialist being labelled far left. The only Socialists I’ve heard referred to as ‘far left’ are quite rightly the thugs of Momentum. They may be a load of anti semitic daydreamers but I wouldn’t credit Corbyn and co. as being far left.

      • Some great rightwing virtue-signalling going on here.
        But your enemy isn’t the Left, or even the far-left, in which category you obey the Sun and Mail and place Corbyn, although he is an ineffectual relic of the past. It’s the politically neutral and opportunist plutocracy which actually determines your existence. Please wake up.

      • Waking up here boss!

        What practical steps do you suggest we take to deal with this “politically neutral and opportunist plutocracy which actually determines your existence.”?

        Btw, you might be prone to obeying the Sun and the Mail, but I prefer to make my own mind up about what the fuck is going on.

      • Practical steps.
        1. Find out how the banking system works.
        2. Do not live on credit. Save.
        3. Do not buy unnecessary stuff.
        4. Do not vote for politicians funded by or working for hedge funds (eg)
        5. Sell any shares you have in global conglomerates. Short them if possible, or pump and dump, up to you. Anything that increases volatility…

        You will find the system heavily weighted against you; this is what it does not want you to do.

        Can probably think of more but can’t be arsed, given that ruff tuff rightwingers don’t do economics. Especially sustainable economics.

        Re the Mail and Sun – looks like you borrowed method #15 from Schopenhauer: Eristische Dialektik: Die Kunst, Recht zu behalten; 1831. Or possibly #5. Unoriginal and old.

      • 1. I know how the banking system works.
        2. I do not live on credit and have saved hard all my life. No debt of any description.
        3. I make a point of never buying unnecessary stuff. Besides I’m tight.
        4. Is it kosher to vote for Nigel Farage? He has a background steeped in hedge funds and banking.

        5. I have no shares in global conglomerates, nor do I have a private pension, so no indirect shares in GCs either. No subscriptions to political parties or trade unions, etc, who may well have investments in GCs. Not to mention the fucking Church.

        Your comment re “ruff tuff rightwingers don’t do economics. Especially sustainable economics” is ill informed and rude.

        Suspect you’re a disciple of the Corbyn /McDonnell economic illiteracy of the funny farm.

        Not familiar with method #15 from Schopenhauer: Eristische Dialektik: Die Kunst, Recht zu behalten; 1831. Or possibly #5, though admit my comment “you might be prone to obeying the Sun and the Mail” was poorly judged and badly worded, happy to withdraw it.

        PS: hope you weren’t too offended by my using the word kosher.

      • RTC.

        “ill informed and rude”

        Check the mirror, do. These conversations have a way of getting out of hand, when feelings run high. Provocation breeds retaliation, and I am not the only guilty party here, am I?

        As I know nothing about you, I am certainly ill-informed as to your situation – and that’s mutual. I am delighted to see that you have independently adopted some of my suggestions.

        Farage? I have already expressed my reservations on this. Bringing down the globalist edifice – or at least, its offices in the UK – is plausibly accomplished by voting for nationalist populists, and if they have a financial background, so much the better. They know where the levers are, or might do.
        My view of Farage is strictly pragmatic. He’s managed to get the EU problem front and centre, and, assisted by the Tories’ incompetence, keep it there. As to the restructuring after any meaningful Brexit, he’s not the man for the job, and he may know this.

      • So it’s alright for you to vote tactically but not for anyone else? The hypocrisy of the Left never fails to amaze me.

        PS: Fyi, I do not read the Sun or the Mail.

      • Its not his ‘holier than thou’ patronizing manner, or his champagne socialist politics that press my buttons with kevin, its his nervous tic. Just watch and itll start with a few eye rolls and tutting, and descends into a full epileptic wobbler! Eyes rolling back in his head, throwing hisself about in his seat! Id warn him then if he carried on I’d tie him to his fuckin seat! Sit still you daft lefty cunt and stop fucking tutting…

    • Spot on Paul. Far-Left, Far-Right – different sides of the same authoritarian coin.

      • Left and right in politics used to be represented in a linear way. Today, with the terms being so blurred, it is better perceived as a circle where the extremes join. Just saying.

        Like a circle in a spiral
        Like.a wheel within a wheel
        Never ending nor beginning…..

        For God’s sake Blunt, I’ve told you not to hang out with that Gove fella.

      • It’s horse shoe theory in action the far left and the as far right are so extreme that they are indefinable from one another. The tactics are the same and the goals are the same just for different reasons. Control over the masses.

