The deluded

People claiming Thursday’s EU elections were a win for Remain parties are miserable lying cunts.

On the BBC on Sunday a Lib Dem politician claimed that votes for Lib Dems and Greens were higher than votes for the Brexit party, so the country wanted remain. The agenda pushing cunt didn’t even include votes for UKIP.

Later on Sunday a Green politician claimed that votes for Lib Dems, Greens and Change UK were higher than votes for Brexit and UKIP, so the country wanted remain. The agenda pushing cunt didn’t even include votes for the “we will leave the EU” Tories.

In the early hours of Monday morning a SNP politician claimed that 40% of the votes across the UK had gone to parties wanting to remain and only 35% to parties wanting to leave. Except that 55% of the votes went to parties promising to leave the EU.

Then cunts at the BBC commission an article from Sir John Cuntice in which the esteemed knighted professor explicitly lies about the statistics so that he doesn’t have to contradict the BBC narrative.

I don’t give a flying fuck whether you want to remain or leave, just learn basic fucking arithmetic and stop repeatedly lying. No fucking wonder the British people are voting for cunts like Farage, everybody else is conspiring to be even bigger cunts pushing their own agenda without listening to the electorate

nominated by Quivering Quim

57 thoughts on “The deluded

  1. But they were lied to, misinformed, didn’t understand what they were voting for, were brainwashed by the Russians
    and voting doesn’t count these days anyway.
    So fuck ‘em.

    • Well put, Sir.

      If anyone voted in this referendum without…

      a) Realising that the result was permanent and not something they could change in 4 years time.
      b) Realising that cunts on both sides were going to lie
      c) Ignoring said cunts and researching the facts thereby forming their own opinions

      …then they shouldn’t be allowed to vote for anything ever again.

      Oh. and they should also be discouraged from breeding.

      Did I say “discouraged”? I meant forcefully prevented.


  2. If people didn’t know before what politicians are all about, they know now. This whole Brexit fiasco has shown them up for what they are. They put themselves and their miserable careers first, their party second and the country comes a distant third. They disgust me.

    • Third? As far as they’re concerned we don’t even exist until they want our vote.

      • I wrote to my local Labour MP in 2017 soon after he was first elected. He didn’t even bother acknowledging my email. Know for sure he received it as I received an automatic response indicating it was delivered.

        Wrote to him again in 2019 in order to remind him that 60% of the local electorate voted to Leave. He wrote to me a couple of months later (coincidentally the day before the local elections), in order to tell me that he would vote with his conscience and not in the interests of the electorate who voted him in, and that he was “sorry” I felt he was wrong to do so.

        Wrote back to say I of course would not be voting for him, and that he was a fucking disgrace and not fit for purpose.

        Strangely that was the end of our love affair.

        Massive Cunt

    • I’m reluctant to give my vote to any politician, not being able to stand seeing their smug faces the next day proclaim their own greatness as evidenced by votes won. But these Illiberal-Undemocrats really fucking grind my gears. They need to be dunked in acid never mind a wee splash of milkshake.

    • As far as BrexShit is concerned nothing must be allowed to stop the ideological corner stone of the EU,the Kalergi Plan,from being implemented.

      “The man of the future will be a mongrel. Today’s races and classes will disappear.
      The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples ”
      Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, considered the father of the EU
      “Not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country.”
      Nicholas Sarkozy, President of France 2007-2012

      “There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states.”
      Wesley Clark, U.S. Army General

      • Has nobody cunted this awful Kalergi plan? Saw a photo of Herr Merkel being awarded the bloody Kalergi prize. Up til then I thought it was just a conspiracy theory, turns out this shit real.

  3. The worst thing about them is that they’re such pious, obnoxious, elitist, narcissistic cunts. They need a fucking good hard backhand across their fat heads & their smug, arrogant mouths sewn shut & their fingers broken so they can’t inflict their bilious nonsense on decent folk.

    • I agree we live in a democracy but we, as the common man, have no real participation in the actual process as any deviation from the required result is simply ignored.

    • Democracy don’t rule the world
      You better get that in your head
      This world is ruled by violence
      But I guess that’s better left unsaid”

      Bob Dylan,1983,Union Sundown

      • Bob Dylan who sold his soul for money and fame, according to him. Frightening.

    • I think we live in a 5 year dictatorship.
      The PM should be held to account by parliament and in turn parliament should be held to account by an “independent” press and public opinion.
      Unfortunately, the press is wrotten, as is parliament, so the pm is free to satisfy themselves.

  4. I hope that photo is real and not photoshopped. Those remoaner cunts with the blue shitrags must have been well pissed off. Wankers

  5. Talking of deluded cretins…

    Marcus Ball is a cunt. Who is he? He’s the cock-noodle who crowdfunded £200,000 for a case to take Boris Johnson to court for mentioning the hideous amount of money we fork out each month for the privilege of being in the EU. God’s tits, will these bad losers ever accept that they lost and get the fuck over themselves.

