The Anti-May lobby are Cunts.
I have a bit of respect for award-winning “Cunt of the Year” Mrs. May. I’m not trying to say that she hasn’t made mistakes,she has. However, I’m more interested to hear who Cunters believe would have been able to solve the problem of Brexit. The EU was never going to roll over and just accept whatever was demanded or promised by a bunch of pie-in-the-sky,jingoistic fantasists. However painful it may be,we need Europe,it is a massive trading-block right on our doorstep. All this “trade-deals” with America and the like…anyone who thinks that Donald Trump would give us a “special-relationship” style deal is deluded. Trump will always,quite rightly,put ‘Murica first.
I believe that May is the only one out of this whole sorry mess who has acted with some degree of honour. O.K., she didn’t believe in Brexit,but I think that she tried to deliver something which was a start. It wasn’t perfect,how could it be when so many different versions of “Brexit” are touted? The idea of a Brexit on WTO terms seems to be the choice of most on here..well, it isn’t going to happen. When virtually every politician and business-leader says that it would be a disaster for the country,perhaps they know more about it than me and are correct. It’s all very well saying that nobody knows what would happen…if they’re right,it’s too late. Is the very real risk of a real meltdown better than a half-arsed,”managed” Brexit where we don’t have the EU actively conspiring to sink us?
Back to the anti-May part….which of our political heavyweights would have done better…. Johnson? a blowhard opportunist who quickly bailed out when faced with it. Gove?,another Johnson but with even less appeal. Farage? the man did a fine job of completely vanishing post-vote, I wonder why? Corbyn? a true head-case, Rees-Mogg? another entitled,out-of-touch Eton millionaire( Cameron,Johnson…God Forbid another) or perhaps one of the Javid, Pattell etc. bunch who, I suspect,wouldn’t take it on,and if they did,would do no better than May, because it is a dilemna which is unsolvable.
For me, however unpalatable, May’s exit plan was the best that we could currently hope for. It was a start. Bearing in mind that “our leaders” are not going to allow a No-Deal Brexit, I fear that things will be dragged on until a new referendum is forced through,one where “Brexit” is effectively sunk without trace.
Whatever you think of May and her deal, I can’t see who would have done any more.
Fuck Off.
Nominated by Dick Fiddler
There was never going to be a deal from the EU – just punative action. I don’t agree that nobody could have done better. I could have done better. Margaret Thatcher could certainly have done better.
We had all the cards and played them appallingly. We had them by the balls as the second biggest contributor to the EU budget. The Germans were shitting themselves! May fucked up big time and got what she deserved last night. That deal was BRINO and everybody knew it.
Remind me who said that?..
NO DEAL is what is needed now. And another thing – I’m sick and fucking tired of being told that nobody knew what Brexit meant or that we didn’t know what we were voting for.
I knew what I was voting for :
– end to free movement and uncontrolled immigration
– end of jurisdiction of the European Court
– end of having our laws set by the EU
– ability to trade with the world on our terms not EU terms
Being locked into the Customs Union means we can’t make trade deals or set our own tariffs. That’s an economic straitjacket.
And we give them £39billion for fuck all with another £10billion a year for the transition period.
Fuck that. Let’s spend the £59billion on ourselves…
Morning Dio….. ” I could have done better. Margaret Thatcher could certainly have done better”……….unfortunately I don’t think that the EU would negotiate with Mrs. T’s corpse, and while I have the greatest of respect for you, I’m not sure that Mr Barnier would hold you in quite the high esteem.
🙂 .
There you have it in a nutshell, Dick…
As I’ve always said, the EU would not negotiate with anybody (wtf should they ? – not in their interests) but cross-party opinion might seem to suggest that ‘er indoors No. 10, Mrs. Strong-and-Stable, looks weak and dithering, and is, quite frankly, a political pygmy, and an EMBARRASSMENT to the UK.
As you say, my genuinely most esteemed and respected friend (may I call you that ? I do hope so; I’d gladly buy you a pie & pint in Hexham, Newcastle or similar…), it is very likely that the EU have been truthful all along, when they’ve said that the current offer is the only deal, but I feel very strongly that with JR-M in the driving seat, we MIGHT still have had a fighting chance, and at least come out of this with some dignity. (Given that so many of our politicos seem to be old public-school types, it is difficult to choose, admittedly. But despite the Victorian headmaster physique, JR-M does at least come over as intelligent, and cogent, and level-headed. I’m an ex-comprehensive “product”, so I really don’t have a lot of time for the silver-spoon brigade, or automatically self-entitled types, black OR white)
Here’s praying that Verminhofstadt, Druncker and Sleazemayr get bitten viciously on the bum when the EU elections come are held later this year; and that Steptoe (and by association, Flabbott) get a drubbing today.
