Jacinda Ardern
Didn’t know anything about her until the Christchurch shootings. However now we know what a kneejerk, liberal fuckwit she is.
I don’t underestimate the horror of what went on but for fuck sake the outpourings from this woman are in a different league.
Here is today’s output following the earlier wailing, including wearing a headscarf and refusing to name the moron who did it:
‘New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has called for a global fight to root out racist right-wing ideology following last week’s deadly attack on two mosques in Christchurch.’
Where is this simpleton when UK and Europe are attacked? Where is she when mosques and markets are attacked in Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan? When planes are downed? When people are murdered or enslaved? Does she really want to make NZ the go-to destination for these fuckers?
The people of NZ deserve better.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
A very good point indeed CC. Where WAS this simpleton in the past when those nasty right-wing Islamist racists were shooting, stabbing and suicide-bombing their way around the world?
They should put her into a film and get that other cunt Olivia Coleman to play her. We could all do with a laugh.
This pale aenemic olive oil lookalike is in need of a chippy tea!! Cheer the fuck up luv it’ll all be ok, do the haka and feel bit better.
Princess Leia/Angeles Jollie/ this hijab wearing sycophant is so typical of left wing fascists that it makes my blood boil.
Where is she on FGM in Somalia? What has she said about LGBTQIA*7538£#@+ rights in Gaza? I will tell you FUCK ALL.
Yes,this was a horrendous crime,yes the accused should be strung up but vigils,candles,
hashtags won’t change anything.
And her voice is fucking annoying.
She is like the slightly more masculine version of Canada’s Justin Trudeau. Western political leaders, aside from the USA and Eastern Europe are infested with these bleeding heart, hug a towelhead clones.
While the far-right threat is real it is minimal compared to global terror networks like Islamic State or al Qaeda, this grandstanding just reinforces Islam’s status as the ‘religion of special needs’,immune to any scrutiny or criticism.
If that ain’t a tranny, I’ll be a Flabbott’s uncle!
Say no more (PS what is it with her fucking headscarves?)
I’d bang her RTC. Of course I’d have some demands but yes, I definitely would.
May God have mercy on my soul.
I admire the cut of your jib YCD!
25,000 people die of starvation every day. Admittedly in Bongo Bongo land but it puts 50 dead Muslims in perspective.
On the plus side.
Six days after the Christchurch mosque attack, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced a ban on “military-style” semi-automatic rifles, prompting questions in the US.
Anyone think the US will follow?
Thought not.
Hell no! We enjoy our regularly-scheduled mass shootings here in Yankland, thank you very little!
This virtue signaling Wallace and gromit lookalike can go and do one!!
Tbh …..
I’ve absolutely no idea why semi automatic assault rifles should be sold to joe public? It’s not like the wildlife they shoot are armed and dangerous..
The Nazis disarmed the people when the took power in Germany.
The best reason for citizens having guns is defence from Government.
Hmmm and I think that need is coming. Shortly ….
The term ‘assault rifle’ is rather nebulous but that is beside the point.
“I’ve absolutely no idea why semi automatic assault rifles should be sold to joe public?”
Well, frankly, them zombies ain’t going to kill themselves are they.
Can’t bear to see or hear her. She’s used terrorism for her own political agenda. She says she can’t bring herself to utter Branton Tarrants name? She should be thanking him and wearing a fucking Branton Tarrant T-Shirt and panties.
She’s using him like a cheap whore
either way, her public reaction is one thing but the politician in her must of danced a little jig once she grasped the opportunity he’d given her to push her agenda and melt a few
million snowflake hearts in the deal.
She can crush dissent of immigration, take guns away from citizens and I expect a few more of their rights in coming weeks and
The only people who profit from
terror acts against Muslims are cunts like her!
Tarrant is a cunt but she’s performing political masturbation over the corpses.
Chris Tarrant? From tiswas?
Sally James would have (past tense) definitely got it ….. ???
She’s still breathing, still time…..
Just? That’s good enough SD
I tend to use the old mirror trick to see if there’re still breathing…..
Although “ would have” is past tense I was just making my position crystal clear in a politically misleading gobblegook kind of kick the can down the road but would still dip sally James kind of way…..
just so we’ve got that straight…….
‘she’s performing political masturbation over the corpses’
And utterly drains you of all sympathy you might have had.
To the cunt who is damaging Mosques: you are a CUNT.
All you are doing is giving fuel to the left who will shut down free speech with their shreiking.
Please stop.
Your city will now get a visit from Corbynski and Ayatollah Khan.
Yes he’s a cunt but a terrorist? If this doesn’t highlight how the NZ terror attacks have been used to change the narrative nothing will.
A hate crime almost certainly, vandalism absolutely, criminal damage totally. Terrorism erm not by a long stretch of libtard imagination.
