Women Who Aren’t

For Christs sake, Homosexual Pride really brings out the exhibitionist fruitcake cunts, doesn’t it. Take a look at this *woman* (?), marrying her same sex partner.

Is this demented old cunt really a woman, or is there a dick hanging down amongst what looks like the result of digging Dame Barbara Cartload up several years after her death (unlike that fucking daft organisation NICE National Institute For Clinical Excellence which should be cunted every day, honey didn’t save her in the end – NICE thinks thats all you need for a cold.

I digress, what Stagecoach are doing appeasing this vacuous looking arsehole with a rainbow bus (which doubtless the residents of Manchester will pay for in increased fares), to take it to it’s wedding, I am at a loss to explain. Brian Souter must be turning in his grave, if the greedy old fucker is already in it, if he is not, I am sure, to quote one of my esteemed fellow cunters on this site, his piss must be boiling.

What is wrong with this decrepit country?. Why must we appease every freak that crawls out of the woodwork.

Nominated by W.C.Boggs

37 thoughts on “Women Who Aren’t

  1. We must appease every freak because certain factions of society are using these freaks to undermine traditional.power structures.

    I don’t believe there is any kind of plan, but any chance to eradicate the traditions and rules that underpin our society and replace them violently with new ones is taken with gusto by people who understand little and want much.

    This is what the end of our civilisation looks like – and it’s all under the guise of “freedom from opression”.


  2. I am not aware of many churches who have permitted and conducted bumder marriage ceremonies, so this nicompoopery appears to remain the reserve of registry offices and converted pubs etc.

    Still trying to work out which one is the alpha-gusset strummer from the photo above.

      • Indeed Mr. Fiddler does….. it appears that “Is A Cunt” is in danger of becoming some kind of dating site for “Fruity Gentlemen”. I’d suggest that they stick to the time honoured method of advertising their foul proclivities on toilet walls…..assuming the glory holes (and anything stuck through them) doesn’t distract.

        🙂 .

  3. My sister was involved in a bus crash (she was on a Stagecoach bus) and those cunts refused to pay her any compensation, despite injuries and loss of earnings… But some circus freak turns up and they can’t do enough….

    As for these circus freaks? I wonder if Adolf left any of that gas behind?….

  4. And those progressive rainbow tinged fuckflake cunts at Vogue and even Old Hef’s Bunny Mag, who are putting transbender abominations like Ian ‘Munroe’ Buggeredorf on the front of their publications and calling these manufactured mutants ‘women’, are in fact insulting every genuine and attractive female professional model in the world… And those cunts at ‘Cosmo’ putting that fat bitch on their cover are no better either… They are saying it’s wrong now to be an attractive and feminine woman… A real one, that is… These cunts are the scum de la scum…

  5. Homosexuals have been on the planet since the beginning of time I guess, but it is only in the last 10-15 years that they have turned into a “right in yer face fucking freak show of obvious retarded cunts”
    It is a deliberate flaunt of ” I can” and “there is fuck all you can say ” and ” I know my rights”
    Gone are the days when a persons sexuality was a private matter and well beyond the publics knowledge.
    Freaks of today? Personally I hate the fuckers!

  6. I don’t hit women, call it a personal rule… But I’d lamp that uppity, arrogant, self important white hating, shit stirring racist cunt, Munroe Buggerdorf… Because he isn’t one… He is, however, a complete and utter cunt….

  7. I’d much rather punch the living shit out of that Izzard creature. Filthy fucking arrogant freak. By the way, I don’t believe he did all those marathons one after the other. Load of bollocks. Lying, attention seeking cunt.

    • I wonder how the cunt would fare in Yemen.
      He’s on the tv begging for money for them.

    • Hit him where it hurts… steal his beret.

      But beware – expect the full might of Cressida Strap-on’s Met to come down on you like a ton of coloured nail varnish!

