Rap ‘music’ (2)

Rap ‘music’

There are many styles of music that grip my shit, but rap is probably top of the cunt pile. It’s permeated its way into everything, from films and tv, even advertising, where littermonger fast food cunts slo mo strut to this soulless shit. Dressed up as modern day poetry, in reality bragging and whinging to a monotonous dirge. Aspiring only to being rich for doing fuck all, it’s the perfect soundtrack for the worthless, feckless youth and middle aged bellends.
I work with young adults, and there is a works playlist on Spotify, which is rammed with this trash, picked by guys that make the inbetweeners look like the Expendables. Every song is virtually the same, same beat, same subject. Yo, N……r every other word, bitches and ho’s, and little else. For a medium that is all about the spoken word, they say so fucking little. All the videos look the same, some arsehole dripping in tacky jewellery posturing, or a bunch of bobbing twats all waving their arms at the camera. It’s also the preferred listen of the scum cunt filth that are stabbing every fucker at the moment, the very same moped mounted maggots that Suckdick Khan was making excuses for in the media this morning, saying that kids being excluded from school ended up in gangs. They got excluded for a reason you dumb fuck! Carrying knives usually.
Finally, white people. What the fuck? How can you feel comfortable supporting an art form that if you were at a live performance, you wouldn’t be able to sing along, because there’s those words that only they are allowed to say, and they are every other word. And white rappers? Don’t make me laugh. Fuck them.

Nominated by Gutstick Japseye

34 thoughts on “Rap ‘music’ (2)

  1. Rap? Yeah, with a capital fucking “C”.
    It’s a hit with all the….ahem…..darker kiddies though- hit….with a capital fucking “S”.

  2. I admit I’ve always been partial to The Beastie Boys when they were around and saw them live. I liked rap it in the 80s before they started rhyming about money and women. Totally lost it’s way and now found by a multitude of cunts.

  3. Random illiterate couplets, gibberish with a back beat. Only rap I can actually remember has a ripped off piece of actual music in the background (Every breath you take, Under pressure, something by Dildo ripped off by Eminem)
    Not music and the only culture it signifies is repulsive. Look at the loathsome fuckers who are it’s exponents.

  4. Why do always wear jeans that hang round the arse can the cunts not afford a proper pair, go fuck yourselves

    • Usually the same fuckwits that ponce around with shoelaces untied.
      I’d love to see the cunts dragged into an escalator or some heavy machinery.

  5. Spotify?? Spotify is compressed shit, appalling music quality. Tidal is way better and Tidal masters are a gift from God.

    Having said that, rap and Spotify deserve each other, both are bollocks.

  6. Hope that smirking cunt hits a big tree at speed in his gold plated whatev’s wagon and the airbag deploys, forcing all those gold painted trinkets he’s got around his neck straight into his vital organs. Yee yee yee!

  7. Not a fan, unlike a good 80% of my contemporaries. All white, mostly middle-class Surrey, Hampshire and Sussex boys.

    If you enjoyed Wu-Tang clan and Snoop you were a tough guy.
    LL cool J or Will Smith? Gaaaay.

    Not my rules.

  8. If it were a load of white “musicains” doing this shit the media would be all over it, Oh how distasteful it would be.
    If the N word is racist, its racist no matter who uses it, how can it be acceptable for a black person to say the N word.

    And its fucking Crap!

    Fucking latest media frenzy on this morning, another enrichment from Africa imported into the UK…….. breast ironing, the practice is used to prevent girls developing too quicky so they would attract the attention of men.

    And we let these fuckers into the country, what a joke….


    • Oh is that African? I should’ve known.
      They had a brief mention on the sun app but they had a picture of a white girl with the article. Funny that.
      I thought maybe it was just demented psycho’s, but turns out it’s a whole culturally enriching way of life for backwards primitives that belong in the iron age. …. or the wood age.

      And I bet some cunt is waiting to wave em through the floodgates and give them citizenship and a free house.
      How enriching…..

  9. Great cunting, GJ! Rap is unbearable, but even more unbearable are the cunts that ‘perform’ it, giving it large with the stupid pointing gestures, the gangsta swagger and ‘da attitood’. What a pile of wank.

