Mohammed Akunjee

A peaceful but legal cunting, your Honours for this nasty piece of trash who is the “lawyer” for the family of the 19 year old whore and Jihadist fancier, Shamima Begum. Apparently the little trollop has now dropped her baby (a boy the poor little cunt) and is clearly working to rehabilitate the strumpet. “It’s a boy” says his recent twat:

How could any decent person have sympathy for this girl and her rancid family, even if being paid for legal services.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

77 thoughts on “Mohammed Akunjee

  1. Just televise the burning to death of the Jordanian Air Force pilot by ISIL. (I strongly advise against watching it). That video sums up what ISIL represents. It would kill this debate stone dead. Of course, the Grauniad readers of the UK wouldn’t cope with the truth.

  2. Home Sec has just written to the jihadette’s parents to inform them that she will no longer be British.Appeal anticipated, but a step in the right direction. Seems she can bugger off back to Bangladesh and claim citizenship there.

    • As you rightly say, an appeal is anticipated – let’s just hope the Home Sec has based this decision on some valid legal arguments and we can keep the cunt out (Begum I mean, not the Home Sec). However, I suspect this may be a “Well, I tried (big sigh)” gesture.

      On a more aesthetic note, does anyone else think that the buck-toothed, saggy-eyed, fat-faced bitch referring to herself as not wanting to be an IS “poster girl” suggests they don’t have mirrors where she is?

  3. Just had a thought, banging on about this silly bitch and coming over ‘hard’ is a good way to deflect the short attention span of the public away from the complete cuntfest of lol brexit. Hundreds of these traitors have already returned; doing time or not, so why all of a sudden get worked up about one more? stable door horse long gone.

  4. She isn’t British any longer.

    So I say this to Mohammed Akunjee…..


    End of rant.

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