Elton John has said he feels “ashamed” of the UK while seemingly criticising “stupid, colonial English idiots” who voted for Brexit.
The musician told spectators at a gig in Verona that he was “European” while launching the criticism against Britain’s MPs while sat at his piano.
“I am sick to death of politicians, especially British politicians,“ he said, shortly before performing his 1995 song “Believe”.
He hinted that those who backed the Leave campaign were stupid.’
Well Elt old chap. I am fucking ashamed that the UK has produced such a petulant, mincing, perverted, injunction protected cunt like you. 2 or 3 decent songs from a lifetime of shite (in more ways than one.)
You can never be forgiven for the cloying, bandwagon boarding tripe that was Candle in the fucking Wind as performed for the People’s Princess.
Baldy irrelevant cunt.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Elton John is a cunt, isn’t she.
Must be ““ashamed” of the UK” and think anybody who voted for Brexit is a “stupid, colonial, imperialist English idiot.”
Must not have had a hit for decades.
Must be able to sit at a piano like a dumpling in cosmetics and declare in a shrill, putrid voice that “I am a European” to adoring pin-headed fans.
Must have such contempt for the average working person that he thinks nothing of nauseatingly spending hundreds of thousands of pounds on flowers.
Must not let information about his injunctions of gruesome, immoral behaviour affect his performance of dreary formulaic tunes.
Must be so out of touch that he dredges up his corpses of songs for multinational companies for millions of pounds to flog their Christmas tat.
Must be a vacuous, flaky old cunt.
Nominated by Captain Magnanimous
Oh dear, fellow Brexiteers, all of us voting to throw off the yoke of the Fourth Reich are ‘stupid English idiots’.
Who says so? Why, that man of the people, influential political commentator and philosopher, and all round Renaissance Man Elton Bogg, the Queen of Camp.
Fair do’s I suppose; he’s entitled to his view, and I for one can take it. I’m entitled to mine as well, and here it is. Elton Bogg is a jumped up, opinionated, pompous, fat little luvvy cunt. Am I expected to take seriously an individual who walks around with the dodgiest, most ridiculous syrup in recorded history glued to his head? What a fucking tart.
Stick to trying to give us a decent new song, mate, as you ain’t managed to do that in this millennium. While you’re at it, shove your opinion up your arse, if you can find the room.
Rocket Man? Rocket polisher more like. Cunt.
Nominated by Ron Knee
And the fat, mincing cunt is a hypocrite.
‘I was made in England’ was his 1995 single released in May of that year which reached a dazzling 18th in the charts……(Wowzer).
Quite happy to be English 25 years ago but now wants to be ‘European’ to look cool with the brainwashed leftie kids and his luuvie mates like Emmah daaarling Thompson (and attract more arse bandit followers no doubt)
Fat deluded twat. Fucking stay in Verona you fat, knob jockey, sexual deviant.
It’s a shame that he didn’t have an Al fresco back shuffle with Mercury in the early 90’s and get the A.I.D’s and do all us all a fucking favour by now playing a harp in the clouds instead of spouting his pro-EU cuntish bullshit.
It is very noticeable how all the irons, be they shirtlifters, benders or mincers, all want to stay in the EU – in politics the usual subjects, in *entertainment* though this raddled old queen has never entertained me, apart from old Reg there is Stephen Fry, Lady Eddie Izzard, all the nancy boy actors.
What are they so afraid of? Do they think that out of the EU the age of consent will rise?. Or perhaps they think staying in the EU the age of consent will be lowered.
I am afraid that the more Mangledbum , Gaylord Adonis and his pansy friends want something the less I want it.
As for Elton John, he looks a bit like the Queen Mother did in her 90s. He probably has scaffolding up round his buttocks as a precaution if his arsehole gives out completely.
Loved that !
They are probably all worried that they will lose (or have less) access to the notorious beach on the very Spanish Gran Canaria where they all bum each other 24/7.
In the 20 years I have been visiting the Island, that is a place I have never ventured to, as I much prefer to hold down my Pina Colada in my stomach where it belongs, thanks very much.
3 terrific and very well deserved cuntings.
All irrelevant points though ? ….
He should’ve been stood in front of a firing squad just for that fucking candle in the bum song….
And those fucking glasses!
What a cunt.
I forgot…
Must have had hundreds of holes drilled into hs bald pate to accommodate the artificial thatch living on flamboyant noggin.
