The BBC, and all other left wing soft shites are in need of a cunting. A video has emerged of four para’s on a shooting range in Kabul, taking shots at a target that has a photo of Jeremy Corbyn stuck to it. Cue much righteous anger, indignation and calls for the para’s to be punished for daring to do such a thing with a holy image of the left’s Messiah.
I’d ignore the whingeing pricks, were it not for the fact that those currently busy being highly offended by this, are the same cunts who laughed, cheered and had parties when news of Margaret Thatcher’s death was announced. Now I’m no fan of Thatcher, but what the left did when she died was disgusting, and showed them up for the classless, nasty, downright evil fucks that they are. And now they have the nerve to whinge about four squaddies taking shots at an anti-British traitor, who at every opportunity, has sided with the enemies of the British people, including the IRA. Fuck them. So what if they were shooting at a photo of Corbyn? That cunt wants to destroy our country. He’s an enemy of the state.
The hypocrisy of the left gets worse by the day. And now the MOD are investigating this ‘incident’. There’s nothing to investigate. Four squaddies were letting off steam in their downtime, it happens. Fuck the left, and the offense they’ve taken. Those cunts offend me on a daily basis.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
Good cunting, wholeheartedly endorse.
As an aside – does anyone know what happened to those sqauddies that were photographed with Tommy Robinson a few months ago to the entirely predictable outrage of the perpetually offended?
I think they ended up in Halal kebabs Soylent Green style!
Shhh. Say no more, Big Zucker is watching your every move!
This nomination could equally apply to right wing softies. A fuckin’ plague on both their houses.
I’m a proud white working class straight male that makes me a nazi in the eyes of the left wing cunts
Yep, this is the problem.
We are the lowest of the low and must be eliminated.
I am offended that they didn’t shoot the real Corbyn; that was the only mistake made.
I’m tempted to cunt the four squaddies who shot old catweazle’s image. Professional, highly trained soldiers, and not one of them could get the cunt between the eyes!
Fucking useless cunts!
More training required!!!!!
Some of the shots missed, I hope their commander has words.
Why would soldiers think Corbyn was suitable for target practice? Not like he despises them and sides with the enemy at every given opportunity is it?
In fairness though the political class has decimated the UK’s armed forces they could all be inspiring targets.
If you were cynical you’d think that they were making it so the forces could only operate as part of a erm I dunno EU army for instance……….
Don’t these Westminster cunts realise they are the most hated scum in the country, even more than peacefuls and pikeys?
Never mind paper targets I have devised a new tv programme called “Remoaner Hunt.”
You go to some forest in Scotland and release some remoaner ( with a camera crew ) with a 20 minute start. Then members of the public, armed to the teeth, hunt them down like dogs. Can you imagine some cunt like Lady Nugee or Sourberries running, sweating and panicking, trying to hide their fat arses behind trees and rocks? Can you imagine them begging and pleading as their righteous pursuers finally catch up with them? I could watch that shit all day. That’s what I call entertainment!
If that scruffy old cunt ever does get to be PM, I can only hope that the military will overthrow him and do a ‘Benito’ on the little fucker…
One of those tipped to become next Labour leader (why for gods sake?) is that four-eyed gormless looking and sounding cunt Rebecca Long-Bailey – the shitstain has today raised the possibiity of revoking Article 50 (“very, very” as the linguistically challenged trollop puts it)::
These cretins should never be allowed into Downing Street even as guests, certainly not as *leaders*
She might have her own emergency supply of plutonium to slip in to his cuppa.
Btw, Russkies said it couldn’t have been their novy-tolchok in Salisbury, as theirs would have done a “proper” job…
What I’ve always suspected. Some total arses. probably Belgians or Luxemburgers.
We had a Dartboard with Martin McGuiness and his Mukka, both were used for the odd game of darts, and some hostile pot shots. I heard a story from a Gordon, that Mad Mitch used a picture of one of the RADFAN leaders for pistol practice. He was a fucking good shot I hear.
None of this complaining upsetting shite that you hear about nowadays
FFS. I couldn’t give a fuck what squadies get up to on the practice range, or in their free time (besides bullying – any cunt doing that should be turfed out).
They shot at a paper likeness of Corbyn – so fucking what ? In my teens, I drew a likeness of my Geography teacher on a sheet of paper in biro; used to throw darts at it, and plink it with my air-rifle ; never made me a serial killer or mass murderer.