Please feel free to think of me as a cunt, but…
Bag her and bin her at first avaulable opportunity.
This whole sham really has made me feel like emigrating (again); which genuinely causes me much pain, as I remain a Brit at heart (Brinkburn Priory, and the interior of Cragside – the plunge pool and the billiards table may well appear in my novel, nothing Lubbocky, though, about the pool…), but like so many people here (yourself included, fairly safe to say, I think) find the state of GB today severely distressing.
Morning to you all.
Afternoon, HBH…I’ll hold you to that pie’n pint if I can ever slip past the angry mob gathering on my front lawn.
🙂 .
Good man !
Personally speaking would hold Dioclese in far greater esteem than that unelected French twat Barnier and his misfit muppet mates.
Dio, you also forgot the trade defecit which favours us and would have been a trump card if used right in the negotiations.
Masterful retort Dio.
Just remembered – you once called her “Hitler in a skirt,” made me LOL!!
Nah, David Davies, Rees Mogg et al had a better plan months ago. It was based on a pre-existing framework with amendments, known as Canada plus, only 14o-odd pages and backed by the IEA. May wasnt interested and worked with pro-EU civil servants, ignoring her cabinet. What she came up with was a capitulation that wouldve destroyed the UK. No deal is better that the awful agreement, otherwise known as BrINO, which many believe was designed to be so awful it would force the issue of a 2nd referendum.
May has never seemed fond of democracy with her authoritarian approach as home secretary and comms. Bill, and her bare-faced deception over the withdrawal.
‘No deal is better than a bad deal’ turned out to be PR guff from a weak-willed, spineless remainer.
Off to the Tower.
Also, now that Germany is entering a recession, we will be in a better position to negotiate a new trade deal with the EU after our WTO brexit.
We’d be the only net contributor with a growing economy, and we’re out.
Sorry Dick
Surprised at you.
May is a fucking disgrace.
From her statement Brexit means Brexit and everything she has done to date.
Working hand in hand with the EU against the best interests of the British people and the result of the democratic vote.
Completely deluded, a devious fucking liar with no backbone who has capitulated to the demands of the EU and ridden roughshod over her own Brexit negotiators.
Two and a half years of shit, worry, lies, uncertainty for absolutely fuck all.
Someone like Farage would at least have tried. He would have got the same response hiwever after a relatively short time realised a mutually convenient deal was not on the table. Wiuod have then made alternative no deal arrangements. Giving business plenty of warning and time to prepare.
The think I hate most about May is the fact that she has persevered with this shite deal, and tried to palm it off as what Brexiteers actually voted for.
The EU ave always been untrustworthy, lying bully boys who never intended to give us a fair deal. And we haven’t even started to talk about a trade deal!!!
Useless bitch.
Sorry Willie,but Farage ran for the hills. He talks a good game,but bolted when the shit hit the fan. Never hear a word off him now…probably frightened that he might lose his EU pension.
A straw-man.
It’s unfair to suggest Farage ran for the hills. He offered his services to the Government following the referendum, in any manner they saw fit, but was roundly told to fuck off. Since then, along with his continued role as an outspoken MEP, he has presented an influential nationwide radio talk show on LBC, 6 hours a week, which he does very well, try tuning in tonight at 6pm.
You’d have to be a pretty strong Remainer not to appreciate what Farage has done for the country in the cause of promoting UK independence.
Of course they didn’t want some blowhard who was guaranteed to put the EU’s backs up with his self-serving bluster. It’s all very easy to spout a load of waffle when you don;t have to try to deliver the undeliverable. As for his London radio show,I’d imagine that it’s no more “influential” than James O’Brian’s show.
Afternoon, RFC.
🙂 .
?Afternoon Dick.
Of course the Government didn’t want any genuine Brexiteers anywhere near them, pointless when your job is to negate the referendum result.
Btw, I would guess that in their own chosen milieu, O’Shithead & Farage are a lot more influential than you give them credit for. A sight more than the average politician anyway.
Willie, with respect, we would have got SOMETHING. 10% of nothing is still nothing. Had they accepted last nights deal it would have fucked the “peoples vote” cunts, and we could have gone on to cause disruption to the point where the EU would have paid US to fuck off – we could be intransigent, but that won’t happen if the poofter element of Westminster get their way.
