The sexualisation of children!
What the fuck is all that about? I don’t bother with social media at all these days primarily because its a boxful of vanity bollocks that I really can’t be done with. However, the missus does like to browse Wankbook, Twatter and Instaturd from time to time, but she too has remarked about how “slutty” kids are dressing like these days!
Seeing preteens with a shitload of makeup and lipstick on; lots of bling, and dresses or skirts that are far too short etc… it makes me wonder what the fuck the parents are thinking to allow their precious offspring to be “shown off” like that in the public realm!
Is it any wonder that cases of child abuse (especially child sex abuse) are rocketing (more so since the advent of social media) when you see these kinds of “legitimate” soft child porn that other parents don’t seem to fret about, and just see it as an acceptable norm these days.
I just don’t understand it quite frankly: one minute parents are trying to wrap their kids in cotton wool against the ugly underbelly of society; but in the next breath they allow their kids (yes, both genders) to dress up like preteen Barbie Dolls or prom queens for the whole social media world to gawp at (or worse!).
Nominated by No Cunt For Old Men
I’ve probably said this but in a Tesco aisle years ago I saw a girl about 15 wearing a crop type top on which was written’ every girl wants Seaman in the box’. Stay classy. On another note the Deed Poll bunch have apparently seen an explosion of kids, literally, ha ha wanting to change name from Joe to Joanna and Vika verka. And one who is not miss or master but MX. We need to stop this tranny lunacy as a society don’t we?
Cuntings can be for a bit of tongue in cheek humour, or sometimes deadly serious, and this is one of the latter. As a grandparent of a 10 yo and 4 yo girl, I can only back up what NoCunt’s got to say 100%. This stuff’s verging on lunacy.
Sex and children. “STOP right there!” you might think… but don’t say it. Because for many, to hear the word “stop” is the biggest turn-on of all.
the parents of these twins are cashing in !
I opened the link, the caption says they have 546000 followers…..
yep bet they have!
Absolutely crazy, the kids should be kids… ok when they hit 18, if THEY want to exploit their looks then thats fine.
If you really want to depress yourself look up Desmond Napales. He’s an 11 year old who’s parents are forcing to act trans and do sexual things like dancing in gay bars wearing a crop top – oh, and there’s also strong evidence that he’s probably being drugged as well. It’s honestly sickening.
Jeez, how can his parents get away with this shit?
Oh my piss has boiled enough for one weekend but I’ll maybe look it up later.
And throw up.
And swear my head off.
And … well
… maybe I shouldn’t.
That’s probably a good idea DTS
DTS for the sake of your health don’t look him up. Suffice to say his “parents” are making him act like a monkey on benidorm sea front dressed like a tranny performing like one in gay bars. Fucking dregs of society need hammering.
Oh fuck, thanks Opinionated, have just looked up 11yr old Desmond Napoles (aka Desmond is Amazing) and been sick in my mouth. Truly, truly, every cunt abusing this kid should be banged up. Insanity, fucking insanity.
The child should be in a secure mental health unit and the parents imprisoned for life. How dare the CUNTS fuck up a child’s life so extremely?
Hearing about kid just makes you want to watch the world burn doesn’t it? The parents should be doing life in prison.
You’re right mate, I can be a real gobshite, and when I say words fail me I’m joking, on this occasion however….
The end game of liberalism is what we are seeing.
The reckoning is coming……
A good cunting. This planet went mental ages ago. These media whoring parents who are desperate for agents to “hey, please look at my talented under-aged child in makeup” but then scream blue murder when some chester picks their kid up, these fame-pushy parents have basically loaded and cocked the gun themselves.
When they do this sort of thing, what do they expect? It’s asking for primed trouble. They glam their very young child up, and it goes straight onto the golden shimmering cure-all that is soshal meedja, where any shitbag weirdo has access to it. Almost a “here’s a potential shit-storm, but we’ll walk into it anyway, as we’re desperate to get our kid noticed”. Madness. Similar to walking up to a lion in a game reserve and expecting it to be a vegetarian. I think not.
Certainly by no means a new situation. Think back to the early 80’s, with that “Minipops” show (which was quickly shelved). The brown coaters must have been rolling one out in front of the telly, watching that. Lunacy.
We live in a strangely mixed world where peado’s are the scum of the earth yet clothes for preteen girls are designed to make them look like prostitutes.
12 year old girls uploading videos of themselves twerking and dancing on You Tube for the pleasure of men in Turkey and Pakistan.
I attended a course at my kids school hosted by two coppers and it was frightening.
As for the Desmond kid. The fact that he’s parents have decided he’ll be trans gives them a thumbs up in modern left thinking society. What a twisted world we live in.
Since the advent of social media and smart phones kids have access to far more information than we ever had back in the day. And certainly with the likes of Facebook and Pinterest and Tumblr, kids can upload selfies without the consent or knowing of their parents; sometimes they are teased by their mates or “facebook friends” or complete fucking strangers to look “more sexy”, and that where it all goes shit shaped.
So kids do a Google on how to look more sexy, and bingo, all they need is some make-up (You Tube will show you how); and some really sexy clothing (bought from any shop), and that’s it – all of a sudden a 12 year old normal looking girl turns into a social media lolita and she’s get thousands of likes and hundreds of posts.
Then the parents find out, and after getting over their initial shock then think “Holy shit, we could be famous here; make lots of money …” and that’s it – morality goes out of the window; let’s make our daughter into money making tart!
Depressing, it really is!