        The only difference is that it’s okay to attack anyone who is on the right, verbally, physically and culturally. The far left or even the not so far left always get away with murder because they are the progressives.

        Finally point Tommy Robinson is not far right at all. He is a good old fashioned nationalist who loves what his country used to be and would love to see return too.
        He has dealt with all the peacefuls in his home town of Luton and with Muslim prison gangs when he was banged up.
        He knows his stuff and is very well researched In these areas and articulate s the points extremely clearly and with a real passion for his people .

      • It would appear that it’s ok to attack anyone on the left, at least verbally, round here. I didn’t say Robinson was far right. I said…oh fuck it. No use in opposing the majority round here, is there? He is a wonderful person, whose appeal is based on pure reason and humanity. The sun shines out of Tommy’s arsehole, unlike Corbyn who eats Jewish babies and thinks he’s Stalin.
        OK? Echo chamber happy?

      • Afternoon,K.

        I nominated Tommy Robinson a few days ago. Hopefully it may appear soon.

      • I think you really need to read Sixdog’s comment at 12.59pm which sums up eloquently what many IsAC’s views on Tommy Robinson are. He is neither revered or seen as a role model. Most people would simply want to see a level playing field and for him to be treated fairly. The British sense of fair play is one of the values amongst many others which has been ditched in the present climate.

      • I understand your perspective komodo but he does have a marxist as his shadow chancellor. Mcdonnel did read from mao’s little red book in the commons and was only recently photographed in front of a banner with Stalin mao and such types on it.
        All that is irrelevant to me though.
        At the end of the day, he did fuck Dianne Abbott and that’s just unforgivable in my book ?.

      • @ Dick

        I read your Tommy Robinson nomination, it was commendably ambiguous…

      • Corbyn doesn’t strangle kittens. He microwaves them.

        He doesn’t need to, because he is outdated, naif and incompetent.

        Fair point re. McDonnell, DtS.
        In my extreme youth I too read the little red book, and even then thought it a load of old toss.
        BSC –
        Yes, some ISACers do have reservations about Robinson, also fair play to them. But in the context of a “you’re far-left” vs “you’re far-right” slanging match I think it was legitimate to take him as a (disputed) member of the far right and pit him against Corbyn as a (disputed) far lefty.

      • Never used to attack anyone until I started being called a racist, sexist, misogynist just for not agreeing with the left whole heartedly and daring t question things.

        Factually more left then right In my opinions but the left declared me as unclean for not bowing unconditionally to everything they want.
        The right is more open and tollerent funnily enough and has a sense of humour still which the left has lost along time ago while becoming so much more holier then the pleabs

        The left pushed ppl like me and many others out and didn’t care about us now the left is mad that we moved on rather then come crawling back?.

        Oh and Corbyn is a weak pathetic cunt who flip flops more then a fish out of water and and his plans for the country would just bankrupt the UK even more just lile Blair and Brown did.

      • Just out of interest has Mr. Robinson had dealings with the old Provos? Has he had dealings with Hamas or whatever they are called? Has he had dealings with eastern bloc intelligence services. All these groups whom corbyn has supported or dealt with have never fucking ever had the wellbeing of my country at the fore of their mission statements.
        In fact for many years the provo’s and the commies my sworn enemies. Too old to really give a fuck now, what happens happens. They all let you down in the end.

    • The problem is that the ‘left’ have now moved so far left (commie territory), that the middle ground has been dragged with them, so that ‘normal right-thinking is now ‘far right’. We should be saying FAR LEFT at every opportunity. But you are correct about Cunt Maguire. – horrible little shit.

  2. The fat left and modern “liberals” are the authoritarian forces in today’s political landscape. They are the heirs to the Nazis and Communists of yesterday. Cunts like Maguire try to shut down legitimate political debate by name calling. They are hypocrites. Their lack of self knowledge is truly breathtaking.

  3. I mean “ far left” not “ fat left” above. Damn predictive text again. Mind you, with their love of high calorie milkshakes, perhaps fat left is correct.

  4. Remember when the Teacher walked around when you’re all doing an exam, looked at one boy’s paper then says “Everyone, please make sure you read the questions carefully.” Maguire was that type of boy. He doesn’t give a shit about the question, he just replies his prepared answer.

  5. Today’s Mirror takes the biscuit for hypocrisy. The front page leads with “Hypocrite Gove Must Go” (or wtte – I wouldn’t buy their overpriced shit rag), but think back to last week and they didn’t have a problem with Steptoe berating the Donald when most of the ther papers made the point that Steptoe had nothing to say, and no [rtests to go to when the Chinese leader was here and other despots we have had here in the past.

