The Law (is NOT a cunt!)

Fuck me the law is Not a Cunt!
Rather odd to say this, lets not hold our breath as there may be an appeal into it.
But I am more than happy to announce that Richard Osborn-Brooks Has been found not guilty of the murder of thieving pikey scum (multiple convictions, family trade, ect, ect) Henry Vincent, but a verdict of “Lawful Killing” has been laid upon Mr Osborn-Brooks, who despite the rather toffee nosed name is a kind old man who was defending his life long love from a preditary house invasion by a group of Criminals bent on removing their valuables and their dignity.
I can only say Mr O/B has been run through the mill of the British legal system and found to be right and proper, as this is the case should he not be eligible for some form of victim compensation?
Should not he receive compensation from those who threatened him and claimed their right to lay flowers for their benefactor and friend ?
Maybe so.

should anyone raise a legal challenge against this verdict they have a platinum coated cunting coming their way, however due to skin pigmentation I doubt it will happen.

Nominated by lord benny

61 thoughts on “The Law (is NOT a cunt!)

  1. Thank fuck the man was vindicated. Any other outcome would have been against all natural justice. Problem is we are all equal under the law supposedly. Fair do’s we know that is bollocks in some cases but we have to swallow the lie for the greater good (right). What is a massive piss boiler is the amount of time taken to arrive at a logical conclusion, during this period the poor geezer and wife had to leave their home because the insidious threat presented by a pack of cunts who would steal your granny’s hand to wipe their arse was shall we say ignored by plod. Of course this threat will carry on ad infinitum and plod will dither and advise instead of arresting the parasites. A professional crook broke into a house ended up dying for his trade, tough shit you win some you loose one.

  2. Pikeys are vermin and should be exterminated as such.
    He went a bit mad at the end, bless him, but old Adolf was absolutely right about some things……….

  3. Huzzah for common sense. The piikeys will have to go back to targeting old ladies and stealing iron, the toothless, fruit-picking, caravan rats. They should be used as target practice.

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