Jack Radio

Jack Radio – launched just recently with the tagline ‘Women. Playing what we want’
Basically a rip off of the old Jack FM (now Sam FM) ‘Playing what we want’, but this one features women only, women presenters, women singers, including cover versions of male songs by, …WIMMIN!!!!!!
Sexist? Not arf mate. Cunts? most definitely.

Nominated by Mystic Maven

27 thoughts on “Jack Radio

  1. Jack shit, more like!

    And if this is a wimminz only radio station then surely it must be investigated by whatever fuckwit government watchdog that looks after radio broadcasters!?

    I guess if there was a men-only station there would the usual outcry of discrimination, sexism and exclusion from the usual cuntholes; but of course wimminz only stations is perfectly acceptable, and anyone who disagrees is a fucking bigot!

    The hypocrisy from these #metoo cunts knows no depths!

    (Jeez, a brand new year and yet Wordfence still has the irritating ability to get on my fucking nerves!)

  2. Bunch of utter cunts.

    Femenist cunts: We want equality and we want it now.

    Rest of world ‘O.K; here’s your equality.’

    Femenist cunts: oh. Well we want to be different we don’t want to be equal any more!

    Next thing you know we will be teaching our kids it’s O.K to be a terrorist as long as it’s for society’s appeasement… oh wait the sufragettes.

  3. How dare they drag my good name through the mud, the cunts.
    I’ve just read that the stabby Manchester cunt has been detained under the mental health act
    Nothing to see here, nothing to do with Shitslam, move along.
    Get to fuck.

  4. Just shows how stupid they are.
    It’s a wimmins station, by wimmins, for wimmins, for wimmins only (and presumably some cucks allowed), all about wimmins, featuring wimmins, to promote wimmins….
    With a boys name.

    Ha ha. Twats.

  5. Why no transgender station? Discriminating cunts.
    Looks like you could hold half the middle east ( and Bradford) under the mental health act.

  6. Off topic, but Sajid Javid has just been on telling it like it is.
    Asylum seekers should apply for asylum in the first country they arrive at, and those that try to circumvent the proper channels, (not the English Channel), are not welcome in the UK. On the BBC news too.
    I never thought I’d be saying this, but I’m starting to warm to this slaphead.

    • He was probably on drugs or a promise!

      He’ll get slammed by the Left sooner or later for spouting common sense. Am also surprised the BBC let him get away with it!

    • I don’t believe a single thing this government says or does.

      They have lost all credibility and are simply not fit to govern this once great country.

      They are trying to pretend they are interested in reducing immigration, they don’t give a flying fuck about it, and are deluded enough to try and tell the public “we do control our borders”. Stupid lying bitch May. What a useless cunt.

      Trying to buy Redwood by virtue of a knighthood.

      Evil Tory tickets will stop at nothing to confine democracy to the scrap heap. Ultimately where they will end up.

    • Maybe he thinks he is white?

      For sure if he was he would get hung out to dry for a statement like that, but as he is the right colour and ethnic group no one can shout Waycist!.

      Whatever his motive (I guess he is looking at the top job) he is spot on.

    • As much as he’s hated here you need Tony Abbott (he’s a Pom, so it could work) “stopped the boats” as in no one who comes here by boat may ever settle here even if they’re accepted somewhere else first.
      We’d be rid of him and you would get the hard arse cunt you need.

  7. It’ll just be I Will Survive played on an endless loop so the self pitying sods can be empowered to leave the bastards and get to the CSA and benefit entitlement website to pay for their inability to keep their legs crossed. OMG, that’s just like so inappropriate!

  8. Women as a whole are increasingly getting on my tits, big stylie. The bints have lost the plot.

    My fellow females seem to be moaning like fuck at every given opportunity these days. If it isn’t the ‘#me too’ droning it is some other feminazi whinge about gender equality and suchlike. The basic premise of equality I agree with (within reason, some of their demands are just ludicrous bollocks) but it is all just getting out of hand now, like the whole bloody ‘skirts in schools’ thing. I mean WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??

    Why the fuck do we need an ‘all things women’ radio station?? What point are they trying to make here? I know what it will be…..all fucking man hating, feminine power songs by irritating fucktards like Beyonce and Alanis Morissette, a bunch of tedious, mouthy bitches talking about their kids, periods/the menopause, the school run or some other fucking shite.

    Frankly, I am not a fan of women as a whole. Most of them are prize bitches, have the conversational scope of an amoeba….it is all about the above, plus bullshite like shopping, husbands/boyfriends, sex, diets or ageing and their fucking wrinkles or droopy tits. I would rather eat the contents of my cat’s litter tray than socialise with a bunch of shit babbling women. They bore tha arse off of me, as will this radio station.

