Change UK

Change UK.

“Ask yourself what time is it? Its time for a change …its time for Change UK ”

So said former Brussels Broadcasting Corporation wet and Scottish cunt Gavin Estler.

You couldnt make this shit up ….here we have a nascent political party made up of the worst scumbags in parliament calling themselves Change when their main policy is to keep Britain exactly the same as it was in 2015.

Should be called Stay the Fucking Same UK . Cunts .

They are thick cunts too ….because they are splitting the remain vote between Labour …the Lib Dems …Dr Spock’s wife/Green Party and SNP..whereas every rightminded person will vote Brexit Party…so fuck em …cunts.

Nominated by A Cunt for All Seasons

84 thoughts on “Change UK

  1. The gullible cunts who’d vote for these poor man’s street hustlers are the same cretins who become excited at the words ➡ Please enter your credit card details to start your free trial⬅ .

    Their press conferences are awkward, toe-curling affairs where the twats act nervous and sweating like they’re in witness protection. There were fewer journalists/people in the audience than the twitchy, quixotic discharge giving opinions.

    Not one of these soft-soaped, out-of-touch cabal will be voted in. Not one.

  2. You know what though, All Seasons, there are still cunts that will vote for this shower. I had a debate at work today, with someone I thought was sensible but turns out is a Cunt. He thought Spear Chuccker was a credible alternative to Vince Cable FFS.

    Also I’ve just seen the local list of candidates for our council locals in May.
    Tories, Liebour and Limp Dums. No Brexit, UKIP or decent Indy.

    I shall go to vote as I always have, after all men and women fought tyranny and died so we could.

    My paper shall be spoiled with ‘All the above represent liars and charlatans. They are not fit to hold any form of office or to receive my vote’

    It won’t be counted but I shall feel better.

    I hope for more choice come the Euros being announced.

    • Problem is no one gives a fuck if you spoil your ballot ..its like shouting fuck off to the wind.
      Although if there was a concerted campaign where everybody spoiled in exactly the same way ..a huge “FUCK YOU” in red ink for example might be noted.

    • All spoilt ballot papers are counted and their number announced at the result. My paper will have GET FUCKED scrawled across it, or words to that effect.

    • I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I’m going wipe my arse on the ballot paper and stick that in the box.

      • To paraphrase Julian Clary (yes to considerable distaste to many here, I know I know), “Talk about the brown box”.

    • A credible alternative to Vice Cable.???

      Since when was Cable credible?

      My ballot has already gone back marked no suitable candidate as has Mrs D. If enough people do that then it might get noticed but only might.

      If you can’t even be bothered to do that then shut the fuck up complaining about the result becaue you abdicated that right by not voting …

    • It is absurd that Chuckaduckie calls his party “Change UK” – he doesn’t want change – he wants 1997 all over again. They should have called it the Mandy Blair Party.

      • Well we all know what Chuckie Egg wants. He wants to be the British Obummer.

        Disdain noted, I’d rather see him premier first mind you than Sad Dick Khunt.

      • I’d rather sadsack and chucup just fucked off somewhere else! But you sum up the choice we are repeatedly given. If I vote it’s for the lesser of two evils, if the choice is chucup or sadsack I may just fuck off myself.

  3. I watched these cunts two days ago waffling pre European elections.
    Fucking amateur night. Embarrassing beyond belief, if you called it a car crash you’d be talking it up.

    Change UK…doing everything they can to change what the majority want…pathetic.

    Zebra crossing for a logo…weird.

      • “Recalled by manufacturer because of genetic problems” ?
        or, more likely, “Well-past sell-by date.”

      • It might say:


        …but the words have been blackened out. I honestly reckon they’d receive more votes if they call themselves the Anti-British Party. We know there are plenty of cunts who despise Britain. 16 million of them.

    • Your right. A car crash is talking it up. It’s more like a pile-up on the M25.

