Political Blindness

I would like to nominate political blindness.

Recently there has been a lot of Hype about the rise of the far right. To my mind this would be “speaking without looking over your shoulder,( for fear of being branded a racist/Nazi or whatever) so lets get my little calculator out and do some sums (indulge me please)

Sp in Stalin’s first purge (internal) the upward estimate is 1,2000., we then have a further 1,053,829 who died in gulags (there is a 4 year cross over in the figures but please indulge me) so ignoring a bit of holding back and the fact that these are Russian figures only let’s have a look at this. Allegedly 3,000,000 died in the Chinese revolution, a further 2,5000,000 killed by Pol Pot in Cambodia.

in fairness I have skipped a lot of conflicts where the communist star fought to free the people, but my point is quite simply, yes fascists are cunts (and potential more organised on their genocide book keeping) however the reds have killed a hell of a lot more people and it seems to be more socially acceptable to be an uber mass murderer with a social conscience than an amateur with a swastika on them with a national social conscience.

Nominated by Lord Benny

26 thoughts on “Political Blindness

  1. Estimated deaths under communism go up to 110 million, 18 million in Russia and 60 plus million in China alone.

    Moot point tho, the real far right in the UK is probably several thousand with active numbers probably in the mid 100s.

    We don’t buy into extremism on the whole. The problem we have is the far left have rebranded themselves as the center left and that has redefined anyone on the right of the far left as far right.

    Far right dickheads have nothing to do with me. I am more conservative than left wing liberal but I don’t see either as being mutually exclusive. You can believe in personal responsibility whilst also believing society should look after those who cannot help themselves and being prepared to help those falling on hard times.

    I don’t believe that we owe terrorists of any flavour fuck all but a swift death and I don’t believe in interfering with other countries either.

  2. The true Stalin figure is less than a million, the figure was propaganda inflated by The West. Still a lot people going tits up though.

    • My Mrs is Polish and I have been reliably informed that Stalin had a lot more than a million murdered during his blood thirsty reign.

  3. How well I can recall the cant and hypocrisy of loony left types when at uni in the early 70s. Anybody who was slightly to their right would immediately be labelled with some tag or other; bigot, racist, regressive, and of course, fascist or Nazi.
    It was impossible to hold a sensible discussion with them. Naturally the Nazis were evil personified, but try to point out the horrors perpetrated by Stalin and Mao and you’d be met with the ‘have to break eggs to make an omelette’ response. In order to build the Great Society, you had first to purge it of all regressive, bourgeois, anti-social elements etc. They, of course, were the ones who would decide who these unacceptable types were, and would eliminate them; very regrettable, but it had to be done.
    There are still a lot of these loonies about today, still hurling their abuse around. Some things don’t change. Fuck ’em I say.

    • “To do great good, I may first have to do great evil” Don’t remember who said that but it came up in a “lecture” many years ago. You have just reminded me of that little pearl…

  4. I watched a Milo clip at work and was branded Neo Nazi. Milo is gay, Jewish and has a black husband. I am Jewish +Gay….

    Please explain

    • I suspect the usual reply from the left would be… erm, erm, erm erm, well, er , well, look, erm SHUT UP NAZI.

    • I think that Milo’s a hate figure for SJW/loonytunes types simply because he calls them out on their bullshit, and does it with consistent wit and humour. It burns them up because he’s a white guy BUT is still very difficult to attack because as you say krav, he’s also gay, Jewish, with a black partner. Responses to him tend therefore to be of the knee-jerk, name-calling type rather than a reasoned argument, and I guess anyone watching him, let alone agreeing with him, is going to get the same treatment. My response to anyone who comes the ‘fascist, Nazi’ line is to laugh in their face, tell them that they sound like a 17 y.o. playing student politics, and then invite them to FUCK.RIGHT.OFF. Naturally they expect you to be cowed and defensive in your reaction, so it’s a joy watching them burst a blood vessel.

    • Asking for an explanation is harrassment. Using the white male european construct of logic is now suppressing marginalised voices.
      So say our Postmodernist-Marxist overlords.

    • He looks like a complete cunt to me, and not acceptably prosemitic at all. I might even complain to Tom Watson about one of his remarks, if Milo were in Labour. Still, that’s Wikipedia’s very long entry talking.

      Of course you’re not a neonazi, Krav. A little gullible, perhaps.
      The guy who smiles at you is not necessarily your friend.
      The guy who shits on you is not necessarily your enemy
      (Little bird story refers)

  5. Speaking of political blindness…

    David Blunkett was talking with David Cameron one day when Blunkett’s guide dog cocked its leg and pissed up his trousers.

    Blunkett reached into his pocket, took out a biscuit and gave it to the dog.

    Cameron looked on in admiration: “You know David, you and I are poles apart politically but that’s probably the kindest thing I’ve ever seen.”

    Blunkett replied: “I’m only finding out where its head is cos its going to get a kick in the fucking bollocks now!”

      • You know why David Blunkett never went sky-diving? It would scare the shit out of his guide dog.

      • Oh that’s why!

        I always thought it was because he couldn’t claim it on expenses!

        Diane Abbott would be good mileage in a parachute jump. The look on her face when she pulled the ripcord and tins of beans and stew flew out instead of a chute!

        They’d all be empty by the time she landed…

  6. Political Blindness is what my grandchildren suffer from. Teacher tells them what to think, gives them examples of how bad we are and how we are making up to all the people we oppressed. In short, my grandkids have no independent thoughts. It is all reinforced by twatter and facefuck and any other meeja you care to namer. The television blasts out propaganda 24/7, and cunts like Owen have the ear of the “believers”
    Che Guevara was a saintly man who only wished to fund a Health Care System for his country, and another name has come up recently “Papa Doc Duvalliere ” who was ousted by those nasty imperialistic Americans.

    Kids of today stand no fucking chance. !

    • Cant have been all that bad then Kravdarth. One day the new european mud coloured flared nostril pubic hair headed fat lips with speech impediments will be sporting Tony B Liar tie dyed t shirts.

  7. The problem is a lot of right wing public figures don’t know how to react to criticism when labelled a racist/nazi/bigot. They usually default to the old adage, “I have lots of black and Asian friends”, which makes them sound like the archetype racist.

    Growing up and living in West Yorkshire around a number of peacefuls has meant I have learnt exactly how not to shirk away from being branded one of the above, and the response is simple. “I hate everyone equally. In fact, I hate more white people than people who are black or asian”. I have never had any come back.

  8. I was at college when the Falklands conflict was going on.
    Cunts in the Student Union building were hanging Argentine flags out the windows and chanting “free the Malvinas”
    Utter fucking twats…

    • When you were at college Mr B I was traipsing down the South Atlantic on a type 21. On our return to Devonport and docking at St Levans gate we were given free drinks at the Avondale pub just outside the gate. Not a single demonstration or a leftie scroat bag in sight. Had Malvinas flags been seen or Argentine flags flown the men of the combined forces would have taken great delight in cracking skulls and setting fire to any Argie related ephemera. Our favourite t-shirts first night back home – A Union Jack emblazoned with “The Empire Strikes Back”. Thats back in the day when it was popular to be a white working class male – and fucking proud of it too. Now we are just gammon faced out of touch fascist nazi racist fossils who need to die out rapid to make way for the new european mud folk.

  9. According to a lot of people on flakebook, i am a neo-nazi far-right racist sexist islamophobic bigot.
    I find this funny as i took that political compass test and was centre-left and fairly libertarian.

    I’m probably more centre right libertarian now.

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