Universal Credit

I’m not a scrounging cunt, I had a decent enough job but had to leave it to look after my mum who suffered a stroke in 2016. I kept working self employed more than 30 hours a week. In the mean time I’ve been abroad for my other family and had to come back for UK family/work bollocks.

Anyway whilst alot of time has past my father has gone into frightening stages of dementia (he separated from my mother 25 years ago) . Being out of work I thought fuck it, let’s have a look at the current benefits system in the UK. I called them up and sorted out an interview with my local job centre. All online now after your initial call.

Long story short, I’ve always been self employed. Produced my 2017 tax return, 8000 profit on the official return. Not enough for minimum income floor so you’d think. But no, she pushed it through as gainfully self employed. I’m now officially earning the minimum wage according to them. Not one single fuck given that I might have no money at all. I fucking laughed hard at the ‘ you will be paid £0 this month’.

If I wasn’t living on a fucking yacht near Phuket, I would be seriously fucking pissed off about fucking cunts getting everything for absolutely zero payment into our country. Fuck this shit hole. CUNTS

Nominated by W.A. Anchor

30 thoughts on “Universal Credit

  1. Had a similar situation a few years back. Been working since I was 14. Always had a job apart from an odd month or two in between work back when I was contracting. In my early thirties now and decided I needed a career change. Lived off my savings for over 10 months, last two/three months of being unemployed I thought okay let’s get something back from the system for all my years of steady employment and taxes. Cunts wouldn’t even cover my rent. Was on less than £60 a week and they had the cheek to tell me “oh you’ll have to find somewhere cheaper to live then”. I asked them to find me somewhere in London cheaper than what I was paying and I’d gladly move there. No such luck. Even after going through a load of rigmarole with council tax the most they could allow me off was 2%. Had to check in every week and write an online job seekers diary every day to the be scrutinised by job centre wankers less qualified than myself telling me how to find a job despite having a decade working in recruitment, only to witness half of Walthamstow claiming left right and centre for everything under the sun for doing jack shit. One Rastafarian geezer I overheard said he hadn’t been in work since 2006! Cunt

  2. Good morning W A. British? White? Born here? Never claimed benefit before? Paid shed loads of NI into the system? In genuine need? Fuck off.

    Good morning Ahmed. Not British? Dusky skinned? Arrived two days ago in a rubber dinghy with your four pregnant wives and twelve children? Never paid a penny in NI? Hands out gimmigrant chancer? Well we have a nice four bedroom council house for you. No, no need to pay council tax. Child Benefit for twelve. Universal Credit for you and the wives. Doctor’s surgery just round the corner and good maternity unit at the local hospital. Good school for the children nearby. Free school meals. Pardon me? Of course you’ll all get free English lessons. Now here’s an emergency payment for new clothes. The mosque is a brand new one. I’m sure you’ll like it here Mr Ahmed. Welcome and thank you for your diversity and cultural enrichment.
    Somebody was trying to tell me the UK is not a shithouse. Fucking delusional.

    • Good morning Fim. And relative to your opening question, a Mr Ahmed Faisal( currently on Job Seekers ) has been dismissed from his £65,000 a year appointment as a Teacher at St Thomas Catholic School ( London of course ) having been found to be illiterate. ( No written of reading ability, and the cunt was teaching ENGLISH )

      Further more, his bogus applications and claims are not to be investigated by the Londonistan Cuntstabulary, and he is currently unemployed ( big aaah ! ) and on benefits.
      Been here for donkey’s, living the life of Riley, sucking up benefits that only sand soldiers can obtain. !
      ( Source. DM 08/04 )

    • Great comment but I must take issue about one of the services offered; what the fuck would they need free English lessons for? There is no need to speak anything other than your own tongue. Example that sex offender taxi driver in Tower Hamlets been in England over 25 years had a translator at his trial even the judge was taken a back and stated his surprise that in over a quarter of a century this pervert spoke less English than a Barnacle Goose or something.