  10. An excellent summary Mr Japseye……clear, concise and straight to the point.
    It seems to me that one reason that young dimmos love this shit is precisely because cunts like us hate it. It’s a generational thing.
    If , when I was listening to “Electric Ladyland” my Dad had said “oh, that’s a good tune, have they been on Top of the Pops?” I would have been fucking horrified and thrown the fucking thing out of the window. The money men in the music industry understand this only too well and exploit it to fill their pockets. The more we moan about this shit the more the millennials love it.
    What’s the answer? Well it ain’t going away until the next wave of shit turns up.
    Just chill out as Pig Fucker Cameron would say.

    • Saw them a couple of years ago at Holmfirth, a bit more rotund than they were. Still good though.

    • Stiff little fingers! Great live. Still got Henry Clooney’s autograph.

  11. Goldie Looking Chain have satirised (C)rap music in a most artful and humorous way; they are well worth a listen, unlike the CUNTS who actually take themselves seriously as rappers.

  12. I am thinking of becoming a rap lyric writer. My first composition is called Chukka’s Rap (You Ma Ho) dedicated of course to his muse, the delectable Anna – she with the arse like a slatelayers nailbag,

    Do we still need “B” sides? The second piece of course will be for that heavyweight, David Lammy, De Thick As Pig Shit Rap.

    Innit bros.

  13. Long ago it was rebellious and showed society it didn’t give a fuck (the feeling was mutual). Now it’s tired, and even more boringly shit. The pendulum swings: the next yoof rebellion will be listening to Mahler, wearing 1950’s stockbroker clothes, and rebelliously declining to offer violence to anyone. The new yoof may even be evangelical Christians, god help us.

    Must be careful what I wish for…

  14. You’re right gutstick.
    Lazy talentless cunts that just wanna be rich and “respected” (or shot hopefully) by deir bruddas in da ghetto .
    Why bother learning an instrument of studying for years to do something impressive with your life when you can just talk bollocks to a beat and get rich?
    Problem is most don’t get rich, just like most don’t make it as footballers so end up broke cunts with no purpose or worth in life.

    Personally I’d lock the cunts up. They think crime is cool, presumably because there are no consequences.
    There are probably a few reasons for the violence and gang epidemic in the black community, but I’m sure as anything that these (c)rap cunts, their bad attitude and stupid, pathetic, rap “dis me an I’ll stab yu op brud” culture is primarily to blame.
    Lock the cunts up and only let them out in chain gangs to clean up graffiti and shit, whilst being forced to wear pink maids outfits with little pinnies and aprons with “I’m a little sissy boy now my guns and boys gone. Please pelt me with rotten eggs and call me a cunt” written on them.
    See how tough the cunts are then.

    Fuckin savages.

    • I’m with you on that DtS, maybe we could hark back to the late 19th century,early 20th century.
      In America in boxing rings, they had battle royals. It involved 8 to 10 knee grows, who set about each other when the bell rang.
      No rounds, just a fight till there was only one man standing, he got the prize.
      We would have bring it in the modern era, give them all a knife, and the prize would be a KFC bargain bucket.

  15. Many thanks to admin, for a cracking picture for the cunting, perfectly illustrates the upper end of these talentless twats. For the lower end, just look at a few mugshots in the crime section of the local rag.
    If ever the was a way of measuring the decline of the western civilisation, the popularity of rap has to be it. It was bad enough when young cunts looked at the krays, or mafia twats as role models, but at least those scum were aspirational, and had interests in business, today’s rap loving gangsta scum are just happy to rob a moped or iPhones, flog a bit of weed, and for kudos, stab another fucking spindly maggot in a parka, who was definitely not in a gang, and was going to be a barrister, or interior designer. Cunts.

    • The ‘court round-up’ in our local pamphlet is full of Stanislavs and Zoltans, rather than Leroys and Marlons.

  16. Said before, this all seems to have started with the Last Poets in the late sixties. I bought their first LP after hearing ‘On The Subway’ on John Peel’s programme. It sounded experimental and interesting, the rest of the album didn’t reach the same standard.
    These ‘artists’ today make me laugh because they all sound the same, to me at least, and they all seem to suffer from the same feelings of inadequacy as demonstrated by the gold chains they have to wear to convince people that they’re actually worth something.

  17. Anyone here seen the (British) film “Dead Man’s Shoes” ? The bit where the cunts roll up in their 2CV with “The only one” by Danger Mouse and Gemini playing. Quality rapping right there. Top film to boot. Sorry to uncunt, but there you go.