These snow flakes would be complaining if they were shotting at a pic of an Afghan Isis fighter; “racist”, “innocent until proved guilty”.
Some squadies may be a bit roof around the edges, but that’s the kind of man or woman who’s prepared to put themselves in the firing line for not much money. They defend this country & deserve our thanks, respect, and more than a few quid, an aluminium leg & a P45, when they get blown up by mad terrorist fuckers.
Fuck all these Cunts climbing on their high horse over this.
Well said sir.
Absolutely fucking well said.?
‘People Sleep Peacefully in Their Beds at Night Only Because Rough Men Stand Ready to Do Violence on Their Behalf’
– George Orwell.
I had a geog. teacher who was a right cunt – came from Bristol…
Are we talking 1975 – 1978 ?
I couldn’t give a fuck about this clown nor the jokers presently in charge. They all want drowning. I feel like wiping my arse with the ballot paper.
You, and about 17.4 million other people.
Hear hear,
Where’s Guy Fawkes when you need him!
Johnny, should we downsize our house in case this bearded cunt wins the election?
No, love. Let’s emigrate.
Unlike Mr Mgraw, I am a great fan of Mrs Thatcher. I actually wrote to her once and got a letter in return. I wish she was around now. She would eat these EU cunts for breakfast and shit them out on the Eiffel Tower. We would be out with whatever deal we wanted. Think what you might, she got things done, destroyed the power of the fucking unions and made this country proud.
Can’t help but agree with this.
She’ll always be a divisive figure but there is no way she would have put up with this shit from a crew of German/French/Belgian ponces.
Agreed. She would have got us out of the EU by 29th March 2019, unlike that fucking waste of decent oxygen May.
At least Maggie would have got us out of the hell that is the EU by the 29th of March, unlike that lying cunt May.
Maggie is a fucking legend in my book.
Thatcher was political marmite. I was serving in London when she passed away and I remember the lefties saying quite disgraceful things about her. Very soon after her death, there was an objective BBC (BBC and objective seldom together these days) documentary about her premiership. When you think about it, she rescued a country that was in financial ruin due to Labour governments.
Fast forward a few years, and it was Blair and Brown (Labour) who truly fucked this country. Of course, the lefties forget this. Take a good look at Venezuela to see what a Corbyn government would give us. Socialism at its best.
Curiously, her ceremonial funeral wasn’t disrupted by the loony left. Watching it from an ops room, I could see the hippies don’t like it up ’em.
Margaret Thatcher, my 1st boss, I was a formidable character. She would have handbagged the lot of them.
Would love to hear more about that KD, if you could do so without outing yourself (if you’ll excuse the pun…..)
Kravs is high on buckfast again wtf do you mean thatcher was your first boss?
Well i’m outraged that they were using traitor Corbyns image to shoot at. They should have been throwing handfulls of fresh shit at him if they had any decency.
He would have liked that, he was a great supporter of dirty protests. And the murdering cunts who staged them.
They Wrote Their Name in Shit.
They will live forevermore.
The Jewish Labour Movement has passed a vote of no confidence in Catweazle.
Considering their history I don’t know why they would trust any Establishment party.
A lesson we are learning for ourselves right now.
Also, acc. Telerag, Treesa is ruling out no-deal Brexit, and preparing for customs union climbdown. “Leave with a deal, or not leave at all.”
Just what she always wanted. Rotten cowson.
I hope someone, somewhere is planning something diverse and culturally enriching for the evil bitch.
Watching her explain why she HAD to involve labia in the process , was stomach churning.
And she still thinks people believe her !!!
She really is fucked in the head.
“Over the last few days people have been asking me what on earth’s happening with Brexit,”
Few days? What fucking planet has this dimwit been on for the last 2 years!
The Jewish labour movement should just go to new Change UK party and stop getting twisted knickers over Steptoe.
The media are driving the publicity are this anti semitism, its blown out of all proportion, just like a few windows being broken in a handful of mosques in Birmingham.
Just waiting for the next fucking shit storm to hit the UK, it is inevitable that there will be another Alan’s Snackbar.
The Israelis are shitting bricks in case Catweazle becomes PM. It’s all hands to the antisemitism pump, now. It must be so annoying not to have Tony in charge – generously funded by pro-Israel donors through the good offices of Lords Levy and Mendelsohn (no,not him, the other one you haven’t heard of)…while the new treasurer of the Tories is actually Israeli. Ehud Sheleg is his name.