In the laughable event of Corbyn coming to power, he will do a Cameron, get some very minor concession and then declare that “he won”. As it is, we will all lose. Last night Grieve, Boles & co played right into Blair and Mangledbum’s hands, not to mention the EU fuckers
“The EU would have paid US to fuck off”
All the EU want and have ever wanted is complete control over us and our money. That is all. They certainly wouldn’t give us any money (what about the EU assets we have contributed towards)?
In fact I would go as far as to say the EU wouldn’t piss on this country if it was on fire.
I was being a bit free there, but I think if we were “half out” and really became uncontrollable they would have let us go. We could become as big a nuisance and unpalatable to the 4th Reich as Red Robbo was to Leyland (or Dame Keir is to me!)
I disagree. May has had over 2 1/2 years to get to grips with this and has let this slide at lastminutedotcom as she was never committed to leaving the EU in the first place. The government should have presented their draft deal to the EU along with the Article 50 notice and then negotiated from there.
May has permitted the EU to set the deal and most definitely get what they want from it. The side who gets the deal in first will inevitably get the most out of negotiations. All this has made the UK a laughing stock on the world stage. The EU will no longer negotiate; their door is closed. They have had the upper hand all the way along. Ours is meekly still open and we implore them to rethink this. Talk about bend over for an arsefucking.
Thatcher or DIO? Fuck me, Stan and Ollie could have made a better fist of the deal. What a pile of festering, steaming shite.
Talking of Stan and Ollie, I must say that my most recent film appearance is most excellent and well worth a watch.
To coin a phrase- “Theresa May, well, here’s another fine mess you’ve gotten us into.”
Useless bitch.
Spot on PM – let them set the agenda for negotiations, let them set the rules, let them set the timetable and on and on – wtf were they thinking of. Ollie Robbins should donate his head for the spikes at the Tower.
If we are lucky, the shitshow at Westminster can paralyse everything until 30th March. We are otherwise fucked.
Bulk order the Hi Viz now while demand is low.
I agree, Mr Fiddler.
All of these utter twats calling for her resignation and confinement in Holloway need to get a fucking clue. I know I won’t be popular for saying this, but it smacks of nothing more than misogynist knife wielding to me. They have been willing her to fail just so they can wax lyrical about how she is a shite PM and a shite negotiator and has sorely let the country down.
As you say so eloquently in your nom, I would love these fools to name a single British politician who could have done any better than her with EU negotiations. We were NEVER going to get anything reasonable from those bullying fucks as they do not want to make it easy for us and decided that from that moment we voted to leave. The deal was done in their heads way before any negotiations began.
All of those blustering cunts like Johnson, Rees-Mogg et al are all mouth and no trousers. They can talk the talk but not one of them could have walked the walk with the E-Spew. It is like David againt Goliath, but without his trusty slingshot to hand.
Thank you, Nurse Cunty….I’m rather proud of this Cunting.
🙂 .
As well you should be Mr F. I wrote a supportive response to you which has failed to appear for some reason
I agree Johnson is a cunt, JRM has turned out to be an ineffective weak twat who supported May even though she was demonstrating that she was fucking useless, Gove is a cunt. In fact there probably isn’t one Tory MP I would trust and give the job to now.
Dick, not sure what Farage could really have done as not an elected MP.
He always outspoken and makes his presence felt in the European Parliament. Lets face it, without him there would not have been a EU referendum at all. He is guilty of falling for the promise made by May, believing that she would deliver Brexit (as many people did) and taking his foot off the gas but other than that not sure really what else he could have done. He did offer his services to the Government but was bluntly rejected. Having said this I was disappointed that other than his radio show (which I do not listen to) he seemed to be distracted by Donald Trump when he should have been focusing on matters closer to home.
At least there will be a Whitehall farce today when old Steptoe launches his “No Confidence” motion. The silly old cunt will do a pratfall, however much nodding dogs Dawn Butler and Lady Starmer gurn beside him.
Even the Tory traitors and DUP are going to support her, so Corbyn might do better getting Diane Abbot to give him a blowjob.
The biggest insult to our intelligence is that nancy Blairites will suddenly fall in love with Momentum/Tendency. Uncle Jerry and Auntie Blair holding hands?. It’s even more sickening than imaging your parents having it off in the room with you.
It’s a formality, nothing more. The Blairites will I think do anything rather than let Corbyn into power. And Corbyn can’t be so stupid as to think that, once in, he won’t have to make huge concessions to the Blairite globalist cunts to get any legislation through. Can he?
Talking of Tony, he was last week in India, licking prominent government arses and pimping for investors. There’s never a hungry tiger around when you need one. If the lying shite had spent a quarter of the time seriously improving the UK’s national prospects rather than fannying round the world getting his minions plum nonjobs on aid money, we might not even be having this debate. Blair_ cunt sans frontieres.