    LAIRY CUNTS (or should that be, VERY HAIRY cunts)

    • You should go on Mumsnet! We can all take bets on how many milliseconds it takes before you get banned. Keep up the good work!

      • Oh God Tony, that website is the pits of hell!!

        I had a look once and ran screaming from that shit. It is true what they say about women losing grey cells when they spew a sprog out of their vag.

        The women on that website are proof positive!

  9. I admit to looking at it out of curiosity. OMG, the objectification of women is just like so inappropriate, anyway here’s a pic of my Chanel frock, nice eh, and this really nice push up bra, and simply had to get three pairs of these gorgeous Jimmy choos, oh found this fantastic nail artist, can anyone recommend a good nude lipstick for work, what’s your favourite Clarins wrinkle cream, OH refuses to have sex with me, won’t accept my body positivity having achieved a size 22. LTB, change the locks! Mad as a box of frogs. Funny tho.

  10. Maybe the peacfuls have it right, keep the fuckers down….. just look what a pain in the arse they are when you give them an inch

    Just joking about peacefuls….. they are all cunts.

  11. If the bint presenters are anything like the ogresque mothers at my young un’s school it’s unlikely they’re going to fit any music into the programmes once the clams start gassing.

    If it’s run by women only then it’s only a matter of time before it is run into the ground. I’ve actually never met a woman that failed to tell me how much they prefer working with men and can’t stand their female colleagues. Fucking smiling assassins the lot of ’em.

  12. I don’t have a problem with it, but, in this age of equality and diversity, it does seem a tad sexist.

    Or is that because single ethnic clubs and single sex clubs are only ok if they are for black people and females respectively?

    Maybe I should call in to the radio show and ask?

    I have no doubt that there will be a feminazi type on the switchboard but her “inclusivity” gene should kick in when I say I identify as a woman (oh the mental turmoil she’ll suffer at that proclamation).

    My question would be simple: “Would you be offended at a male only radio station, manned by men only, playing tracks by male artists/groups only?”

    Irrespective of response they’re fucked already (metaphorically speaking).

  13. Eh? Talk about low-budget. They’re obviously just relaying Radio 4. Which consists very largely of wimminz chattering to each other about nothing in particular, in gangs of 4. With particular reference to making babies with their genitals. And heavily slanted endless thinkpieces about Br***t, with comic turns about Br***t, and documentaries about Br***it, whose announcer is often apologetic about flogging his dead horse, but then proceeds to thrash it some more.

    Sorry. This is about Jack Radio, isn’t it? Never heard of it, and thanks, cunters, for ensuring that as far as possible I never do.

  14. Transport Secretary Chris Grayling has defended the government’s choice of a UK company with no ships as one of the providers of extra ferry services in the event of a no-deal Brexit.

    Only in the UK under a Tory government should we expect bizarreness such as this. Staggering ineptitude, misplaced confidence, arrogance and complacency par excellence.

    Chris Geayling has fucked up EVERY single fucking thing in each and every department he has been responsible for. How he still has a job is frankly staggering and testament to how totally fucking shit the current government is.

    Reckon that even Noddy would have done a better job than cunt extraordinaire and useless fucker Grayling.

    • Companies House Seaborne Freight entry makes for interesting reading. The company has only been in in business since April 2017. Notably, its ‘Marine Operations Director’, John Paul Sharp, has been the sole director of three companies compulsorily wound up. The sole person with significant control is the company secretary, who has no other appointments, according to Companies House, but appears to also be a director of something called Access To Justice Limited*, in Arundel…along with fellow Seaborne Freight director Brian Raincock (sic). The status of the ‘Marine Consultant’, Glenn Roy Dudley, is in some doubt as he is listed as both retired (as secrestary – Dec 2017) and active, on the same page. His own entry lists him as active.

      This is one fucking fishy setup. I imagine it’s a front for something which it is ‘not in the public interest’ to know.

      I am not alone:


      *Sounds like a charity, doesn’t it? It isn’t. It’s “82990 – Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified”
      And it’s in debt.

      • 1. Correction. There is currently no person with significant control*. Dudley was the PSC only on the 21-22 December 2017.

        2. One for the conspiracy theorists, perhaps, or perhaps not.
        Article 50 formally invoked, March 29, 2017
        Seaborne Freight Ltd incorporated, 5th April, 2017.

        ” Oh fuck, we’ve done it now. Better set up a brassplate company just in case!”

        *A person of significant control is someone that holds more than 25% of shares or voting rights in a company, has the right to appoint or remove the majority of the board of directors or otherwise exercises significant influence or control.

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