    Maguire could easily be played by James Bolam or another professional North country actor laddie, because they are better actors than him.

  6. I have known and worked with a number of genuine “Hard right” people (all members of PNF their common denominator), however there was a limit to their extremism, yes they killed people were abusive ect, but they had a degree of personal discipline (and hygiene).
    I have also had the misfortune to work with rather hard line left individuals and probably through my own naivety was rather shocked at their behaviour (rather similar to the hard right but less finesse) .
    One thing that does haunt me though, when I pulled one up about an incident they replied ” We are a legal state, everything we do is Legal”.
    These particular words were said to corrie ten booth by an SS man during her incarceration in holland, I doubt he had ever read her book, nor did he realise the cross over .

    • A bit like IS and Shamima Begum. When asked what she thought about IS beheading people, she said:

      “Yeah, I knew about those things and I was okay with it. From what I heard, Islamically that is all allowed. So I was okay with it.”

  7. Andrew Pierce usually knows which buttons to press to keep that toerag Maguire in order. The Sky papers reviewer who needs a really good cunting is Christina Patterson, the harridan that was on last night. The woman is a blagger of the highest order who knows fuck all but pretends that somehow she’s on the inside of all the information revealed. She’s the Queen of trite(or should that be shite)talk.
    She says the same things every time she’s on so I dont know why they don’t just play a recording.
    If you watch, she’s guaranteed to come out with the same cliches. These will almost certainly include the magic money tree,unicorns and some Boris bashing. Fuck the stupid woman.

    • Go for it Bsc – Christina Patterson has been flying low under the cunt radar for years now. I had to stop watching the Sky paper review because of the slimy smug libtard bitch and her rotten ilk.

      Suggest you repost your comment on the nominations page.

      • Apparently Patterson has been single for most of her adult life.This speaks volumes about her as a person and the way in which she conducts herself.

        Perhaps her ladybits have healed over and raging frustration dominates her life? Perhaps RTC can provide us with his psychological insight on the link between this woman’s lack of jiggy jiggy action and her propensity to behave like a complete cunt.?

      • Good morning RTC. I just get the feeling that she might not be known to enough people, other than Sky viewers to give her a full blown cunting. It’s satisfying to know that you and Paul share my feelings.

      • @ Paul

        Unfortunately I have no particular psychological insight to offer re this wretched specimen, except to say I cannot imagine any remotely normal individual wanting to remain in her presence long enough to come close to performing said jiggy jiggy action.

        @ Bluntspeakingcunt

        Being relatively unknown is not usually a bar to the nomination of a Cunt. I think you might be surprised by how many cunters have had the misfortune of being aware of this piss boiling harridan.

        Besides, at least half the cunts nominated on ISAC are unknown to me, it’s an education!

        Good afternoon.

    • Absolutely agree on that Blunt. She has a way of pretending to sound oh so reasonable but in reality is just one more sneaky ugly lefty.
      By the way Patterson doesn’t seem to be aware of the Catweazle/McIRA £500 m magic money tree.

  8. I used to work (many years ago) for a guy who was a member of the BNP, he even stood at least once as a candidate for parliament.

    I never once heard him or had anyone else talk about violence, he was anti immigration and had no time for people of the jewish persuasion. Yes he was a racist but not to the extent he would even mention that in the workplace or ever try to persuade anyone to subscribe to the BNP.
    The only time I saw any indication of a racist was one time a truck pulled into our yard with the name Gibbons in large letters down each side of the truck and out of the cab jumps a black driver….. i could see him lauging to himself.

    If he is still alive he will be very old and may not be active anymore but I think my point is that far right is always portrayed as violent thugs which is not the case at all.

  9. Off topic but very funny, on Victoria Derbyshire this morning, the silly cow got her tongue caught in her fucking ego and called the foreign secretary Jeremy Cunt!


  10. Maguire has one of those weird pointy top lips that so many lefties seem to have.
    And he’s a right cunt too!

  11. The Mirror were involved in one of those moments when the left-liberal media establishment closed ranks and just pushed the false narrative about the musim ban (it wasnt) and then the’ disgraceful’ seperation of child immigrants from parents at the US border. The media forgot Obama’s role in both outrages, and never explained why children might need to be separated by a mass of desperate adults, while being given shelter, food, education and safe play areas.
    It was all reframed as locking children in cages, which idiotic celebrities responded to by taking to the moron’s medium of choice and saying Barron Trump should be locked in a cage (and worse).
    It was, like the Covington scandal, another moment n which i was dumbfounded by the perverse dishonesty of our media and seriously questioned the sanity and character of those whose job it is to report the news.

