Olly Robbins [2]

Olly Robbins is still a cunt.

The parrot-faced civil servant has become quite the Remain superstar since he was last cunted. What a deliberately obfuscating dog’s dinner he’s made of negotiations. Let us not forget it is he who has constructed this wretched “deal” – as Sir Nigel said earlier in the year, Raab was just a bag-carrier (yet retains some honour after reigning).

Oily Robbins, who begins every sentence with an irritating “So…”, clearly set out to construct a “deal” that was a BRINO (in name only). Not many people know that Robbins s a brilliant, skilled negotiator. Because he isn’t.

This is what Tony Blair recently said of Robbins:-
” I take my hat off to Olly Robbins. Olly is a very skilled guy. The elaborate camouflage of all the different points is a tribute to the skill of the British Civil Service. I say that sincerely. ”

If you’re receiving plaudits of this calibre from the shit-eating grin of the Grand Pu-ba of Cuntiness, you know it’s a Remain stitch up.

Robbins you’ve fooled nobody and will go into the history books as a creepy, Pro-EU bureaucrat who attempted to deceive the British public but was discovered to be the weasely cunt that you are.

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

53 thoughts on “Olly Robbins [2]

  1. “Oily Robbins, who begins every sentence with an irritating “So…”,”

    He’s a cunt for that blasphemy, alone, and guilty of all other charges, M’lud. The puffin-faced cunt.

  2. No point blaming this cunt. He is what he is and there are 1000s of the fuckers in Whitehall.
    Blame the duplicitous fucker who relies on him. Good old Mother Theresa.

  3. Ah yes, the modern equivalent of Cardinal Richelieu, the “Eminence Gris” at the court of the Hunchback Queen. On second thoughts, perhaps Martin Bormann might be a better comparison.
    A snide, backstairs gutter crawling traitor who is obviously far smarter than the dolts we elect to represent us.
    The biggest voting turnout in British history blatantly overturned by a fucking overweight pen pusher. With more than a little help from the usual suspects who pollute the airwaves with their remoaner lies and filth.
    Never forgive, never forget.

    • WC, you make it sound like there are numerous levels of Manglebum cocksuckers – junior, senior, intermediate, advanced,,etc.

      Perhaps there’s an EU skyscraper with each level on a different floor. Maybe old Mandy has to make statutory visits to each department in ‘Brussels Bum Building’ as a European directive.

      That’s where our £39 million is heading.

    • Speaking of cocksuckers – Stephen Fry, partial to a bit of bummery with young men having married a bit of a kid, has had his say on Brexit this evening. A 12 minute hatchet job on 17.5 million voters in a democratic vote to leave a dinosaur designed to rule us without a say for the rest of our naturals. Who the fuck are “they” going to dig up next? Democracy is a fragile flower and it is wilting under the treasonous cunts who purport to rule us. The closer the day gets the closer we are to civil unrest on our streets. Either JRM, BOJO and the rest are not the men I thought they were or serious treasonous acts are in use. This is not going to end well.

  4. So Mr Robbins when did the Withdrawal Agreement position start to evolve? Dominic Raab didn’t seem to know the full details.

  5. Anyone seen the state of the hunch cunch in Argentina with all the other “world leaders” ?
    She really fucks me off now….

    And what the fuck was Donald Tusk doing in the photo?
    What fucking country is he the leader of? If he’s there to represent the EU, why the fuck was Macron invited? …. surely it should be one or the other.

    • Donald Tusk has been “syndicated”. and now appears in an awful lot of photos as a garden gnome (or Poland Gnome); it’s his only role in life. A sort of wank-sock elf.

      I’m sure I saw him on some Oxfam Christmas cards…

  6. A Bad Brexit Deal that keeps us shackled to the 4th Reich forever… no say in anything… with us paying £57 billion+ (they’ll be back for more) for the privilege.

    What else would you expect from someone who was Tony B. Liar’s Principal Private Secretary in 2006?

    And for the last two and a half years, he’s been the UKs quisling equivalent of the unelected commissioners in Brussels, ‘negotiating’ us into an EU turkey trap.

    Robbins is a 5th Columnist Cunt at the heart of a treacherous 5th Columnist Government.

    Clearly “Olly is a very skilled guy”, in much the same way as Bliar is “a pretty straight sort of guy”. Wonder if he had a hand in assisting his master abolish the death penalty in 1998….

    • “The death penalty for treason…”, that should have read!

      Dozy demented cunt I am.

      • After the last two and half years the gallows would be like a conveyor belt of traitors. I wouldn’t risk giving Flabbott the rope – elf n safety with heavy unpredictable loads, a cyanide laced bargain bucket should do it.

      • I would have them hanging upside down on hooks like a Turkey plant. As the line moves along some lucky lottery winners get to cut their throats.
        Take their stinking bodies across the Channel to be fed to EU pigs.
        Oh, the irony.

  7. I wish some cunt would stick a load of bombs in the Palace of Westminster and blow every one of those cunts from here to next week.
    Just a stray thought I needed to share.

