Richmond Limp Dumbs

The Liberal Democrat party of Richmond deserve a cunting. They recently held a referendum over whether or not to bring in a 20mph speed limit for the entire borough. The result was 51% to 49% against the proposal. There you go, democracy in action. EXCEPT, the local Lib Dems, who currently have overall control of the Borough of Richmond have decided that because it was, in their minds, too close too call, they’re going to ignore the democratic will of Richmonders and bring in the lower speed limit anyway.

They’ve given several, ridiculous, reasons for their blatant act of democracy denial. One of which, worded differently, was that old people had voted the voted the way wanted to vote. Another reason…wait…what? Old people used their right to vote against a stupid, leftie proposal, because they wanted to vote against it? How very fucking dare the senile old cunts. How dare they use democracy to vote against the Lib Dems? Why don’t they just stop voting and leave all that sort of thing to young, brainwashed, SJW snowflakes, who can be guaranteed to vote the way their told to vote? Better yet, why don’t the old fuckers just die? That would remove the irritating problem of oldies using their free will to vote in any way they choose.

Called me old me old fashioned, but I always thought that democracy meant an individual having the right to vote in the way that the individual chooses. Apparently, though, I’m wrong. According the Lib Dems, democracy means voting in the way that THEY want an individual vote. Doesn’t seem very democratic to me. Joking aside, this issue in Richmond is a shiny mirror into the very of the national Liberal Democrat party. Since the day after the referendum, the Lib Dems have been the most vociferous in their attempts to go against the will of the majority of British voters. In fact, if the last three years have shown anything, apart from the fact that our political should all be thrown into the Thames and drowned, it’s that the time is now overdue for the Liberal Democrat party to change its name. They have shown, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they are NOT liberal, and they most certainly are NOT democrats. Why did Richmond council bother with a referendum in the first place? Why expend taxpayers money, waste taxpayers time and use resources that would have been better used elsewhere, just to ignore the result because it wasn’t what they expected?

Incidentally, back in 2016 Brighton and Hove council brought in 20mph zones in 13 areas in the borough. A report one year later showed that deaths and injuries suffered in road accidents had increased in SEVEN of those areas.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

25 thoughts on “Richmond Limp Dumbs

  1. Ironic that Richmond LIb-Dems have overturned a democratic vote here, and seek to do the same thing with the much higher proportion of Brexit voters. Perhaps this was an early pilot?

    I see by the way that festering heap of shit Lord Adonis has started action to recind Article 50. He did this 4 days ago. That blad motherfucker ought to be made to get up off his arse and get a proper job – one thank includes real work and not just sticking his tongue up the arse of Blair and other *important* Labour figures (no – I can’t think of any either)

    • How many unelected cunts do we have to tolerate fucking up the democratic process? Adonis, Campbell, Jonathan Powell, Tim Allan, (insert former ‘advisors’ to Blair here)… and the elected cunts who have decided corporate cash beats public service or even the pretence of it.

      All stirring the shit as hard as they can wave their hands. All making a fucking fortune out of their political contacts book – which we paid for them to fill. Fuck off and die, you cunts.

  2. It’s a quality and well written cunting but it does cast a light on a rather unsavoury fact – democracy in this country is now well and truly dead. They’re not even bothering to hide it, now.

    • Democracy is still alive, only the definition has changed. Today it means having repeated votes until you get the desired result. First remember this being suggested long ago when we voted against having fluoride added to our water supply. Immediately the people who know best were saying that the next vote would see this decision reversed.

  3. Typical of the “we know better” attitude displayed by parliament and especially the Liberal Democrat’s, who we all know are neither.

    They are typical of the pseudo intellectual cunts that infest all walks of life, believing an education that taught them to cram facts for later regurgitation is the same thing as having a superior intellect.

    They inflict their beliefs on everyone else secure in the knowledge they know best.

    • It’s funny how they have morphed into the very thing they typically rally against i.e toffs/smug cunts in power who think they know best because they’re better stock/educated. Just like James OCunt on LBC this morning.

      Times change, language changes, masks change but the cunts wearing them do not.

  4. The reason deaths go up is that drivers are now concentrating on their speedometers, instead of looking out for brain-dead morons, attached to their phones, wandering out into the middle of the road, without a single glance round, clearly believing they are holograms that traffic will pass through.

    • Unless it’s ‘what is nineties kids’ telly sensation ‘Pob’ up to these days?’

  5. Lib Dems are cunts, they have abandoned democracy.

    They seem to have misjudged their voters, a bit like Cameron two and a half years ago, we will us dumb cunts get something right!!!

  6. At 20 mph, most cars will labour in fourth gear, so you have to drive in third, which, by definition, means more revs, which means a larger toxic footprint. Those green cunts in Brighton introduced 20mph because no cunt thought it through.

    • They might have thought it through but in my, admittedly, limited experience greens in general are dealing with a drastically reduced deck and have no idea how technology of any description works. Even Einstein would have struggled if he could only count to four.

    • Similarly pointed out to Oxford Shitty Council when they introduced there blinkered city 20mph limit which reduced it all to a crawl.
      They responded back saying that the emissions would be less as cars would be limited to 20mph thus reducing emissions. Go figure.

  7. Lib Dem cunts, Green cunts, Tory cunts, Labour cunts, Mavis, the Gove puppet, just a bunch of fucking cunts.
    An endless sea of fucking corrupt bastard cunts.
    I hope that fat little cunt in North Korea gets the bomb and drops it on this cunthole.

  8. Yet another great cunting. As you say Quick Draw, Liberal and Democratic by name, hypocritical, smug arsewipes by nature. Fuck ’em off.

  9. Why does their moronic excuse for an MP look as if she’s straining to expel a turd the size of a barrel ?

  10. There’s going to be a reckoning for all politicians, media outlets and their lackey whores

  11. And there was me thinking that democracy was all about rule by the people. But thanks to the Liberal Democrats (oh, the irony) and the vast majority of MPs, I now realise what a daft cunt I’ve been.

    It turns out that Demos and Kratia were actually a Greek singing duo and that the true meaning of democracy is: “We in power shall do the fuck what we like; the will of the people is of no consequence.”

  12. This is the worrying message of democracy these days.

    Don’t like the result, belly-ache, moan, kick like fuck like a child until you get your own way, or, simply ignore it.

    There is a term where a Government state that the people make the rules through democratic process but then choose to ignore them anyway. It escapes me but those governments drive the populace crazy and don’t tend to last very long.

    Had Remain won nothing would have been said.

    Had Trump lost nothing would have been said.

    In fact it’s the EU cunts who started this with their own fair take of democracy: please feel free to vote, but if it’s not the right result then we’ll do it again until we DO get the right result!

    Who are these cunts in power from Whitehall to some lickspittle council who have the audacity to pay one of the most noble features of our civilization – democracy – with such disdain???

    Like I say, any cunt voting for any of the mainstream parties – oh, and the LibDums – going forwards is mad!

    We’d be better off with some cunt totalitarian regime because at least you’d know where you stood from one day to the next!.


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