Blair must be the biggest cunt in the world. I just hope one day one of his dictator friends who he *advises* is so disappointed with the service that he gets the greedy grasping little fucker a bullet through the back of the neck.
Dear Nurse Cunty,
Misogyny ?
Please, certainly not on my part. I’d go for Penny Mordaunt, and not as any sort of pc, box-ticking exercise.
Johnson, I fear, is an embarrassing case of “when did you last see your trousers.” Total fucking buffoon. Almost the tory party’s answer to Diane Abbott, at least for anyone who wants to throw mud. In that sense, he’s a pretty large, and adhesive target.
No offence intended, HBH, but I do think there is the eternal whiff of the ‘old boys club’ going on in that place (same as there was when Thatcher was ousted) who would like nothing more than to see her fail, but I appreciate that not every neighsayer comes from that place.
Not even Mahatma Gandhi could have peacefully and successfully negotiated with that shower of Nazis.
Agreed, Nurse C, and absolutely no offence taken !
I always felt sorry for Mhairi Black being referred to as “The Baby of The House.” Fucking antiquated. I am rather partial to her, tho’ a rug-muncher she may be…
Mhairi Black HBH?
Really should have gone to Specsavers!
Let’s see Nurse… Davis, Patel, Johnson (cunt though he is)… Anyone else really. Apart from Gove – he would’ve been even worse.
Priti Patel – now you’re talking! I would very much like to come in her cakehole.
(Apologies if any misogyny perceived)
I agree with your take on it, DF. There’s a lot of theoretical whatiffery about, and plenty of 20/20 hindsight. Practically, though, we are where we are, and the best of a bad job is the best option. No-deal would have worked only with much more commitment than anyone has shown to it (other than here.) ‘What should have happened was’….is completely unhelpful now. I share your view exactly on blowhard Johnson, weasel Gove, sprinter Farage and never-quite-prepared-to-lead JRM.
Thanks anyway, saved me replying to an RTC comment in very similar terms to yours.
Everyone needs reminding that despite not knowing how this will play out, had we ‘remained’ it would have guaranteed greater political union and lord knows where that would end up. Both options are shit. If they had been more upfront about the direction of travel 40 years ago..
I don’t believe May is sincere. A few weeks ago I heard her talking in the commons and her half intentional laugh to some statement of another MP told me all I needed to know. Her face and body language tells it all too.. she’s full of shit and she knows it. Amazed you can’t see it, Dick.
As it was written in Edward Heath’s biography, “if we let the electorate know about it (the full intentions of the then EEC), they’ll never swallow it.”
You are right – May is one of the most inept, and biggest frauds around. In Wetminster, that’s some achievement. Maybe the EU will give her a putty medal, not so much a Blue Peter badge as the purple nose of Jean-Clod.
Hard to see how anyone could of done a worse deal. May’s deal left us under EU rules but with no say left in making the rules. The EU were always going to play hard ball so once they drew their line in the sand the only option was leave.
May has probably done her best but she has done it with a reaminers eye and returning to the EU in the future.
There will be pain leaving the EU with no deal in place but their will be a catastrophe if we remain tied to an organisation that is going to implode.
We did have a decent hand to negotiate with but May signed it away before beginning the negotiation, Gordon Brown would be so proud of her.
May is indeed a cunt. Leading this country out of the EU required a leader and team who did not have one eye on remaining. May was a terrible home secretary and will be remembered as possibly the worst PM in the history of the nation. She has royally screwed us and in all probability enabled a hard left labour government.
We couldn’t have got a deal full stop and Moses himself would not have been able to get one.
They simply can’t budge a planck length, end of, as even the most minute of genuine concession would likely have opened the floodgates to the PIIGS and others.
I am not without a smidgen of sympathy for her. She does at least seem to recognise that it cannot be delayed.
I have a sneaking feeling that history might not be too harsh on her.
She’s a worthy COTY though.
“I believe that May is the only one out of this whole sorry mess who has acted with some degree of honour.”
Are you taking the fucking piss or what?
I imagine that your avatar truly matched your expression while reading my latest offering, TECB.
LOL. 🙂 .
Many of the OP observations were fair, it is the notion that May somehow acted respectfully/honorably in all this that I can’t fathom – I’m thinking the whole whisper whisper routine to Merkel prior to announcing Chequers, railroading Rabb and Davis during the negotiations and the stalling/heavy handing MPs over her deal and the parliamentary vote.