So the two girls – twins – in the link above touted as “most beautiful in the world”, so basically their parents are saying: “Yes girls your net worth is all about how pretty you look and that’s what we – your loving parents – will cash in on as your pee-dough followers subscribe to new pics each month. Who cares if you become mentally scarred by it all, the are some exotic film outlets crying out for adult twins in later life…so you’ll be ok. Just don’t let the needle scars show!”
It’s the use of kids to front up “pride” rallies/carnivals wearing the same get up as the men, women (or the cunts who believe they’re somewhere between) fannying about behind them (which essentially means next to fuck all) that plod ignores completely that does my nut in.
These are kids between 5-10yrs old. Anything older than that is probably too old to be a “mascot”.
Like I say, won’t be long for that “P” to get tagged on the end of their ever increasing hijack of the alphabet.
Won’t be long before the cunts have to start using the Cyrillic Alphabet!
Sexualisation and neutralising of child gender is happening. Look at this shit
It’s fucking Satanic!
I have two kids. A 10 year old who was born with a dick and a 7 year old who was born with a fanny. I therefore have a boy who wears boys clothes and a girl who likes dresses, just like 99.9% of the population!
Well thank God it’s 99.9 % and long may it last. But I just hate this leftist agenda of child gender neutral bs. It is being shoved down our throats, from genderless toilets in schools to ‘boys can have periods too’. And now Celine Dion’s fashion endorsement of a weird line of Satanic clothing for children. Ffs. I am beginning to think this Kalergi plan is true!
It won’t be long before schools start teaching kids about their gender options, and that being “normal” is bad and old fashioned.
Schools will be propaganda factories rather than places of basic education. We see it more and more at universities, and it will eventually trickle down to High Schools and infants schools – kids will have more rights to do and be anything they want; and if a schoolboy of 7 wants to come to school as a girl his parents should allow him because that’s his “human right” ffs
Next thing the Left will be saying the age of consent needs to be lowered so that kids can experience sex just like anyone else
This country is going down the shit pan in 5th gear
Feel like a bit of a perv for looking up ‘kids at pride’. Should get a knock on door from CEOPS any mo. Desmond’s there at NYC pride, shocking, and a vid of a girl about 3 watching a hideous deviant in a thong wriggling in a doorway. Where’s that fucking asteroid?
How difficult is it to bring up children?
All you have to teach them is
Try your hardest at everything you do
Respect others
Eat healthy
Have good Musical taste
Won the a cunt
Realise that every day that goes by you are teaching them to leave
I think k that’s it, maybe sub topics
We are your overlords
Excellent cunting.
I am honestly quite shocked when I see how kids dress these days. It seems that provocative clothing is aimed at younger and younger children these days. Leopard print crop tops with envelope pushing and risque slogans on them, very tight lycra leggings which leave not much at all to the imagination, short skirts that are SO short that they look more like a belt, and the list goes on and on.
My cousin’s 14 year old is a prime example. Since she was around 11/12 years old she has been wearing this shit – crop tops, jeans with holes cut out of them up to her thigh, short skirts and dresses or VERY short shorts and let’s not forget the fucking trowelled on make up. She has those hideous, Groucho Marx type brows and more make up on her face than my own face has seen in my 47 years!! I cannot fathom why my cousin allows her to dress this way. I find it pretty vile and sending out completely the wrong message.
I think the problem also is the way that mobile phones have exploded over the past 10 years at least, and the use of things like Instagram. You see these girls flaunting themselves in selfies, pouting like fucking ducks for attention. It seems that the older they look, the better and nobody is doing a damned thing about it.
It is a whole ‘nother world now. When I was that age, I was still in jeans, trainers and t-shirts and had a very young and naive mentality. Kids now are far too sophisticated in all the wrong ways.
I blame the media, the explosion of these mobile apps and social media, the clothing manufacturers for creating that slutty shit for them to wear, but primarily the TOTAL LACK OF PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY in not allowing your children to be children and giving them free reign to grow up far too fast.
Yes, what is it with those Groucho Marx eyebrows? A 19 year old junior in my office has these very same eyebrows. Apparently girls have their eyebrows tattooed on permanently, hence the very odd appearance.
This particular girl has an Arsebook account with pictures of her pouting like a duck and dressed like a tart. Sadly she has ‘issues’, suffers panic attacks and is on medication for depression.
I am sure this didn’t all go on 30 years ago when I was that age.
Damned right, Paul.
When I see these girls with the pouting and posing, I cannot help thinking there are esteem issues going on there if they need that kind of attention, as it is so bloody bizarre. It DEFINITELY didn’t go on 30 years ago! When I was that age, I was hard-pressed to know how to apply lippy, let alone bloody Liam Gallagher eyebrows…. and just looked like a stunned chipmunk in photos…..none of that bollocky posing.
Natural selection in action:
She apparently worked for the Welsh refugee Council so obviously a brain dead cunt anyway. Feel sorry for her parents and siblings but her no she’s a cunt.
I agree with everything our nurse just said, with the addition that it’s the fucking lefty teachers in the schools that add to it. Not much but a little.
The main problem is culture.
Look at what the establishment’s drive to earn money and the talentless cunts’ desperation to earn off nothing has done to the black community. Stab, Rob, rape, kill …. oh that’s fine if it’s in a song, if it’s part of “cunture”. (See what I did there ?).
Now we’re allowing OUR culture to be corrupted by talentless cunts with no agenda other than obtaining pocket money and turning everyone into an npc cunt, slag, victim, anti everything, everyone’s a fascist, cunt.
Introducing children to sexualisation is FUCKING SICK.
Sex education, if done the right way, is fine. At the right age.
But a very very well deserved cunting NCFOM….
Sick fucks….
Instagram. Home of the THOT.
I blame Katy Perry, and demand she be punished…