This cunt is such an established self evident cunt that it’s almost a waste of space cunting him. Cunt is his first, middle and last name and he is the very essence of cunt. Every thought he has is cunt and every word he says is cunt. I’m ashamed that this cunt originated here and I believe he was dropped here in error by the cunt stork. What a cunting cunt.
When I was a teenager I saw him in concert several times.
As a proficient pianist I admired his keyboard skills and as a fantastic showman.
Much of my money was spent on buying his records.
Over the years I have seen him deteriorate into what he is now.
A selfish embarrassing fat bitchy spoilt drag queen faggot who’s best days were nearly 50 years ago.
Shut the fuck up Elton, you are yesterday’s “man” and nobody cares about what you have to say.
And what’s more this cunt has not had a decent song since 1976. I’m still standing was mediocre disco-cunt. And his best was written by Bernie Taupin anyway. What a cunt.
And that short bald cunty Bernie Taupin has a tall beautiful wife as well. Cunting cunt and his millions!
Elton John
Elton Paul
Elton George
Elton Ringo
He looks like my deceased granny from around 1974.
I’m not joking.
On that vein CS did you see the picture of Wee Jimmy Crankie when her / it was being interviewed surrounded by pictures of her Mother? If that isnt Elton John I will show my arse in Boots’s window for a week.
Someone ought to inform him that the continent of Europe will still exist, and as a result, he will still be an inhabitant of that continent.
Of course, what he actually meant to say was that he feels more like a European Unionist than British. Though really, it’s just another celebricunt facing their inevitable irrelevance, and so deciding to jump on the Brexit buzz-bandwagon to get themselves once again noticed.
Doesn’t matter that they don’t have even the slightest grasp of the basics, their own ego and celebrity luvvie status already qualifies them as political geniuses worthy of the platform.
In fact, I don’t know how we ever became a 1st world country, without the sage advice of those that sing words, or even those that pretend to be a depiction of somebody else’s imaginary character, to guide us idiots through it.
Very true indeed!
And to think they made a film about the life and works of this giant twerp.
I for one won’t be watching it. It’ll be pro sodomite anyway. Not my cuppa.
Why do these singers (in the loose sense) feel they have the need and right to comment on politics?
Utter fucking cunts all of’em!
Politicians should start publicly platforming as to which musical direction they should take, and how they are idiots for thinking their current discography is any good for anyone.
See how that flies.
They’re making a biopic on Boy George now as well. Hard on the heels of news that Jess Phillips is going to have her life portrayed in a drama. It used to be the case you had at least have popped it before you were deemed fit for an estimation of your effect on the world. What next? Greta Thunberg The Early Years.
Well, if the prissy little old queen really is ashamed of Britain, he can always take advantage of his immense wealth and fuck off to an EU country. He won’t do that though, because just like all those ‘celebrities’ in the US who vowed to move to Canada if Trump won the election, then didn’t move, old Reg is nothing more than an attention seeking drama queen.
Buy a dictionary Elton, it’s not like you can’t afford one, and look up the meaning of the word, ‘democracy’. That’s what, allegedly, happened three years ago. Don’t like it? You’re free to move to a country that’s more to your political liking.
So given that he doesn’t like England, I presume that also goes for the Monarchy and all its cultural & historical Britishness (although even that is becoming more and more diluted)?
If that is indeed the case, Elton, please surrender your knighthood so that you will no longer be associated with our nasty colonial/imperial history!
No more “Sir”, no more “privilege” – that’s what you lefty cunts keep banging on about – white privilege! So practice what you preach, give up the gong and fuck off!
Can you still buy faggots?
Just a thought?
Indeed you can, and through the post as well. Drop a line to
Andrew Adonis,
Mandelson’s Meat Products
Faggot House
Mincing Lane
Another fucking cunt who can’t separate the political from the geographical. And it’s leavers that are thick? I love Western Europe, be it the landscape or the grub. The people there are, by and large, tidy too. Very much the same as us really, with a few differences that make each country distinguishable in it’s own right. We are fundamentally compatible too, as we have similar aspirations and sensibilities. And, those similarities extend to the political world, where it is dominated by chancers, lunatics, and plain all out cunts. Do I think anyone in Westminster represents me, as a person? Do I fuck. Politicians are not typical of the people they represent. So, every time one of these entertainer cunts comes out saying stuff about racism and fascism, they really do show how shallow and fucking stupid they are.
Precisely – the thick fat fâggot fuck hasn’t even grasped the basics!
Remoaners and EU scum, like Verhofstadt & Tusk, deliberately confuse the terms ‘Europe’ and ‘European Union’ as if they’re one and the same. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The UK is not fucking leaving Europe you fat poof, it is leaving the European Fucking Union!