I also believe she made too many mistakes in the process borne of her lack of conviction to the philosophy of leaving the EU; but as pointed out, some of the blame is on the EU and much of the reactionary issues on Brexit stem from Cameron’s arrogance and ill-preparation prior to the 2016 referendum.
Many, if not all of the protagonists come out smelling of horse-shit – May is far from the only one.
Agree that May has done a decent job with the Hospital Pass she received, but she is dependable rather than inspirational and hasn’t had the imagination, or confidence, to think outside the box on this one.
Needed someone capable of breaking the mould of predictable party politics and leading a convincing team – preferably cross party – to negotiate with the EU from a position of strength, not with the infamous ‘one hand behind her back’ that is the constant sniping from our own shores.
Fascinating times.
Agreed, Gunner Sugden.
Time for a bloody large g&t in the mess !
Predictive text is a bastard. Why would you want to take any goat into the Mess, let alone a big one?
Dependable I agree with. You can depend on her to get fuck all done.
Perhaps a sad indictment on the current shower of shite we have in charge, but I would settle for ‘dependable’ any day when you consider some of the alternatives that sit facing the Maybot, many of whom have had well-deserved individual cuntings within these fine pages!
By Dog, I’ve got a lot to get of my chest today, and I don’t mean last month’s catarrh, either… Thanks to y’all for putting up with my witterings.
There is only one thing that is important, above all else, stopping free movement.
A few years down the line it will be a fucking disaster if we don’t have it under control.
I don’t care who negotiates the deal or no deal as long as we have FULL control of the border.
How do we keep cunts out of the country when we can’t even keep them out of Westminster?
Unlimited and pointless mass immigration of unskilled “workers” from poor countries and the strain put on local services was one of the main reasons (if not the prime reason) that the electorate voted to leave the EU.
Turns out this was actually not a valid reason for voting to Leave, remember the Prime Minister repeatedly assured Andrew Marr several times in an interview that the public are mistaken and that we do In fact control our borders”.
Since the EU referendum in 2016 a
+6% increase in EU immigration nationally
+48% increase in EU immigration East Anglia
Too fucking true, Sick of it!
I totally agree.
A few years down the line Sick Of It ?
Go to my GP’s surgery on any given day and see how bad it’s got. Fuck me , if I close my eyes in there I might as well be in Warsaw or Bucharest. Has anyone else noticed ,the fucking country is full .
I am thinking about all the migrants who arrived from fuck knows where…. when they get EU passports…. strong far right in Germany…. all those fuckers will be heading to the UK along with eastern block eurotrash
Sorry Uncle Dick but this is piffle.
Anybody could have done a better job. She’s stretched her specious plan out for so long to dish more moolah to the Brussels drinks cabinet and we’ve arrived at nowhere. Don’t get me wrong, I abhor all of them, red, blue, yellow, or green – ALL CUNTS. She made some correct noises at the beginning to gull people yet she’s been an EU apologist from the start.
To quote you, FUCK HER. The only thing I want to see this gauche, profligate cunt do now is drink hemlock.
? COTY 2018 ?
Interesting Cunting Dick.
I’m not anti May as a person, I’m sure she’d make a very effective primary school teacher… but I can’t take her seriously as a Prime Minister… or holder of any great office of state for that matter.
The woman is a walking disaster, everything she touches turns to shit… who better to put in charge of negotiations if you wanted Brexit to fail?
May’s record, from Home Secretary on, is almost as bad as Chris Grayling’s. All talk and no trousers.
Who could have done a better job? Someone who genuinely believed in Britain perhaps? Not Boris or Pob obviously, they would probably have been equally disastrous in their different ways. Though even they have had some minor successes elsewhere.
What has May got to chalk up as a success, apart from Gay Marriage? She couldn’t even manage to lose the 2017 election and pass the poisoned chalice on to Corbyn, ffs!
Believe it or not, my opinion of May and her hopeless Government is not as low as some posting here. In fact I’ve found myself having to come to her defence on more than one occasion.
As a No Deal WTO Brexit “not going to happen”, all I can say is “faint heart never won good deal.” At least she hasn’t ruled it out yet, unlike our EU cocksucking opposition.
That said Dick, I consider myself severely Cunted.
Note to Admin: no need for intervention – I’m a big boy, I can take it… just.
Great post Mr Creampuff.
Good afternoon.
Appreciate the offer ACWCC, but think my safe-space will suffice for now… Besides, Dick receives all my dinner money via standing order.
