The Law (is NOT a cunt!)

Fuck me the law is Not a Cunt!
Rather odd to say this, lets not hold our breath as there may be an appeal into it.
But I am more than happy to announce that Richard Osborn-Brooks Has been found not guilty of the murder of thieving pikey scum (multiple convictions, family trade, ect, ect) Henry Vincent, but a verdict of “Lawful Killing” has been laid upon Mr Osborn-Brooks, who despite the rather toffee nosed name is a kind old man who was defending his life long love from a preditary house invasion by a group of Criminals bent on removing their valuables and their dignity.
I can only say Mr O/B has been run through the mill of the British legal system and found to be right and proper, as this is the case should he not be eligible for some form of victim compensation?
Should not he receive compensation from those who threatened him and claimed their right to lay flowers for their benefactor and friend ?
Maybe so.

should anyone raise a legal challenge against this verdict they have a platinum coated cunting coming their way, however due to skin pigmentation I doubt it will happen.

Nominated by lord benny

61 thoughts on “The Law (is NOT a cunt!)

  1. Hate to disagree but the law is indeed a cunt for putting Mr. Osborn-Brooks through this horrific ordeal for over a year now.

    The law also refused to diffuse the scumcunt burglar’s family tributes right outside this poor blokes house in the wake of the stabbing, which were basically veiled harassment tactics, when old bill should have put their fucking foot down on that lark immediately.

    They finally fucking saw sense and concluded that if some two-bob shitheel fuckhead doesn’t want to get stabbed to death, then said fuckhead should not attempt to rob a decent man. I am pleased for the bloke and would happily donate to his legal fees if possible.

    However, the British legal system has often snatched stupidity from the jaws of common sense at the eleventh hour, just as they threaten to do with that ISIS bride rotten cunt.

    As such, I’ll wait a bit longer before applauding the British Justice System on this one, methinks.

  2. Common sense making a rare appearance. Was there any other verdict?

    I fuckng loathe pîkeys. If you’ll pardon the pun, I place them in the same camp as Farmers, and farm labourers. Unwashed, poorly-educated cunts who think they’re above the law. They fuck their relatives, brazenly steal from tax-payers, slaughter animals, and smell like the inside of a refugee boat.

    Dressed in either traccy bottoms or threadbare trousers, and manure-flecked jumper, shovelling Fray Bentos dog food through their yellowed, gravestone teeth while smoking imported, Eastern bloc fags and drinking low -rent whiskey.

    Pîkeys are a cancer on society.

    • Couldn’t agree more, Captain… I hate pikeys almost as much as I hate hippies…

      Although Coogan is a libfuck cunt, I do love that scene from Saxondale…
      When he shoots that ‘traveller’ cunt and he says to them ‘Have any of you ever had to pay rent? Feel the silence!’

      About as true as it gets…

      • Coogan is indeed a cunt. Love Partridge and Saxondale was pretty good. Actually, so was The Trip.

        But, like Gervais, he comes across as one of the most deeply unpleasant people in the galaxy. I think that’s true of all the best comedians. The ones that come across as being nice just don’t make me laugh.

  3. I read that the poor bloke is still being harassed by the pikey cunts family and friends.

    In the states I doubt this would have even ended up in court. If someone breaks into your home they deserve all that’s coming to them.

    • They use the Stand-your-ground law there GB with the presumption that any intruder is there to cause harm. I don’t know if this applies all over but in places like Texas or Alabama this cunt would have been pikey Swiss cheese in no time.

  4. Despite my general loathing of anyone belonging to a particular religion, as well as plenty of well founded xenophobia…I’d be lying if I said that EVERY single Muslim or Frenchman for example, that I had ever met I despised. There are some (albeit very few) who I don’t mind sharing air with.
    But I can honestly say in my near 35 years of life I have never met or been around a pikey that didn’t make my skin crawl. Each and every one, man, woman or child are feral, thieving, disgusting blights on society that I would happily wave off the edge of a cliff. By far and away the worst group of people around

  5. Good points CF, and sadly true. We hardly hear of the huge wave of their crime. Apparently this one was from a camp in West Kingsdown, a particularly nasty bunch of whom I’ve heard many stories. They closed down a nearby pub (in Ash) after altercations with the owner. When one local spoke his mnd, he was scalped in the toilet. Nothing was reported in the press and the Police look the other way. Vermin, and untouchable.