  4. Ps. Cheers admin, finally removed that effing image of Gary fuckinlinecunt from the wall.
    His pointed weasel features gurning out at me every time I visit made me want to smash something into his bearded smary virtue signalling face and risk destroying whatever device I was using.

  5. For some reason, their slogan reminds me a bit of the Camberwick Green intro:

    “Here is a box, a musical box, wound up and ready to play.”

    Possibly something to do with a) fantasy and b) a wind-up.

    PS. I know I’m a perv, but I do NOT want to see Sourpuss’ box. Or sniff it, or feel it.

    • (Donald) Trumpton would beat Camberwick Green.

      Regarding Sourberry’s front bottom,it’d be swirling with cobwebs, HB. You’d have to attack it Indian Jones-style and even then the putrid odour would certainly defeat you.

      Cobweb Green. Here is a box. Can you? Brian definitely Can’t.

      • Indian Jones?

        “Ohh, dee-ar. I am getting a very bad feeling about this. Bad dates! Hello please!”

  6. The party should be named the “Changeling Party”. In folklore this word is used for children who were stolen by fairies. In Wales the changeling child initially resembles the human it substitutes, but gradually grows uglier in appearance and behaviour: ill-featured, malformed, ill-tempered, given to screaming and biting. It may be of less than usual intelligence, but again is identified by its more than childlike wisdom and cunning. This description fits Anna Soubry and the other cunts down to a T. You would really have to believe in fairies to vote for this shower of cunts.

  7. Change UK, a new way in politics……. yes right!

    Leaked memo (genuine? not sure) outlines the strategy to demolish the Lib Dems, grab their activists and generally fuck them over.

    I guess that is the reason they didnt want to ‘work together’ ….. nothing new here with this lot, dog eat dog and they do have a real dog named Soubry!

    Bunch of cunts, want a second go at the referendum but arent willing to go back to the people in a bielection


  8. I don’t know for sure (probably because I can’t be arsed to check), but I bet the majority of those turncoat MPs live in constituencies where the referendum vote was in the “leave” majority!

    It still amazes me how MPs can suddenly abandon their party and form their own, while still representing their constituency! I believe that if you do that you should also give up the constituency you were originally voted in to represent!

    But of course MPs have their own rules, as do those peers in the House of Lords and their £300 per day expenses for doing fuck all, while recommending OAPs should give up their free bus passes and free TV licences to help the fucking young!

    Fuck ’em

    • Completely agree. I can’t wait for a good cunting of these so called “think tanks”. None of these fuckers have had an original thought in their lives. Their answer to anything financial is to try and turn one generation against the other I.e young against old as in pensioners benefits.

    • As far as I’m concerned, by leaving the party they have resigned their job and should be immediately replaced by another person of the relevant party. Or just fuck off and die, either are acceptable.

  9. A bunch of deluded cunts trying to push a pile of cunt onto us.
    Chukunt Ummuna is a smug cunt…one of them cunts who has a semi smile all the time (like Blair). Anna Soubry… What a cunt, although I’d show Heidi Allen my ‘Hard’ Brexit strategy anytime.
    The cunts.

    • Umunna always has a strange sniffy vacant look on his face as if he had just been down wind of one of his own putrid turds.

  10. Did anyone here manage to finish watching questiontime last night? What a sanctimonious wankfest, and that Caroline Lucas.. lord what a exemplary cunt she is!

    • She has that constant smug smirk one her face, it got heated with the audience…… lots of noise, i think Fiona Bruce was shell shocked.
      Pamela Anderson was on This Week talking about populism, it became very obvious she is in fact a dumb blonde….. didnt have a clue.
      They were really scrapping the barrel, Jess Phillips was on, if she isnt crying over one of her hard done by flock she has fuck all to say.

      • Brillo & Portillo love having at least one clueless cunt on This Week. It’s a sort of blood sport.

      • One of my favourite Andrew Neil interviews,this time with international Trade Minister Greg Hands.