Wasn’t that the point all along Ruff Tuff ? Whatever deal is put on the table, it has to be a deal that will keep us tethered to the Eu ? Shouldn’t these Cunting politicians all be working together now for the betterment of the Nation ? No instead we have back stabbers and wretched opportunists like Corbyn using it as chance to seize power. Fuck me, I never much trusted politicians but I can truly say that now I’m gob smacked at their self serving lying cuntishness and how it’s been layed bare for all of us to see.
Absolutely Fenton – our politicians of whatever stripe have been shown up for the lightweight EU lickspittles they ultimately are.
With the Tories I used to be vaguely confident the economy was in relatively safe hands, not at all sure about that anymore.
£39 billion to the EU for fuck all? £100 billion+ for HS2? £46 billion pissed down the shitter every year in National Debt interest payments alone!
Justice system undermined, NHS unreformed. Snouts in every public spending trough going – the legacy of Thatcher & Blair in full bloom running riot.
Only thing worse would be a Labour /SNP coalition. They would make what’s going on now look like a golden age.
Fuck them. © Dick Fiddler
To negotiate you need a prepared fall back plan. In this case no-deal. There was no planning whatsoever for 2 years, just Project Fear getting more and more ridiculous.
The EU were well aware of this lack of planning hence May’s capitulation, or ‘Deal’ as she calls it. The EU are very happy with this ‘Deal’. No fucker else is. May has forged unity in opposition to her. Some feat.
She deserves cunting on a daily basis.
Several times a day in fact
I respect your points Dick, and it’s nice to see some actual Brexit disagreement on this site, but I disagree with you for a few reasons:
1. Whilst it is true that we have a pretty bad bunch, with the exception of Gove Maybot is the worst of that bunch that could’ve possibly been picked. She’s been weak and incompetent the entire time and has capitulated at almost every turn. Oh, and she’s a Remainer so trusting her to lead us out of the EU was always going to be a mistake. My pick would’ve been David Davis – OK he comes across as a bit soft as well but he’s at least a true believer in Brexit without appearing as out of touch as JRM.
2. Her deal isn’t Brexit. It’s a half in, half out Frankenstein’s hybrid which tries to please everyone and pleases no one. It keeps us trapped in the backstop indefinitely, unable to make decisions, including deciding to make a complete clean break, without EU approval.
3. Business leaders don’t want No Deal because it would mean no more cheap labour from Eastern Europe without going through the whole visa stuff, politicians don’t want it because they benefit from being tied to the EU in some way – whether it be financial or power related – and experts don’t want it because they think, being experts, that they are right and are consequently afraid of change.
Thanks for posting this though – I always enjoy the opportunity to really think about my positions in this way.
Forgot to add – imho by definition Brexit means no deal because Brexit, by definition, means leaving the EU. That means leaving everything to do with it.
Afternoon OC
1) Davis had his chance as Cheif Brexit negotiator. Even the EU were wondering why he wouldn’t engage.
2) No, I agree,it isn’t Brexit.However,it was a start. If there is to be no “No Deal Brexit”,which seems likely,all that is left is no Brexit at all.
3) I have no love for,or trust in, Big Business, but again, I’d have thought that May’s Brexit could be a starting point. A reversal of Brexit is no platform for reform.
Dick, the so called Brexit ministers had no negotiating powers. May and the Civil Service called the shots. Davis is a lazy cunt and should have bailed out as soon as this became evident.
What we have now is a situation where the Establishment and those that know best will keep us in the EU. All thanks to May. Which could well be the original intention.
It makes sense that you can only engage with people that want to engage.
Amazing how EU says everything is our fault.
The arrogant cunts at the EU do not want to engage in dialogue, or negotiate from their initial position.
The unelected EU Commission is only interested in three things:
1) Securing continued funding for their crooked, profligate organisation.
2) Ensure they retain control in any withdrawal deal struck with the UK.
3) Ensure the UK is seen to be punished for choosing to break free from the failing European Union and wanting its independence. This last is designed to deter other member states daring to follow in the UK’s footsteps.
With May’s deal the 4th Reich would have achieved all three.
The £39billion wiould keep them rolling along nicely for a few more years, and when the transition period is inevitably extended into 2022 they’ll bag a further £18billion, and on and on it goes, because with the Backstop only the EU can decide when we ultimately leave their Customs Union, which we’ll incidentally have no say in.
Lastly, if the above is not punishment enough, you can bet your wife any future trade deal will be seen to be economically detrimental to the UK’s interests compared to remaining a member state.
