” Kuwaiti ‘academic’ claims gay men have a WORM in their backside that ‘feeds on semen’ and says ‘therapeutic suppositories can cure homosexuality’ in bizarre television interview”
I read this article and found that the Academic and her conclusions were not being taken seriously. In fact,she was being mocked. It really has come to something when the desperate need to placate The Gay Lobby can overcome cold,hard FACTS.
It’s nice to see an Academic who isn’t afraid of the truth,and.although I can’t claim to be an Academic, I hope that my own extensive research,soon to be self-published,entitled ” The Gayness..Getting to the bottom of the problem” is treated a bit more seriously.
Even I,in my most profound and lucid moments, hadn’t considered the possibility of a spunk-guzzling worm up The Gay hoop. I must admit that I have some reservations about that claim….surely it would fall out when the Gerbils were inserted?
However,in conclusion, even the Greatest of Scientific minds were derided in the past,and I believe that this Kuwati scientist should be given the recognition that she deserves…A Nobel Prize,perhaps? They seem quite easy to get these days.
Fuck Off.
Nominated by Dick Fiddler
Freud? Jenner? Einstein? Hawkin? Who needs those cunts when you have the esteemed Professor Fiddler, the world’s leading authority on The Gayness?
I’ve just read that people are using jizz as face cream. Good for your skin , apparently.
Its a ploy put out by men…..
Can I come on your face…. its good for your skin.
Pleased to see it is getting scientific recognition
I find it hard to believe that a man of the world like you MPG didn’t know that.
Hello puff. Jizz don’t work on me. My face is rougher than a plasterer’s radio.
No wonder japanese women have such smooth silky skin its from the latest trending craze among women its called bukkake I love science lol
“…even the Greatest of Scientific minds were derided in the past”
Often by other ‘scientists’ I think you’ll find.
The thing that pisses me off about so-called scientists is it’s often a conversation of opinions and theories among themsleves, that will inevitably change over the years with new trends, and the general populaion is lectured at and condescended to for not particularly giving a shit about what these changing trends in science are.
I can’t go along with this. Not the fact that there isn’t a worm. There most definitely is. It’s the remedial treatment that’s in doubt. Suppositories don’t have a very good record for their effectiveness. I keep cramming them up my arse but they don’t seem to have any affect on my Farmer Giles. However, I’m embarrassed to say that I found the sensation more than a little pleasurable. Do you think Mr Fiddler, that I might be in mortal danger of contracting early stages of The Gayness? Mrs.B is becoming alarmed at the way I keep walking around with a smile on my face! ?
I think the condition you are describing is referred to as “Speed bumps” in the community you wish to join
It’s encouraging to see Mr Fiddler supporting Islamic academics. The discovery of this arse worm is a great scientific breakthrough on a par with the theory of ‘Intelligent Design’ put forward by American religious scientists.
Let the scoffers scoff. This is the real ringworm.
Here’s what makes me laugh about the left wing shower of cunts and their selective relationship with science.
Global Warming/Climate Change:
“But it’s definitely happening, look – some scientists said some studies somewhere might just about show a trend for a bit more heating here and a bit more cooling there. Look! Don’t deny science!”
Caster Semenya
“Transphobe racist! So what if doctors have proven beyond doubt that he/she has XY chromosomes – the genetic, irrefutable proof that a human being is male – she identifies as female, and is stunning and brave! Science is hate!”
Well said.
Further research is clearly needed here. The NHS should recruit a task force of volunteers to poke around up blokes arseholes and see if they can find this elusive worm.
I believe Graham Norton, Tom Daly, Reg Dwight and Krav are currently available.
Krav’s currently away from his desk having a fag. Then he’ll have a cigarette.
Wouldnt worming tablets help? Just think if bandits like owen jones visited petshop got hisself wormed, hed have a fighting chance of becoming a bloke! Ill crush some into fine powder and post them to him in blank envelope, be happy to cure him! The appliance of science.
My old dad used to tell me that it was the early bird what catches the worm.
I am not sure if this helps.
“The Gayness..Getting to the bottom of the problem”
Ha ha ha ha….
Pure gold.
I think the worm can be neutralised by throwing it off the nearest high building.
I read that in the Islamic journal of arse science and ringpiece philosophy.
I think this is what they mean by “decolonialising” science.
Its like the old witch trials, if they survive the fall the worm still lives, if they die they are returned to innocence, the worm is dead.
Best not to survive the fall.
These dumb scientists are trapped in their own self constructed paradigm. Have any of them thought of looking for this worm down Katie Price’s throat?
No, I thought not.
At this point, one can only assume that the STDs are what holds Katie Price together.
I’m afraid that I catch more than a waft of misogyny and racism in some Posters’ replies…most disappointing. Dr. Mariam Al-Sohel is a Woman Of Science. She is an Academic,not just some backward religious Nutter…….
“During a discussion on Scope TV, a broadcaster based in Kuwait City, she claimed that the cure, which is based around ‘therapeutic suppositories’, is inspired by Islamic prophecies and is all based on science.”
