Gary Linekunt, Part Time Pundit and Full Time Crisps Salesman [11]

Yes Gary, you have shat yourself

Gary ‘Jug Ears’ Linekunt

As we all know to our cost, Linekunt is an ardent pro-European, and boy, is he quick to let us know his views on Brexit.

Linekunt has been accused of breaking the British Broadcasting Cunts’ guidelines on impartiality, but the Director-general has said that as Jug Ears isn’t part of the BBC’s ‘news and current affairs universe’ (‘universe’, ffs! Where do they dig up this Corporatespeak b/s?), he’s free to express his views.
Now I’ve long held the view that Jug Ears is a multi-layered cunt. He’s a gormless looking, frog-eyed tosspot who gives a great impersonation of a waxworks dummy when presenting ‘Match of the Day’. He’s also an arrogant shit, for claiming that he’s actually worth the enormous sum he’s paid out of licence payers’ money; my guess is that most viewers would regard it as a great mercy if they never had to look at his ugly pan or listen to his droning voice again, as long as they fucking lived. To compound the offence of his mere existence, he’s an avaricious cunt, peddling junk food on telly adverts, and pocketing a very nice piece of change for his efforts I’ve no doubt. Then he’s an ignorant, hypocritical cunt, who told Chris Waddle to ‘stick to football’ when Waddle had the effrontery to suggest that it might be a good idea if Britain left the EU without a deal. Maybe he should take his own advice but I doubt that he will, him being so much more of an expert cunt on the matter after all…
So there we go. Linekunt isn’t to be held to such a high degree or standard of impartiality by the BBC as a news or current affairs commentator (as if anybody seriously regards the BBC’s output as impartial anymore anyhow). Well personally I hold Jug Ears to no standard whatsever, beyond the fact that he’s a 24 carat, oxygen thieving cunt.

Oh and the BBC is a cunt as well, but then you already knew that…

Nominated by Ron Knee

44 thoughts on “Gary Linekunt, Part Time Pundit and Full Time Crisps Salesman [11]

  1. The goat faced cuntwaffle wasn’t so quick to pipe up in support of the Peterlee Walkers factory which closed with 400 jobs loses despite pleas from unions. He did find time though to try and encourage his Walkers paymasters to pull advertising from national tabloids over their coverage of gimmigrants.

  2. He’s a thick tax dodging arrogant cunt of the first order.

    Gets paid huge amounts by the likes of ABBC and BT Sports for spouting shite; he has that kind of face you just want to slap with a baseball bat covered in acid-tipped 9″ nails.

    He is so full of himself I bet he shoves his own hands up his arsehole just to give himself a “at one” moment as he preens himself in the mirror.

    He sees himself as a spokesman for the Common Man, primarily because he thinks we’re too thick to think, given his self-proclaimed announcement that he is a “Great Thinker”.

    He is an OBE for some fucking reason; and don’t be surprised if he gets knighted sooner or later, and becomes a Sir Cunt of All Cunts!

    I hope the cunt dies from a stroke while live on TV scoffing a bag of Wankers Crisps. With a bit of luck the production team and his fellow pundits will stand round him as he withers on the floor in agony (something he did quite a lot of as a player, so he should be used to it) and all piss on him from a great height!

    Jug-eared cunt!

  3. An eloquent cunting, Ron. I don’t follow football, so I don’t have to endure his wooden presentation (bring back Jimmy Hill or Frank Bough!). Walkers crisps are greasy, awful fare. Yep, Lineker is a cunt.

    • Here’s wishing that Bishop Len Brennan would return, tell the cunt to stop bullshitting, then rip his feckin ears off…

    • Wooden is the word, Sgt Maj. But then I’d say that a cricket stump could actually give a more animated and interesting presentation than that cunt.

  4. When he retired the gormless little cunt had a permatan and was always in the papers as he’d go to the opening of a crisp packet. Then some cunt at the BBC gave the unfunny little cunt a job on a comedy quiz show despite his inability to say anything funny, then he landed the crisps gig.
    This is an educational post for younger cunters who may only know him as a diving goal hanging little cunt who cheated Cameroon out of their deserved place in the world cup, also giving England fans false hope and penalty shootout heartbreak. His soul is as dark as Satan’s cock, and he will soon leave his current wife for a slightly younger, slightly blonde tart he meets in a night club.
    I have condensed this from his autobiography which I stole from an Oxfam shop: “I may only be a jug eared little cunt but I am rich.”

  5. Excellent post RK
    I have tried to add my thoughts but unfortunately my post has disappeared? Twice?

      • I’m feeling victimised…..
        I’ve retreated to my safe space
        ( xhamster)

        Amber dudd warns may around 40 ministers might resign if they are not allowed a free vote?
        May should call their bluff , then call a coach …… Fuckers

      • I’d give them their next fucking general election, then some of the shit from both parties will get cleared out – Soubry the pantomime dame, Grieve, the defrocked priest, Boles the little expenses squandering pooftah, slap headed heap of shit Umunna, Dame Keir, Barr Gardiner and all the other worthless dissembling piles of shitstains.

