Lisa Nandy MP (2)

Lisa Nandy MP is an annoying cunt, isn’t she?.

The Labour MP for Wigan seems to be spend more time on the BBC’S QT than with her own constituents. There she was this week defending John McDonnell’s stinky opinions on Churchill in what must be Britain’s most nasal accent. Perhaps before kissing Corbyn’s arse she imbibes a canister of Helium for some kind of protection. Alas, if only sounding like Orville the Duck was her worst problem.

This whiny Manc has spent the last thirty months capitulating her pro-EU opinions to suddenly agree with the 65% of Wigan who voted to leave the Brussels Gangsters.

“So…Ah vor’ed Ru-miiin bu’ ah think wiv got to, you knoww, respec’ the will o’de peeplul” she says at every tv appearance, desperately endeavouring to stay in touch whilst lecturing us about asylum-seekers and quoting Polly fucking Toynbee.

She’s one of those infuriating cunts who commences every sentence with “So…” although with her perplexing lisp it’s “Tho…” Why hasn’t she grown out of this childish speech impediment? She’s like the irritating girl at Primary school who sat at the back, petulantly sighing, flicking her bogeys at the window and bewailing every task in her piercing Orville voice.

?”Ah wish I cud lie, pretend that I hate the EU…”
“You can.”
?”Ah caaaan”t.”

What the fuck does this prosaic tweenie know about anything? Just go away and let a grown-up take over. I wish this querulous, lispy, squealing Manc would take a vow of silence and ‘Pith riiight off.’

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

41 thoughts on “Lisa Nandy MP (2)

  1. Every time “Litha Nandy” appears on Peston’s socialist/Pro EU masturbatorium, you can guarantee whatever dribbles from her socialist mouth (along with flecks of drool) will make you want to throw a brick at the TV screen.

    This is yet another kite-flying, career politician whose views are so far removed from the common man, she is almost playing a parody of herself without any self-awareness.

    The day will come when an idiot like Nandy will have a say over how the country is run. That will be the time to get the fuck away.

  2. These cunts like her are a real danger to this countries future. Most of the Labour Party are spouting lies daily. They tell the masses they stand for old labour values like workers rights, wimmins rights, minority rights, any old bollox as long as they can finish the sentence with “rights”, and pretend that they respect the outcome of the referendum, but really they are putting obstacles to leaving all the while. 99% of these lying cunts are stalling the process so that at the last minute they can wting their hands and proclaim “We have tried to reach a deal to leave but can’t agree in the commons on a deal that keeps us in the single market, customs ducking union blah blah blah.” We will now have go back to the people. Useless dishonest lying lizard faced bags of shite every last one of them. Well just remember If you don’t deliver Brexit There will be a fucking day of reckoning You fucking spineless CUNTS

  3. No idea who this cunt is but just wait for “coloured” gate to gather momentum…

    Amber (Elmer Fudd) Rudd, you senseless fucking idiot! Single handedly gifting Abbott and Lammy a year’s worth of vitriol playing their favourite – their only – card.

    Amber, why don’t you make like Elmer and just be “vewy, vewy quiet”!

    You stupid fucking CUNT!

    • Amber dudds as thick as pigs shit , she’s been an unmitigated disaster in her cabinet posts, but knowing what a completely useless cunt she is only makes treason mays judgement suspect at best………
      Op …. how has that other absolutely useless twat Chris Grayling still got his job? Bumbling buffoon……

  4. Confused bitch. A Blairite at heart but prepared to suck the Catweazle cock to further her Parliamentary career. Essentially a remoaner, desperate for a second referendum, but wary of upsetting her leave constituents.
    Exactly the sort of arrogant, self serving cunt who should never be allowed anywhere near the levers of power. Join the club slag!

  5. I think I am not alone here in saying that I categorically would NOT fire one into that.

      • Whereas her execrable Manchester accent is indeed to be deprecated in the strongest possible terms, Ms Nandy does have rather nice norks.

        Surely, TITS, you would enjoy an eponymous wank courtesy of Lisa’s lovely gazongas? No? I’m unsure I believe you wouldn’t enjoy a nice foamy frotting of your love piston, albeit also involving a gag or a gimp mask.

        I observe with interest from wiki that her father was the Bengali Marxist academic, Dipak Nandy, famously the founder of the Runnymede Trust. Having oftentimes muted the sound whenever the Wigan MP’s gruesomely mutilated and flat Bury/Burnage vowels whined out from the wireless, I never knew she was half Indian.

        Morning Creampuff, how you doing?

      • “foamy frotting of your love piston”

        Just spat my tea all over the keyboard, you rotter!