I haven’t been able to discover just where she studied…Durham University, I suspect judging by the amount of Gay student types that I saw mincing about last time I was there. but she is,never the less,a Scientist,an Academic..and a Visionary. As an Expert,she must be believed,after all we are constantly told that we should listen to The Experts on so many matters…diet,pollution etc.,that we in The West shouldn’t ignore this Expert just because she’s a Peaceful Lady and is prepared to tell us some inconvenient truths.
Fuck Off.
Don’t want to spoil your fun, Dick, but for anyone suffering from low irony levels, the outfit which brought the story to the world appears to be MEMRI, whose reputation for unbiased truth, particularly on Middle Eastern affairs, might be considered by some antisemites to be nonexistent.
I wouldn’t take the description ‘academic’ too seriously, either. Or ‘Dr’ for that matter. Elsewhere she is described as a “Kuwaiti New-Age Therapist and Human Development Advisor.” There appear to be no papers in, er, queer-reviewed journals to support her claim to be anything else.
More bollocks on The Gayness- including hers – assembled here:
Thanks for that Komodo. Catholic perspective. In the catechism it is described as an ‘intrinsic disorder’ as you probably know. A bit harsh sounding? Maybe. I read somewhere this inclusive Pope said (advising parents on the subject)-‘If you see something special in your child…’ Special? Special not strange. Well maybe…maybe that’s the way to talk about it. The language that should be used.
The Earth is a giant pizza and no amount of scientific “evidence” can convince me otherwise.
Show me where the nearest pepperoni is and i’ll move there.
Thought “the arse worm” was Peter Mandelson.
Take note that punters may purchase “Sir Limply’s Therapeutic Suppositories” orf me website and highly efficacious for all manner orf maladies they have proven. Have gold medals and testimonials from many orf the leading Royal Hoiseholds. “Fuck me Eliza, feel like a Spring kipper now” – HRH The Dook orf Edinburg.
Contrary to rumour we have not curtailed our policy orf Try Before You Buy due to previous liberties taken. We merely ask our clients to return their used requisites in the original packaging for a full refund. We have a number orf special clients most desirous orf purchasing same at a premium.
I bet you sell the refunded ones on to those doing Shite Transplantation. Are you running a racket here Sir Limply?
I believe we won’t get to the bottom of this until Richard Dawkins completes his latest book ‘The Selfish Worm’. I’m hoping he’ll be able to explain why it should be men’s arseholes that this worm hangs around in, patiently waiting for a feast of spunk, when it’s highly likely that there are far more women being sodomised on a regular basis than men. It appears that they might have got their natural selection all mixed up and their prospects of long term survival in the evolutionary process are minimal.
I have to do this now!
very in line with the topic
I would consult Keith Vaz, potentially he must have had many an experience of the alleged worm nibbling on his bell end? Perhaps he could confirm or deny it’s existence?
Either him or shirtlifter-in-chief Mark Oaten, former Lib Dem MP.
The latter conducted extensive research with young male assistants on a rental (or should that be rectal) basis.
Mark Oaten with his penchant for limber young men. Clean-living and highly principled for a Limp Dim.
Spunk guzzling worm, hmm, I have see n a few of them about town in my time so it must all be true.
I believe Miles Plastic spoke about this very same subject yesterday. Perhaps he can shed some light on it.
Lostsheep. I did toy with the idea last night that soy milk might be a factor but on reflection I am firmly of the opinion the sole cause of the Gayness is the anal ‘worm’.
Thanks Miles.
Krav hasn’t commented yet and I know why hes embarrassed because he has anal worms! Don’t fret krav just abstain from sodomy and they won’t get any worse starve the bastards they need semen and cock thrusting to survive
Kuwaits favorite doctor is working on a cure besides the suppostory and her good friends from isis say they have a permanent solution to the anal worm good news Great cunting as always Mr Fiddler cheers
My first thought on reading this, was perhaps the mad cow disease remains undiagnosed in the brains of some humans. Either that, or it was just tabloid fodder designed to make the weather & brexit reports look better. I think I’m reasonably intelligent, not academic or politically savvy & ISAC is the only place I can connect with like minded, more intellectual individuals, showing respect for others apposing opinions. As a straight female, I don’t understand, or have empathy with the LGBT xyz genders. But typically, my subconscious sneakily joy rides me daily. Whether men are gay because of a mental disorder, or a biological dysfunction stemming from an abusive childhood, or the continual demeaning from present day females, milk, anal worms or mushrooms, it’s here to stay. Where I live, the majority of the hard working males alighting the tube are white, straight, or gay. Well dressed, clean, with shoulders back. Whereas simultaneously, I see the pound shop infiltrated by the benefit hugging straight scruffy dad’s of multiple children from ethnic minorities, pushing pushchairs. If a man can find happiness with another man, let it be. Life is now wretched enough.
My view too. Plus, if The Gayness operated as an evolutionary disadvantage for the human species, there would by now be no gayness. For some reason, and argument is ongoing as to what that might be, it has a significant place in the spectrum of human behaviour. I say, leave it alone; it’s not a disease, and it’s present in every human society whether it’s tolerated or not. Others say, perverted cunts….fine, but what’s it to you?