Though pointing that out might be regarded as antisemitic by current definitions.
Quick Draw and I will have seen how promising careers have been ruined by the use of social meedyah. Whichever muppet posted the images probably got a “talking to” by his mates. Unfortunately, the CO will be obliged to take administrative action against the “offenders” with each being accused of bringing the Army into disrepute. A canny CO will award a career-fouling sanction (slap on the wrist), so action is seen to have been taken. Sadly, I feel that the lefties will hound the MOD until these poor blokes are administratively discharged. This will be a complete waste of manpower at a time when the Army struggles to recruit into the Infantry. And where are the queues of females itching to get there hands on that coveted maroon beret?
Soon to be a blue beret with little stars on it.
I’m sure they’ve got some poofs designing it right now.
…begging the question: how the fuck does the army think its going to recruit in the future when the establishment does not baulk at throwing them under the bus for doing their job?
Oh yeh: spend a fortune on promotional videos of ROPers on manoeuvres with the rank and file. That should do it…….
I have a family member that is not too far off his obligatory 22 years with the RE’s. He can’t get out quick enough. Says the poliric9ans on our side are bigger back stabbing cunts than the Taliban and that the new intake is utter dross that would have got bounced down the road, not that long ago.
If you take a look at what the squaddies are making of this on the Army forums, they couldn’t care less about the shit storm over a picture – they are more concerned at the lack of marksmanship exhibited by ‘Paras’ ; “piss poor” seems the general verdict.
Army Rumour Service by any chance?
Always a good test of ‘unit cohesion’ and the integrity of the CO when shit like this happens (and I saw it many times). Also flushes out those higher up the chain who value their career brownie points over their own integrity or moral courage.
If all good, the CO admits that it ‘happened on my watch’ and deals with it (minor charge; dealt with at Company or Unit level, no higher). He gets top cover from his own higher formation and the media and politicos can fuck off.
Alternatively the CO throws his hands up and looks to make an example of the NCO or junior officer running the range; then begins a plague of ‘cover my arse’ blame and excuses, which ends up with no fucker in the unit trusting anyone at all.
Worst of all, they get an external agency in to investigate and all sorts of snakes get found under the rocks. (Remember how Sgt Blackman’s misdemeanour came to light; the video was found during a completely unrelated search).
The biggest cunt is the one that filmed it and put it out for all to see; he/she will be the one watching their back on the next few patrols, for sure.
And, obviously, it would have been funnier if they had done it naked. All paras are cunts, remember?
There is no such thing as a left wing ‘softie’. There is merely the left wing. To claim otherwise is to try and say that a ‘muslim’ doesn’t equal the Koran and Mohammed.
The left wing is the sickest, most twisted and vile incarnation of a human being possible. Outside of muslim, that is. They want, and actively clamor for, the destruction and desecration of all borders, language and culture. They genuinely believe that if they can dismantle and ‘de-construct’ the ‘White Male Patriarchy’, they will be able to hold sex orgies in the street in which all permutations can be doing each other in a gleeful, rainbow-flag wrapped celebration of ‘other’-ness.
They really don’t understand or comprehend for one second that as soon as they ‘win’, the MUSLIMS will roll in and take over and FUCK THEM UP THEIR concupiscent and inveterate arses, just like they’ve been waiting to do all along.
And the midst of it all, Soros will come out with Maddy McCann impaled on his Cialis-swollen meatstick.
“Concupiscent… arses… swollen meatstick”: nice!
I honestly prefer the peaceful brethren to the left. Ive worked and lived alongside a few. They were decent people who helped me out of couple of scrapes. One was a commando in the IDF.
In my experience, the radical and even liberal left are comparatively selfish, idle, stupid, rude, miserable and hopelessly smug, and far more likely to accuse you of bigotry than the average Muslim.
Islam needs a reformation, the left need rehab.
Great cunting QDM
I’ve not seen the whole vid but what I saw was some one filming the lads shooting and then turning to the target.
If that’s the case how could anyone prove who shot the target?
Think about it, it could have been done before and if not who hit it?
It’s a pile of cunt.
Besides they were shooting at the enemy, last time I looked the Commies were out enemies.
It’s more than soft leftie cunts this. It’s lefty cunts that hate everything about Britain.
What the fuck does anyone expect when these soldiers are fighting against the very principles and ideals that threaten the UK (and the assholes who uphold them) and that total traitor would side against THEM, rather than his own country and troops……and he is a UK political party LEADER??
