David Lammy (6)

David Lammy is a cunt, isn’t he.

Let’s talk about deportation, shall we. If you’re a foreign national and you commit a crime, you can be deported if the sentence is more than 12 months. It’s the same in most countries.

Chevon Brown, who was recently deported back to Jamaica, says that he “doesn’t feel safe” there. In the past fourteen months, five deportees to Jamaica have been killed. Well, might I suggest that you should’ve thought about that earlier. It’s a deterrent. Enter Lammy stage left, speciously tweeting:-

“Press pause on Deportation to Jamaica.”

Hmm. And do what?

➖ Keep them in prison at a staggeringly giddy cost to the tax-payer (prison rent/food/free education) – £45,000 per annum for men (double for women), and therefore allow the possibility that foreign national criminals could stay in the UK?

➖ Release them letting them evade justice and punishment?

➖ What about other criminals due to be deported to their home countries? No special treatment for them? No, fuck the rest of them, I suppose, they’re not black and who cares, not your people, might be white, fuck ’em, eh? Therefore only give preferential treatment to a certain section of criminal.

David Lammy: Expenses binger, democracy denier, racist bigot, Justice fuckwit.

“Press pause” on breathing.

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

83 thoughts on “David Lammy (6)

  1. Fatboys expenses claim last year……£172,000. Nice

    Includes a trip to Jamaica ?? to see one of his mates, Er…….”constituents “ who had been arrested for murder.


    • Jesus fucking christ 172 fucking grand .what a fucking joke an so is he .dont mind me saying but 70 s jamaica a lot different B M W constantly playing/touring no fucking violence (not like todays shite)world in general more fucking civilised /ah the good old fucking days .people like lammy ruined this fucking world


  2. I hope Lammy is supporting his constituency’s side this Saturday and Liverpool give them a fucking good whipping. There might be mass rioting in Tottenham. Again.

    It’ll cause tens of pound’s damage to the shithole.

  3. He’s just a dumb Kaffir. They are ten a penny wherever in the world they exist in any numbers.

  4. It sometimes occurs to me that it was tragic that Jo Cox got taken out whilst toxic cunts like Lammy exist. Too much?

  5. Elsewhere on IAC, my first ever ‘comment awaiting moderation’. So I’m literally just posting this to see if I can outsmart the algorithm. Lammy is a piece of tits bum poo who can go and shove it up his granny’s pubes. So there. Let’s see how this fares as a test…

  6. How do you know that he spouts such hatred for de wyteez ?
    When he speaks all I can hear is “Ombubbllalo bunkumo shittah mipantsah” ! Bllbbllubbblllubbah

  7. David Lammy disgusts me. It shows the mentality (and ethnicity) of his constituents that they would vote for somebody of such meagre intellect. Horrible, Horrible, Horrible…

  8. Well if you don’t like the consequences, don’t do the crime. Just how many people were legally in that Grenfell Tower because the number of fraud cases and benefit scams is still climbing. Plus almost all of Jamaican illegals are also gay! Read the reports of how many claim to be gay when they are finally placed aboard the flight back (thanks to Bliar’s sub-Yooman Rites Act).

  9. It’s always the same with these filthy CCCUUUNNNTTTSSS who are supposed to represent us, the people who put them where they are. No. Always virtue signalling, saying how bad Britain is by sending them back to the shithole from where they are from. Well, Mr Lamedick, fuck you and your opinions. Think of the victims, you CCCUUUNNNTTT.

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