  8. Story in one of the papers yesterday that a transgender “man” had given birth to a baby and the courts are deciding if this child can be registered as having no mother!!!!!! This is the non logical, non reasoning shit that has infested our lives to-day. What the hell are my grandkids going to make of this wankery? The eldest knows that a man who has a baby is a women who looks like a man but cannot grasp the fact that our diversity driven system states that this manly women is Ipso facto a “real man” the two younger ones know men do not have babies and accept that as immutable fact.
    Being suspected of being a wise elder their visits are now fraught with incisive questions that their teachers etc either dismiss as irrelevant or ignore.

  9. Not quite on topic, but a cunting for wimmin who…have faces resembling a cross between a jellyfish and a Gregg’s pastie.

    Especially when they are the worst PM ever.

    • That’s exactly the sort of vile imagery that I need on a frosty monday morning to spur me on. Bravo sir!

  10. These weirdos make me want to puke.
    They should have scorn and ridicule heaped upon them whenever they stick their fucking heads over the parapet.
    As for that ginger cunt Chris Evans, I hope his son gets bullied remorselessly when he gets to school for wearing a dress, the psychotic little shit. Man up the pair of you. Cunts.

  11. If I went outside now and cut 2 wheels off my car it wouldn’t be a fecking motor bike, conversely if i put 2 wheels on my motorbike it wouldn’t be a fecking car. But according to modern thinking if i called my car a space shuttle thats what it is, no arguments at all even though the evidence says otherwise, fecking lunacy of the first water, cunting mad.

  12. The Guido Fawkes website is reporting that Owen Jones’ ‘building a new Britain’ tour has been cancelled due to poor ticket sales. Lol. I thought these events were free but apparently the deluded fucker was charging £20 !

    • Twenty fucking quid?? Does the deluded little bender really think people are going to pay money to listen to his whining and crying?
      What a cunt.

    • There’s that good old socialism again….somebody else’s pocket.

      I could lose a leg kicking that cunt….

  13. I am not sure where this was, possibly the Labour conference in Chavpool, but the dictionary definition of ‘Woman’ was put on a poster and it had to be removed because it caused offence to the deluded trans pervert community.

    Once again, the Ministry of Truth takes over.

    • Apparently wimmin academics were *upset* by a speech at CERN when a *male* (boo, hiss) had the gall to say that men were being downgraded. CERN obviously as upset as the wimmin said they had no idea he was going to say that. I can see “free speech” becoming banned if the lesbos get their way. It was reported on the BBC radio news this morning.

  14. James O’Shithead just got utterly destroyed by some cool cunt phoning in – respect and congratulations if it was you!

  15. The CEO of Dulux Paints has died of hypothermia while attempting a treck to the south pole.

    Medics said he needed two coats….

  16. Horsewhip,Degenerates, Barrymore pool-party,Public-toilets,Moral Turpitude,Ban them, mentally-ill…..you can probably fill in the blanks if you’ve read any of my posts before.

    Fuck Off.

  17. I was arrested recently. Thrown in the cells. On release the Desk Sergeant-‘I have to ask you some questions-have you been treated fairly and with respect while you’ve been here?’ ‘Yes’ ‘What are you on here?’ (showing me a list) ‘White British’ This third one’s a bit silly- are you a man?’ ‘Sorry?’ ‘Do you self identify as a man?’ ‘Well, yes I was born a male child I think’ ‘Thank you, I told you it was a bit silly’.

  18. There’s a bloke round our way who walks about in women’s clothes, blouse, skirt, tights, high heels, but clearly isn’t interested in ‘identifying’ as a woman. Has short hair, a bit of a beard, doesn’t wear a wig or make-up. Just likes dressing up in women’s gear I suppose, but he draws a lot of strange looks. I suspect that one of these days he’s going to get the shit kicked out of him.

  19. There’s one of the cunts round my way……that dirty old bastard who was in that “ Chicken Shop” thing on Channel 4. Cunt must be at least 70.
    Filthy old pervert.

  20. There’s one down our way who represented Oz in the olympics at men’s handball.

    Now declares as a she and at 100 meaty kg is scattering the Sheilas like rag dolls in Aussie mid-league ladies footy.

    Where in the fuck does all this twatter come from?

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