The Whole of Humanity

I’d like to cunt absolutely everybody.
I’ve long despised humankind, and all its associations. I’m no Catweasel fan, before all the Mail readers start frothing at the mouth. There are mostly very good posts here but occasionally the real cunts surface. Dick Fiddler’s recent post for example.

My Mother “died” recently due to Cancer. 4 Fucking years of chemo, operations, hospital twice or three times a week. Vomiting shit at the end, couldn’t talk, eat, drink or do anything basically, then came the agonised breathing (which I wouldn’t want anyone to witness). So… next time you hear someone say they “lost” someone, don’t find it amusing and bear in mind that some people find “lost” easier to deal with than the reality of what they’ve just witnessed.

Note to the Mods. I realise this has as much chance of getting posted as me pissing in the Pope’s Hat, but have a little think please. It needs saying.

You have our support, Dont think you are alone in this one.

Nominated by Dick Malleter

Admin note: Post has been edited to make it acceptable for posting. Wasn’t sure about this one but I’m posting it because if nothing else it will spark a lively discussion. Keep things civil everyone.

114 thoughts on “The Whole of Humanity

  1. Personally I’ve always admired the way Mr Fiddler manages to mix shocking depravity AND stern morality in his posts.
    My dear old Mum died just before Xmas two years ago after a 20 year illness and I didnt mention it here because I didn’t think this forum was the place for such things and it was, if anything, a joyous release both for her and our family.
    It doesn’t mean I didn’t care…

  2. …..does this mean we have to start calling it the “lost” or “passed on” pool?
    Doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.

  3. I am a little surprised at this, putting it mildly.

    I sympathise greatly with you, Dick Malleter. Of all diseases, Cancer is the bastard of all bastards. It is utterly merciless, insidious and destroys a person, often so painfully slowly that their loved ones see them deteriorate bit by bit. It is tortuous and when the loved one dies, it is a devastation after a traumatization. Just awful. My Uncle also succumbed to this horrendous disease a couple of years ago. I would not wish this on anyone, be they the sufferer or the loved one.

    Grief is hard to deal with and will inevitably make us hypersensitive to many things, but I cannot help feel this is just a little pedantic when offence was doubtless not meant to be caused AT ALL.

    The nature of this website is that it is a pretty no holds barred venting forum…..I think most people would think that is a given. Personally I come here and enjoy the site as it is one of the few places that PC is out of the window and we can say it as it is. It keeps me quite sane with all of the utter shite going on in the world of late, in all honesty. (as sane as Nurse Cunty can be, of course)

    I think that most people are clued up enough to know that ‘lost’ is a more comfortable and comforting way of referring to someone who has died. I don’t think this is disputed AT ALL, and I am certain that Dick Fiddler would be the first to agree….the term ‘lost’ was just a very small part of what was a very valid post, IMO so I am gobsmacked that it has been jumped on really and I cannot help but think that very understandable grief is perhaps colouring the situation here.

  4. Admin certainly do know their stuff, and this is (for me) a satisfyingly provocative nomination, which is – for a fkn change–refreshingly free from tedious, pointless and unedifying Brit-exit entanglements.

    It seems to me that if one were genuinely, authentically and justifiably distressed by bereavement(s) following any such grizzly and sorry decrepitude of “loved-ones”¹, as described by Mr Malleter in his successful attempt to “piss in the Pope’s Hat”, then one would be unlikely to be perusing ISAC, let alone contributing to it.

    For those reasons, and others already promulgated in the existing comments, I must conclude this nomination a falsehood.

    With no intended solidarity to Mr Fiddler, whose comments occasionally transcend my own earlier ones in their sheer mundanity and over-exposure [that’s my idea of a compliment, DF] , I must aver that there has possibly been some subtly-acting psychedelic suffused into the water supply, on a Nationwide level

    Frank Bough, Michael Barratt, Valerie Singleton, anyone? FFS, lighten up!

    ¹additional apologies to Mr Fiddler for that euphemism

  5. When I was a small boy, I nearly died after drinking weedkiller that had, rather unwisely, been stored in a lemonade bottle.
    It was a distressing and painful experience and it’s only recently that I have managed to come to terms with the memory…

    …and finally see the fungicide ?

  6. Treason has popped off to Berling to take instructions from Der Fuhrer…..

    I fear Brexit has crossed the rainbow bridge. Arnhem probably. Lots of people passed away there…

    • The ridiculous hag spends more time talking with Merkel, Macron et al than she does with people in Britain. Not to mention quintuple Belgian chocolate starfishes. Or lobsters (if you’re Caffy Newman…).

      That’s probably a big part of the problem, and the reason why everybody thinks she’s a fucking orrible little cuuunt.

  7. Do we still have funerals these days?

    I thought they were all “celebrations of life” for those that have “crossed the veil”…

  8. Gallows humour. It’s what makes this site tick. It’s the backbone of British humour, some mild, some downright disgusting, but funny to most. Even if you feel guilty laughing, or groan in false agony at it, funny. Any of our ex forces friends, or emergency services people will be more than familiar with it. Sometimes it’s the only way to push through the grim moments. There’s no malice, just finding something funny in an otherwise tragic event. Fuck, most of the time I hear about celebrities dying is through a joke, Michael Jackson being a classic example. If you take things personal, there will be only one casualty, that being yourself, as it will eat you alive. Had a pretty shit 12 months myself, but I do look for the slightest chance of a giggle, whatever the subject.

    • As an ex squaddie I can confirm gallows humour, if something you don’t possess upon recruitment is definitely something you will have in spades upon leaving the army.

      It’s pretty much drilled into you.

    • After straightening my ideas out and giving me a couple of useable trades, gallows humour was the most useful legacy of my five years in the forces (partly as an emergency service).

      But (non-Asian) Brummies are the experts.
      I think this was on a Birmingham gravestone –

      Her as was is gone from we
      Us as is’ll go to she.

  9. Lost Mrs Yardarm to cancer in 2010. Lost the plot for a bit. Would have given a lot for a site like ISAC to blow off steam on and laugh; if somewhat hysterically. As far as I am concerned agreeing/disagreeing with cunters is irrelevant. It`s admiring the cuntishness of their cuntitude.

  10. I’m gonna die and nobody is going to give a fuck. That’s reality. Ain’t it a cunt? All the shit I own will go to the dump, Ebay, get burned or an auction house. What was it all for?

    Humanity is light and dark but 80% of humans are morons.

    I hope I die after my dog. But hey, she’ll be on Rainbow Bridge waiting for me.

    • I hope when I die and my shit gets sold on ebay, the fuckers at least have the decency to use the proceeds for some big arse bunches of flowers for my grave.

      After all, death or no death, it’s still my bloody money.

      All the vultures can piss off, the cunts.

  11. The Whole of Humanity is a cunt, so if you can’t handle it, you’re on the wrong site..

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