    • One of the only redeeming features of the Daily fucking Mail is that they have no problem reporting on the thieving gypsy bastards. These cunts live outside the law, and they know they are virtually untouchable. Anyone who thinks they are victimised clearly hasn’t met one.

  6. To be honest the verdict of “Lawful killing” tickles me pink, sometimes at night when I can’t sleep I fantasise about setting up a 120mm mortar with air burst fuse and mortaring the tin can dwellers round here.
    ( I know it’s very naughty and I will never do it, but it puts me to sleep with a smile on my face)

  7. The law in the UK is a massive cunt and always will be.

    Just because they got it right this one time does not absolve them for fucking up constantly the rest of the time.

    A fucking gravy train for elite cunts who don’t want to work for a living.


    • I agree, Willie. If there’s no threat of punishment, then there isn’t a deterrent; therefore carry blades, go on moped rampages, indulge in whatever egregious behaviour you wish.

      What makes it even worse is being overruled by the “higher” legal institutes, namely the ECJ and the ECHR who compel us to keep Eurofilth because they’ve “lived in the UK for ten years and have evident been domesticated.” Psh.

  8. To the leftie snowflake social services cunts, they picture pikeys as violin playing, headscarf wearing flamenco dancers as you dont often meet them swanning round the vegan cafes of islington. Theyd open treblinka up again if ever meet the dodgy cunts in reality.

  9. I tell you what – this fella looks one fit guy for a 79 year old. I don’t think I’d dream of going anywhere near his house! He puts his longevity down to never ever having drunk soya milk in his life.

  10. Pikeys are lower than vermin. This bloke should be given a fucking medal and the Pest Controller of the Year Award.
    I remember my old MP, Tessa Jowell, was a big pikey lover……, until they moved in a mile away from her country mansion. The coppers had them shifted within 48 hours.
    Like all the rest of the imported trash we have in this country, it’s us plebs who have to put up with it. Our masters, who defend them to the hilt never go near the scum.

  11. Or having spunk worms up his arse! Good on the fiesty old boy! Whats the fuckin deal with the gyppos eyebrows?!!! Bit by wolf at full moon on moors…

  12. New shampoo for pikeys…….Go and Wash.

    Pikey kid tells his Dad he had sex with a girl for the first time last night.
    Dad says, “well done, hope you used something appropriate.”
    Pikey says, “yeah, a knife and a balaclava.”

    • A fellow visits a pîkey fortune teller one day who puts him in touch with his dead grandfather. After they finish, he pays her; she smiles at him, and in a jolly voice tells him that she’s really enjoyed the session. The man leans over and smacks her on the side of her face! The clairvoyant is shocked but says, “Ha ha- That’s because you LIKE TO STRIKE A HAPPY MEDIUM, isn’t it!”

      “No,” he replies, “it’s because I fucking hate pîkeys.”

      • What’s the first question at a Pikey Quiz Night?

        What you looking at?

  13. I particularly dislike the way that the burglar’s family spoke of him being a “loveable rogue”. In layman’s terms that translates as FUCKING PIKEY CUNT who got what he deserved.

  14. Allowing the cunts to have that state funeral, and letting it go near that old guys house was a fucking travesty. Cunts.

    • I wonder whether any vehicles in the ‘traveller’ funeral were driven by his burglar colleague. You know, the one that scarpered Tout de Suite leaving his pusillanimous partner to gasp his last breaths and gurgle the gyppo death rattle into the gutter.

    • As it is my old stomping ground, I did wonder how that one would go.

      Then I remembered – all the white working class that might have done something were driven out of South East london years ago.

      There was a time when the pubs would have emptied and the pikeys would have been kicked back to their caravans. That’s what used to happen when they got lairy or encroached on areas occupied by humans.

      Breaks my heart to say it but London is finished. Snackbar mayor, pikeys running riot, feargals running riot, snackbars running riot. Etc.

      The best thing to do would be to build a wall around London and turn everything off. Gas, electric, mobile phone signal, etc. Then, once the savages have eaten each other to death the humans could move back in.