  8. I’ve just read that Liam Fox is backing Treasona May’s “deal”. Wow. Well done Fox. Did you really battle for Britain’s independence in 2016 or was that another chubby, mumbling flake? Like Gove/Leadsom etc, just another slug slithering up May’s withered trouser leg.

    • What a slimeball. Have always suspected and disliked Fox. I couldn’t have less respect if he came out as a full blown Remoaner.

      Meanwhile Tusk is telling our MPs how to vote. Could it be an Obama moment? Nah… the spineless cunts will end up doing as their told… those knighthoods don’t grow on Christmas trees ? About as common though.

      • Probably promised a knighthood or a reacharound if they vote this cack in.
        A knighthood if they do and a Theresa May reacharound if they don’t.

  9. The clue should be in the word “Servant” A person who serves, receives instructions and completes tasks as requested. This is of course from said cunt who seems to formulate and devise political strategy and policy. If that’s what they do, then we don’t need fucking politicians…..In fact….do we need either ?

  10. Well done Cap’n for noming this cunt. I hope his next shit’s a fucking broken brick bound up in barbed wire.

  11. Diane Abbott went to a KFC drive through. Server asked what sized buck she wanted: Diane pointed to the one in the roof! Man she lives that fried chicken….

  12. Was this the same cunt who gave Appeaser May her other own goal “Dementia Tax” campaign strategy, thus wiping out a vast polls’ majority and thus ensuring constant interference from the leprechauns?

    He no doubt had a big say in avoiding wealthy/emerging nations for trade instead coaxing old Leopard Print Slippers to piss £4bn away on the dark continent, just before they went into a recession?

    A fucking dangerous cunt for all the wrong reasons! Unless you’re for remain.

  13. So the Gove mob (pretend leavers) have turned their coats and are desperately trying to bail out the good ship Mavis McCuntyface. All shitting their pants at the prospect of an Election, terrified of losing their seat on the gravy train. Just think, if this Parliament had been sitting in 1939 we’d all be called Helmut and Fritz and would have never heard the word DEMOCRACY.
    Now, if you’ll excuse me i’ve got a bratwurst and saurkraut waiting for me.
    Might as well get used to it.

    • Yes I wonder what cabinet positions Pob and especially turncoat Leadsome have been promised for pushing Mavis’ “worst of both worlds” deal?

      Leadsome was a nobody back-bencher prior to Brexit and only gained a smidgen of notoriety for being one of the few cunts in Cuntminster coming out on the side of leave.

      Now we have a deal that truly is worse than staying in but rather than come out and say: “Fuck you Zelda! We’re better off on WTO rules than this pile of cunt!” – she’s pushing for this terrible deal to go through!?!


      Well cos immediately after the vote is cast, if it passes, I bet Pob’s been gifted the foreign office and Leadsome the home office.

      Cos the last split-arse we had as Home Secretary did sooooooo fucking well didn’t she!


  14. I’m getting drunk right now, you can call it late november depression because i’ve been feeling really rotten this month, last time i got drunk was halloween so it should be a good enjoyable buzz having a old fashioned and a few gin shots maybe a dubonet cocktail too

  15. I’ve given it some thought and I think i’d rather be ruled by the Ruskies than the Frogs and Krauts.
    At least all the Ruskie birds are right cracking big titted sorts!
    Well…..at least all the ones on the internet who want to marry me are.

  16. So, we can pretty much agree that the hunchback of cuntredame’s ‘deal’ is going to get laughed out of the commons, even with all the no deal bashing and remoaners still asking for their ‘peoples vote’.

    But, what are we expecting happens after that, the EU bum boys club has already said they won’t renegotiate, Treason and Catweazel have already said they won’t have a referendum do over (although those words have a strong wiff of bull faeces). Is there still a chance we can get no deal and stick two fingers up to Junker, Merkel and Macron as we sail away on our island?

    I want out, and I don’t want to have to give Euro handjobs to France and Germany and pretend I’m out.

    • Anybody’s supposition, El Boob. My conjecture is that it’ll be voted down but not by as big a margin as predicted. Regardless of the BumBoys’ threats saying , “Nein, das ist ze only deal” there’ll be more last-minute compromises. Next, Zelda will put it to Parliament again like she’s Father fucking Christmas and then it will slide in…..just in time.

      It’ll be like paying somebody a fortune to break your legs. These EU butchers and gangsters simply can’t believe their luck.

    • Funnily enough I saw that annoying cunt Liar Kuntsberg of the ABBC interviewing Mavis and when Kuntsberg pressed her on the second vote option (should her deal be rejected), May would not say: “No. No more votes.”

      So there you have it, the “weak and rickety” one all ready to do a U-turn on a second vote.

      Even better, no doubt Oily Robbins will advise her to make it a 3 way vote – two ways to leave but only one way to stay – ergo we remain in the EU by default, after we’ve handed over even more wedge to cover Drunckers bar tab as reparations for even thinking of leaving in the first place.

      The treachery across the whole of Cuntminster is there to be seen. As it stands now, I think Kate Hoey was the only true Brexiter amongst their ranks. The rest of the “leavers” simply hedged their bets on us remaining, and now that the deal is so awful they’ll support it knowing full well – with “weak and rickety” at the helm – that that will eventually lead to a stitch-up and we end up remaining by default.

