Guenther Oettinger is a multiple cunt. Who? I hear you ask. He’s a politician (1). A German politician (2). A member of the European Commission and responsible for its budget (3). He’s appointed not elected (4). He thinks he can speak for the British people – May’s Brexit deal will get through Parliament; there is no support from the public for a no deal Brexit (5). This square-headed Teutonic cunt should keep his huge nose out of our business and keep his Goebbels speak to himself. Arrogant Kraut cunt (6).
Nominated by Fimbriations
Well in 36 hours we will have the answer, this bullshit is just the same as before the referendum, foreign politicians and know it all cunt sticking their noses in…..
Non Players Off the Green!!!
Morning Sick.
Let’s hope our representatives in Parliament come to their senses and vote for Mrs May’s deal tomorrow, otherwise there’ll be… gulp… NO BREXIT AT ALL!!!
Or, if you’re a Remoaner, we’ll be leaving with… gulp… NO DEAL!!!
Leavers & Remoaners unite – vote for the WORST OF ALL WORLDS!
Not to worry though. The benevolent, all knowing, flexible European Union is coming to our rescue – they’re now planning to give us an extra 4 months… to organise a “people’s vote”… or install a Jeremy Corbyn Government… or simply allow Parliament more time to pull itself together and sign on the dotted line…
Good morning RTCp,
The EU are still hoping that brexit will be cancelled, I agree they would like either a general election or peoples vote both would increase the chance of no brexit.
It shows how worried they are about No Deal, if the idiots in parliament recognised that they could push harder to get the backstop withdrawn, or at least reworded to enable a get out clause such as time limit, for example 12 months.
Agree SOI… would be nice if the idiots in Parliament pushed to carry out the will of the people, but I’ve seen no evidence of that in the last 2.5 years, so can’t imagine they’ll start now.
The EU won’t budge on the backstop – it’s their trump card.
Our trump card is the £39billion, and we’re prepared to give it away for nothing…
we have…. honoring our legal commitments being rolled out by the Maybot, but agree that money could be used to really turn the screws on the EU.
My feelings re Berlaymont beginning to resemble an old hymn we sang in 1ry school assembly…
Day by day my hate increases
Saying “EU, bugger me !”
These Krauts all look the feckin same to me.
Apologies, had a bad morning already. Went to Tossco to pick up three things for breakfast. Although a fairly large Metro, NOT ONE FUCKER ON THE TILLS. Went to the self-service, which hardly looked at my shopping before it started weebling in its inane, antiques-roadshow / property-show type voice.
A dozy bint trolloped over, and I said “For God’s sake, why aren’t there any tills open?”
Some feeble apology for an excuse drivelled from her botoxed-bloater lips, so I said “You can bloody well do it, then!”
And she did.
If I was him I wouldn’t be bothering too much about Brexit. I’d be more concerned with the upcoming euro elections, which I suspect will throw up results that will have the mainstream poodles howling in anguish.
Owen Jones will probably wet his panties again.
The irritating little Fanny.
Good morning cunters.
Morning Jack.
I’m not him, but I won’t be bothering too much about Brexit now either. Not anymore. It was never on the cards anyway.
What a thorough waste of 3 years emotional and intellectual energy. Not to mention national resources.
I will however continue to bother about the passing of Democracy.
Sadly, no brexit will mean….
A influx of peacefuls in a few years, when the million or so who arrived two/three years ago will get EU passports and with the rise of the right in Germany, they will head fo good old liberal UK, the land of milk and honey for anyone who isnt a WASP.
Good afternoon Mr. Creampuff.
As far as I’m concerned, democracy can fuck off. It’s obviously a bag of shite.
Only when it’s subverted. And then it isn’t democracy.
Perhaps this Joe Pesci’s SS grandfather-lookalike might not be so cocksure if the rumours of Germany’s impending recession are true and the £20billion (!!) the Krauts make from flogging us their Hitlermobiles suddenly have tariffs on them. If so, Himler clones like this cunt will be sweating like Auschwitz extras.
EU über-alles.
Maybe he’ll launch into a Goodfellas style rant.
“I’m funny how? I mean, funny like I’m a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh?”
Well you do look a bit of a twat Herr Oettinger.
Fear not Herr Kapitän, they’ll get our £££billions one way or another, by hook or by crook, you can wank on it!