    • It’s like any other crime parents are never allowed to stay with their children when they are detained , imagine the prisons if they did.

      I’m pretty sure the boards guards don’t want to do its but the law and they got caught breaking it . We don’t know who you are or what you have done before so it’s logical.

  12. What news of that fat lezzer minger who shouted Nazi scum at the old boy last week (Trump rally)?
    Fuck off back to obscurity you ugly,man hating left wing apologist.
    Go try some cock ,love….

  13. People are allowed to be hypocrites, the law is not. If you get prosecuted for throwing and egg at Corbyn you get prosecuted for throwing a milkshake at Robinson.

    Tommy Robinson as we are on the subject. If you want to be taken seriously as a political force, commentator and influencer Tommy you don’t go around knocking people down at football matches. The fella may of been begging for it, you may have been with your wife. What you have to ask yourself is should you have been there in the first place?

    You have to decide what you are Tommy, one of the lads or a public figure who has to maintain certain standards of behaviour. You’ve been branded as a thug for many years and this sort of thing just gives the MSM and your opponents ammunition.

    Time to decide who you are Tommy, because you have a valuable contribution to make to the debate but if you want to live like a normal bloke and not face this sort of confrontation without the fear of mass media coverage that is always going to show you in a negative light, you really do have to sacrifice.

  14. I can’t see what all this fuss is over hard left and hard right. A stiffy is a stiffy, whatever political persuasion you are.

  15. Another face I could never get tired of punching. Kevin Maguire really is an übercunt. He was born with that sneer on his face. Why the fuck would anyone listen to him?!

  16. Brilliant post DTS
    Maguire working class? Probably in the same way Blair is?
    A thoroughly annoying cunt who like Owen Jones gives me quiet RAGE!!

  17. Maguire is obviously one of life’s losers as he supports Sunderland FC. Probably turns up at the ground in his flat cap with his whippet(apologies to Lord Benny)

    • Bush hat/ Greyhound (the hound of kings) mrs B (a strange affair that resembles the sort of thing “Vera” the tv detective wears) and rat dog (mrs B’s pride and joy) I am reliably informed is a “Lurcher”. so no offence taken in the slightest.

  18. I think the Sheriff has hit the nail on the head here, apart from being not altogether sure that Tommy may have either moved away from the far right for the right reasons or just toned his act down for the benefit of the middle ground consumers. The jury between my ears is out on that one.

    Far right and far left, both at opposite ends of a large steaming turd, AFAIAC. What gets my goat is the MSM bleating of the rise of the elusive “far right” when we should also be concerned about the rise of the “far left”, which doesn’t ever get a mention.

    • The far right murdered 20 – 30 million,
      The far left murdered 80 – 140 million.
      ….I’m not very good at research.

  19. Kevin Maguire truly is a steaming pile of left wing shite. Always full of his own self importance, and fellow reviewers can barely get a word in edge what’s. A monumental CCCUUUNNNTTT of the highest order. And yes, Paul, the far left are a bigger concern to me than what the far right will ever be. CCCUUUNNNTTTSSS.

  20. The only difference between the far right and the far left, is that the far right are quite open about what they are and represent, whereas the far left try to hide their hatred and bigotry behind a load of fancy words. Put them all on a remote island and nuke the fuckers, job done.

  21. Slight change of subject but hypocrisy is a theme that runs through life at the moment. Now,I’ve no strong views about ending free tv licences for over 75’s “to save money” However, Al- Beeb have no intention of saving money by chopping Gary Lineker’s 1.75 million salary or all the other fuckers coining it in.
    Fuck you BBC.

    • I can’t believe that useless cunt is on that salary. If he was black I would assume it’s positive discrimination, but in his case I’m fucking baffled.

  22. Maguire is a pompous, smug cunt, and superbly cunted by DS.
    I hate it when he does that tutting and eye-rolling at someone he happens to disagree with. One of these days somebody will take exception to his patronising and sneering and hang one on the fucker.

  23. I can’t wait to point and laugh at him getting thrown off a roof or hung by a crane by the ‘piss fulls’ he’s so desperately trying to defend.

    Sorry Left Wing. You’ve finally met Reality. They want to kill the LGBTQ xyz of you!

    Particulrarly the ones trying so desperately and ‘earnestly’ to push ‘P’ into it, as in Russell T Davies’ well to be expected latest abomination of left-wing diarrohea onscreen. They only want it lowered to 9.


  24. Fuck Maguire and his fifth rate lefty comic. Only fit to absorb the piss from an incontinent tramp.

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