    Listen buttercup, I don’t know whether you lost your beanbag in a car accident or whether you were born a eunuch but one thing’s clear, you’re a deluded cunt. I hope you develop Tuberculosis

    • Somebody should crowdsurf this loser a holiday in the Bermuda Triangle.

      • Even better
        Crowdfund the cunt to an all inclusive stay at dignitas….
        No expense spared….The whole experience……
        Fucking loser……

    • it’s a joke, everyone knew that the 350 miliion was a gross figure…. if it wasn’t clear to everyone they must have been locked in a basement.
      With the rebate it was less around 270 million.
      Still shit loads of cash.
      What a waste of fucking court time.

      • Hold on! We need that cash for HS2…don’t we ??!

        Biggest fucking waste of cash. Spend it on improving regional railways, not on making it easier for LimpDump Londoners to travel outwards from their shithole, and spread The Plague.

  6. Anthony Blair has jumped on to the “Remainers won” bandwagon now, but I suspect in that motherfuckers case it is yet another sign of dementia creeping up on him.

    Old Boris is being forced to appear in court because some arsewipe has bought a private prosecution about a statement made about how much we pay to the EU each week, and the cunt of a magistrate has allowed it to be taken forward to crown court. The bias couldn’t be made more obvious.

    I suppose from now on Labour will claim that if you add all the votes from all the other parties, then they have won every election in history. The only way the cunts will win I expect. The tories are making arseholes of themselves (12 would be leaders now), but they can’t be worse than Steptoe’s shower

    • I am now looking forward to similar prosecutions being brought against Remain’s £4,300 per household claim, Alastair Campbell’s dodgy dossier, George Osborne’s emergency budget, every time the Labour Party claimed there were just hours left to save the NHS, every Tory ‘Tax Bombshell’ calculation, and Corbyn’s pledge to “deal with” student debt…..

    • I am absolutely certain Blair voted LibDem. And that he hasn’t even Campbell’s balls enough to admit it. He’s just about due his regular inspection of his aid-gobbling suits in African dictatorships now – and the Balkans, where he is advising all sides, are about to explode again, so he may be too busy to annoy us further for a bit.

    • The timing is immaculate – in time to derail his bid for leadership.

      Yet another establishment stitch up to ensure brexit is not delivered in any way. Leaves the way forward to another Tory leader who was a remoaner to “deliver” a watered down Brexit.

      Won’t ever trust them again. Cunts.

  7. The emotional, flag-waving attachment to the EU is the silliest part. I think it’s virtue-signalling more than actual love for the EU, that they are ‘world citizens’ and, like, totally non-judgemental… unless it’s judging white working-class people and drivers of white vans.

    Some of the kids have given their reasoning for why they like the EU, but it’s most semi-coherent ramblings about needing the NHS and all having the same opinion.

    • CP, this emotional attachment you so rightly decry as silly is pure infantilism.
      I wonder, if photos of these pro-EU rallies were magnified greatly, how many thumb-suckers would be visible. Also, over-sucking of thumbs leads to fucked-up dentition. Yes, Verminhofstadt, I mean you, you cuuuunt. The smell of old wee at these rallies must be overpowering.

  8. B. Liar is a bandwagon jumper-onner, because all the wheels have dropped of his; or maybe just locked.

    Steptoe’s shower sound like a new and alarming sexual perversion… Certainly a health risk.

  9. This Ball cunt sounds like another Gina Miller. Crowdfunded my arse, he’s being paid by some rich cunts.
    Wanker should be locked up for wasting the court’s time.

    • I am not sure if he really has a sound case or any case at all. Boris will have prepared a tome of figures by Whitehall accountants, justifying the “roughly £350 million” figure that was splashed across a bus. This Ball cunt won’t have access to confidential government data, only what is available under the Freedom of Information Act.

      All seems pretty desperate. Politicians on all sides lie their arses off in their manifestos upon which they are elected (or not). I see no good reason, apart from Remoaner sour grapes, why this is any different.

      • Sour grapes. Sourberries…….both leave a bitter taste and give you the guts ache.

      • There’s been an FOI request Paul

        Just been on Guido Fawkes and they point out that in table 9.9 in the ONS Pink Book (definitely not a comic for woofters) it does appear to support the claim

        I’ve had a look and decided it’s too much to take in just before the footy starts but as with all things Remain never let the facts get in the way of the fantasy.

        Cunting sore bastard losers, the only good that comes of this is lots of sissy bastard remain cunts will have lost money.

        Great cunting btw QQ

    • I notice that he’s suing BoJo through a limited company, not himself, in order to avoid any counter-claim should his act of treachery backfire.
      Well, cockface, WE’LL remember. One day I hope to tie this vermin to a chair and Soweto necklace the little turd.

  10. I see John Cleese is back in trouble for doubling down on his (correct) claim that London is now a foreign city.

    Usual idiots on twitter have gone garrity.