Ze arrogant Eeenglish vill neffer survive ‘räus’ ze United States of Deutschland. Ze vill die schnëll!
Schnëll Schnëll Raus Raus!
If the deal doesn’t go through then it will be presented again at a later date me thinks.
There is no way we are going to get what we voted for and LEAVE with no deal, which is what leaving means.
Maybe if after all this we do remain in the EU, the remoaners should be asked to pick up the Billions of £s we will then pay through taxes? The leavers pay nothing.
Goodbye for now.
No, we’ve got all wrong on here. It’s Mrs May’s deal or no Brexit at all.
It is incumbent on the Tory Brexiteers now to lay aside their ‘ideological purity,’ and vote for the deal. It is a moment of National crisis. I believe the deal is to get us OUT. If the deal falls that whole trajectory will turn the other way and we will stay IN. Look we won. We can win again. It will give more succour to Remain. We have this opportunity and only this opportunity to get OUT.
I guess it was a clothes wash day and his SS suit is drying on the line.
Toilet paper. We’re going to run out of it!
I kid you not. It was on the ABBC ‘Politics Live’ programme this afternoon.
We’ll all have to buy the Guardian instead.
Unless Parliament votes for the EU’s deal…
I’m going to be in real trouble RTC, cause I wouldn’t wipe my arse on The Guardian
Integrate with our lovely Romanian immigrunts.
Crap in the street.
Then wipe your arse on a conveniently-located burqa; plenty of them aroind, and being long, are suitable for any height person. When you’ve finished, said garments couldn’t smell any worse than they usually do…
Looks like you’ll have to install one of them new fangled EU bidets Ron!
I think they are trying to scare middle classes, oh no…. i cant possibly survive without toilet paper.
Be serious, we have gone from not getting the just in time components in manufacturing to no toilet rolls, its a fucking joke, the media seem to forget we have had delays at ports before when the good old French cunts had their protests and blockaded roads leading to the ports.
So you reset ypur timetable to allow for pre-clearance at customs and a calculation for tarrifs. For fuck sake, once you have made an import of bog rolls, every subsequent import is exactly the same.
When I was a kid we used to wipe our arses on tracing paper. Bronco was my parents’ favoured brand. Sometimes Izal…
Is this Mumsnet? I lose track. ?
IZAL toilet paper Ruff Tuff, It was like grease proof paper, not a hope in hell of wiping your arse on it, it just smeared the shit around your hole and leave you with lacerations on the sharp edges. Guaranteed skid marks on your Y Fronts.
Happier, simpler times Fenton.
Smellier times, certainly…
I was advised to rough the stuff to “soften” it.
Result ? Solids under fingernails, then doing battle with a nailbrush that was more like a yardbrush. No hot water, either.
Made me the sterling cunt I am today…
I’ll just wipe my arse on Owen Jones instead.
Job done!
Great idea Paul – his tears would double as a bidet!
I bags James O’Shithead’s beard… quite ironic, considering his name.
Paul Maskinback: Which hand do you wipe your arse with?
Owen Jones: Just let me say…just let me say, with that question you’re being far right, yes, that’s what I said, far right and ignorant and can I just say, can I just say, please, don’t interrupt me, can I just say….I use my right hand.
Paul Maskinback: Urgh, I use toilet paper.
He’d probably pay you.
The filthy degenerate.
Syk news reporting that 55 men have been arrested (and released under investigation) in and around Bradford Yorkshire for child sex abuse.
There are no details other than this so why is it that a picture of a ‘tanned and bearded’ peaceful springs into my mind?
Any suggestion that it is muslim/pakistani men would be labelled as Far Right.
I have a new suggestion for Hate Crime, anyone being called racist or far right for telling the truth!!
I thought that was the definition aready?
May’s deal is horrific. No benefit, all the drawbacks. Useless.
Leaving on WTO rules should be seen as a position of strength. They need us far more than we need them.
If we’d stated this from the off and then ignored the EU cunts for 18 months and THEN said:
– The UK graciously offers the EU a free trade deal.
– The UK graciously offers the far greater numbers of EU citizens living in the UK the right of residence providing that right of residence is reciprocated to the far fewer UK citizens living in the other 27 EU member countries.
And they would have taken our hands off because by then they would have been bricking it!
Instead we started off going cap in hand to the cunts and that set the tone of weakness that May’s administration will be forever known for.