It is contemptuous, not to mention a total disgrace and no wonder that they use his image for target practice.
Good on ’em I say.
If I had a dart board in my house, he would be on that too, fucking nauseating cunt.
Very true NC, Corbyn has a long history of talking to terrorists like Hamas and the IRA then dressing it up as ‘dialogue’. He has called for veteran Para’s to be prosecuted over Bloody Sunday and scrapping Trident. If he were to have his fizog printed on toilet paper it would be a best seller in 90% of the country.
Yes and Treason May is sucking his cock despite describing him as “unfit to lead”……”unfit to be in government “ and “a security risk to this country”.
So, was she lying then or is she lying now?
Excuse my presumption but how about…….they are all fucking liars, the cunts?
How many times did she say “The UK will leave the EU on 29 th March 2019”?
How many times did she say “No deal is better than a bad deal”?
The evil old witch was lying then and she is lying now. She is nothing more than a two faced lying CUNT.
Batten and Farage have to make a pact for any future elections, whether they be for UK or european parliament.
Every Brexiteer vote has to count, teach this horrible deceitful cunt, and her party a lesson they will never forget.
Because I never will.
Totally agree but it probably won’t happen.
Egos and stubborn mindsets between NF and GB regarding TR will split the vote and scupper the chance of us ever leaving the EU.
I fucking despair when I think about what happened to the UKIP leadership, especially Steven Woolfe, who I thought was excellent.
For the greater good of this country these guys need to sort their fucking acts outvandvwork together on order to hoover up ALL Brexit support.
At age eight I was a Corbynista, “it’s not fair everyone isn’t paid the same dad.” By fourteen I was an anarchist, by eighteen I was a left wing softy, by twenty-two I was “leaning to the right”, at twenty-five I joined the Manson Family, then reality reared its ugly head, end fucking of.
Poor old Charlie. He never actually physically killed anyone. He just got the blame for persuading other cunts to do his dirty work for him.
Now which “i’m just a regular guy” multi millionaire cunt does that remind me of?
That cunt Zuckerberg?
During Charlie’s trial, Nixon declared in a press conference “Manson is guilty”, while at the same time dropping 110,000 tons of bombs on Cambodia illegally.
Possibly, but has he got an ugly, money grabbing bitch of a wife called Cherie?
No more clues, sorry.
Feel good story of the week.
A suspected rhino poacher has been trampled on by an elephant then eaten by a pride of lions in Kruger National Park, South Africa.
Accomplice poachers told the victim’s family that he had been killed by an elephant on Tuesday. Relatives notified the park ranger.
A search party struggled to find the body but eventually found a human skull and a pair of trousers on Thursday.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Serves him fucking right.
Catweazal picture on bog roll, twin ply quilted. Show him what you really think is the slogan, bastard bank manager would not give me a startup loan cunt.
If that happened the SJWs would be in uproar.
There’d be cries of “RACIST! He’s in black face!”
I Can’t sleep thought my wanking marathon would put me to bed after blowing my load after a 2 hour edging but seems to have the opposite effect this time… I now have the option to toss and turn try to catch a few hours or I can drink some java and get a 2nd load off, decisions decisions woe is me cunters
Suck my Frick Khunt, that sorry son of a Parking Stanley’s bus driver has just said that pollution causes dementia.
Since when gas he been a scientist?
Also said Baroness Shambles Chakraborty says Labor are dealing with antisemitism… Oh of course they are, dear.
Fuck me – he’ll be saying smoking causes cancer next!
Demented Khunt.
Nothing would give me more pleasure than shooting this cunt in the face…..
Instead of accusing everyone of offensive behaviour, why don’t they ask themselves why people do these sorts of things. Why do squaddies use pictures of Corbyn for target practice? Why do residents of Castleford and Pontefract want to use Yvette Cooper’s teeth as a golf tee? Why does no one walk past Diane Abbott with a cheeseburger?
Because they’re fucking lying, backstabbing, self serving, arseholes is why.
And the cheeseburger is relevant by the way, because fat Abbott would happily take that cheeseburger from you as a working, tax paying, British resident, and give it to some terrorist family who wants to live in the UK free of charge.
I only hope the Castlefordians & Pontefractians get to play golf while ET’s teeth are still in situ…
And the game shouldn’t be restricted to locals (“Waaaaaycist !!”) – it should be open to allcomers.