      • Yes. Point taken BB. And how true. I know a few Vietnamese cunts who live locally. Been here 40 years. Can’t speak a fucking word other than “Benefits Office” and “Cannabis Factory” and don’t give a shit. Mentally they’ve never left the rice paddy fields.They could get free English lessons at the local library where daft English cunts (always menopausal women for some reason) volunteer their teaching skills. But why bother. No charge for an interpreter at the benefits office, hospital, GP surgery blah blah blah. What utter cunts we are in this country.

  3. WAA. Sorry to hear of your situation but there is a simple solution. Get yourself a high rise flat, “accidentally” set fire to it and the government will put you up in a 4 star hotel for the rest of your life.

  4. I used to be a proud white working class male, now I’m DISGUSTED with what this cuntry ( no not a spelling mistake) has become. These fuckin cunts are allowed to come over here and rape our country and we let them! As much as I dislike the French at least they stand up for themselves, we just roll over & take it!

    • Too true C ! They only come to this country for the “benefits” and of course the opportunity to rape, steal and turn our cities into camel dropping centres. I am proud to say though that it is not us at fault, but our very clever ( much cleverer than we are ) political class who have allowed this to happen.

  5. Off topic but still on the subject of establishment cunts, Suck my Dick on the TV this morning justifying his new Ultra Low emmission tax.
    When asked about diesel cars and vans that people were encouraged a few years ago are now going to be hit, yes he says it is unfair.
    He justifies the tax to clean up the air for londoners, i love the way he says that, now more non brits that brits so basically a foreign capital.
    Then the little cunt goes onto brexit, he wants to revoke A50, and then negociate a better way forward…. and then a peoples vote, he is without doubt a fucking litle turd.

    • When he started banging on about revoking Article 50 I turned over. What a cunt he is.

      • Sadiq Khunt is here to stay… He’ll be voted in by the peacefuls and thick as shit others who vote for the person and not policies.
        The ULEZ is another con, cleaning up the air… fuck off… It’s a blatant tax and London fails it’s yearly pollution threshold after two days or some bollocks anyways, so unless you take all the cars etc off the road then it ain’t gonna make a big difference. Apparently lorries will have to pay £100+ per day… no doubt the endless Polish, Bulgarian etc lorries that fail will be given ‘Special Price’. I’ve given up giving a fuck now. These ‘Politician’ are all Gangsters and are given legitimacy by the corrupt Government and system. Naffink we can change unless we vote Monster raving loony cunts… ANARCHY… Let’s ave it.

      • The more Londoners have to pay in Taxes the better. I think you are spot on with your comment, and Monster Raving Loony it is then !

      • There was a tv programme on air polution last year.
        A trial was carried out on a german city. Air polution measuring equipment was installed at set points. Half the city banned diesel vehicles from driving through. The other half carried on as normal.
        Difference in polution levels ? Less than 1%. Environmental bollocks.
        This clean air tax is another excuse to pick peoples pockets. Working people reliant on driving into London for their jobs will be priced out.
        “We want to encourage people to update their cars to modern less poluting ones” :-
        Typical ‘Joe Public car’ 2009 Vauxhall Astra diesel hatchback ; cost to buy today = £1,100
        Air polution tax ‘exempt car’ 2018 VW Golf ‘electric’ hatchback £24,495
        Cunts who decide to introduce these taxes, are driven around in new cars, tax, mot, insurance, fuel, etc, all paid for by taxpayers money.
        Enough said.

      • The clean air tax is a load of bollocks. The councils that are putting these into operation are lying bastards. What they’re doing is running a fund raiser to pay for all the sponging foreign bastards that they’ve flooded our cities with. I’ll bet not one of the council bastards lives anywhere near the foreign scum.

    • Well, Suckdick Khunt will be heavily taxed for his emissions, I hope.
      An awful stench of hopeless farts when he’s around…

  6. Universal credit… I know naffink abaaaaaht it. Got a notification on my phone that has made my day…some poacher cunt got killed by an Elephant and was then devoured by Lions.
    What good news and I hope for plenty more of these stories.
    Nothing better than seeing some cunt thinking they are the man… Only to be put properly in their place by nature. I hope the cunts family were given the Loins shit to sift through to find remains of said poacher cunt.
    Piss off.