  18. I feel Rap music in the UK of the last 10 years should especially receive the sharp bit of this Cunting…..
    Thanks to the messages and imagery contained within the rap songs performed by the Denizens of mainly Dianne Flabbots constituency, a knife/shoot-er/gang crime epidemic has infected London.
    Other big cities such as Brum, Manchester and Liverpool are following suit in the growing level of assorted crimes linked mainly to gangs who live up to this shitty new UK urban rap bollocks.
    Local authorities haven’t got a clue how to stop this due in part to the pussies and cowards in charge such as Sadistic Khan as London Mayor, the ex labour slime ball Burnham as Manchester Mayor and the no-show friend of Dorothy Andy Street as Brummie Mayor.
    They all suggest community support initiatives, crime commissioners with zero power and celebricunt intervention to spread shitty ‘no-hate, please don’t stab’ messages on twatter and cuntbook.
    The solution is very clear. Bin all the useless PCSO cunts on their blue light tandem push bikes, all the cunts in the LGBTQ Protection force (Police) and all the wanky celebrity pricks who have so far failed.
    Time to deploy the Lads from 2 Para, the RM Commandoes from Devon and the Scots/Irish guards plus the Rifles regiments.
    Get them around the estates with full shoot to kill status and eradicate these bastards who terrorise local communities with their poxy knife image based hard-boy rap culture.

    Show these two-bob fucks what a real armed gang looks like. A gang with different cap badges who carry SA80’s & Bayonets, made up of real men who do not murder or steal from innocents just because a brain dead rap song tells them to.
    That would sort out the problem once and for all.

  19. In a similar vein:
    I would like to reach out with a word or two of friendly advice and guidance to the young buck – and his chicken shit cronies – whose paths crossed fleetingly with my own at the weekend.

    An open letter:

    Dear Twat Features,

    You are probably in your late teens or early twenties, have done fuck all useful or positive with your life, wear your baggy jeans halfway down your thighs (daft cunt) and believe that a multi storey carpark in Swindon is your own patch of Gangsta Paradise. You seem unable to leave your bollocks alone for more than a few seconds and you talk in what you believe to be a tough Jamaican Yardie accent (doesn’t sit well with the Wiltshire burr.) For some reason you keep saying “Axe” instead of “Ask”.

    When faced with a polite enquiry to determine who could possibly be responsible for the burger carton and spilt milkshake on Sugden’s Range Rover bonnet, against which you are still leaning whilst shouting into the end of a giant smart phone – you take early and inexplicable umbrage at a perceived ‘lack of respect’ shown to you by this upstart motorist. (An ill-advised response; Gunner Sugden is a large, angry-looking man with big boots, lots of scars on his knuckles and plenty of ‘life experience’ At your age, he was storming Argentine machine-gun positions, not loitering in a damp car park with a bunch of cow-eyed bottom-feeding wankers. Worse, he is accompanied by Mrs Sugden, who is far more ill-tempered and prone to violent rages). In fact, you somehow manage to rev yourself up to the very brink of launching an ill-advised assault by repeating the accusation that Sugden has somehow “Diss’d you”.

    Eventually, (and after making yourself look even more of a proper cunt in front of the rest of your gang and a handful of Saturday shoppers), you make the correct call by removing the litter and fucking off, although not before remembering to issue some pretty hollow threats over your shoulder as you slink away. This undoubtedly prevents Sugden from collecting even more scars on the back of his hairy mitts, and he chuckles.

    You and your dozy mates are clearly missing the point here; loitering in piss-smelling stairwells and intimidating 14-year-old girls is about as far as you can get from being cool and/or successful. It isn’t big, it isn’t clever and it sure doesn’t qualify you for respect points. You do, however, qualify for a couple of cunty points. – deux points. (And if it wasn’t for the ubiquitous CCTV cameras in said car park, you would now be nursing a rather large bootprint-shaped bruise on your scrawny brown backside.) Cunt.

  20. One positive feature of rap/hip-hop; brazenly materialist and misogynistic lyrics to wind up the Marxo-feminoids. Too bad so few modern intersectionists dare speak out for fear of oppressing the young black male. A few bra burners of the 80s took issue with it.

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