On Point 2 OC – half out means that you can adopt a more devil-may-care attitude that could result in a final “constructive dismissal”, we could have dragged our heels till they were glad to see the back of us. As it is, we having nothing, except probably another round of Project Fear, another referendum and the result reversed. Anything is better than nothing. Last night they behaved like a bunch of frightend old women and the EU nazis will exploit it to the full
I’ll stick up for the Maybot in this post as she has quite doggedly stated that she will adhere to the will of the UK in the result of the referendum.
Whether that means the existing (bad) deal, an extension to article 50 to see if we can negotiate further or my preferred option of no deal.
No deal has been given the full project fear treatment and although there would need to be some ‘adjustments’ initially, my opinion is that in the longer term we would prosper.
15 of the G20 are not in the EU and they seem to be doing ok.
Goodbye for now.
we control them so well, we allow “penniless” victims to splash out £5000 on a rubber boat and several hundred pounds for a smartphone to call the coastguard, then of all the safe havens they get to Dover and Folkestone. But it would be worse if this country (cuntry) ever allowed Steptoe and his bunch of fancy nancy do-gooders to allow anyone and everyone in legally.
The trouble is half witted arseholes like Soubry, Grieve and Boles were willing to risk an election just because they are scared of leaving the EU
It has to be noted that even with the biggest parliamentary defeat in recent times, endless gaffes and embarassing u-turns/arse-about-faces – despite all this – a Corbyn administration remains as appealling as cold vomit to voters and journos alike.
It is a measure of how bad Cuntbyn must be that even the 2019 model of the Maybot is STILL seen as preferable to him.
His futile gesticulations of ‘no confidence’ remind me of the hopelessly overpowered cunt at school who is in the midst of a solid tolchoking from one of the hard cases before the teacher split them up, then suddenly yelling “come on son, I’ll knock you out.”
On the midday news Amber Rudd said “Nothing – nothing would be worse for this country than a Corbyn government”.
For the first time ever I agree with Ms Rudd, but it begs the question, why did they not remember that last night – if nothing is worse than Corbyn (and quite a few Labourites believe that too) then it stands to logic that the deal last night – unsatisfying as it might be – wouldn’t have been AS BAD as the chance of Corbyn leading the country.
Getting the EU’s deal through last night would not have made the possibility of a Corbyn led Government any less likely. In fact, because I believe the deal would have been disastrous for this country, the prospect of a Corbyn Government might actually have been a greater possibility!
Everyone has an opinion.
Cup of tea, anyone.
A cup of tea and a tim tam please Mince pie guy.
I’ve enjoyed reading these posts today.
The only thing I would like to say is I bet we are a laughing stock in the EU and possibly further afield.
I feel angry, embarrassed and downright fucked off when I see politicians behave like they are at a chimp’s tea party ( no disrespect to chimps intended).
Cunts, the lot of them, for putting their own interests before that of the voters and of the country.
I know it’s unlikely because we have that pile of shit that is FPTP but #GetBatten
This might well be the most divisive post yet on the award winning website ISAC. I like it.
I suspect it was Dicks intention to drop this meaty chud onto everyone and gleefully watch the unfolding flagellation. The cheeky bastard.
He can’t help it. Contrariness is his default position.
As a Doctor of Psychotic Enlightenment, I’ve seen it more times than I’ve inadvertently swallowed my wife’s minge juice. It is especially prevalent in cunts who suffer from multiple personality disorder. Best I say no more, don’t want to break any doctor patient confidences.
Hope that helps… ???
Let’s start with a few facts from the Office of National Statistics that you might find unpalatable Mr Fiddler. In 2016, the latest year for which complete figures are available, the UK imported from the rest of the world (ROW) £243 billion in goods and services. It exported to the ROW £284 billion. The trade balance with the ROW was a surplus of £41 billion. The biggest markets for the UK in the ROW are The USA and China (People’s Republic) both of which are markets exhibiting strong growth and healthy future as are all the other markets in the ROW. In 2016 the UK imported from the EU £318 billion and exported £235.8 billion. The trade balance with the EU was a deficit of £62.2 billion. The EU is a blanket term for the individual markets contained within it. Some of these are complete fucking basket cases (Greece, Italy, Portugal, Ireland) and others are well along the road to being completely fucked (Spain, Romania, France). There is no market in the EU that exhibits strong growth and a healthy future. The basket cases only survive because taxpayers in member states like the UK subsidise the cunts on the orders of an unelected Commission. The EU is an economic disaster waiting to happen. That’s a sparse overview of the economic handcuffs the UK wishes to be free of. On the political side the EU has always been about the creation of the United States of Europe with all the trappings that go with it – single currency (in place), national military forces (they are trying), integrated laws (ECJ) and law enforcement European Arrest Warrant) etc. If the UK remains in the EU it will eventually be bullied into joining the Euro etc. Even better with May’s deal it can be forced to accept the creation of the European state because it will be a member without power or representation, a vassal state. If I fit your label as a pie in the sky jingoistic fantasist then fine. My long dead mother could have done a better job than May. It is not Rocket science. The UK is leaving the EU. We owe you fuck all. We refuse to be fucking stiffed on our terms of trade with you any longer. We refuse to house and support your human scum. We will trade with whomsoever we fucking like on our own terms and our people’s taxes will no longer be squandered propping up basket case economies. What’s so fucking difficult about telling the EU that?