First and foremost I am English. Then British. Then European.
Get fucked.
Shit… I bin moderated… was it the word pôof?
Loved that !
I know that it sounds trite
But I believe Reg Dwight
Is really full of Shite
His cocks been up boys bums
More times than ive had rums
And if the poofter reads this rhyme
I really hope he finds the time
To write some music to its chime
Late news: Chris Patten of Major government fame (Dame Violet as he now is) has just been on Wireless 4 World This Weekend, to give a pompous condescending resume’ of the leading Brexiteer would be PMs, and the usual “they didn’t know what they were voting for” in connection with both Brexit and WTO terms. His microphone swallowing unction was on a par with Barry Gardiner MP
Needless to say the arselicking interviewer (Edward Sturton) was obsequious in his deference. What a load of motherfuckers work in the *news* department.
I remember him criticising and slightly ridiculing Rees Mogg with ‘Jacob’s’ political views haven’t changed since he was 14′. Or something. I thought that is a sign of his strength of conviction, of his consistency. Most professional politicians like Patten just don’t get that. He lost his political vision years ago. He talks like a diplomat. The higher he got in politics the less political he became. My point.
Elsan Bog is a disgusting old perv who tries it on with young men in the back of taxis.
Just fuck off to Luxembourg and die of HIV, you patronising old tit.
With each year that passes, Elton fucking John resembles Jabba the Hut a tiny bit more. In a few more years he’ll have grown the slithering tail.
Why do the media always publicise the uttering dog cosseted celebrities who have no idea of daily life for the masses and treat said utterings like a new gospel?
When the average person does speak they are either ridiculed or patted on the head like an idiot child.
Fuck of Elton
Patten – what a cunt he was back in the 90s as governor to Hong Kong, handing over the territory to the Chinese in 1997 because that was the Deal between the two countries, despite a lot of Hong Kongese living in dread of being under the tyranny of a vengeful Chinese government.
But old gobshite, Patten, ignored their pleas and handing over the country without any fuss; leaves and becomes “European Commissioner for External Relations” before being kicked upstairs to the HoL on £300/day in 2005.
So basically to keep the peace he turns his back on the former colony to keep China happy; and now he is more or less saying the same thing here.
What a cunt!
You’re right, NCFOM. We should have stationed a couple of gunboats in Victoria Harbour,and perhaps a detachment of Marines to guard Kowloon.
That would have shown the impudent tiddly-winks that the British lion was ready to roar. I expect the Chinese military would have folded pretty quickly when faced with the might of the British Empire.
Patten should have noggined the uppity chinky ambassador with his pith helmet,bellowed a few lines of the St.Crispin’s Day.” speech, threatened to march on the Forbidden City,given the buggers the V-sign and then retired for tiffin.
The sheer arrogance and nerve of those damned Orientals.
🙂 .
Don’t forget that he was only given the job as he lost his seat in 1992 but along came hs fweind John Major with a five-year gig in HK.
Patten is a crimson-faced, ballbag-slurping cockroach who’d sell his children for a seat st the high table.
Now, imagine if Fat Elton has said such a thing about peacefuls, spearshakers, or EU (aka Iron Curtain Shithole) citizens… Mind you I bet he shares a kinship with those EU types… All those leather shorts, sausages, and slapping… Danker fucking Shen…
Only time I’ve ever bothered to watch this mincing fat Poundland Reg Holdsworth is because of the lovely lady next to him in this clip…
Imperialist idiots? Says the cunt who was Lady Di’s official arselicker in chief and who sang at a royal/state funeral… The fat four eyed fritter wasn’t so anti-British when his ‘Candle In The Wind’ refried shite was bought by millions of gullible ‘grieving’ morons in 97, was he? Then there was his pile of excrement that was ‘Made In England’… Quite obviously a cash-in on the then Britpop and Blair bollocks… Now it’s trendy to be anti-English, anti-working class, and to turn a blind eye to unchecked immigration, welfare thieving, rape and murder… Nice one Reg, you fat traitorous turncoat cunt… Your wig is shit too, by the way….
I said “injúnction” in my nomination though of course I meant ‘Super injúnction’ as the media aren’t even allowed to acknowledge that there has even been one granted! Consequently, sordid details will never be known.
It must’ve been a lookalike who was having h0m0 orgies swapping fluîds in the lounge while his adopted children were upstairs trying to sleep. Silly me.