      • Not so good CS. To cap it all the oven packed up last night! Can’t even boil my head in comfort now…

      • Sorry to hear Ruff.
        I know at least 42% of the „Kommentar“ on ISAC is „strengstens“ tongue-in-cheek, but much of my own input is not. To wit –and for example – I really did find those diazepam tablets the other week. I threw them away, as the use-by was 2011!
        Exercise, alcohol and stress avoidance, topped off with anxiolytics of your choosing and tangerine dream would feature in a general prescription, in the absence of more detailed intelligence.
        Sorry to hear, mate.
        I’m extremely pleased to say my intermission with Miss V appears now at an end, so… miracles can and do actually happen.

        Chin up, It’ll Soon… [Yes] pass, I pray.

      • Oh come on what did you do with the real two in the stink! its not like you to not want to fire one in

        Sure shes not prime meat but a little bit more makeup and a slutty dress will ease your interest I’m sure. Don’t let politics get in the way of a good shag

  6. Just wish she would fuck off back to Wigan where ‘ already jobs are being lost because of brexit’.
    But she respects the result of the referendum ofcourse it’s just that we need a ‘deal’ that allows us to stay in the single market, customs union, free movement etc.
    Double speak lisping lefty twat must think we’re stupid.

    • That deal sounds familiar?
      Hmm FMOP? Single market and a customs union? Wow! Is it possible to throw in the ECJ making the rulings?
      Well as long as they all respect the referendum result that sounds a brilliant deal….. where do we sign?
      No need to sign? ?
      Utter cunts FUEU ….

  7. Looks like a young gender fluid Alex salmond…..
    TBH never heard of her and judging by the cunting I’ve been incredible fortunate…..

    • Gender fluid Alex Salmond…??

      That’s worrying; I wonder if it would go cottaging and call itselff “Nicola.”

      Most fishy.

  8. Poor Litha, she has a problem with her tongue engaging between the top and bottom set of nashers, like all politicians she is fucking annoying.
    Not in the same league as the likes of Lammy, Abbott, Phillips any of the new Independent group and the list can go on.

    Maybe put her in the class of Aspiring Cunts.

    Its gonna be a shit day….. International Wiminz Day, maybe switch off all media.

    • “Aspiring cunt” – jolly good. Wouldn’t that be an honest reaction from the mums of the stabees in London. “He was an aspiring cunt but alas died too young.”

  9. I’ve heard this whiner on the radio and had to turn it down. She sounds like an excited 12-year old boy having his growbag squeezed. Continually sighing as if she’s trying to be patient with the howwible views she’s shrilly protesting. Probably spends more time outside her constituency than in it. If she were an animal she’d be a angry goose.

  10. Spends more time on the telly than she ever does with her constituents up in Wigan (who by the way overwhelmingly voted to leave the EU) She’s spent more time trying to overturn the Referendum result at every opportunity another Labour MP who does not listen to Her constituents wishes. Regarding Winston Churchill comments she’s another stupid twat just like John McDonald who likes to give our wartime heroes a kicking Their heroes are probably the likes of Jerry Adams, Martin McGuinness and the rest of the IRA ilk and the victims of Bloody Sunday. Lisa “short tongue” Nandy is a first class cunt and a disgrace to Parliament

  11. I have tried to post on a news item for two days. Just retelling what happened. It refers to a Jewish politician. I feel I am being censored.

  12. I remember another manc bird who sounded a lotlike Orville. Michelle Marsh, a blonde with stupendous tits.
    At least she was decent-looking and useful for something.

  13. Yet another leftie clone who can’t do her hair or dress properly. Next time you’re watching BBC Parliament, take a look at the female Labour and SNP members, most of them are ill attired with bad hair. One of the worst offenders is Kirsty Blackman who attends the House dressed as a pixie. Since they all look like they rolled out of bed and put yesterday’s outfit on, purchased from the sale rail at Sainsbury’s, I can’t take them seriously. I usually shout at the telly, incredulous at the state of them.

    Much as I can’t stand Treason May, at least she dresses the part.

    • Most of the pics of Mayhem that I’ve seen recently look like a highly distressed tortoise pilling its neck in. It’s that bizarre coat she wears, with the huge collar.
      Her obsession with expensive (??) shoes is also alarming; reminds me of an opera singer, whose biography was being pushed massively when I lived in Vienna. Can’t remember the exact German title, it translated as “Cos high heels are really sooooo important.”
      I’d fire one into Charlotte Church, if she were bare-legged with wellies on… Support the local economy, low carbon footprint &c.
      Wonder what size her trotters are ?

  14. The lisp is now a compulsory module at academies ( (c) Lord Adonis) and no soi-disant expert explaining a complicated topic in Noddy-comprehensible terms may be hired by the BBC unless every sentence they utter begins with ‘Tho’. (The Lisp has in fact crossed the gender divide and the infection is spreading rapidly.)

    I have not met the cunted one, and do not hope to. I have no problem with the Manc accent or any other, with the certain exception of Nigerian. She appears to be as thick as a pile of white pine lintels, and to have resisted all attempts at education, in addition to being a strident self-promoter. So, (damn it) just an average Member of Parliament, and what has this once-glorious nation come to?

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