‘Have a nice day’

Have a nice day.

What’s wrong with a good old cheery “Ta-ta” or “Bye” or “See yer next time”?
Why are we faced with this cuntish Americanism everywhere we go?
This teeth grindingly annoying phrase was idly thrown at me by some mouth breathing, hard of thinking low brow as I left a supermarket the other day. It was after 9pm. I rest my fucking case.
Oh, and while I’m on, what about……..”reach out.”?

Nominated by Pipesmoka

14 thoughts on “‘Have a nice day’

  1. I despise hearing this phrase. Fine in ‘The States’ but not in ‘The Kingdom.’ Cheerio is the most elegant parting phrase.

    I always reply, “Have a nice day? I’m not American.”

  2. When in America and some cunt instructs me to “have a nice day”, I like to give them my full itinerary and make sure they’re listening carefully. Sometimes this is delivered in a west cundry burr, sometimes in a Scottish accent and occasionally in a barely understandable Welsh, all whilst slowly and inexorably moving my weird-looking face closer to them.

  3. ‘Reach out’ is becoming pathological. Especially when used by the robotic spokesperson of a government agency in the context of having been unhelpful by email. They reached out to Mr X, did they? Damn long arms they must have.

    My local Spar’s staff are compelled to wish each and every punter a nice day when they have taken the cash. It’s not their fault, I suppose. Management: to be dried, split and bagged for feeding the flames of Hell.

  4. Yeah, the “reach out” thing is in overdrive here in Yankland. It’s so pervasive I almost used it myself the other day, but managed to switch to “get in touch with” at the last second. It is such a grossly annoying piece of Yankish cuntery.

    The “have a nice day” thing is so commonplace I hardly notice it. I’ll say this for the Yanks – they are more polite to each other than the Brits tend to be – especially ‘darn sarf’ where I’m from. If the other 99.9% of their behaviour wasn’t so cuntish, I’d really be onto a winner here.

  5. “Have a nice day” is a considerable improvement on what I’ve heard people say to me as I take my leave following a good session in the pub….

  6. “My bad” is a casual as fuck, no-harm-no-foul Americanism that grates ma cheddar. “Sorry pal” is far less likely to get a sharp piece of my mind.

  7. ‘How are you?’ Coming from a woman hoping to tempt me into the duty free shops that crowd my route from the aircraft to customs.

    “I’m tired, grumpy and jet lagged, and if you don’t fuck off I’ll crash my suitcase into that teetering tower liquor display blocking my path, and lodge an OHS complaint so I’ll get off scot-free.

  8. And ‘reach out’ is shorthand for ‘we tried to call (really!) but there was no answer.’

  9. God, I loathe that expression. Just another thing on my utter cunt list.

    I have been to the States a few times over the years and their fakery is off the fucking scale. Those plastered on smiles – they are all so plastic and insincere, especially in the likes of LA and Florida. You are faced with a blinding white mouth that seems to contain double the amount of teeth that ours do and that ‘Have a nice day!’ fake shite.

    Like they actually give a fuck if I, or anyone else actually does have a nice day. Sorry, but I prefer the honest, miserable cuntery of the shop/restaurant/bank staff etc. over here, but I totally agree that this shite is gradually invading. All of that awful, fake small talk does my head in.

    Just serve me and let me leave this place without your false cuntery, twat….we all know you don’t mean it anyway.

  10. I really don’t like how “hi” has replaced the old fashioned “hello”, certainly in emails (even formal emails ffs)

    Even a simple introductory “Good morning/afternoon” has been replaced by “Hi” -I just wonder if this kind of shit goes in the corridors of the rich and powerful? Imagine old queenie writing out a letter to some cunt and just starting off with a “Hi”

    And don’t start me off on “Can I get…..”

    “Can I get a coffee”
    “Can I get a Big Mac”
    “Can I get fucked”

    you’re not actually “getting” anything you dumb fuck; the cunt behind the counter is doing all the “getting”. All you have to say is “Could I have…..”

    And as for “Have a nice day”…. yeah I’ll say that when there’s another 9/11, and see how you REALLY feel about having a nice fucking day.


    Oh and have a shit fucking day, mofos!

    (It’s good to be back after all that festive Christmas bollocks)

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