        Typical cuntish minister who doesn’t know what the fuck he is talking about.

        Truly staggering.

      • To the tune of Kyle’s mom’s a bitch in South Park…. Jess Phillips is a bitch she’s a big fat bitch she’s the biggest bitch in the whole Damn world, bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch, bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch, she’s a massive bitch, Jess is a bitch, and I wouldn’t even hit it if you paid me. Vote Sargon of Akkad.

      • When you look at the wannabe lesbian, it makes you wonder about Mr Phillips – what a quivering jelly of a soy boy he must be, waiting all week for her to get back from Westminster with her strap-on, awaiting BDSM from the pantomime dame.

  11. On the subject of shit politicians, Corbyn and Bercow have turned down an invitation to dine with the queen during the state visit of Donald Trump, which is primarily to commemorate the 75th anniversary of D Day. It’s obviously in protest of Trump, and whatever it is that annoys them about him. Pigmy Bercow, who must be livid to turn down a bit of pomp, and nosebag on the taxpayers cash, probably trying to impress that slapper he’s married, the cuckolded fucker. Steptoe is quite happy to nosh off any old terrorist or despot if they are anti British or anti western. The cunt isn’t fit to clean bus stops, let alone be anywhere near the levers of power. Whatever excuse these pricks use to justify their absence, it’s an insult to the British forces and their allies that gave them the freedom to act like the cunts they are.
    On a more positive note, I was particularly pleased to see fellow welsh cunt John Rhys Davies tell the politicians, especially Caroline Lucas, that they were all cunts. Fantastic stuff, how he slipped through the beebs screening fuck knows, perhaps they didn’t expect a luvvie actor to have an opinion of his own.

    • To Corbyn D Day was a day of shame when we worked with our American allies.
      Bercow probably has a pantomime booking.

    • Corbyn is anti British, anti West, anti the Queen, anti British Armed Forces, anti Trump, anti USA… and Heaven forbid, there might even be a Jew at the table… no wonder the commie cunt is scared to attend the state nosh up.

      • I think the homeless looking cunt is more pissed of at Trump recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which the last ten presidents had promised during campaigning for office, including Obama, but shit out when the time came. Stop press, politician actually carries out an election promise. I couldn’t give a fuck about Israel or Palestine, and I think the wider population of the U.K. doesn’t either.

  12. Excellent and somewhat overdue cunting of the Chukle ( Bros) umunna and his “ status quo” misfits!!!
    It’s been an absolute delight watching these (squatters of their Parliamentary seats) become more irrelevant with each passing day ..
    When they were basking in their “ rebellious “ Tory stage mentalist Anna Soubry and attention seekers Heidi Allen and Sarah Wollaston were the talk of Parliament!! Huddled on the backbenches like a modern day version of the “ witches of eastwick” they received a hugely disproportionate amount of TV airtime!!
    Since joining Alien headed freak and labour leader bottler umunna these 3 desperate cunts have somewhat been lost in the ethea…..
    Realising she’s now a fucking pariah in her constituency the delusional cunt that is Soubry has announced she won’t stand again ? Apparently it’s her age? 62? Fuck off you lying bitch …….
    How many of Chuckys dolls will survive on the night of a general election??
    After all of their hubris and bluster died down how many of umunnas flip flops are now taking stock and wondering if they should have kept their big fat mouths and enormous egos in check?

    • Evening Q…. Sourbry has implied she might not stand at the next General Election…

      Not for the obvious reason that she’d lose her deposit, no.

      Why then? “Because I’m 62 years old and exhausted.” ?

      I wonder what pathetic excuses the other Chukka ringpiece lickers will come up with to avoid certain humiliation?

      PS: God I hate that Sarah Wollaston cow and her fat tapeworm neck.

  13. They don’t want change, they want Blair. They want Thatcherism with diversity quotas.

    • Yep!!
      Those utter cunts are hoping the UKs population has been gripped by senile dementia!!!