  15. Anyone seen what’s on the BBC news website about the Istanbul mayor election bollox???!!!!????!! Should rise a dry smile

    • The EU are criticising it. I thought reruns of votes they don’t like was a euro norm. For the ‘People’ as it were.

      • Fucking beautiful innit? Suddenly the EU fascists don’t like elections being re run. Why the sudden change of heart? The cunts have always supported it……. when it suits them.
        Note the date of the re run……. June 23rd. We won’t forget that date you bastards.

  16. It’s my understanding that Mr Osborn-Brooks is now in the Witness Protection Program.

    And so it is that in today’s Britain we have pensioners who’ve lived a faultless life and through no fault of their own find themselves confronted by a piece of Pikey Dog Shit burgling their home.

    Said Pikey Dog shit dies in ensuing struggle and as a result of the subsequent very real death threats has to be placed in the WPP.

    This is not some gangster who’s turned Queens evidence, or uncovered some huge corruption, no it’s just an innocent pensioner living out his days.

    I think that says it all really.

  17. I believe the Irish have laws to control pikeys. That may be why they are here.

  18. Yeah, the pikeys always go where the pickings are easy and there’s no easier country for a criminal than this one.
    The Irish fucking hate them more than we do.

    • Yeah growing up over here if ever for a moment my mother thought it was gypsies. ‘shut the door, lock the door, the tinkers, the tinkers, lock the door’.

  19. Yeh, the pikeys turned up en masse outside the poor cunts house for the funeral. If that wasn’t an act of provocation and intimidation I’d like to know what is.

  20. If there were pikeys in say Saudi Arabia or Pakistan there would be a lot of fingerless and stumpy roofers.

  21. Jess Phillips is a massive cry baby cunt. Starts a twitter war with Aaron of Akkad then runs to the filth when it goes against her.

    • She’s so desperate for the attention, she has nothing to contribute to the world except bitching about how hard it is to be a wimmin.

      Who the fuck voted for her is a mystery, any bloke voting for her must be a self loathing cuk.

  22. Henry Vincent’s mother and sister attended the hearing and afterwards stated “no one deserves to die”, I read nothing where they admitted their son was a wrong un, in their eyes he was a son and a brother and not violent.

    News flash, you show up at someones house uninvited, tooled up and wearing a balaclava and it makes you scum. Only the most agenda driven snowflake cunt didn’t feel he got what was coming to him.

    Liberal progressive PC bollocks dictates that the criminal is somehow the victim. The traveller community uses fear and intimidation daily whilst robbing its way across the country, driving cloned motors, paying no tax, robbing sheds and some slavery thrown in.

    Irish folk I know tell me they take no shit from these cunts over there and neither should we. The fact Henry Vincent’s family see him as the victim says it all.

    Like the other cunt who got shot breaking into that farmers house, Vincent died because he was a low life cunt.

    He paid the price for his crime, boo fucking hoo.

  23. Put Osborn-Brooks in a white robe and he’d be a dead ringer for one of the Shaolin monks always instructing old Kwai-Chang in ‘Kung Fu’. He seems to be a bit of a bad ass with it!

  24. I can’t help thinking that this changes very little. The thieving pikey bastards will always be thieving pikey bastards.

    I am delighted for Mr OB has been fully vindicated.

    …..and as far as a shrine to the fallen is concerned, I would ensure that it is pissed on daily if it was in my local area.

  25. The yanks have this sort of justice nailed down. Saw an article a while ago about some scrote kid from the uk emigrate to Florida with his family for a ‘fresh start’. Started ok but eventually this little cunt fell in with ‘the wrong crowd’ according to his parents. Anyway he and one of his new pal’s decided to burgle an apparently empty house. They broke in, except it wasn’t empty. Home owner hears them break in, arms himself with a gun, marches down the stairs and shoots the scrotes mate and kills him. Scrote escapes to be later arrested, charged and convicted of both burglary and the murder of his pal. Gets a life sentence and is safely locked away doing a nice long stretch. Now that’s real justice. just wish the judge had forced his parents to pay for cleaning the blood out of the home owners carpet.

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