Yasmin Alibhai-Brown [2]

This gerbil-faced harpy has to be the world’s most opinionated and annoying individual. I was reminded of just how much I loathe the self-professed ‘lefty liberal, anti-racist, feminist Muslim’ as I browsed through ‘The i’ earlier, and was subjected to the latest Thoughts of Chairwoman Yasmin, this time on the subject of the iniquities of Empire.

Part of my hatred is purely subjective. I just want to smack her smug face. But what I really detest about the whining gobshite is her hypocrisy; A-B is ready enough to dish out a bit of rascism and misandry herself.

At the time of the Labour leadership contest, she wrote that ‘we don’t need another white man at the head of a political party’. Mmm. Try writing something like ‘we don’t need a Muslim as London Mayor’ and then wait to get shat on from a great height. On that subject, A-B opined that she didn’t want ‘an establishment figure’ as Mayor, referencing Sadiq Khan, David Lammy and Diane Abbott (!!) as ‘the children of migrants, who better reflect the world’s most diverse city, made by incomers’. What? Made by incomers?

During a discussion on jobs in 2008, she said of white men ‘don’t apply. it would be great if you just went away. White middle class men. We could just walk in’ (who’s this ‘we’ by the way?). When challenged as to whether this remark was rascist, A-B replied with a little sneer ‘of course!’. Anti-racist, my arse. The nasty cow once condemned white working class people as either too lazy or too expensive to compete in the era of multiculturalism… tax-paying immigrants past and present keep indolent British scroungers on their couches, drinking beer and watching tv’.

Naturally it was too much to hope that she’d keep her fat gob shut on the question of Europe and the referendum, and boy, has a torrent of diarrhoea spouted out. Referring to UKIP, she stated, in somewhat sinister fashion, that ‘the media has to be kind of controlled in terms of how much Farage gets to rule the airwaves. We should be very, very worried’. So there you have it. Little Ms Liberal calling for censorship against those who don’t share her views. I too think we should be very, very worried.

Ah but you see, ‘Farage et al cynically duped millions of voters and here we are, a mean, nasty, divided, vicious, boorish and deluded Britain’. There you go, fellow anti EU cunters. Another patronising cunt who thinks you’re too stupid to understand what you voted for. You should have listened when wise Auntie Yasmin told you what was good for you.

By now, some of you may be thinking well, if Britain is such an unattractive place for such a sensitive soul, why doesn’t she just fuck off back to Uganda? Sadly, A-B answered this very question in ‘The New European’ earlier this year. Stamping her little foot, she told us crossly ‘I will not be going back where I came from. Listen bigots, I will express my views freely as a columnist’. Listen bigots? As bigots go, it takes one to know one, doesn’t it, Yasmin?

Nominated by Ron Knee

34 thoughts on “Yasmin Alibhai-Brown [2]

  1. I think she genuinely believes that we are simply too thick to recognise the epic hypocrisy this cunt, and all of her fucking ilk, is constantly guilty of.

  2. Excellent cunting, Ron.

    Sums up everything about so many of these whiney, faux-intellectual, holier-than-thou, “everyone should be equal, but some should be more equal than others” gobshites like Smeggy, Moaning Jones, Campbellend, fuck me the list is endless.
    People who resort to prostituting themselves in the New European are pathetic little tossers, anyway.
    To boot, she looks like a silly old tranny.

    I pray for a bloody civil war. A lot of people need to disappear. Forever.
    She doesn’t respect other people’s freedom of speech, why should we respect hers.
    Sadly, it’s now a case of the shrillest winning, I fear.

  3. Top cunting Ron. Exactly what is her albi for being brown? Oh that’s it, she was born in some thick w_g, blambo hot country, which is not Britain, where they’d shit at the side of the road and wipe their arses on their fingers and lick it after. Then by some miracle of good fortune beyond what she deserves she ends up here and decides to lecture us with her pompous virtue signalling cuntery. If she didn’t push her bigotry through the media I’d still want to smash her fucking smug, saggy face in. I wouldn’t wipe my arse on any print with her stupid name on it. She needs electrocuting. CUNT!

  4. Good cunting Ron.
    Not just this evil bitch, but all non-British shits who think that they can talk; to us / about us / at us, in any way they choose, and then get all indignant if we dare answer back. I’d like to see what would happen if they tried it in whatever shithole they were dragged up in.
    Call me a racist bigot as much as you want. Like the Polish MP said, “I don’t care”.
    Either integrate or segregate, and if you are unwilling or unable to integrate with the British way of life, then segregate. But do it elsewhere.