    • The one thing I look forward to at the next election is Umunna’s “Portillo” moment, when the great streak of shit comes third or fourth in his ballot and we see the little cunt giving his farewell speech. His local council will probably feel sorry for him on the Friday morning and employ him as a street cleaner or bog attendant though. As he is so clever and perceptive he might already have sent his CV to HFC though.

  14. As it happens, guys n gals, I want Blair also; but I fear Sheriff Spedding may be fresh out of luck.

  15. Just saw a news item where the Secretary General of the Commonwealth, Baroness Shitland was trying to justify the existence of that fuckin’ archaic and obsolete organisation. The sooner it’s disbanded the better – it’s just another fuckin’ stick to beat us with for our colonial past.

  16. They should call themselves Turncoat UK and have that shitty blue rag as their logo ??
    If they had a brain cell between them they would have realised they had more chance of getting what they want by staying where they were rather than throwing a hissy fit.
    I suspect however it is more about the frustration of their personal ambitions rather than their pure love of the EU fascist state.
    I know they have nothing but contempt for the intelligence of Joe Pleb but I wonder who they think is actually going to vote for them?

  17. They remind me of the original SDP from the early 80s – another bunch of useless MPs defecting from Labour, which then cosied up to those other 3-legged donkeys, the Liberals.

    And did they set the world alight? Did they change the face of British politics? Of course not. They imploded and ended up in the House of fucking Lords to join all the other useless cunts!

    • The “gang of four” were exactly the same as this bunch of cunts, a load of self important wankers who had been passed over for the Labour leadership/shadow cabinet.
      I was surprised, the other day, to discover that the old crone, Shirley Williams, the worst Minister of Education in history, was still alive and breathing. Still spouting her champagne socialism and remoaning like a cunt.
      Someone should put the slag down……. for her own good.

      • What? Shirley Williams is still alive? Not possible. That old cunt could have been pronounced dead when she was still in the House of Cuntery.

  18. Heidi Allen has just been quoted by politics as saying .

    Allen: “The fact people are trying to pick holes shows we must be a bit of a threat”

    If I had to pick a hole it would be her bumhole …then her mouthhole ….then her bumhole again then Id finish it orf all over her face and sit back down and enjoy my port.

  19. If this bunch of losers were a theatre production, they’d be an amateur dramatics version of the Pirates of Penzance at a village hall in Swindon.

    If they were a film they’d be The Human Centipede II: a group of degenerate losers all tied together eating each other’s shit.

  20. A bloody shame I don’t live in South Cambridgeshire. If I did, I could vote in elections there. I would take a pencil to the ballot paper and draw a massive cock and balls, together with a bolt of jizz, against the name of Heidi Allen, such is the contempt I have for the cunt. Good evening.

  21. That malodorous old twat Vince Cable was on the radio news this afternoon, chanting “We can STOP BREXIT!! STOP BREXIT!!” over and fucking over again.
    If he’d been pounding the table with his fist it could have been a clip from “Triumph Des Willens”
    Get fucked Methusala….

  22. The Change lot = Uber Turd Heads.

    Can’t really be bothered to say much more about them.

  23. Hopefully as smby pointed out it will split the remain vote, and might finish off the liberal democrats for good.
    Then that old useless groping cockwomble Vince Cable can shuffle off hopefully 6ft under, as opposed to spouting off his venomous anti-british rhetoric in the lords.

    Cunts the lot of them.

  24. I see Eastern Region’s got contenders from both Brexit and UKIP….not too sanguine about the way the vote will split, as currently it has 3 UKIP MEPs, one of whom is seeking re-election. My council election only offers a choice of Tory and LimpDick, so my vote is going to FuckOff. (or maybe to FuckOffAndDie if the pencil doesn’t break)

    • Labour not standing in your council election Komodo? Bit surprised to say the least.

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