Brilliant post Fimbriations.
I really cannot understand why anyone wants to Remain in this shit club run by morons.
What a superb post Fimbriations. In its simplist terms it is perfectly clear. It’s as obvious as the conk on the front of my face.
They complicate it to confuse and mislead us.
They believe in their superior intellect and ability to control.
I wouldn’t even trust the cunts to sit on the toilet the right way round.
Didn’t may send a snide team over to negotiate behind Davis and raabs back? Correct me if I’m a bigger cunt then may but I’m sure that I seen that somewhere!
That little motherfucker Ollie Robbins had a hand in it I believe – the adviser who couldn’t advise a fucking constipated elephant to take a laxative
Blimey just got back in to find this great debate going on, and very intelligently too!
Great contributions, esp. from OC and Fimbriations.
Sorry guys if the above came across as slightly patronising. For clarity, when I said ‘intelligently’ I meant constructively and without rancour.
Just about anyone who gets elected to either of the cunty houses turns into a cunt the moment they walk through those hallowed doors. Expecting anything but cunt like behaviour from them in fairness makes the expectant also a cunt for expecting anything else.
May is a cunt but perhaps more relevant a useless thick cunt. The days of doffing caps to these cunts should be long gone and I pray for the dawning realisation when the unenlightened masses realise that the politicians, bankers, accountants, doctors, teachers are all cunts who just happen to be good at passing exams. Not a critical thought amongst them.
Thats what I think anyway. May be a bit rich as I am also a cunt but at least I know it.
It was ever this G.B. Let’s take that dissembling bastard Nick Boles who has caused so much trouble the past few days wanting to “take over” Brexit, which he doesn’t want anyway. This shitstain of “morality” has a bit of a past where expenses fiddling is concerned:
I’ve been moderated. My salutation to Mr Fiddler was, properly, expunged. But my ultimate question was directed to Mr Fiddler. It is a perfectly proper and reasonable question to put given Mr Fiddler’s glowing endorsement of the product delivered by May after two and a half years of negotiation. If m’lud finds it objectionable and in breach of the rules I’ll rephrase it. Mr Fiddler, what is pie in the sky or fantasy about telling the EU we are leaving on our terms whether those terms are acceptable to the EU or not? As for who could have done better than May I have been able to compile a short list. I am confident it will be substantially added to by other cunters. 1. The exhumed remains of my late mother. 2. My neighbour Bill, 83 years old, deaf and partially sighted and who hates Romanian bag ladies selling the Big Issue. 3 Eddy the local chippie who is sick to death of EU regulations about size and shape of potatoes and no you can’t call them french fries.4 Dr X my GP who is sick of squandering his budget on translators for enriching patients who can’t speak a fucking word of English. Shall I go on? Or break into song? “And Uncle Tom Cobbly and all ….”
I certainly had no objection to your earlier post,Fimbriations. Highly informative, I thought. However,my post makes no “glowing endorsement” of May’s deal. In fact,it is anything but. As for your list of viable alternatives..well, you’re just getting a bit over-excited, I fear.
🙂 .
It might be simpler to come up with a list of those who would have done a worse job than May.
Anyone? Anyone?
Jeremy Corblimey…
Wee Jimmy Krankie…
Caroline Lucarse…
Anna Sourcunt…
Dominic Greivous…
On a positive note, our next door neighbour’s cat Henry could have done a better job.
RTC, my cat’s called Henry! You don’t live next to me do you?
Is Francis your real name Francis? My next door neighbour goes by the name of Jeremy. Maybe it’s a pseudonym for Francis? I’ll be seeing him for a cup of tea tomorrow so I’ll ask you then.
Wouldn’t that be a turn up for the books?!
Sleep well…
It was moderated presumably because there was an element of cunting the cunter about it. I removed those small bits and reapproved it for posting.
All good. Appreciate the work you do to see the rules are respected.
A bit late in the day Fimbriations, but just want to say I found both your posts above to be nothing short of awesome.