    Or should I just say, “Fuck off you unwelcome piece of trash”.

  5. What a cunt this cunt is, I’m sick of all these cunts saying this and that about equality. If Britain is so racist and blah blah then fuck off back to wherever she came from.
    There is a problem with the minorities in this country… They think they can moan about this and that and they are always being listened to by the right on lefty cunts.
    The once oppressed becoming the oppressors. The cunts.

  6. Another fucking remoaning Islington champagne socialist cunt. “ Britain is no country for coloured immigrants “ she whines. Oh yeah? Then why the fuck are they falling over each other to get here? I don’t recall any Jews queuing up to get into Nazi Germany you bitch.
    “ I would rather go home and risk death than stay here and be looked upon as a dog” said some Iraqui who only exists in her fevered imagination. As if this posh cow would go anywhere near a stinking A-rab , let alone talk to the cunt.
    She hates Britain and she despises whites. Yes, that’s the same Britain that took her in after she was kicked out of her own country by the blackest cunt i’ve ever seen.
    A nasty vindictive slag who needs to join her posh mates and fuck off to the EU she admires so much. See how the Frogs and Krauts treat you, you sour faced grasping old witch.
    Fuck off.

  7. This self righteous shitbag has been doing the rounds promoting its silly book, titled:


    You couldn’t fucking make it up!

    Well, she has. Racist feminazi libtard Cunt of the worst kind.

    Sublime Cunting Mr Knee.

    • As has been said and written many times by persons much wiser than me. “Political correctness is the art of picking up a turd by the clean end”.

  8. Ugandan immigrant fuck off back to where you came from Everytime I hear your sanctimonious dribble about the poor oppressed brown people Change the fucking record you remoaning bitch if you don’t like it here fuck off to the EU

    • I live in Leicester. The ‘poor, oppressed brown people’ are driving around in top end Mercs, Audi’s and BMW’s and us oppressive white cunts are tooling about in 15 year old Fords and Vauxhalls.

      • In Thurmaston you’re more likely to tread on a cunt that drives a Range Rover than dogshit.

      • I wonder if Lanes the Pork Butchers are still going (King Richard Road, I think, and out at Anstey)… I hope so, as
        I can still remember the joint we bought from them when my parents visited. Out of this world.
        Ex and I had our first flat there in late 80s, her great uncle was a fantastic old guy. He was sick to death of the whining effnicks too (“Sick on ’em,” as he would say. Quite picturesque use of lingo, come to think of it…)

      • Mmmmmmm sounds like that place needs a round up and deport a few of the tax evading bastards

  9. She sounds like she’s up there with Bliar in terms of cuntitude and piss boiling. What a horrible, nasty, vindictive, elitist, classist, racist little bitch. COTY 2018 nominee? Based on this cunting alone she could be a dark horse to win it.

  10. Besides if she hates us so much why is she here? Oh yeah – because the Ugandans would’ve executed her by now.

  11. Fuck you Idi Amin for not smacking this turd in a wig over the head with a shovel and pushing it into a deep like pit.

    Great cunting, Ron. It is refreshing to know that when you Google AB is a cunt, there will be these great ripostes sitting behind it. I hope the objectionable shit reads all the posts carefully.

  12. The twats name screams liberal to me for some reason, an absolute smug superior elitist patronising brown stain on the white panties of humanity.

  13. One of the top go to talking heads that trough it large thanks to al beeb and the fucking guardian, along with Toynbee and la de da Owen Jones. World class cunts.

    • Owen Jones a proper little wanker Smug little twat needs a good slapping around his ear holes little tosser

  14. A new word I’ve got to add to your list. ‘nativism’ is a term she often uses. She’s against ‘nativism’. She doesn’t like us natives here. She hates us in fact. So she’s a nativistist.

  15. Fucking hell, my dick recoiled in horror just looking at ‘her’ picture. What a waste of space.

  16. Have you noticed immigrants always speak with an upper class English accent You are a fucking Ugandan blow in you bastard keep your mouth shut or fuck off back to where you came from.Otherwise it’s get strung up from the nearest lamp post you horrible excuse for a woman

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