  6. ??? ……There’s many reasons to dislike this patronising self indulgent cunt but for me it’s his absolute hypocrisy…..
    Like many virtue signaling cunts you only have to scratch the veneer to see the real cunt within, with his sons well documented battle with illness and subsequent years of NHS treatment Gary’s always doing loads of charity work especially if it’s heavily reported on!, but “ saint Gary “ when nobody’s looking gets involved in a massive tax avoidance scheme? Where did all that money to treat your son come from jug ears?
    As pseudo intellectuals go saint G is hard to beat , endlessly spouting pro EU shite and talking about democracy being hijacked by big bad Brexit !, being such an avid fan of democracy you would think saint G would embrace free speech? Welcome a difference of opinion? , like many bigoted remainers it only his opinions and the like minded who will be entertained, telling ex England team mate Chris waddle to” stick to football “ when he expressed a different opinion, also expressing dismay at Peter Stilton for supporting Brexit!! WTF…..

    Lineker is such a CUNT he actually managed to rile mild mannered cricket correspondent Jonathan Agnew
    Who told him to stop using the BBC as a platform for his political agenda!!
    Unbelievable stuff ………
    Lineker you are a 24 carat diamond sized CUNT……..

  7. If you go to the BBC website and click on Sport, it is Linekunt;s ugly mug that confronts you – he is the face of sport, just as the face of decrepit pompous old wanabee Prince Philip, David Attenborough, alleged “national treasure” is the face of factual TV. No doubt Attenborough is a remoaner too.

    The reason Linekunt’s football career was so short, and his crisp one so long is that no team could find a jockstrap small enough to protect his little boy balls and 2 inch prick. He is just a little ancient soyboy with pretentions, and very second rate tackle.

    Something stinks at the BBC and it is not just Linekunt’s cheese and onion flavoured farts.

    • It is already a known fact that all the little animals in the world dying are due to Brexit.

      • Attenborough subscribes to the “plebs should be denied the vote and just obey their betters” school of thought.
        My poor late mother thought he was “such a nice man”
        Sorry Mum, he’s a fascist cunt not that far removed from a Nazi eugenicist…

      • I went to the same school as this remainer cunt so he can fuck off thinking he’s better than me.

    • I wonder what would be revealed if The Attenbore were observed in its “safe space”…

      Jacking off over The New European ?

  8. I’d like to see how long he would last if he was spouting pro brexit propaganda. Suddenly the beeb would proclaim he is breaking their ‘impartiality’ rules. A BBC cunt in a sea of BBC cunts.

  9. It is a damning indictment on the Al-BBC that this crisp-nicking, knifeworthy, sanctimonious scumcunt isn’t even the biggest cunt on their sports presenter shitlist – lest we forget that the organisation which has been dutifully protecting paedophiles since the early 1970s also has behemoths like Claire Balding and John Inverdale on their roster.

    I read Lineker’s hypocritcal Twitter rants admonishing both Peter Shilton and Chris Waddle over Brexit and just stared at the screen in disbelief at the ‘stick to football’ remark. This detestable fucking leech of taxpayer’s money has absolutely zero self-awareness, and clearly he is just as lacking in scruples if the cunt is prepared to sacrifice the relationships he shared with fellow England footballers, purely to bleat large over fucking Brexit.

    Cuntlord Lineker can be safely filed under ‘driven insane by Brexit’; along with Adonis, Alistair Campbell, Polly Toynbee, Carole Cadwalladr and gin-soaked cunt Anna Soubry. Come the glorious day, Gary Linker shall be lined up against the wall, and face a drunken Paul Gascoigne wielding a loaded sawn-off. With trademark pinpoint accuracy and deftness of touch, Gascoigne will hopefully blast a hole large enough in Lineker’s subnormal head that it will finally distract from the comical wing-nut appearance of his sickening fucking visage.

    • Talking of hypocrisy I had the misfortune to hear that self important little motherfucker Hilary Benn (with that name he should have been a ballet dancer, a ladies hairdresser and/or a shirtlifter). He is another of the little fascist cunts of New Labour. Then it made remember his dad (the only reason Benn like Stephen Kinnock is at Westminster is sucking off the family name). Anthony Wedgewood-Benn wanted to be seen as a man of the people, so he dropped the Ant and he dropped the Wedgewood, and took care to be seen with the workers and cracked mugs of tea, just to identify with “them”. Then he goes and calls his wankstain son Hilary – very working class. Why didn’t he call him Fred, then he might not be so much up his own arse

    • Empire. My thoughts exactly. Superb.

      I can’t stand the gurning mega cunt.