Blair was the most dangerous PM this country has ever seen and his complicitness in the erosion of our Nation (which he did in order to garner the top EU seat – the cunt) was unforgivable and literally was treason, but May is comfortably the most useless and weak PM we have ever had to tolerate!
But just like old dog shit on white carpet, you just can’t get rid of the cunt.
I hope her deal fails. Resign you useless cunt!
????? on stilts and steroids!
Perfectly and succinctly summed up, our Rebel. The whole shambles was a meticulously-staged piece of theatre cleverly called “Negotiations” to make an actual Remain victory seem like Brexit victory.
Let’s hope these are the last few hours of that wretched, incompetent, embarrassing, traitorous,miserable, genuflecting, hunchback’d cunt.
The damage is done. She will be well rewarded by our Remain Establishment.
I find it very distasteful to compare him to the SS.
Just because he is German, unelected, close to the middle of an unelected German led Europe, seeking to impose a centralist federated mandate on all of us………hang on, I’ll get my coat.
Vill you listen to zis very carefully English pig prisoner. Zere is absolutely no escape and anyvone trying vill be severely punished ja?
By the way Owen Jones dreams of having arses wiped on him.
He looks like he has just dropped a massive stinky one and is trying put the blame on someone else.
Typical squareheaded Europe dominating humourless kraut.
Bet it doesn’t smell as bad as Merkel’s withdrawal deal.
“Ein large sausage und a fizzy lager… SCHNELLL!!!”
Actually, thinking about it, by the look on his face it is either dropping a stinky one and trying to shift the blame or he has been caught out while being questioned about German expansion plans saying ‘Poland ist zis vay’ then the penny drops that he is pointing in the wrong direction.
Either way the kraut looks a bit shifty.
Fuck’s sake, I am so sick of Brexit. I wish they would just tell that shower of EU cunts to fuck off and we will take our chances and leave with no deal.
At least it would show some measure of damned DIGNITY to the rest of the world. At the moment, we are a laughing stock, dithering and fannying around like Norman Wisdom on uppers. I am honestly embarrassed as to how this has all played out and what a clusterfuck it has become.
Those dictatorial fucks were never going to make this easy for us as they did not wish to create a precedent for any other EU member exiting after us…they have basically offered a deal that STILL ties us to them for the duration, and a long fucking duration too. That is a gun to our heads and we should just have the courage of our own convictions, some belief in ourselves as a country and tell the cunts to get fucked!!!
As for this jumped up Kraut (who knew? A jumped up Kraut, what a rarity) he needs to keep his beak out of it….but that is what that lot is good at, isn’t it? Looking down on anyone who isn’t ‘the master race’ and waxing lyrical as to what they should and should not/will or will not do and telling us what we all think. They have a history of it…..
wtf were the makers of IZAL shit paper thinking of? i remember it well totally fucking useless.. how can you be a producer of toilet paper and come up with that? fuckin mind boggling.
My dad was so reactionary he refused to use the new fangled soft absorbent stuff when it first became available in Boots. We had both IZAL and soft paper in our shitter for a couple of years before his shit smeared ringpiece eventually felt the benefit. Expect he thought only women and poofs used soft paper.
My Mum and Dad refused to use soft toilet paper, said their fingers went through it. Now i know why there was the smell of shit in the air when Pater would wag his finger at me.
I bet his phone ringtone is the Horst Wessel song.
Bosche bastard…
Probably wearing a Hugo Boss suit as well.
Given his charmed rise to relative prominence it doesn’t look like ‘work’ set him free either.
If you smell ze gass, dial nein, nein, nein!
I suppose the one hope is that enough EU countries continue to ‘go right’ and that in time, their influence will grow and eventually come to hold sway. Because mark my words, the final part of the Plan is Khunt for Britain’s PM, and Turkey into the EU.
There is still a chance we get no deal. A slim one, granted, because of the insufferable cunts in our government who think they know best. May’s deal will be voted down, the remoaner cunts can’t decide between them though what they actually want to do, second referendum, extend article 50, cancel brexit, renegotiate brexit…….if there isn’t a clear concensus to which route should be taken, then they won’t be able to get a majority in parliament, which means by default we leave the EU without a deal in March.
Just have to hope the remainer MP’s are just as fucking useless as Maybot and co.
There is, and always has been, a clear majority in Parliament – for Remain.
Sycophantic EU lickspittles.