  7. Pretend to be Romainian/Polish, get free housing and benefits then work cash in hand washing cars and you’ll be quids in. There’ll clearly be no objections as you’ll be EU protected. Free hospital use too.

    • Every penny stolen….props up the economy of some foreign shithole. And the politico’s know it! CUNTS !

      • Cripple the rich countries to continually maintain the lazy, tinpot shitholes.

  8. My information is years out of date, and pre UC, but wasn’t the basic mistake being self-employed? It didn’t use to matter what you had earned in previous years – your savings would be means-tested, of course – but if you declared yourself unemployed you could at least claim UB, and that could clear your access to carer’s allowance &c, I imagine.
    I was self-employed for some years, and it was possible then to sign on as unemployed when the work dried up. Maybe that isn’t the case now?

  9. I’d try pimping Ladyboys and whores from your Phuket yacht! It’s a great source of income and there’s no VAT (vaginal and anal tax) to pay either.

  10. Just work for living like the rest of us hopeless British cunts in the UK.

    Fuck you, fuck your benefits and fuck the rest of the scrounging cunts hanging on the tits of society.

    Fuck you all to hell.

  11. As I say often enough, most (un)civil servants are useless, lazy, idle cunts who couldn’t get a real job in a business or company.

    So, who are they going to fuck-over, the nth generation of scrounging Kyle scum who knows how to play the system better than they do, or, the folk
    who’ve recently hit hard times through no fault of their own?

    Why the latter of course because it’s an easy tick in their “benefits saved” box – much like catching stabby/druggy cunts is a far harder task than arresting an ordinary bod who posts how fed up of those cunts they are. All are a tick in Sadiq’s crime stats box. And while society is much more unsafe in Londonistab these days, good old Sadiq will tell you different! He has the “stats” to back it up (when he’s not too busy blaming the current administration for his ineptitude – the KHUNT)!

    The whole system of government from top to bottom is rotten to the core, manned by useless cunts at all levels. The only way to change it is not to vote for the Con/Lab stitch-up anymore.

    Both UKIP and For Britain believe passionately in the NHS, just not for it to be abused by the rest of the world’s flotsam and jetsam, no, for US!

    They believe in a true welfare state to help the deserving in times of hardship, not for the rest of the world’s flotsam and jetsam, but for US!

    And… They also want to put paid to the perennial Kyle scum loafers using it as a life choice.

    You’ll never hear Labour say that because that’s a fair chunk of their idle bastard voting base!

    The Tories won’t either for fear of being labelled the “nasty” party (better that than being labelled the “useless” party).

    We need better!

    We deserve better!

    Fuck the lot of them!


  12. I remember seeing Bernard Manning in the mid 1980s, it was sometime close to a GE, it’s still relevant now what he said.
    “labour won’t get in because they’re promising to find everyone a job”
    “who the fuck wants to work, when you can get paid for sitting on your arse” now they’ll let anyone who wants to sit on there arse do so.
    Because those that don’t want to will have to pay for the idle cunts.

  13. You could sell your body or just pretend to be a woman and sell your voice down the phone to help perverts jerk off.

  14. Cunt I know runs a 3 bed privately rented house, complete with wife, three children, scheduled food deliveries and a taxed, MOT’d and insured Jag quite easily on Universal Credit, and has done for years.

    What a fucking disgrace! Years ago most of these claimants would’ve ended up in the workhouse, but now they’re guaranteed a leisurely life of luxury from the work, sweat and efforts of the working tax paying cunt living next door.

    If you’re crippled or demented and can’t do any form of activity to generate legal cash then fine, I’ll fund your spasticated existence. But those that can’t be arsed to work, can bypass the will of the tax payer and jump on the bandwagon of free cash that is Universal Credit. Just fill out the forms, get out the takeaway menus and stick the TV on, job done.

    I’ve nursed and cared for many of my own sick and dying relatives over recent years whilst maintaining a full time living. Worked all day, stayed up all night when needed, on call all night at other times and plain old got help in when I needed sleep.

    Benefits culture is the cunt but my ‘universal credit’ was spent on others.

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