Next time some poor cunt is involved in a rear end collision with some cunt who happens to be Muslim and who just happened to stamp on his brakes for no discernible reason is the mug who shunted him going to be the victim of an insurance scam or a terrorist.
Some fucking halfwit smashes a few mosque windows and the BBC puts It high on the news agenda (higher than they did for the Utrecht murders) and anti terror police involved along with a useless twat of a police commissioner looking stern and determined. Muzzies are victims again!
I wonder what they would do if a few church windows were smashed?
Typical of the level of interest/protest in little old I England. When Argentina invaded the Falklands they had massive anti British protests, flag burning, effigy immolation and lots of shouting. In England someone threw a tin of corned beef at the Argentinian embassy’s front door that is all I can recall. In a village six miles from my humble abode some fucking mongtard bricked two medieval stained glass windows in the village church; no mention of that on even the local al bbc. If I remember correctly an attack on a mosque was carried out with a packet of sliced ham, that made the papers. Us English folk seem to have lost the knack for a riotous protest a sad loss indeed
Fuck all. Churches in the UK are now locked when unoccupied, have security systems and screems protecting stained glass windows. Been like that for years. Its called vandalism and theft . However, a Mosque gets a few panes knocked out, and fuck me. Its a hate crime! Its terrorism ! Bullshit !!!!!!
Maybe it is the left!!!!!
Probably an inside job, as my old colleage once said, you can’t trust a SES (er)
This horse faced bitch used to work as a “policy advisor” to a certain Anthony Blair. Presumably she didn’t advise him to attack Iraq and kill all those nice peacefuls. Or did she?
She’s a politician, ergo a two faced, lying piece of shit. The snowflakes in this country think she’s a fucking saint the muggy cunts.
Fuck this bitch and fuck all politicians to hell the cunts!
Would that be …Charles, Lynton of “Cottage fame “
Good call out.
She’s been reading Suckdick’s ‘Big Book of Shifting the Blame’ full of useful BBC style soundbites and snowflake clichés. Chapter One: Islam is the religion of peace….
What surprises me most is not Jack in da Box binti Ahernia’s response. She’s a left wing cunt who enjoys spending shed loads of other people’s money on ” social improvement”.Her response was entirely predictable. I’m surprised there has been no response from the Maori population. Couple of centuries ago they would have welcomed the peacefuls as a valuable source of food. But KFC and McDonald’s are now more convenient, no need for a hangi. I would like to hear their views on the cultural enrichment of NZ. I venture to suggest that they might diverge a shade from those of the nasal binti piece.
D’ ye sill dick paint, eh? No, but we have a nice range of gloves you can try, Sir.
Well fuck me, on the news the other night , a Maori Biker Gang went on a hug – a- towel head , and offered protection while they worshipped. I believe also a Hakka has been performed in solidarity of the “Peaceful ones “. FFS, NZ deserves all the fucking shite thats coming !
When I lived in NZ, I recall several occasions when Maoris told white people to go back where they came from.
Leaving aside the fact that she looks like Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” made human, I really wonder how anyone so fucking wet can become PM of a country.
Oh, wait……
…….The Hunchback, The Grannyshagger, Mrs Trudeau, The Bent Teashop, Auntie Angela…….
Jacinda Hardon – yet another gormless, bedwetting, handwringing apologist cuntbubble; I think she is yet another one who has borrowed Dick Emery’s comedy vicar’s teeth.
However, fellow Cunters, let her attempt to continue to convince Allah’s stinking, bearded, tea-cosy wearing followers believe that NZ is the go-to country for their clan.
The more stinkers that chose NZ over the UK as their destination of choice has the thumbs up from me!
I don’t think the country matters very much, as long as it’s western, full of libtards with nice big fat libtard teats to suck on.
They’ve been reading “The Illustrated Pikey Guide to Thieving, Scrounging and Doing What you Fucking Like.”
My horse has a very low opinion of her. Can’t say I blame him. After all, she did renege on her promise to return his teeth once she’d broken them in for him…
I’ve been wondering, they keep bleating on about the extreme right and how they are monitoring them etc etc. I wonder if ISAC is monitored? Some of our views could be seen as extreme.
Perhaps one of us is a mole? My money is on Fiddler.
Since when has common sense been considered extreme?
Thinking about it, since the EU referendum result.
You have a point CNR.
It’s a pertinent point, but if MI whoever is monitoring ‘the far right’, they must be monitoring an awful lot of people, seeing as how that term now seems to apply to anyone who voted ‘leave’ in the referendum.
As long as its kept light, CnR, eh?
That’ll be it’s.
More pipes of peace, but today’s stash a totally different proposition.
I’m feeling like a latter-day Shulgin, with a smaller pool of dealers.
I like to tease GCHQ. Every now and then, google “Wholesale Chapati Flour ” or “Detonator Caps ” It sends GC into a fucking frenzy !!!