    • As a born und bred Londonistaner,I know from personal experience that Basil Fawlty is only speaking the truth.I reckon that no more than 20 to 25% of Londonistan is efnik English.

  11. Add to the list of the deluded cunts the SNP. On election night they were claiming to have had the biggest success of any UK party…what with three fucking seats you stupid cunts!? These inbred twats really do think the world ends and Hadrian’s Wall.

  12. These cunts who believe remain votes added up to more than leave are halfwits who can’t understand how invalid their argument is. Brexit Party votes were unambiguous in that people were voting on a single issue i.e. Brexit only. Remain voters who voted Lib Dem or Greens could have been voting over many other issues such as feeling very sorry for that senile twat Cable or more particularly for environmental issues which are currently very topical. Fuck off you Remainian cunts.

    • You could pin a yellow rosette onto a pregnant leith aids junkie and some scots would vote for it regardless.

  13. Its now obvious Man.City did not win the premier league after all. If you add up Spurs Chelsea and West Hams points it means London actually won by a country mile.

  14. The conservatives are committed to delivering Brexit…. so must be pro leave….
    Or am I deluded…. yep I think I am….. The majority of MPs are committed to remaining, keep the farce going long enough and we will have forgotten leave won.

    Wee Jimmy – wants another go next year.
    I hope the Jocks have a referendum…. with those SNP cunts out of the way we may have a chance to get out of the EU and rebuild the fucking Wall
    (A real hard BORDER!!!!)

  15. These weasel worded remain wankers are simply sore fucking losers!!
    It’s like that enormous egotistical prick and the so-called brain of remain AC grayling when he tried to any cunt silly enough to listen that only 37% of people voted in the EU referendum?
    Grayling was including people that weren’t actually eligible to vote!! EU citizens, under 18s etc etc ….
    That’s about as fucking deluded and deceitful as it gets!!
    What a cunt…….

    • Grayling seems to have been a bit quiet of late… Has he got his gob full of Juncker’s cock still ? Same with Rowlinginit and one or two other lippy bitches (of both sexes); doubt if there’s any chance they’ve seen the error of their ways, probably just regrouping for another pathetic hissy fit.

  16. I’m trying to keep to the theme of the deluded and the SNP certainly fit this. Legohead is pushing for an independence vote again. Give it to these fuckers now! Their economy is fucked and we’ve subsidised them for too long. It boils my piss that they have far more spent on social care than the rest of the UK. Let’s end the farce of the rest of the UK from being their money tree. I like the Scots but fuck the SNP.

  17. And make the cunts pay for it from their own fucking purse. And get a referendum for northern ireland too – another dead weight. If they still want to be in the UK then fine, but I get sick of hearing cunts bleating about having to follow this or that policy because otherwise one of the regions will want to leave. All the regions get more fucking money than England and all have their own devolved assemblies. If you can’t see it’s a good deal for you, then fuck right off post-haste.

    • We should all get a say in the next Scottish referendum, we could call it “the SNP Question”.
      If I kept threatening to leave my wife, then eventually she’d tell me to fuck off, it’s exactly the same.

  18. What these thick, deluded cunts on the BBC don’t point out is that in the European elections, there are 3 million EU nationals who, we can safely assume, didn’t vote for the Brexit Party. The same 3 million who won’t be able to vote in a General Election so the Labia Dems will be 3 million votes worse off. Remain my arse !

  19. I’ll state the obvious. Within hours of the Remain vote, we’ve had Kurz deposed and Boris summoned to court. The absolutely power-crazed, drunk on autocracy Evil Union WILL NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES allow Brexit to go through, and any and all right-wing movements to prevail. They are literally that JUNCK on power that they really believe they can create and keep hold of a Europe full of fighting age moose limbs. I’m the last to defend left-wing tosser ‘art’ film-makers, but anyone whose seen Lucino Visconti’s ‘The Damned’ will understand exactly where the arrogance and the assumed ‘control’ the current mob think they have, is truly going to end up. Druncker, sex case Versthadt, and childless Merkel and Macron whose eyes say it all about not having a soul. Oh and let’s not forget, Macron’s wife loves ‘having’ children. Yes folks, that’s next on the agenda. Desmond is amazing after all.

  20. It is notable that this argument is only trotted out by these lying Cu%$s when they lose. Had the result been “approved” by these scum, do you really think they would give a flying f*&k about any further opposition. As Junker the Drunker said, “if its a No vote, we continue, a Yes vote we go on”. Scum of the earth each and every last one of them.

  21. Excellent nom, QQ. And absolutely spot on, squire. And what I’ve noticed day to day is how many deluded CCCUUUNNNTTTSSS there are out there in general. So far up their own arses, it beggars belief. And how many times have you come across people who profess to be this,that or the other, and it turns out they’re full of shite. CCCUUUNNNTTTSSS.

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