      Have thrown packets of wankers crisps back into the supermarket isle loudly proclaiming they’ll get no more money from me until they stop using the sanctimonious cunt to advertise their wares…

  10. I’m noticing that my posts on ISAC are being hidden/modded repeatedly, even when I’m not being unreasonably offensive.

    Have there been changes to procedure or am I just being more hateful to the subject matter than usual?

  11. 1979 MOTD
    Jimmy Hill: Aston Villa 3 Arsenal 1; Man United 0 Liverpool 3

    1999 MOTD
    Des Lynam: Tottenham 1 Liverpool 3; Aston Villa 2 Man Utd 0

    2019 MOTD
    Gary Linekunt: Brexit rubbish, Trump bad, hug a Refugee, ignorant Brexit idiots, EU are wonderful….

  12. A fine cunting.

    OT: says in the news a bunch of war memorials have been desecrated in London. Looks coordinated and organised. So I’m thinking antifa/leftists trying to create mischief rather than ROPers. Thoughts?

    • It is certainly the cuntish behaviour of antifa wankstains.
      Doubt whether ropeys know enough UK history.

  13. Gary you cunt fuck off back to Leicester and jump in with that hunch back king and bury your self you Weasley cunt.

  14. Surely Gentlemen his wise words about subjects other than crisps and football must carry some weight? One could not exist in the idyll of cuntery that he does without absorbing some meaningful opinions that fall like cherry blossom on the ears of us unfavoured. Even the arch cunt Corden was spurred into twittering after the (what was it? so long ago) leave vote something about the yoof of Britain being betrayed.
    We must realise that this group of persons who live in cunt land know best, we should value their interest in our teeny weeny lives and think of their utterances as we sabre the bastards then feed their bloody remains to Owld Johns rather nasty piggies then use the pig shit to produce bio gas which has some use unlike sleb hot air.

  15. I had no idea he’d said that to Waddle. Must be his time at the BBC instilling that level of arrogance and hypocrisy in him.
    Also, doesnt him commenting on Brexit bring him into the political universe? I’m sure he’d rub one out at the thought of being brought into a universe to dispense wisdom to the goggle-eyed Twitterites, a corona of burning social justice around his head, flowing robes, and a packet of crisps to hand.

    • Apparently not, CP. The DG of BBCunts reckons ‘the political universe’ (ffs!) extends to news and current affairs commentators, not to some cunt football presenter. Hence the ‘standards of impartiality’ rules don’t apply in the case of Jug Ears.

  16. Words cannot describe how much I hate this cunt. He is up there with Bliar and Jones for me. If I may borrow a title from Monsieur Knee, I hereby crown St Jugears with the honour of National Cunt.

    • Well bestowed, OC. He joins the noble ranks of Owen ‘the Cunt’ Jones, Tony Blabb and Flabbott the Hutt.

  17. Wooden is the word, Sgt Maj. But then I’d say that a cricket stump could actually give a more animated and interesting presentation than that cunt.

    • More than likely, but I suspect that one round his head would make a satisfying clunk, and the internal echo would last a while.

  18. What’s even more unbearable is that media outlets seem to think that his, and that of other slebs tweets and views and opinions are actually newsworthy. “The star of Up My Own Arse has tweeted her sadness following the death of somebody reasonably famous. “I’ll love him forever” she said of a man she didn’t know.” They’re not. They’re unimportant pieces of fluff. Lazy journalism. Tweets are shit and as far as I’m concerned the whole “social media” shtick is just self indulgence. As the saying goes “opinions are like arseholes; everyone’s got one”

  19. I reckon Linekunt was just another money mad footballer until he joined the BBC. There he met people who had actually read a book, saw tax dodging as just a way of life and believed they were born to rule the world.
    Jug ears quickly fell in with his new posh friends and adopted their unshakable belief in their own superiority. I bet the cunt pours over the Guardian and the New European every day so he can keep up with his new pals.
    An arriviste and social climber of the worst sort. I bet his champagne socialist BBC friends snigger about this lipstick wearing pig behind his back.
    Sad little cunt.

  20. Linked to Lineker in my mind was Southgate talking about ‘bringing the country together’ during the last World Cup. He mentioned black and minority players if memory serves. And ”communities’. And ‘It is an important moment for the country’. Martin O’Neill was on and said something like ‘you have lot of time to think between matches in the World Cup’ and ‘you start your feel your important’. ‘Stick to football’ he finished with. The panel agreed, moved on.

  21. The whole family are dodgey fuckers Jug ears likes to hear the sound of his own voice and opinions Mr Remain. The BBC are they paying him as self employed as they are doing with the other tosspots who earn vast sums of money for doing very little work.Its about time these wankers were brought to book Linieker with his connections to Leicester and Walkers Crisps are well known but he would endorse shit if someone paid him enough brass a proper Cunt of the first order belt up about Brexit we are leaving get used to it

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