      Utter fucking cowards!

      As someone else mentioned. If we had this shower of shite across both benches in 1939 then we’d already be part of a europewide, totalitarian dictatorship regime!

      And so it’s a goodnight from me and a guten nicht from him!


      • They might even throw a fourth in there, you know, for the Reich. Leave with current deal, leave with renegotiated deal, leave with no deal or remain. You know, so remain definitely wins by watering down the votes.

        “Never has so many, been fucked over by so few”. – Me, just now.

      • The EU will want to stick with Mavis’s deal because it means they’ll get all the money (£57 billion at last count and more to come) and we’ll have to accept all their rules in perpetuity, curtesy of the backstab (the one which they’re trying to fool us into believing will never be used, ha ha.).

        If we do end up voting for “No Brexit At All” (note: it won’t say ‘Remain’), the EU will insist we adopt the Euro, join Schengen, and lose our £4 billion rebate before they agree to let us back in.

        ‘No Deal’ is now the ONLY sane and rational option, but Corbyn has ruled that out with his “The alternative isn’t No Deal, nobody is going to allow No Deal, how could we?” Anyway, our politicians are neither sane nor do they have any balls.

        With Mavis’s deal, a nice bonus for our elected leaders is that they’ll no longer have to pretend they’re trying to reform the EU from within, as they will quite legitimately be able to argue that they no longer have any influence.

      • If this is the outcome, the only satisfying follow up would be a coup d’ètat.

        Although most of the British public would fanny out of a rebellion and retreat to their vegan soya lattes. We’re in this mess because we’ve become a nation of political correct pussies, allowed too many preppy white collar pig fuckers to get to positions of power and tell us what’s best for us.

        We had a fucking empire, and now we’re handing over our £59 billion pocket money to the Nazi school bullies and what’s worse is 50% of people living here think that’s the best we can do.

  17. The history of referenda in the EU is that, having lost, there’s always a second one (three in the case of Ireland.)
    Expect the same. It will be rigged of course.

    • I think you’re right, the obvious route is no deal, but the backstabbing cunts route is second referendum that’s rigged to remain. Because obviously if the vote was leave again, we’d be in the same position.

      I don’t know why I find it so hard to accept, it was nailed on this would happen, but I’m sick of being fucked over.

      • “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” – Albert Einstein.

      • The quote I was thinking of was “The games rigged, naturaly, but you can’t lose if you don’t play”. Can’t remember who said it.

        I’ve got to learn to stop fucking playing.

  18. That stupid trendy (or what he thinks is trendy) way of talking:’Olly is a skilled guy’. He ‘takes his hat off to him’ for the ‘elaborate camouflage’. In other words he admires his ability for subterfuge. ‘I say that sincerely’. Hughie Green comes to mind: ‘I really do’.

  19. This brick headed cunt, along with all the other fifth columnists,quislings and traitors, has nearly achieved his goal.
    We will be sold down the river.
    I’m going to be such a cunt after that happens

  20. Not worthy of a nomination in itself but anyone who says, “let’s smash it”……..”you smashed it” or “I smashed it” is a fucking wanker.
    They need to be “smashed” in the side of the head with a brick the fucking cunts.

  21. Olly Robbins?

    I’ve honestly never even heard of the bloke, but if he has in any way been mentioned by King Cunt of Cuntland himself, Tony Bleurggh, I don’t want to know about him, suffice to say he is a cunt by mere association alone.

    Anyhoo, he looks like a right cunt, sounds like a right cunt and is clearly doing a piss poor job of whatever his job is, therefore in my book, he is a cunt.

    …..and he is a Civil Servant and they are all cunts. The End.

  22. Firstly, Oilly R is a pleased with himself Civil Servant so what do we expect when Teresa the Treasonous Appeaser gives the cunt a “free hand” ?
    Second anyone with a cintila of sense would not sign up a local corner shop (what to speak of the fith biggest Nation in the World )to a deal which does not allow themselves to escape unless another party agrees. Remoaner or Leavers alike for this one reason alone should be camped outside their local MPs offices making it clear a vote for Teresas deal is NOT FUCKING ON PAL ( preferably in a Scots accent for extra intimidation).
    Third point is that I spoke yesterday to an EU business I work closely with and they said everyone in the EU assumes our Parliament will vote this ’remain’ shit sandwich through – they were shocked when I said the MayBot does not have the numbers in her favour. The problem we now face is that the press (excluding the Tory graph) seem keen to get the public to support the Idea that we should become a colony of Brussels.

    What a complete mess ……. I doubt it will happen but if we do get a negotiated no deal then at least that will be when realistic negotiations could begin becasue the EU at that point will be crapping their pants. Problem is though — our ‘betters’ seem to have zero negotiating skills and there seems to be Zero levels of testosterone in Parliament. In fact the female MPs have more grit in my opinion*

    Good morning all

    PS Dianne Abbott does not count given we are not sure quite what she is.

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