Yeah… Super Injunction Lineker comes to mind… Yet he paints himself as the people’s conscience… The cunt…
A lot need to take onboard what Klopp and Liverpool have achieved and the time it’s taken to get to that point… There is no quick fix for United…. There is long term shit ahead but hopefully it will become long term gain under Ole, he’s got to be given time… Three more years at least…. The Pool knew what they were doing when they got Klopp… Whilst United acted like headless chickens and picked the wrong men….
Respect, Norman.
I’m not the greatest Klöpp fan, believe it or not. He’s just as arrogant as anybody else, persists with people who haven’t quite performer, has made some clangers with tactics, and has had a fortune given to him to spend, yet hoovers up the acclaim which, before last night, was all based on pretty football and empty cabinets.
And don’t start me on his crowbarring “God” into interviews or his wretched, not-at-all biased views on Brexit, fucking sourkraut.
As long as he keeps his gob shut, both keeping his non-football opinions to himself AND hiding his bleached grinders, he can stay and keep the seat warm for Stevie G.
Olé should be given at least two years but they should have a clearout of 2/3 of the players and give him some cash.
Talking of injunctions, do you remember when Giggs tried to silence the press?
Just like most superficial gays, he was simply licking up the arsehole of the Verona Italians when he made these comments, trying to ‘connect’ with his audience, who no doubt were (by this time) now partially deaf, due to the fat old fuck screaming out his repertoire, seeing as the cunt has lost any voice he may have had years ago.
All he does is bitch these days, be it about fellow music artists, the establishment or anything else that takes his fancy. There is nothing I despise more than bitchy poofs. They are worse than women for bitching, and that is saying something. There is just no need for it except for them to feel good about themselves, and compensate themselves for the fact that (in his case) he is a fat, unattractive, old, washed-up has-been whose last ‘hit’ was the medicinal one he stuck up his cocaine-addled nose.
The prick has homes around the world (apparently)…..LA, Atlanta, France to name but a few, so if he is so ‘ashamed’ and appalled with the ‘English, nostalgic, Imperialist’ Leavers, then why doesn’t he just take his indignation, put his mega amounts of money where his fat mouth is and fuck off to one of them….PERMANENTLY.
He would be no loss to this country, and cottagers in Windsor (his UK base) would doubtless feel a lot safer when a-roaming at night.
He rents his arsehole out and it comes fully Furnished.
Oi Reg you old bummer how dare you label me with your right on lefty crap. I’m not a thicko who doesn’t know his arse from his elbow just because I don’t agree with you and all the other mincing luvvie so called Intellectuals, im not ashamed of my beautiful England and its place in the world past present and future, I believe we have contributed more to the world than we have taken away.
And I’m more of a man than you because I’m not ashamed of my thinning thatch unlike you who covers his with a rug that looks like an old mat you used to find round a khazi. Puerile self opinionated old shit stabbed all you have ever done is sing, the profession of a real man.
Reg has been crying because the Ruskies have deleted the bumming scenes from the new film about his disgusting drug and cock filled life. The cunt must have played there at some time…..I bet he didn’t stamp his foot and whine about their homophobic laws and attitudes. No, he prefers to slag off his own country. Well guess what Reg? You haven’t got a country anymore so fuck off wanker.
Can’t wait for this drug addled old bummer to die.
You’re right Freddie, he didn’t stamp his foot and whine – he tried to lick Putin’s ringpiece instead:
Novichok the narcissistic oversized slug!
That’s fucking brilliant! What a sycophantic little arse crawler. Not so mouthy when he’s got his tongue up Putin’s bum.
What an obnoxious little cunt.
Goodbye Reggie Dwight, you really are a spent old cunt. You made yourself a laughing stock by marrying that dodgy twat. Access to his arsehole was the reason for your love please please just fuck off stop talking crap the variety of which you no nothing about. Do you remember old mrs T she thought your dad was old solly your mother spent time in his shop which has since burnt down next door to the chapel grounds in which they parked their cars and so on blah blah blah
Fat Reg more or less admitted he is lucky to be alive, considering his ‘colourful’ past…. The fruit picking wighead claimed he could easily have gone the same way as Everett and Mercury…
Now, there’s a thought…
If He’s so ashamed of us why doesn’t he just fuck off and live in the EU
Or even fuck off and die…. ?
Elton and his bum chum David, adopted a couple of kids. Imagine how fucked up they will when they get to there teens, having this perverted cunt as a role model.
They will think its normal to walk about with a ferret on your head, I bet Elton breast fed the kiddies, when they were young, I saw a picture of him playing tennis, he’s got a decent pair of knickers.
Dirty cunt.
Knockers it should say.