I found also the name “Chilmark” gets attention too !
Two poofs holding hands at a shrine in NZ for the mosque victims.
Try doing that in a mosque…
They may be able to do it from the top of a mosque. Briefly.
Like it CC, !
BBC & SLY Have gone full on about some Mosques in Birmingham that were vandalised by most probably yobos. Anti terrorist squad are on full alert and the Peacefuls are acting the victims.
If these had been Christian churches it would have had a small mention in the local rag .
Isn’t it strange that when a peaceful attacks the general population he’s labelled as having mental health problems but a few yobs vandalise a mosque in Birmingham its an organised right wing army ?
Heard the spin that radio four were putting on it, calling it a ‘violent attack’, when it seems to be just mindless vandalism. Again, pushing to the max anything which could be construed as right wing violence, but dampening the opposite. Whoever did it deserves a good kick in the nuts, however, if bacon sandwich man went to jail for a year and came out dead, what’s in store for this dull Cunt?
Entire church roofs are stripped of lead by roving gangs of Eurotrash and pikeys but the best they will get is a few lines in the local rag or some bored cunt on the end of the line for the crime number.
Racist TV advert on ITV! Asking for money from whitey for some um bongo drinkers.
Day is well wwwwwaaaaAYyyyyyyyccccccciiiiiissssssstttt.
Anyone who gives money is guilty of white saviour complex according to KFC loyalty card holder David,friend of Grenfell,Lammy.
On the plus side, poor little M ‘ Tembe no longer has to trek miles for some buffalo piss tainted water. His dreams of unlimited water have come true, in a big way.
He’s so made up they can’t get him out of the bath !
In fact, they can’t find the bath. The little cunt’s fucked off on a cruise !
Good evening.
How long did it take you to type that last bit without bursting out laughing Krav? Brilliant!
Is talking about Alex Jones tits extreme?
No, but watching the One Show should carry a custodial sentence.
I can’t stand the new Zealanders accent, fucking vowel mangling cunts.
And it will only get worse as it gets more enrichment .
All will be welcome, silly cunts.
Fucking hell, Scotland got their arses kicked by a bunch of cunts who turned up for the game on donkeys!
When you think of the great Scottish players of the past…….how did it come to this? What happened?
They were blinded by reflections from Jacinda Arden’s gnashers for all three goals.
McLeish is a donkey. He needs to get pumped.
A side cunting for Turkey’s Erdogan.
“If any Kiwis misbehave when visiting Turkey for the annual mournathon, they’ll go home in coffins.”
Presumably he’s just reminding everybody who the real cunt is. Are you feeling a tad insecure, goat-fucker? You could always fabricate another “coup” to galvanise your power.
Psh. Cant wait for these bloodthirsty murderers to obtain their Fourth Reich Club badge. We’ll probably still be negotiating an exit (whilst paying billions). Then the real raping shall begin.
Fuck Erdogan and all his fucking tribe.
It’s a pity the cunt’s plane wasn’t shot out of the sky during the coup attempt.
No issues eating an apple through a tennis racquet!
Kurt Barlow’s younger sister!
I loved New Zealand. I went in 2003 for 3 months and revisited it in 2014. I didn’t see many Muslims to be honest in Auckland second time. Didn’t hear anything from mosques. But I’m sure they broke in and started to get all fucking mudslimey with there utter fucking piss everyone else off call to prayer bullshit. Why do they think anyone wants to hear that fucking SHIT?. I fucking despise their ‘ we are important’, fucking attitude.
I do not like this woman. I did not really know her before all this nonsense but now I do and I do not like her. I do not like her pained face. She looks like her piles are giving her trouble.
People think she is such a saint because she has said she will pay for all the victims’ funerals. If it was out of her own pocket I might change my mind about her (although I’d think she was a bit stupid), but I doubt that this is the case. Daft tart.
She is not representative of what we think, the left have shut down any open discussion.
She is by her actions deeply dividing NZ.
Most of my friends are careful what they say in case they will label them a racist.
The majority did not vote for a Feminist PM! She’s part of a coalition with the Water Mellons, greenies, green on the outside, red in the middle and a centrist party. Ther is a move now to have her booted out in the next election. She’s now really upset the silent majority.
Outside of the individual victims not in any one sense ‘deserving’ to die, I don’t give a fuck about Christchurch as an ‘event’ that MSM is forcing down our throats as per their nodding dog agenda. Islam in the West has brought this upon itself, end of. And nothing will ever change until it changes. Like Christianity and Judaism eventually did. You wanna lag behind pouting and stamping your feet, accept that mummy’s going to turn round occasionally and shout at you.
She’s just signed N.Z’s death warrant, mass exodus to the land of the soft touch, with a bit of luck the vast majority of peaceful’s from our shores may fancy the chances of driving Taxis in a better climate!